Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1376 hwQ pwau kir kwmu sBu cIqu inrMjn nwil ]213] (1376-1)haath paa-o kar kaam sabh cheet niranjan naal. ||213|| With your hands and feet, do all your work, but let your consciousness remain with the Immaculate Lord. ||213|| mhlw 5 ] (1376-1)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: kbIrw hmrw ko nhI hm iks hU ky nwih ] (1376-2)kabeeraa hamraa ko nahee ham kis hoo kay naahi. Kabeer, no one belongs to me, and I belong to no one else. ijin iehu rcnu rcwieAw iqs hI mwih smwih ]214] (1376-2)jin ih rachan rachaa-i-aa tis hee maahi samaahi. ||214|| The One who created the creation - into Him I shall be absorbed. ||214|| kbIr kIciV Awtw igir pirAw ikCU n AwieE hwQ ] (1376-3)kabeer keecharh aataa gir pari-aa kichhoo na aa-i-o haath. Kabeer, the flour has fallen into the mud; nothing has come into my hands. pIsq pIsq cwibAw soeI inbihAw swQ ]215] (1376-3)peesat peesat chaabi-aa so-ee nibhi-aa saath. ||215|| That which was eaten while it was being ground - that alone is of any use. ||215|| kbIr mnu jwnY sB bwq jwnq hI Aaugnu krY ] (1376-4)kabeer man jaanai sabh baat jaanat hee a-ugan karai. Kabeer, the mortal knows everything, and knowing, he still makes mistakes. kwhy kI kuslwq hwiQ dIpu kUey prY ]216] (1376-4)kaahay kee kuslaat haath deep koo-ay parai. ||216|| What good is a lamp in one's hand, if he falls into the well? ||216|| kbIr lwgI pRIiq sujwn isau brjY logu Ajwnu ] (1376-5)kabeer laagee pareet sujaan si-o barjai log ajaan. Kabeer, I am in love with the All-knowing Lord; the ignorant ones try to hold me back. qw isau tUtI ikau bnY jw ky jIA prwn ]217] (1376-5)taa si-o tootee ki-o banai jaa kay jee-a paraan. ||217|| How could I ever break with the One, who owns our soul and breath of life. ||217|| kbIr koTy mMfp hyqu kir kwhy mrhu svwir ] (1376-6)kabeer kothay mandap hayt kar kaahay marahu savaar. Kabeer, why kill yourself for your love of decorations of your home and mansion? kwrju swFy qIin hQ GnI q pauny cwir ]218] (1376-6)kaaraj saadhay teen hath ghanee ta pa-unay chaar. ||218|| In the end, only six feet, or a little more, shall be your lot. ||218|| kbIr jo mY icqvau nw krY ikAw myry icqvy hoie ] (1376-7)kabeer jo mai chitva-o naa karai ki-aa mayray chitvay ho-ay. Kabeer, whatever I wish for does not happen. What can I accomplish by merely thinking? Apnw icqivAw hir krY jo myry iciq n hoie ]219] (1376-7)apnaa chitvi-aa har karai jo mayray chit na ho-ay. ||219|| The Lord does whatever He wishes; it is not up to me at all. ||219|| mÚ 3 ] (1376-8)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: icMqw iB Awip krwiesI AicMqu iB Awpy dyie ] (1376-8)chintaa bhe aap karaa-isee achint bhe aapay day-ay. God Himself makes the mortals anxious, and He Himself takes the anxiety away. nwnk so swlwhIAY ij sBnw swr kryie ]220] (1376-9)naanak so salaahee-ai je sabhnaa saar karay-i. ||220|| O Nanak, praise the One, who takes care of all. ||220|| mÚ 5 ] (1376-9)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: kbIr rwmu n cyiqE iPirAw lwlc mwih ] (1376-9)kabeer raam na chayti-o firi-aa laalach maahi. Kabeer, the mortal does not remember the Lord; he wanders around, engrossed in greed. pwp krMqw mir gieAw AauD punI iKn mwih ]221] (1376-10)paap karantaa mar ga-i-aa a-oDh punee khin maahi. ||221|| Committing sins, he dies, and his life ends in an instant. ||221|| kbIr kwieAw kwcI kwrvI kyvl kwcI Dwqu ] (1376-10)kabeer kaa-i-aa kaachee kaarvee kayval kaachee Dhaat. Kabeer, the body is like a clay vessel or a brittle metal pot. swbqu rKih q rwm Bju nwih q ibnTI bwq ]222] (1376-11)saabat rakheh ta raam bhaj naahi ta binthee baat. ||222|| If you wish to keep it safe and sound, then vibrate and meditate on the Lord; otherwise, the thing shall break. ||222|| kbIr kyso kyso kUkIAY n soeIAY Aswr ] (1376-11)kabeer kayso kayso kookee-ai na so-ee-ai asaar. Kabeer, chant the Name of the Beautifully-haired Lord; do not sleep unaware. rwiq idvs ky kUkny kbhU ky sunY pukwr ]223] (1376-12)raat divas kay kooknay kabhoo kay sunai pukaar. ||223|| Chanting His Name night and day, the Lord will eventually hear your call. ||223|| kbIr kwieAw kjlI bnu BieAw mnu kuMcru mX mMqu ] (1376-12)kabeer kaa-i-aa kajlee ban bha-i-aa man kunchar ma-y mant. Kabeer, the body is a banana forest, and the mind is an intoxicated elephant. AMksu g´wnu rqnu hY Kyvtu ibrlw sMqu ]224] (1376-13)ankas ga-yaan ratan hai khayvat birlaa sant. ||224|| The jewel of spiritual wisdom is the prod, and the rare Saint is the rider. ||224|| kbIr rwm rqnu muKu koQrI pwrK AwgY Koil ] (1376-13)kabeer raam ratan mukh kothree paarakh aagai khol. Kabeer, the Lord's Name is the jewel, and the mouth is the purse; open this purse to the Appraiser. koeI Awie imlYgo gwhkI lygo mhgy moil ]225] (1376-14)ko-ee aa-ay milaigo gaahkee laygo mahgay mol. ||225|| If a buyer can be found, it will go for a high price. ||225|| kbIr rwm nwmu jwinE nhI pwilE ktku kutMbu ] (1376-14)kabeer raam naam jaani-o nahee paali-o katak kutamb. Kabeer, the mortal does not know the Lord's Name, but he has raised a very large family. DMDy hI mih mir gieE bwhir BeI n bMb ]226] (1376-15)DhanDhay hee meh mar ga-i-o baahar bha-ee na bamb. ||226|| He dies in the midst of his worldly affairs, and then he is not heard in the external world. ||226|| kbIr AwKI kyry mwtuky plu plu geI ibhwie ] (1376-15)kabeer aakhee kayray maatukay pal pal ga-ee bihaa-ay. Kabeer, in the blink of an eye, moment by moment, life is passing by. mnu jMjwlu n CofeI jm dIAw dmwmw Awie ]227] (1376-16)man janjaal na chhod-ee jam dee-aa damaamaa aa-ay. ||227|| The mortal does not give up his worldly entanglements; the Messenger of Death walks in and beats the drum. ||227|| kbIr qrvr rUpI rwmu hY Pl rUpI bYrwgu ] (1376-16)kabeer tarvar roopee raam hai fal roopee bairaag. Kabeer, the Lord is the tree, and disillusionment with the world is the fruit. CwieAw rUpI swDu hY ijin qijAw bwdu ibbwdu ]228] (1376-17)chhaa-i-aa roopee saaDh hai jin taji-aa baad bibaad. ||228|| The Holy man, who has abandoned useless arguments, is the shade of the tree. ||228|| kbIr AYsw bIju boie bwrh mws Plµq ] (1376-17)kabeer aisaa beej bo-ay baarah maas falant. Kabeer, plant the seeds of such a plant, which shall bear fruit throughout the twelve months, sIql CwieAw gihr Pl pMKI kyl krMq ]229] (1376-18)seetal chhaa-i-aa gahir fal pankhee kayl karant. ||229|| with cooling shade and abundant fruit, upon which birds joyously play. ||229|| kbIr dwqw qrvru dXw Plu aupkwrI jIvMq ] (1376-18)kabeer daataa tarvar da-yaa fal upkaaree jeevant. Kabeer, the Great Giver is the tree, which blesses all with the fruit of compassion. pMKI cly idswvrI ibrKw suPl Plµq ]230] (1376-19)pankhee chalay disaavaree birkhaa sufal falant. ||230|| When the birds migrate to other lands, O Tree, you bear the fruits. ||230|| kbIr swDU sMgu prwpqI iliKAw hoie illwt ] (1376-19)kabeer saaDhoo sang paraapatee likhi-aa ho-ay lilaat. Kabeer, the mortal finds the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, if he has such destiny written upon his forehead. |
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