Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1429 inj kir dyiKE jgqu mY ko kwhU ko nwih ] (1429-1)nij kar daykhi-o jagat mai ko kaahoo ko naahi. I had looked upon the world as my own, but no one belongs to anyone else. nwnk iQru hir Bgiq hY iqh rwKo mn mwih ]48] (1429-1)naanak thir har bhagat hai tih raakho man maahi. ||48|| O Nanak, only devotional worship of the Lord is permanent; enshrine this in your mind. ||48|| jg rcnw sB JUT hY jwin lyhu ry mIq ] (1429-2)jag rachnaa sabh jhooth hai jaan layho ray meet. The world and its affairs are totally false; know this well, my friend. kih nwnk iQru nw rhY ijau bwlU kI BIiq ]49] (1429-2)kahi naanak thir naa rahai ji-o baaloo kee bheet. ||49|| Says Nanak, it is like a wall of sand; it shall not endure. ||49|| rwmu gieE rwvnu gieE jw kau bhu prvwru ] (1429-3)raam ga-i-o raavan ga-i-o jaa ka-o baho parvaar. Raam Chand passed away, as did Raawan, even though he had lots of relatives. khu nwnk iQru kCu nhI supny ijau sMswru ]50] (1429-3)kaho naanak thir kachh nahee supnay ji-o sansaar. ||50|| Says Nanak, nothing lasts forever; the world is like a dream. ||50|| icMqw qw kI kIjIAY jo AnhonI hoie ] (1429-4)chintaa taa kee keejee-ai jo anhonee ho-ay. People become anxious, when something unexpected happens. iehu mwrgu sMswr ko nwnk iQru nhI koie ]51] (1429-4)ih maarag sansaar ko naanak thir nahee ko-ay. ||51|| This is the way of the world, O Nanak; nothing is stable or permanent. ||51|| jo aupijE so ibnis hY pro Awju kY kwil ] (1429-4)jo upji-o so binas hai paro aaj kai kaal. Whatever has been created shall be destroyed; everyone shall perish, today or tomorrow. nwnk hir gun gwie ly Cwif sgl jMjwl ]52] (1429-5)naanak har gun gaa-ay lay chhaad sagal janjaal. ||52|| O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and give up all other entanglements. ||52|| dohrw ] (1429-5)dohraa. Dohraa: blu CutikE bMDn pry kCU n hoq aupwie ] (1429-6)bal chhutki-o banDhan paray kachhoo na hot upaa-ay. My strength is exhausted, and I am in bondage; I cannot do anything at all. khu nwnk Ab Et hir gj ijau hohu shwie ]53] (1429-6)kaho naanak ab ot har gaj ji-o hohu sahaa-ay. ||53|| Says Nanak, now, the Lord is my Support; He will help me, as He did the elephant. ||53|| blu hoAw bMDn Cuty sBu ikCu hoq aupwie ] (1429-7)bal ho-aa banDhan chhutay sabh kichh hot upaa-ay. My strength has been restored, and my bonds have been broken; now, I can do everything. nwnk sBu ikCu qumrY hwQ mY qum hI hoq shwie ]54] (1429-7)naanak sabh kichh tumrai haath mai tum hee hot sahaa-ay. ||54|| Nanak: everything is in Your hands, Lord; You are my Helper and Support. ||54|| sMg sKw siB qij gey koaU n inbihE swiQ ] (1429-8)sang sakhaa sabh taj ga-ay ko-oo na nib-hi-o saath. My associates and companions have all deserted me; no one remains with me. khu nwnk ieh ibpiq mY tyk eyk rGunwQ ]55] (1429-8)kaho naanak ih bipat mai tayk ayk raghunaath. ||55|| Says Nanak, in this tragedy, the Lord alone is my Support. ||55|| nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu ] (1429-9)naam rahi-o saaDhoo rahi-o rahi-o gur gobind. The Naam remains; the Holy Saints remain; the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, remains. khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu ]56] (1429-9)kaho naanak ih jagat mai kin japi-o gur mant. ||56|| Says Nanak, how rare are those who chant the Guru's Mantra in this world. ||56|| rwm nwmu aur mY gihE jw kY sm nhI koie ] (1429-10)raam naam ur mai gahi-o jaa kai sam nahee ko-ay. I have enshrined the Lord's Name within my heart; there is nothing equal to it. ijh ismrq sMkt imtY drsu quhwro hoie ]57]1] (1429-10)jih simrat sankat mitai daras tuhaaro ho-ay. ||57||1|| Meditating in remembrance on it, my troubles are taken away; I have received the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||57||1|| (1429-11) mundaavanee mehlaa 5. Mundaavanee, Fifth Mehl: Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro ] (1429-12)thaal vich tinn vastoo pa-ee-o sat santokh veechaaro. Upon this Plate, three things have been placed: Truth, Contentment and Contemplation. AMimRq nwmu Twkur kw pieE ijs kw sBsu ADwro ] (1429-12)amrit naam thaakur kaa pa-i-o jis kaa sabhas aDhaaro. The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of our Lord and Master, has been placed upon it as well; it is the Support of all. jy ko KwvY jy ko BuMcY iqs kw hoie auDwro ] (1429-13)jay ko khaavai jay ko bhunchai tis kaa ho-ay uDhaaro. One who eats it and enjoys it shall be saved. eyh vsqu qjI nh jweI inq inq rKu auir Dwro ] (1429-13)ayh vasat tajee nah jaa-ee nit nit rakh ur Dhaaro. This thing can never be forsaken; keep this always and forever in your mind. qm sMswru crn lig qrIAY sBu nwnk bRhm pswro ]1] (1429-14)tam sansaar charan lag taree-ai sabh naanak barahm pasaaro. ||1|| The dark world-ocean is crossed over, by grasping the Feet of the Lord; O Nanak, it is all the extension of God. ||1|| slok mhlw 5 ] (1429-14)salok mehlaa 5. Shalok, Fifth Mehl: qyrw kIqw jwqo nwhI mYno jogu kIqoeI ] (1429-14)tayraa keetaa jaato naahee maino jog keeto-ee. I have not appreciated what You have done for me, Lord; only You can make me worthy. mY inrguixAwry ko guxu nwhI Awpy qrsu pieEeI ] (1429-15)mai nirguni-aaray ko gun naahee aapay taras pa-i-o-ee. I am unworthy - I have no worth or virtues at all. You have taken pity on me. qrsu pieAw imhrwmiq hoeI siqguru sjxu imilAw ] (1429-15)taras pa-i-aa mihraamat ho-ee satgur sajan mili-aa. You took pity on me, and blessed me with Your Mercy, and I have met the True Guru, my Friend. nwnk nwmu imlY qW jIvW qnu mnu QIvY hirAw ]1] (1429-16)naanak naam milai taaN jeevaaN tan man theevai hari-aa. ||1|| O Nanak, if I am blessed with the Naam, I live, and my body and mind blossom forth. ||1|| <> siqgur pRswid (1429-18)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: (1429-19) raag maalaa. Raag Maalaa: rwg eyk sMig pMc brMgn ] (1429-19)raag ayk sang panch barangan. Each Raga has five wives, sMig Alwpih AwTau nµdn ] (1429-19)sang alaapeh aath-o nandan. and eight sons, who emit distinctive notes. pRQm rwg BYrau vY krhI ] (1429-19)paratham raag bhairo vai karhee. In the first place is Raag Bhairao. |
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