Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gorW sy inmwxIAw bhsin rUhW mil ] (1383-1)
goraaN say nimaanee-aa bahsan roohaaN mal.
They remain there, in those unhonored graves.

AwKIN syKw bMdgI clxu Aju ik kil ]97] (1383-1)
aakheeN saykhaa bandagee chalan aj ke kal. ||97||
O Shaykh, dedicate yourself to God; you will have to depart, today or tomorrow. ||97||

PrIdw mauqY dw bMnw eyvY idsY ijau drIAwvY Fwhw ] (1383-2)
fareedaa ma-utai daa bannaa ayvai disai ji-o daree-aavai dhaahaa.
Fareed, the shore of death looks like the river-bank, being eroded away.

AgY dojku qipAw suxIAY hUl pvY kwhwhw ] (1383-2)
agai dojak tapi-aa sunee-ai hool pavai kaahaahaa.
Beyond is the burning hell, from which cries and shrieks are heard.

ieknw no sB soJI AweI ieik iPrdy vyprvwhw ] (1383-3)
iknaa no sabh sojhee aa-ee ik firday vayparvaahaa.
Some understand this completely, while others wander around carelessly.

Aml ij kIiqAw dunI ivic sy drgh Egwhw ]98] (1383-3)
amal je keeti-aa dunee vich say dargeh ohaagaa. ||98||
Those actions which are done in this world, shall be examined in the Court of the Lord. ||98||

PrIdw drIAwvY kMn@Y bgulw bYTw kyl kry ] (1383-4)
fareedaa daree-aavai kanHai bagulaa baithaa kayl karay.
Fareed, the crane perches on the river bank, playing joyfully.

kyl krydy hMJ no AicMqy bwj pey ] (1383-4)
kayl karayday hanjh no achintay baaj pa-ay.
While it is playing, a hawk suddenly pounces on it.

bwj pey iqsu rb dy kylW ivsrIAW ] (1383-4)
baaj pa-ay tis rab day kaylaaN visree-aaN.
When the Hawk of God attacks, playful sport is forgotten.

jo min iciq n cyqy sin so gwlI rb kIAW ]99] (1383-5)
jo man chit na chaytay san so gaalee rab kee-aaN. ||99||
God does what is not expected or even considered. ||99||

swFy qRY mx dyhurI clY pwxI AMin ] (1383-5)
saadhay tarai man dayhuree chalai paanee ann.
The body is nourished by water and grain.

AwieE bMdw dunI ivic viq AwsUxI bMin@ ] (1383-6)
aa-i-o bandaa dunee vich vat aasoonee baneh.
The mortal comes into the world with high hopes.

mlkl mauq jW AwvsI sB drvwjy BMin ] (1383-6)
malkal ma-ut jaaN aavsee sabh darvaajay bhann.
But when the Messenger of Death comes, it breaks down all the doors.

iqn@w ipAwirAw BweIAW AgY idqw bMin@ ] (1383-7)
tinHaa pi-aari-aa bhaa-ee-aaN agai ditaa baneh.
It binds and gags the mortal, before the eyes of his beloved brothers.

vyKhu bMdw cilAw chu jixAw dY kMin@ ] (1383-7)
vaykhhu bandaa chali-aa chahu jani-aa dai kaNniH.
Behold, the mortal being is going away, carried on the shoulders of four men.

PrIdw Aml ij kIqy dunI ivic drgh Awey kMim ]100] (1383-8)
fareedaa amal je keetay dunee vich dargeh aa-ay kamm. ||100||
Fareed, only those good deeds done in the world will be of any use in the Court of the Lord. ||100||

PrIdw hau bilhwrI iqn@ pMKIAw jMgil ijMn@w vwsu ] (1383-8)
fareedaa ha-o balihaaree tinH pankhee-aa jangal jinHaa vaas.
Fareed, I am a sacrifice to those birds which live in the jungle.

kkru cugin Qil vsin rb n Cofin pwsu ]101] (1383-9)
kakar chugan thal vasan rab na chhodan paas. ||101||
They peck at the roots and live on the ground, but they do not leave the Lord's side. ||101||

PrIdw ruiq iPrI vxu kMibAw pq JVy JiV pwih ] (1383-9)
fareedaa rut firee van kambi-aa pat jharhay jharh paahi.
Fareed, the seasons change, the woods shake and the leaves drop from the trees.

cwry kuMfw FUMFIAW rhxu ikQwaU nwih ]102] (1383-10)
chaaray kundaa dhooNdhee-aaN rahan kithaa-oo naahi. ||102||
I have searched in the four directions, but I have not found any resting place anywhere. ||102||

PrIdw pwiV ptolw Dj krI kMblVI pihryau ] (1383-10)
fareedaa paarh patolaa Dhaj karee kamblarhee pahiray-o.
Fareed, I have torn my clothes to tatters; now I wear only a rough blanket.

ijn@I vysI shu imlY syeI vys kryau ]103] (1383-11)
jinHee vaysee saho milai say-ee vays karay-o. ||103||
I wear only those clothes which will lead me to meet my Lord. ||103||

mÚ 3 ] (1383-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

kwie ptolw pwVqI kMblVI pihryie ] (1383-11)
kaa-ay patolaa paarh-tee kamblarhee pahiray-ay.
Why do you tear apart your fine clothes, and take to wearing a rough blanket?

nwnk Gr hI bYiTAw shu imlY jy nIAiq rwis kryie ]104] (1383-12)
naanak ghar hee baithi-aa saho milai jay nee-at raas karay-i. ||104||
O Nanak, even sitting in your own home, you can meet the Lord, if your mind is in the right place. ||104||

mÚ 5 ] (1383-13)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw grbu ijn@w vifAweIAw Din jobin Awgwh ] (1383-13)
fareedaa garab jinHaa vadi-aa-ee-aa Dhan joban aagaah.
Fareed, those who are very proud of their greatness, wealth and youth,

KwlI cly DxI isau itby ijau mIhwhu ]105] (1383-13)
khaalee chalay Dhanee si-o tibay ji-o meehahu. ||105||
shall return empty-handed from their Lord, like sandhills after the rain. ||105||

PrIdw iqnw muK frwvxy ijnw ivswirEnu nwau ] (1383-14)
fareedaa tinaa mukh daraavanay jinaa visaari-on naa-o.
Fareed, the faces of those who forget the Lord's Name are dreadful.

AYQY duK GxyirAw AgY Taur n Twau ]106] (1383-14)
aithai dukh ghanayri-aa agai tha-ur na thaa-o. ||106||
They suffer terrible pain here, and hereafter they find no place of rest or refuge. ||106||

PrIdw ipCl rwiq n jwigEih jIvdVo muieEih ] (1383-15)
fareedaa pichhal raat na jaagi-ohi jeevad-rho mu-i-ohi.
Fareed, if you do not awaken in the early hours before dawn, you are dead while yet alive.

jy qY rbu ivswirAw q rib n ivsirEih ]107] (1383-15)
jay tai rab visaari-aa ta rab na visari-ohi. ||107||
Although you have forgotten God, God has not forgotten you. ||107||

mÚ 5 ] (1383-16)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw kMqu rMgwvlw vfw vymuhqwju ] (1383-16)
fareedaa kant rangvaalaa vadaa vaymuhtaaj.
Fareed, my Husband Lord is full of joy; He is Great and Self-sufficient.

Alh syqI riqAw eyhu scwvW swju ]108] (1383-16)
alah saytee rati-aa ayhu sachaavaaN saaj. ||108||
To be imbued with the Lord God - this is the most beautiful decoration. ||108||

mÚ 5 ] (1383-17)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw duKu suKu ieku kir idl qy lwih ivkwru ] (1383-17)
fareedaa dukh sukh ik kar dil tay laahi vikaar.
Fareed, look upon pleasure and pain as the same; eradicate corruption from your heart.

Alh BwvY so Blw qW lBI drbwru ]109] (1383-17)
alah bhaavai so bhalaa taaN labhee darbaar. ||109||
Whatever pleases the Lord God is good; understand this, and you will reach His Court. ||109||

mÚ 5 ] (1383-18)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw dunI vjweI vjdI qUM BI vjih nwil ] (1383-18)
fareedaa dunee vajaa-ee vajdee tooN bhee vajeh naal.
Fareed, the world dances as it dances, and you dance with it as well.

soeI jIau n vjdw ijsu Alhu krdw swr ]110] (1383-18)
so-ee jee-o na vajdaa jis alhu kardaa saar. ||110||
That soul alone does not dance with it, who is under the care of the Lord God. ||110||

mÚ 5 ] (1383-19)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw idlu rqw iesu dunI isau dunI n ikqY kMim ] (1383-19)
fareedaa dil rataa is dunee si-o dunee na kitai kamm.
Fareed, the heart is imbued with this world, but the world is of no use to it at all.