Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1378 bMin@ auTweI potlI ikQY vM\w Giq ]2] (1378-1)baneh uthaa-ee potlee kithai vanjaa ghat. ||2|| I am so accustomed to walking in the ways of the world. I have tied and picked up the bundle; where can I go to throw it away? ||2|| ikJu n buJY ikJu n suJY dunIAw guJI Bwih ] (1378-1)kijh na bujhai kijh na sujhai dunee-aa gujhee bhaahi. I know nothing; I understand nothing. The world is a smouldering fire. sWeIN myrY cMgw kIqw nwhI q hM BI dJW Awih ]3] (1378-1)saa-eeN mayrai changa keetaa naahee ta haN bhee dajhaaN aahi. ||3|| My Lord did well to warn me about it; otherwise, I would have been burnt as well. ||3|| PrIdw jy jwxw iql QoVVy sMmil buku BrI ] (1378-2)fareedaa jay jaanaa til thorh-rhay sammal buk bharee. Fareed, if I had known that I had so few sesame seeds, I would have been more careful with them in my hands. jy jwxw shu nµFVw qW QoVw mwxu krI ]4] (1378-2)jay jaanaa saho nandh-rhaa taaN thorhaa maan karee. ||4|| If I had known that my Husband Lord was so young and innocent, I would not have been so arrogant. ||4|| jy jwxw lVu iCjxw pIfI pweIN gMiF ] (1378-3)jay jaanaa larh chhijnaa peedee paa-eeN gandh. If I had known that my robe would come loose, I would have tied a tighter knot. qY jyvfu mY nwih ko sBu jgu ifTw hMiF ]5] (1378-3)tai jayvad mai naahi ko sabh jag dithaa handh. ||5|| I have found none as great as You, Lord; I have looked and searched throughout the world. ||5|| PrIdw jy qU Akil lqIPu kwly ilKu n lyK ] (1378-4)fareedaa jay too akal lateef kaalay likh na laykh. Fareed, if you have a keen understanding, then do not write black marks against anyone else. AwpnVy igrIvwn mih isru nˆØIvW kir dyKu ]6] (1378-4)aapnarhay gireevaan meh sir neeNvaaN kar daykh. ||6|| Look underneath your own collar instead. ||6|| PrIdw jo qY mwrin mukIAW iqn@w n mwry GuMim ] (1378-5)fareedaa jo tai maaran mukee-aaN tinHaa na maaray ghumm. Fareed, do not turn around and strike those who strike you with their fists. AwpnVY Gir jweIAY pYr iqn@w dy cuMim ]7] (1378-5)aapnarhai ghar jaa-ee-ai pair tinHaa day chumm. ||7|| Kiss their feet, and return to your own home. ||7|| PrIdw jW qau Ktx vyl qW qU rqw dunI isau ] (1378-6)fareedaa jaaN ta-o khatan vayl taaN too rataa dunee si-o. Fareed, when there was time for you to earn good karma, you were in love with the world instead. mrg svweI nIih jW BirAw qW lidAw ]8] (1378-6)marag savaa-ee neehi jaaN bhari-aa taaN ladi-aa. ||8|| Now, death has a strong foothold; when the load is full, it is taken away. ||8|| dyKu PrIdw ju QIAw dwVI hoeI BUr ] (1378-7)daykh fareedaa jo thee-aa daarhee ho-ee bhoor. See, Fareed, what has happened: your beard has become grey. Aghu nyVw AwieAw ipCw rihAw dUir ]9] (1378-7)agahu nayrhaa aa-i-aa pichhaa rahi-aa door. ||9|| That which is coming is near, and the past is left far behind. ||9|| dyKu PrIdw ij QIAw skr hoeI ivsu ] (1378-8)daykh fareedaa je thee-aa sakar ho-ee vis. See, Fareed, what has happened: sugar has become poison. sWeI bwJhu Awpxy vydx khIAY iksu ]10] (1378-8)saaN-ee baajhahu aapnay vaydan kahee-ai kis. ||10|| Without my Lord, who can I tell of my sorrow? ||10|| PrIdw AKI dyiK pqIxIAW suix suix rIxy kMn ] (1378-9)fareedaa akhee daykh pateenee-aaN sun sun reenay kann. Fareed, my eyes have become weak, and my ears have become hard of hearing. swK pkMdI AweIAw hor kryNdI vMn ]11] (1378-9)saakh pakandee aa-ee-aa hor karayNdee vann. ||11|| The body's crop has become ripe and turned color. ||11|| PrIdw kwlˆØI ijnI n rwivAw DaulI rwvY koie ] (1378-10)fareedaa kaaleeN jinee na raavi-aa Dha-ulee raavai ko-ay. Fareed, those who did not enjoy their Spouse when their hair was black - hardly any of them enjoy Him when their hair turns grey. kir sWeI isau iprhVI rMgu nvylw hoie ]12] (1378-10)kar saaN-ee si-o pirharhee rang navaylaa ho-ay. ||12|| So be in love with the Lord, so that your color may ever be new. ||12|| mÚ 3 ] (1378-11)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: PrIdw kwlI DaulI swihbu sdw hY jy ko iciq kry ] (1378-11)fareedaa kaalee Dha-ulee saahib sadaa hai jay ko chit karay. Fareed, whether one's hair is black or grey, our Lord and Master is always here if one remembers Him. Awpxw lwieAw iprmu n lgeI jy locY sBu koie ] (1378-11)aapnaa laa-i-aa piram na lag-ee jay lochai sabh ko-ay. This loving devotion to the Lord does not come by one's own efforts, even though all may long for it. eyhu iprmu ipAwlw Ksm kw jY BwvY qY dyie ]13] (1378-12)ayhu piram pi-aalaa khasam kaa jai bhaavai tai day-ay. ||13|| This cup of loving devotion belongs to our Lord and Master; He gives it to whomever He likes. ||13|| PrIdw ijn@ loiex jgu moihAw sy loiex mY ifTu ] (1378-12)fareedaa jinH lo-in jag mohi-aa say lo-in mai dith. Fareed, those eyes which have enticed the world - I have seen those eyes. kjl ryK n shidAw sy pMKI sUie bihTu ]14] (1378-13)kajal raykh na sehdi-aa say pankhee soo-ay bahith. ||14|| Once, they could not endure even a bit of mascara; now, the birds hatch their young in them! ||14|| PrIdw kUkyidAw cWgyidAw mqI dyidAw inq ] (1378-13)fareedaa kookaydi-aa chaaNgaydi-aa matee daydi-aa nit. Fareed, they shouted and yelled, and constantly gave good advice. jo sYqwin vM\wieAw sy ikq Pyrih icq ]15] (1378-14)jo saitaan vanjaa-i-aa say kit fayreh chit. ||15|| But those whom the devil has spoiled - how can they turn their consciousness towards God? ||15|| PrIdw QIau pvwhI dBu ] (1378-14)fareedaa thee-o pavaahee dabh. Fareed, become the grass on the path, jy sWeI loVih sBu ] (1378-14)jay saaN-ee lorheh sabh. if you long for the Lord of all. ieku iCjih ibAw lqwVIAih ] (1378-15)ik chhijeh bi-aa lataarhee-ah. One will cut you down, and another will trample you underfoot; qW sweI dY dir vwVIAih ]16] (1378-15)taaN saa-ee dai dar vaarhee-ah. ||16|| then, you shall enter the Court of the Lord. ||16|| PrIdw Kwku n inMdIAY KwkU jyfu n koie ] (1378-15)fareedaa khaak na nindee-ai khaakoo jayd na ko-ay. Fareed, do not slander the dust; noting is as great as dust. jIvidAw pYrw qlY muieAw aupir hoie ]17] (1378-16)jeevdi-aa pairaa talai mu-i-aa upar ho-ay. ||17|| When we are alive, it is under our feet, and when we are dead, it is above us. ||17|| PrIdw jw lbu qw nyhu ikAw lbu q kUVw nyhu ] (1378-16)fareedaa jaa lab taa nayhu ki-aa lab ta koorhaa nayhu. Fareed, when there is greed, what love can there be? When there is greed, love is false. ikcru Jiq lGweIAY Cpir qutY myhu ]18] (1378-17)kichar jhat laghaa-ee-ai chhapar tutai mayhu. ||18|| How long can one remain in a thatched hut which leaks when it rains? ||18|| PrIdw jMglu jMglu ikAw Bvih vix kMfw moVyih ] (1378-17)fareedaa jangal jangal ki-aa bhaveh van kandaa morhayhi. Fareed, why do you wander from jungle to jungle, crashing through the thorny trees? vsI rbu ihAwlIAY jMglu ikAw FUFyih ]19] (1378-18)vasee rab hi-aalee-ai jangal ki-aa dhoodhayhi. ||19|| The Lord abides in the heart; why are you looking for Him in the jungle? ||19|| PrIdw ienI inkI jMGIAY Ql fUMgr BivEim@ ] (1378-18)fareedaa inee nikee janghee-ai thal doongar bhavi-omiH. Fareed, with these small legs, I crossed deserts and mountains. Aju PrIdY kUjVw sY kohW QIEim ]20] (1378-19)aj fareedai koojrhaa sai kohaaN thee-om. ||20|| But today, Fareed, my water jug seems hundreds of miles away. ||20|| PrIdw rwqI vfIAW DuiK DuiK auTin pws ] (1378-19)fareedaa raatee vadee-aaN Dhukh Dhukh uthan paas. Fareed, the nights are long, and my sides are aching in pain. |
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