Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1427 ijh ismrq giq pweIAY iqh Bju ry qY mIq ] (1427-1)jih simrat gat paa-ee-ai tih bhaj ray tai meet. Remembering Him in meditation, salvation is attained; vibrate and meditate on Him, O my friend. khu nwnk sunu ry mnw AauD Gtq hY nIq ]10] (1427-1)kaho naanak sun ray manaa a-oDh ghatat hai neet. ||10|| Says Nanak, listen, mind: your life is passing away! ||10|| pWc qq ko qnu ricE jwnhu cqur sujwn ] (1427-2)paaNch tat ko tan rachi-o jaanhu chatur sujaan. Your body is made up of the five elements; you are clever and wise - know this well. ijh qy aupijE nwnkw lIn qwih mY mwnu ]11] (1427-2)jih tay upji-o naankaa leen taahi mai maan. ||11|| Believe it - you shall merge once again into the One, O Nanak, from whom you originated. ||11|| Gt Gt mY hir jU bsY sMqn kihE pukwir ] (1427-3)ghat ghat mai har joo basai santan kahi-o pukaar. The Dear Lord abides in each and every heart; the Saints proclaim this as true. khu nwnk iqh Bju mnw Bau iniD auqrih pwir ]12] (1427-3)kaho naanak tih bhaj manaa bha-o niDh utreh paar. ||12|| Says Nanak, meditate and vibrate upon Him, and you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||12|| suKu duKu ijh prsY nhI loBu mohu AiBmwnu ] (1427-4)sukh dukh jih parsai nahee lobh moh abhimaan. One who is not touched by pleasure or pain, greed, emotional attachment and egotistical pride khu nwnk sunu ry mnw so mUriq Bgvwn ]13] (1427-4)kaho naanak sun ray manaa so moorat bhagvaan. ||13|| - says Nanak, listen, mind: he is the very image of God. ||13|| ausqiq inMidAw nwih ijih kMcn loh smwin ] (1427-5)ustat nindi-aa naahi jihi kanchan loh samaan. One who is beyond praise and slander, who looks upon gold and iron alike khu nwnk suin ry mnw mukiq qwih qY jwin ]14] (1427-5)kaho naanak sun ray manaa mukat taahi tai jaan. ||14|| - says Nanak, listen, mind: know that such a person is liberated. ||14|| hrKu sogu jw kY nhI bYrI mIq smwin ] (1427-6)harakh sog jaa kai nahee bairee meet samaan. One who is not affected by pleasure or pain, who looks upon friend and enemy alike khu nwnk suin ry mnw mukiq qwih qY jwin ]15] (1427-6)kaho naanak sun ray manaa mukat taahi tai jaan. ||15|| - says Nanak, listen, mind: know that such a person is liberated. ||15|| BY kwhU kau dyq nih nih BY mwnq Awn ] (1427-7)bhai kaahoo ka-o dayt neh neh bhai maanat aan. One who does not frighten anyone, and who is not afraid of anyone else khu nwnk suin ry mnw igAwnI qwih bKwin ]16] (1427-7)kaho naanak sun ray manaa gi-aanee taahi bakhaan. ||16|| - says Nanak, listen, mind: call him spiritually wise. ||16|| ijih ibiKAw sglI qjI lIE ByK bYrwg ] (1427-8)jihi bikhi-aa saglee tajee lee-o bhaykh bairaag. One who has forsaken all sin and corruption, who wears the robes of neutral detachment khu nwnk sunu ry mnw iqh nr mwQY Bwgu ]17] (1427-8)kaho naanak sun ray manaa tih nar maathai bhaag. ||17|| - says Nanak, listen, mind: good destiny is written on his forehead. ||17|| ijih mwieAw mmqw qjI sB qy BieE audwsu ] (1427-9)jihi maa-i-aa mamtaa tajee sabh tay bha-i-o udaas. One who renounces Maya and possessiveness and is detached from everything khu nwnk sunu ry mnw iqh Git bRhm invwsu ]18] (1427-9)kaho naanak sun ray manaa tih ghat barahm nivaas. ||18|| - says Nanak, listen, mind: God abides in his heart. ||18|| ijih pRwnI haumY qjI krqw rwmu pCwin ] (1427-10)jihi paraanee ha-umai tajee kartaa raam pachhaan. That mortal, who forsakes egotism, and realizes the Creator Lord khu nwnk vhu mukiq nru ieh mn swcI mwnu ]19] (1427-10)kaho naanak vahu mukat nar ih man saachee maan. ||19|| - says Nanak, that person is liberated; O mind, know this as true. ||19|| BY nwsn durmiq hrn kil mY hir ko nwmu ] (1427-11)bhai naasan durmat haran kal mai har ko naam. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Name of the Lord is the Destroyer of fear, the Eradicator of evil-mindedness. inis idnu jo nwnk BjY sPl hoih iqh kwm ]20] (1427-11)nis din jo naanak bhajai safal hohi tih kaam. ||20|| Night and day, O Nanak, whoever vibrates and meditates on the Lord's Name, sees all of his works brought to fruition. ||20|| ijhbw gun goibMd Bjhu krn sunhu hir nwmu ] (1427-12)jihbaa gun gobind bhajahu karan sunhu har naam. Vibrate with your tongue the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe; with your ears, hear the Lord's Name. khu nwnk suin ry mnw prih n jm kY Dwm ]21] (1427-12)kaho naanak sun ray manaa pareh na jam kai Dhaam. ||21|| Says Nanak, listen, man: you shall not have to go to the house of Death. ||21|| jo pRwnI mmqw qjY loB moh AhMkwr ] (1427-13)jo paraanee mamtaa tajai lobh moh ahaNkaar. That mortal who renounces possessiveness, greed, emotional attachment and egotism khu nwnk Awpn qrY Aaurn lyq auDwr ]22] (1427-13)kaho naanak aapan tarai a-uran layt uDhaar. ||22|| - says Nanak, he himself is saved, and he saves many others as well. ||22|| ijau supnw Aru pyKnw AYsy jg kau jwin ] (1427-14)ji-o supnaa ar paykhnaa aisay jag ka-o jaan. Like a dream and a show, so is this world, you must know. ien mY kCu swco nhI nwnk ibnu Bgvwn ]23] (1427-14)in mai kachh saacho nahee naanak bin bhagvaan. ||23|| None of this is true, O Nanak, without God. ||23|| inis idnu mwieAw kwrny pRwnI folq nIq ] (1427-15)nis din maa-i-aa kaarnay paraanee dolat neet. Night and day, for the sake of Maya, the mortal wanders constantly. kotn mY nwnk koaU nwrwienu ijh cIiq ]24] (1427-15)kotan mai naanak ko-oo naaraa-in jih cheet. ||24|| Among millions, O Nanak, there is scarcely anyone, who keeps the Lord in his consciousness. ||24|| jYsy jl qy budbudw aupjY ibnsY nIq ] (1427-16)jaisay jal tay budbudaa upjai binsai neet. As the bubbles in the water well up and disappear again, jg rcnw qYsy rcI khu nwnk suin mIq ]25] (1427-16)jag rachnaa taisay rachee kaho naanak sun meet. ||25|| so is the universe created; says Nanak, listen, O my friend! ||25|| pRwnI kCU n cyqeI mid mwieAw kY AMDu ] (1427-16)paraanee kachhoo na chayt-ee mad maa-i-aa kai anDh. The mortal does not remember the Lord, even for a moment; he is blinded by the wine of Maya. khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn prq qwih jm PMD ]26] (1427-17)kaho naanak bin har bhajan parat taahi jam fanDh. ||26|| Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, he is caught by the noose of Death. ||26|| jau suK kau cwhY sdw srin rwm kI lyh ] (1427-17)ja-o sukh ka-o chaahai sadaa saran raam kee layh. If you yearn for eternal peace, then seek the Sanctuary of the Lord. khu nwnk suin ry mnw durlB mwnuK dyh ]27] (1427-18)kaho naanak sun ray manaa durlabh maanukh dayh. ||27|| Says Nanak, listen, mind: this human body is difficult to obtain. ||27|| mwieAw kwrin DwvhI mUrK log Ajwn ] (1427-18)maa-i-aa kaaran Dhaavhee moorakh log ajaan. For the sake of Maya, the fools and ignorant people run all around. khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn ibrQw jnmu isrwn ]28] (1427-19)kaho naanak bin har bhajan birthaa janam siraan. ||28|| Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, life passes away uselessly. ||28|| jo pRwnI inis idnu BjY rUp rwm iqh jwnu ] (1427-19)jo paraanee nis din bhajai roop raam tih jaan. That mortal who meditates and vibrates upon the Lord night and day - know him to be the embodiment of the Lord. |
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