Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1384 imsl PkIrW gwKVI su pweIAY pUr krMim ]111] (1384-1)misal fakeeraaN gaakh-rhee so paa-ee-ai poor karamm. ||111|| It is so difficult to be like the fakeers - the Holy Saints; it is only achieved by perfect karma. ||111|| pihlY phrY PulVw Plu BI pCw rwiq ] (1384-1)pahilai pahrai fulrhaa fal bhee pachhaa raat. The first watch of the night brings flowers, and the later watches of the night bring fruit. jo jwgMin@ lhMin sy sweI kMno dwiq ]112] (1384-2)jo jaagaNniH lahann say saa-ee kanno daat. ||112|| Those who remain awake and aware, receive the gifts from the Lord. ||112|| dwqI swihb sMdIAw ikAw clY iqsu nwil ] (1384-2)daatee saahib sandee-aa ki-aa chalai tis naal. The gifts are from our Lord and Master; who can force Him to bestow them? ieik jwgMdy nw lhin@ iekn@w suiqAw dyie auTwil ]113] (1384-2)ik jaaganday naa lahniH iknHaa suti-aa day-ay uthaal. ||113|| Some are awake, and do not receive them, while He awakens others from sleep to bless them. ||113|| FUFydIey suhwg kU qau qin kweI kor ] (1384-3)dhoodhaydee-ay suhaag koo ta-o tan kaa-ee kor. You search for your Husband Lord; you must have some fault in your body. ijn@w nwau suhwgxI iqn@w Jwk n hor ]114] (1384-4)jinHaa naa-o suhaaganee tinHaa jhaak na hor. ||114|| Those who are known as happy soul-brides, do not look to others. ||114|| sbr mMJ kmwx ey sbru kw nIhxo ] (1384-4)sabar manjh kamaan ay sabar kaa neehno. Within yourself, make patience the bow, and make patience the bowstring. sbr sMdw bwxu Kwlku Kqw n krI ]115] (1384-4)sabar sandaa baan khaalak khataa na karee. ||115|| Make patience the arrow, the Creator will not let you miss the target. ||115|| sbr AMdir swbrI qnu eyvY jwlyin@ ] (1384-5)sabar andar saabree tan ayvai jaalayniH. Those who are patient abide in patience; in this way, they burn their bodies. hoin njIik Kudwie dY Byqu n iksY dyin ]116] (1384-5)hon najeek khudaa-ay dai bhayt na kisai dayn. ||116|| They are close to the Lord, but they do not reveal their secret to anyone. ||116|| sbru eyhu suAwau jy qUM bMdw idVu krih ] (1384-6)sabar ayhu su-aa-o jay tooN bandaa dirh karahi. Let patience be your purpose in life; implant this within your being. viD QIvih drIAwau tuit n QIvih vwhVw ]117] (1384-6)vaDh theeveh daree-aa-o tut na theeveh vaahrhaa. ||117|| In this way, you will grow into a great river; you will not break off into a tiny stream. ||117|| PrIdw drvysI gwKVI copVI prIiq ] (1384-7)fareedaa darvaysee gaakh-rhee choprhee pareet. Fareed, it is difficult to be a dervish - a Holy Saint; it is easier to love bread when it is buttered. iekin iknY cwlIAY drvyswvI rIiq ]118] (1384-7)ikan kinai chaalee-ai darvaysaavee reet. ||118|| Only a rare few follow the way of the Saints. ||118|| qnu qpY qnUr ijau bwlxu hf blµin@ ] (1384-8)tan tapai tanoor ji-o baalan had balaNniH. My body is cooking like an oven; my bones are burning like firewood. pYrI QkW isir julW jy mUM iprI imlµin@ ]119] (1384-8)pairee thakaaN sir julaaN jay mooN piree milaNniH. ||119|| If my feet become tired, I will walk on my head, if I can meet my Beloved. ||119|| qnu n qpwie qnUr ijau bwlxu hf n bwil ] (1384-9)tan na tapaa-ay tanoor ji-o baalan had na baal. Do not heat up your body like an oven, and do not burn your bones like firewood. isir pYrI ikAw PyiVAw AMdir iprI inhwil ]120] (1384-9)sir pairee ki-aa fayrhi-aa andar piree nihaal. ||120|| What harm have your feet and head done to you? Behold your Beloved within yourself. ||120|| hau FUFydI sjxw sjxu mYfy nwil ] (1384-10)ha-o dhoodhaydee sajnaa sajan maiday naal. I search for my Friend, but my Friend is already with me. nwnk AlKu n lKIAY gurmuiK dyie idKwil ]121] (1384-10)naanak alakh na lakhee-ai gurmukh day-ay dikhaal. ||121|| O Nanak, the Unseen Lord cannot be seen; He is revealed only to the Gurmukh. ||121|| hMsw dyiK qrMidAw bgw AwieAw cwau ] (1384-11)hansaa daykh tarandi-aa bagaa aa-i-aa chaa-o. Seeing the swans swimming, the cranes became excited. fuib muey bg bpuVy isru qil aupir pwau ]122] (1384-11)dub mu-ay bag bapurhay sir tal upar paa-o. ||122|| The poor cranes were drowned to death, with their heads below the water and their feet sticking out above. ||122|| mY jwixAw vf hMsu hY qW mY kIqw sMgu ] (1384-12)mai jaani-aa vad hans hai taaN mai keetaa sang. I knew him as a great swan, so I associated with him. jy jwxw bgu bpuVw jnim n ByVI AMgu ]123] (1384-12)jay jaanaa bag bapurhaa janam na bhayrhee ang. ||123|| If I had known that he was a only wretched crane, I would never in my life have crossed paths with him. ||123|| ikAw hMsu ikAw bgulw jw kau ndir Dry ] (1384-13)ki-aa hans ki-aa bagulaa jaa ka-o nadar Dharay. Who is a swan, and who is a crane, if God blesses him with His Glance of Grace? jy iqsu BwvY nwnkw kwghu hMsu kry ]124] (1384-13)jay tis bhaavai naankaa kaagahu hans karay. ||124|| If it pleases Him, O Nanak, He changes a crow into a swan. ||124|| srvr pMKI hykVo PwhIvwl pcws ] (1384-14)sarvar pankhee haykrho faaheevaal pachaas. There is only one bird in the lake, but there are fifty trappers. iehu qnu lhrI gfu iQAw scy qyrI Aws ]125] (1384-14)ih tan lahree gad thi-aa sachay tayree aas. ||125|| This body is caught in the waves of desire. O my True Lord, You are my only hope! ||125|| kvxu su AKru kvxu guxu kvxu su mxIAw mMqu ] (1384-14)kavan so akhar kavan gun kavan so manee-aa mant. What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra? kvxu su vyso hau krI ijqu vis AwvY kMqu ]126] (1384-15)kavan so vayso ha-o karee jit vas aavai kant. ||126|| What are those clothes, which I can wear to captivate my Husband Lord? ||126|| invxu su AKru Kvxu guxu ijhbw mxIAw mMqu ] (1384-15)nivan so akhar khavan gun jihbaa manee-aa mant. Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra. ey qRY BYxy vys kir qW vis AwvI kMqu ]127] (1384-16)ay tarai bhainay vays kar taaN vas aavee kant. ||127|| Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord. ||127|| miq hodI hoie ieAwxw ] (1384-16)mat hodee ho-ay i-aanaa. If you are wise, be simple; qwx hody hoie inqwxw ] (1384-17)taan hoday ho-ay nitaanaa. if you are powerful, be weak; Axhody Awpu vMfwey ] (1384-17)anhoday aap vandaa-ay. and when there is nothing to share, then share with others. ko AYsw Bgqu sdwey ]128] (1384-17)ko aisaa bhagat sadaa-ay. ||128|| How rare is one who is known as such a devotee. ||128|| ieku iPkw n gwlwie sBnw mY scw DxI ] (1384-17)ik fikaa na gaalaa-ay sabhnaa mai sachaa Dhanee. Do not utter even a single harsh word; your True Lord and Master abides in all. ihAwau n kYhI Twih mwxk sB Amolvy ]129] (1384-18)hi-aa-o na kaihee thaahi maanak sabh amolvay. ||129|| Do not break anyone's heart; these are all priceless jewels. ||129|| sBnw mn mwixk Twhxu mUil mcWgvw ] (1384-18)sabhnaa man maanik thaahan mool machaaNgvaa. The minds of all are like precious jewels; to harm them is not good at all. jy qau iprIAw dI isk ihAwau n Twhy khI dw ]130] (1384-19)jay ta-o piree-aa dee sik hi-aa-o na thaahay kahee daa. ||130|| If you desire your Beloved, then do not break anyone's heart. ||130|| |
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