Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1377 mukiq pdwrQu pweIAY Twk n AvGt Gwt ]231] (1377-1)mukat padaarath paa-ee-ai thaak na avghat ghaat. ||231|| He obtains the treasure of liberation, and the difficult road to the Lord is not blocked. ||231|| kbIr eyk GVI AwDI GrI AwDI hUM qy AwD ] (1377-2)kabeer ayk gharhee aaDhee gharee aaDhee hooN tay aaDh. Kabeer, whether is is for an hour, half an hour, or half of that, Bgqn syqI gosty jo kIny so lwB ]232] (1377-2)bhagtan saytee gostay jo keenay so laabh. ||232|| whatever it is, it is worthwhile to speak with the Holy. ||232|| kbIr BWg mwCulI surw pwin jo jo pRwnI KWih ] (1377-2)kabeer bhaaNg maachhulee suraa paan jo jo paraanee khaaNhi. Kabeer, those mortals who consume marijuana, fish and wine qIrQ brq nym kIey qy sBY rswqil jWih ]233] (1377-3)tirath barat naym kee-ay tay sabhai rasaatal jaaNhi. ||233|| - no matter what pilgrimages, fasts and rituals they follow, they will all go to hell. ||233|| nIcy loien kir rhau ly swjn Gt mwih ] (1377-4)neechay lo-in kar raha-o lay saajan ghat maahi. Kabeer, I keep my eyes lowered, and enshrine my Friend within my heart. sB rs Kylau pIA sau iksI lKwvau nwih ]234] (1377-4)sabh ras khayla-o pee-a sa-o kisee lakhaava-o naahi. ||234|| I enjoy all pleasures with my Beloved, but I do not let anyone else know. ||234|| AwT jwm causiT GrI quA inrKq rhY jIau ] (1377-5)aath jaam cha-usath gharee tu-a nirkhat rahai jee-o. Twenty-four hours a day, every hour, my soul continues to look to You, O Lord. nIcy loien ikau krau sB Gt dyKau pIau ]235] (1377-5)neechay lo-in ki-o kara-o sabh ghat daykh-a-u pee-o. ||235|| Why should I keep my eyes lowered? I see my Beloved in every heart. ||235|| sunu sKI pIA mih jIau bsY jIA mih bsY ik pIau ] (1377-6)sun sakhee pee-a meh jee-o basai jee-a meh basai ke pee-o. Listen, O my companions: my soul dwells in my Beloved, and my Beloved dwells in my soul. jIau pIau bUJau nhI Gt mih jIau ik pIau ]236] (1377-6)jee-o pee-o boojha-o nahee ghat meh jee-o ke pee-o. ||236|| I realize that there is no difference between my soul and my Beloved; I cannot tell whether my soul or my Beloved dwells in my heart. ||236|| kbIr bwmnu gurU hY jgq kw Bgqn kw guru nwih ] (1377-7)kabeer baaman guroo hai jagat kaa bhagtan kaa gur naahi. Kabeer, the Brahmin may be the guru of the world, but he is not the Guru of the devotees. AriJ auriJ kY pic mUAw cwrau bydhu mwih ]237] (1377-7)arajh urajh kai pach moo-aa chaara-o baydahu maahi. ||237|| He rots and dies in the perplexities of the four Vedas. ||237|| hir hY KWfu ryqu mih ibKrI hwQI cunI n jwie ] (1377-8)har hai khaaNd rayt meh bikhree haathee chunee na jaa-ay. The Lord is like sugar, scattered in the sand; the elephant cannot pick it up. kih kbIr guir BlI buJweI kItI hoie kY Kwie ]238] (1377-8)kahi kabeer gur bhalee bujhaa-ee keetee ho-ay kai khaa-ay. ||238|| Says Kabeer, the Guru has given me this sublime understanding: become an ant, and feed on it. ||238|| kbIr jau quih swD iprMm kI sIsu kwit kir goie ] (1377-9)kabeer ja-o tuhi saaDh piramm kee sees kaat kar go-ay. Kabeer, if you desire to play the game of love with the Lord, then cut off your head, and make it into a ball. Kylq Kylq hwl kir jo ikCu hoie q hoie ]239] (1377-10)khaylat khaylat haal kar jo kichh ho-ay ta ho-ay. ||239|| Lose yourself in the play of it, and then whatever will be, will be. ||239|| kbIr jau quih swD iprMm kI pwky syqI Kylu ] (1377-10)kabeer ja-o tuhi saaDh piramm kee paakay saytee khayl. Kabeer, if you desire to play the game of love with the Lord, play it with someone with committment. kwcI srsauN pyil kY nw Kil BeI n qylu ]240] (1377-11)kaachee sarsa-uN payl kai naa khal bha-ee na tayl. ||240|| Pressing the unripe mustard seeds produces neither oil nor flour. ||240|| FUMFq folih AMD giq Aru cInq nwhI sMq ] (1377-11)dhooNdhat doleh anDh gat ar cheenat naahee sant. Searching, the mortal stumbles like a blind person, and does not recognize the Saint. kih nwmw ikau pweIAY ibnu Bgqhu BgvMqu ]241] (1377-12)kahi naamaa ki-o paa-ee-ai bin bhagtahu bhagvant. ||241|| Says Naam Dayv, how can one obtain the Lord God, without His devotee? ||241|| hir so hIrw Cwif kY krih Awn kI Aws ] (1377-12)har so heeraa chhaad kai karahi aan kee aas. Forsaking the Diamond of the Lord, the mortals put their hopes in another. qy nr dojk jwihgy siq BwKY rivdws ]242] (1377-13)tay nar dojak jaahigay sat bhaakhai ravidaas. ||242|| Those people shall go to hell; Ravi Daas speaks the Truth. ||242|| kbIr jau igRhu krih q Drmu kru nwhI q kru bYrwgu ] (1377-13)kabeer ja-o garihu karahi ta Dharam kar naahee ta kar bairaag. Kabeer, if you live the householder's life, then practice righteousness; otherwise, you might as well retire from the world. bYrwgI bMDnu krY qw ko bfo ABwgu ]243] (1377-14)bairaagee banDhan karai taa ko bado abhaag. ||243|| If someone renounces the world, and then gets involved in worldly entanglements, he shall suffer terrible misfortune. ||243|| (1377-15) salok saykh fareed kay Shaloks Of Shaykh Fareed Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1377-15)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ijqu idhwVY Dn vrI swhy ley ilKwie ] (1377-16)jit dihaarhai Dhan varee saahay la-ay likhaa-ay. The day of the bride's wedding is pre-ordained. mlku ij kMnI suxIdw muhu dyKwly Awie ] (1377-16)malak je kannee suneedaa muhu daykhaalay aa-ay. On that day, the Messenger of Death, of whom she had only heard, comes and shows its face. ijMdu inmwxI kFIAY hfw kU kVkwie ] (1377-16)jind nimaanee kadhee-ai hadaa koo karhkaa-ay. It breaks the bones of the body and pulls the helpless soul out. swhy ilKy n clnI ijMdU kUM smJwie ] (1377-17)saahay likhay na chalnee jindoo kooN samjhaa-ay. That pre-ordained time of marriage cannot be avoided. Explain this to your soul. ijMdu vhutI mrxu vru lY jwsI prxwie ] (1377-17)jind vahutee maran var lai jaasee parnaa-ay. The soul is the bride, and death is the groom. He will marry her and take her away. Awpx hQI joil kY kY gil lgY Dwie ] (1377-18)aapan hathee jol kai kai gal lagai Dhaa-ay. After the body sends her away with its own hands, whose neck will it embrace? vwlhu inkI purslwq kMnI n suxI Awie ] (1377-18)vaalahu nikee puraslaat kannee na sunee aa-ay. The bridge to hell is narrower than a hair; haven't you heard of it with your ears? PrIdw ikVI pvMdIeI KVw n Awpu muhwie ]1] (1377-19)fareedaa kirhee pavaNdee-ee kharhaa na aap muhaa-ay. ||1|| Fareed, the call has come; be careful now - don't let yourself be robbed. ||1|| PrIdw dr drvysI gwKVI clW dunIAW Biq ] (1377-19)fareedaa dar darvaysee gaakh-rhee chalaaN dunee-aaN bhat. Fareed, it is so difficult to become a humble Saint at the Lord's Door. |
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