Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1428 hir jn hir AMqru nhI nwnk swcI mwnu ]29] (1428-1)har jan har antar nahee naanak saachee maan. ||29|| There is no difference between the Lord and the humble servant of the Lord; O Nanak, know this as true. ||29|| mnu mwieAw mY PiD rihE ibsirE goibMd nwmu ] (1428-1)man maa-i-aa mai faDh rahi-o bisri-o gobind naam. The mortal is entangled in Maya; he has forgotten the Name of the Lord of the Universe. khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn jIvn kauny kwm ]30] (1428-2)kaho naanak bin har bhajan jeevan ka-unay kaam. ||30|| Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, what is the use of this human life? ||30|| pRwnI rwmu n cyqeI mid mwieAw kY AMDu ] (1428-2)paraanee raam na chayt-ee mad maa-i-aa kai anDh. The mortal does not think of the Lord; he is blinded by the wine of Maya. khu nwnk hir Bjn ibnu prq qwih jm PMD ]31] (1428-3)kaho naanak har bhajan bin parat taahi jam fanDh. ||31|| Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, he is caught in the noose of Death. ||31|| suK mY bhu sMgI Bey duK mY sMig n koie ] (1428-3)sukh mai baho sangee bha-ay dukh mai sang na ko-ay. In good times, there are many companions around, but in bad times, there is no one at all. khu nwnk hir Bju mnw AMiq shweI hoie ]32] (1428-4)kaho naanak har bhaj manaa ant sahaa-ee ho-ay. ||32|| Says Nanak, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord; He shall be your only Help and Support in the end. ||32|| jnm jnm Brmq iPirE imitE n jm ko qRwsu ] (1428-4)janam janam bharmat firi-o miti-o na jam ko taraas. Mortals wander lost and confused through countless lifetimes; their fear of death is never removed. khu nwnk hir Bju mnw inrBY pwvih bwsu ]33] (1428-5)kaho naanak har bhaj manaa nirbhai paavahi baas. ||33|| Says Nanak, vibrate and meditate on the Lord, and you shall dwell in the Fearless Lord. ||33|| jqn bhuqu mY kir rihE imitE n mn ko mwnu ] (1428-5)jatan bahut mai kar rahi-o miti-o na man ko maan. I have tried so many things, but the pride of my mind has not been dispelled. durmiq isau nwnk PiDE rwiK lyhu Bgvwn ]34] (1428-6)durmat si-o naanak faDhi-o raakh layho bhagvaan. ||34|| I am engrossed in evil-mindedness, Nanak. O God, please save me! ||34|| bwl juAwnI Aru ibriD Puin qIin AvsQw jwin ] (1428-7)baal ju-aanee ar biraDh fun teen avasthaa jaan. Childhood, youth and old age - know these as the three stages of life. khu nwnk hir Bjn ibnu ibrQw sB hI mwnu ]35] (1428-7)kaho naanak har bhajan bin birthaa sabh hee maan. ||35|| Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, everything is useless; you must appreciate this. ||35|| krxo huqo su nw kIE pirE loB kY PMD ] (1428-8)karno huto so naa kee-o pari-o lobh kai fanDh. You have not done what you should have done; you are entangled in the web of greed. nwnk simE rim gieE Ab ikau rovq AMD ]36] (1428-8)naanak sami-o ram ga-i-o ab ki-o rovat anDh. ||36|| Nanak, your time is past and gone; why are you crying now, you blind fool? ||36|| mnu mwieAw mY rim rihE inksq nwihn mIq ] (1428-9)man maa-i-aa mai ram rahi-o niksat naahin meet. The mind is absorbed in Maya - it cannot escape it, my friend. nwnk mUriq icqR ijau Cwifq nwihn BIiq ]37] (1428-9)naanak moorat chitar ji-o chhaadit naahin bheet. ||37|| Nanak, it is like a picture painted on the wall - it cannot leave it. ||37|| nr cwhq kCu Aaur AaurY kI AaurY BeI ] (1428-10)nar chaahat kachh a-or a-urai kee a-urai bha-ee. The man wishes for something, but something different happens. icqvq rihE Tgaur nwnk PwsI gil prI ]38] (1428-10)chitvat rahi-o thaga-ur naanak faasee gal paree. ||38|| He plots to deceive others, O Nanak, but he places the noose around his own neck instead. ||38|| jqn bhuq suK ky kIey duK ko kIE n koie ] (1428-11)jatan bahut sukh kay kee-ay dukh ko kee-o na ko-ay. People make all sorts of efforts to find peace and pleasure, but no one tries to earn pain. khu nwnk suin ry mnw hir BwvY so hoie ]39] (1428-11)kaho naanak sun ray manaa har bhaavai so ho-ay. ||39|| Says Nanak, listen, mind: whatever pleases God comes to pass. ||39|| jgqu iBKwrI iPrqu hY sB ko dwqw rwmu ] (1428-12)jagat bhikhaaree firat hai sabh ko daataa raam. The world wanders around begging, but the Lord is the Giver of all. khu nwnk mn ismru iqh pUrn hovih kwm ]40] (1428-12)kaho naanak man simar tih pooran hoveh kaam. ||40|| Says Nanak, meditate in remembrance on Him, and all your works will be successful. ||40|| JUTY mwnu khw krY jgu supny ijau jwnu ] (1428-13)jhoothai maan kahaa karai jag supnay ji-o jaan. Why do you take such false pride in yourself? You must know that the world is just a dream. ien mY kCu qyro nhI nwnk kihE bKwin ]41] (1428-13)in mai kachh tayro nahee naanak kahi-o bakhaan. ||41|| None of this is yours; Nanak proclaims this truth. ||41|| grbu krqu hY dyh ko ibnsY iCn mY mIq ] (1428-13)garab karat hai dayh ko binsai chhin mai meet. You are so proud of your body; it shall perish in an instant, my friend. ijih pRwnI hir jsu kihE nwnk iqih jgu jIiq ]42] (1428-14)jihi paraanee har jas kahi-o naanak tihi jag jeet. ||42|| That mortal who chants the Praises of the Lord, O Nanak, conquers the world. ||42|| ijh Git ismrnu rwm ko so nru mukqw jwnu ] (1428-14)jih ghat simran raam ko so nar muktaa jaan. That person, who meditates in remembrance on the Lord in his heart, is liberated - know this well. iqih nr hir AMqru nhI nwnk swcI mwnu ]43] (1428-15)tihi nar har antar nahee naanak saachee maan. ||43|| There is no difference between that person and the Lord: O Nanak, accept this as the Truth. ||43|| eyk Bgiq Bgvwn ijh pRwnI kY nwih min ] (1428-15)ayk bhagat bhagvaan jih paraanee kai naahi man. That person, who does not feel devotion to God in his mind jYsy sUkr suAwn nwnk mwno qwih qnu ]44] (1428-16)jaisay sookar su-aan naanak maano taahi tan. ||44|| - O Nanak, know that his body is like that of a pig, or a dog. ||44|| suAwmI ko igRhu ijau sdw suAwn qjq nhI inq ] (1428-16)su-aamee ko garihu ji-o sadaa su-aan tajat nahee nit. A dog never abandons the home of his master. nwnk ieh ibiD hir Bjau iek min huie iek iciq ]45] (1428-17)naanak ih biDh har bhaja-o ik man hu-ay ik chit. ||45|| O Nanak, in just the same way, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord, single-mindedly, with one-pointed consciousness. ||45|| qIrQ brq Aru dwn kir mn mY DrY gumwnu ] (1428-18)tirath barat ar daan kar man mai Dharai gumaan. Those who make pilgrimages to sacred shrines, observe ritualistic fasts and make donations to charity while still taking pride in their minds nwnk inhPl jwq iqh ijau kuMcr iesnwnu ]46] (1428-18)naanak nihfal jaat tih ji-o kunchar isnaan. ||46|| - O Nanak, their actions are useless, like the elephant, who takes a bath, and then rolls in the dust. ||46|| isru kMipE pg fgmgy nYn joiq qy hIn ] (1428-18)sir kampi-o pag dagmagay nain jot tay heen. The head shakes, the feet stagger, and the eyes become dull and weak. khu nwnk ieh ibiD BeI qaU n hir ris lIn ]47] (1428-18)kaho naanak ih biDh bha-ee ta-oo na har ras leen. ||47|| Says Nanak, this is your condition. And even now, you have not savored the sublime essence of the Lord. ||47|| |
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