Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1430 pMc rwgnI sMig aucrhI ] (1430-1)panch raagnee sang uchrahee. It is accompanied by the voices of its five Raaginis: pRQm BYrvI iblwvlI ] (1430-1)paratham bhairvee bilaavalee. First come Bhairavee, and Bilaavalee; puMinAwkI gwvih bMglI ] (1430-1)punni-aakee gaavahi banglee. then the songs of Punni-aakee and Bangalee; puin AslyKI kI BeI bwrI ] (1430-1)pun aslaykhee kee bha-ee baaree. and then Asalaykhee. ey BYrau kI pwcau nwrI ] (1430-2)ay bhairo kee paacha-o naaree. These are the five consorts of Bhairao. pMcm hrK idswK sunwvih ] (1430-2)pancham harakh disaakh sunaaveh. The sounds of Pancham, Harakh and Disaakh; bMgwlm mDu mwDv gwvih ]1] (1430-2)bangaalam maDh maaDhav gaavahi. ||1|| the songs of Bangaalam, Madh and Maadhav. ||1|| llq iblwvl gwvhI ApunI ApunI BWiq ] (1430-3)lalat bilaaval gaavhee apunee apunee bhaaNt. Lalat and Bilaaval - each gives out its own melody. Ast puqR BYrv ky gwvih gwien pwqR ]1] (1430-3)asat putar bhairav kay gaavahi gaa-in paatar. ||1|| when these eight sons of Bhairao are sung by accomplished musicians. ||1|| duqIAw mwlkausk Awlwpih ] (1430-4)dutee-aa maalka-usak aalaapeh. In the second family is Maalakausak, sMig rwgnI pwcau Qwpih ] (1430-4)sang raagnee paacha-o thaapeh. who brings his five Raaginis: goNfkrI Aru dyvgMDwrI ] (1430-4)goNdkaree ar dayvganDhaaree. Gondakaree and Dayv Gandhaaree, gMDwrI sIhuqI aucwrI ] (1430-5)ganDhaaree seehutee uchaaree. the voices of Gandhaaree and Seehutee, DnwsrI ey pwcau gweI ] (1430-5)Dhanaasree ay paacha-o gaa-ee. and the fifth song of Dhanaasaree. mwl rwg kausk sMig lweI ] (1430-5)maal raag ka-usak sang laa-ee. This chain of Maalakausak brings along : mwrU msqAMg myvwrw ] (1430-6)maaroo masatang mayvaaraa. Maaroo, Masta-ang and Mayvaaraa, pRblcMf kausk auBwrw ] (1430-6)parabalchand ka-usak ubhaaraa. Prabal, Chandakausak, KauKt Aau Baurwnd gwey ] (1430-6)kha-ukhat a-o bha-uraanad gaa-ay. Khau, Khat and Bauraanad singing. Ast mwlkausk sMig lwey ]1] (1430-6)asat maalka-usak sang laa-ay. ||1|| These are the eight sons of Maalakausak. ||1|| puin AwieAau ihMfolu pMc nwir sMig Ast suq ] (1430-7)pun aa-i-a-o hindol panch naar sang asat sut. Then comes Hindol with his five wives and eight sons; auTih qwn klol gwien qwr imlwvhI ]1] (1430-7)utheh taan kalol gaa-in taar milaavahee. ||1|| it rises in waves when the sweet-voiced chorus sings. ||1|| qylµgI dyvkrI AweI ] (1430-8)taylangee dayvkaree aa-ee. There come Taylangee and Darvakaree; bsMqI sMdUr suhweI ] (1430-8)basantee sandoor suhaa-ee. Basantee and Sandoor follow; srs AhIrI lY Bwrjw ] (1430-8)saras aheeree lai bhaarjaa. then Aheeree, the finest of women. sMig lweI pWcau Awrjw ] (1430-9)sang laa-ee paaNcha-o aarjaa. These five wives come together. surmwnµd Bwskr Awey ] (1430-9)surmaanand bhaaskar aa-ay. The sons: Surmaanand and Bhaaskar come, cMdRibMb mMgln suhwey ] (1430-9)chandarbimb manglan suhaa-ay. Chandrabinb and Mangalan follow. srsbwn Aau Awih ibnodw ] (1430-9)sarasbaan a-o aahi binodaa. Sarasbaan and Binodaa then come, gwvih srs bsMq kmodw ] (1430-10)gaavahi saras basant kamodaa. and the thrilling songs of Basant and Kamodaa. Ast puqR mY khy svwrI ] (1430-10)asat putar mai kahay savaaree. These are the eight sons I have listed. puin AweI dIpk kI bwrI ]1] (1430-10)pun aa-ee deepak kee baaree. ||1|| Then comes the turn of Deepak. ||1|| kCylI ptmMjrI tofI khI Alwip ] (1430-11)kachhaylee patmanjree todee kahee alaap. Kachhaylee, Patamanjaree and Todee are sung; kwmodI Aau gUjrI sMig dIpk ky Qwip ]1] (1430-11)kaamodee a-o goojree sang deepak kay thaap. ||1|| Kaamodee and Goojaree accompany Deepak. ||1|| kwlµkw kuMql Aau rwmw ] (1430-11)kaalankaa kuntal a-o raamaa. Kaalankaa, Kuntal and Raamaa, kmlkusm cMpk ky nwmw ] (1430-12)kamalkusam champak kay naamaa. Kamalakusam and Champak are their names; gaurw Aau kwnrw kl´wnw ] (1430-12)ga-uraa a-o kaanraa kal-yaanaa. Gauraa, Kaanaraa and Kaylaanaa; Ast puqR dIpk ky jwnw ]1] (1430-12)asat putar deepak kay jaanaa. ||1|| these are the eight sons of Deepak. ||1|| sB imil isrIrwg vY gwvih ] (1430-13)sabh mil sireeraag vai gaavahi. All join together and sing Siree Raag, pWcau sMig brMgn lwvih ] (1430-13)paaNcha-o sang barangan laaveh. which is accompanied by its five wives.: bYrwrI krnwtI DrI ] (1430-13)bairaaree karnaatee Dharee. Bairaaree and Karnaatee, gvrI gwvih AwswvrI ] (1430-14)gavree gaaveh aasaavaree. the songs of Gawree and Aasaavaree; iqh pwCY isMDvI AlwpI ] (1430-14)tih paachhai sinDhvee alaapee. then follows Sindhavee. isrIrwg isau pWcau QwpI ]1] (1430-14)sireeraag si-o paaNcha-o thaapee. ||1|| These are the five wives of Siree Raag. ||1|| swlU swrg swgrw Aaur goNf gMBIr ] (1430-14)saaloo saarag saagraa a-or gond gambheer. Saaloo, Saarang, Saagaraa, Gond and Gambheer Ast puqR sRIrwg ky guMf kuMB hmIr ]1] (1430-15)asat putar sareeraag kay gund kumbh hameer. ||1|| - the eight sons of Siree Raag include Gund, Kumb and Hameer. ||1|| Kstm myG rwg vY gwvih ] (1430-15)khastam maygh raag vai gaavahi. In the sixth place, Maygh Raag is sung, pWcau sMig brMgn lwvih ] (1430-16)paaNcha-o sang barangan laaveh. with its five wives in accompaniment: soriT goNf mlwrI DunI ] (1430-16)sorath gond malaaree Dhunee. Sorat'h, Gond, and the melody of Malaaree; puin gwvih Awsw gun gunI ] (1430-16)pun gaavahi aasaa gun gunee. then the harmonies of Aasaa are sung. aUcY suir sUhau puin kInI ] (1430-17)oochai sur sooha-o pun keenee. And finally comes the high tone Soohau. myG rwg isau pWcau cInI ]1] (1430-17)maygh raag si-o paaNcha-o cheenee. ||1|| These are the five with Maygh Raag. ||1|| bYrwDr gjDr kydwrw ] (1430-17)bairaaDhar gajDhar kaydaaraa. Bairaadhar, Gajadhar, Kaydaaraa, jblIDr nt Aau jlDwrw ] (1430-18)jableeDhar nat a-o jalDhaaraa. Jabaleedhar, Nat and Jaladhaaraa. puin gwvih sMkr Aau isAwmw ] (1430-18)pun gaavahi sankar a-o si-aamaa. Then come the songs of Shankar and Shi-aamaa. myG rwg puqRn ky nwmw ]1] (1430-18)maygh raag putran kay naamaa. ||1|| These are the names of the sons of Maygh Raag. ||1|| Kst rwg auin gwey sMig rwgnI qIs ] (1430-19)khasat raag un gaa-ay sang raagnee tees. So all together, they sing the six Raagas and the thirty Raaginis, sBY puqR rwgMn ky ATwrh ds bIs ]1]1] (1430-19)sabhai putar raagann kay athaarah das bees. ||1||1|| and all the forty-eight sons of the Raagas. ||1||1|| |
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