Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ibnu sMgiq ieau mWneI hoie geI BT Cwr ]195] (1375-1)
bin sangat i-o maaNn-ee ho-ay ga-ee bhath chhaar. ||195||
You must acknowledge this, that without the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, it turns into burnt ashes. ||195||

kbIr inrml bUMd Akws kI lInI BUim imlwie ] (1375-1)
kabeer nirmal boond akaas kee leenee bhoom milaa-ay.
Kabeer, the pure drop of water falls from the sky, and mixes with the dust.

Aink isAwny pic gey nw inrvwrI jwie ]196] (1375-2)
anik si-aanay pach ga-ay naa nirvaaree jaa-ay. ||196||
Millions of clever people may try, but they will fail - it cannot be made separate again. ||196||

kbIr hj kwby hau jwie Qw AwgY imilAw Kudwie ] (1375-2)
kabeer haj kaabay ha-o jaa-ay thaa aagai mili-aa khudaa-ay.
Kabeer, I was going on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and God met me on the way.

sWeI muJ isau lir pirAw quJY ikin@ PurmweI gwie ]197] (1375-3)
saaN-ee mujh si-o lar pari-aa tujhai kiniH furmaa-ee gaa-ay. ||197||
He scolded me and asked, "Who told you that I am only there?"||197||

kbIr hj kwbY hoie hoie gieAw kyqI bwr kbIr ] (1375-4)
kabeer haj kaabai ho-ay ho-ay ga-i-aa kaytee baar kabeer.
Kabeer, I went to Mecca - how many times, Kabeer?

sWeI muJ mih ikAw Kqw muKhu n bolY pIr ]198] (1375-4)
saaN-ee mujh meh ki-aa khataa mukhahu na bolai peer. ||198||
O Lord, what is the problem with me? You have not spoken to me with Your Mouth. ||198||

kbIr jIA ju mwrih joru kir khqy hih ju hlwlu ] (1375-5)
kabeer jee-a jo maareh jor kar kahtay heh jo halaal.
Kabeer, they oppress living beings and kill them, and call it proper.

dPqru deI jb kwiF hY hoiegw kaunu hvwlu ]199] (1375-5)
daftar da-ee jab kaadh hai ho-igaa ka-un havaal. ||199||
When the Lord calls for their account, what will their condition be? ||199||

kbIr joru kIAw so julmu hY lyie jbwbu Kudwie ] (1375-6)
kabeer jor kee-aa so julam hai lay-ay jabaab khudaa-ay.
Kabeer, it is tyranny to use force; the Lord shall call you to account.

dPqir lyKw nIksY mwr muhY muih Kwie ]200] (1375-6)
daftar laykhaa neeksai maar muhai muhi khaa-ay. ||200||
When your account is called for, your face and mouth shall be beaten. ||200||

kbIr lyKw dynw suhylw jau idl sUcI hoie ] (1375-7)
kabeer laykhaa daynaa suhaylaa ja-o dil soochee ho-ay.
Kabeer, it is easy to render your account, if your heart is pure.

ausu swcy dIbwn mih plw n pkrY koie ]201] (1375-7)
us saachay deebaan meh palaa na pakrai ko-ay. ||201||
In the True Court of the Lord, no one will seize you. ||201||

kbIr DrqI Aru Awkws mih duie qUM brI AbD ] (1375-8)
kabeer Dhartee ar aakaas meh du-ay tooN baree abaDh.
Kabeer: O duality, you are mighty and powerful in the earth and the sky.

Kt drsn sMsy pry Aru caurwsIh isD ]202] (1375-8)
khat darsan sansay paray ar cha-oraaseeh siDh. ||202||
The six Shaastras and the eighty-four Siddhas are entrenched in skepticism. ||202||

kbIr myrw muJ mih ikCu nhI jo ikCu hY so qyrw ] (1375-9)
kabeer mayraa mujh meh kichh nahee jo kichh hai so tayraa.
Kabeer, nothing is mine within myself. Whatever there is, is Yours, O Lord.

qyrw quJ kau saupqy ikAw lwgY myrw ]203] (1375-9)
tayraa tujh ka-o sa-upatay ki-aa laagai mayraa. ||203||
If I surrender to You what is already Yours, what does it cost me? ||203||

kbIr qUM qUM krqw qU hUAw muJ mih rhw n hUM ] (1375-10)
kabeer tooN tooN kartaa too hoo-aa mujh meh rahaa na hooN.
Kabeer, repeating, "You, You", I have become like You. Nothing of me remains in myself.

jb Awpw pr kw imit gieAw jq dyKau qq qU ]204] (1375-10)
jab aapaa par kaa mit ga-i-aa jat daykh-a-u tat too. ||204||
When the difference between myself and others is removed, then wherever I look, I see only You. ||204||

kbIr ibkwrh icqvqy JUTy krqy Aws ] (1375-11)
kabeer bikaareh chitvatay jhoothay kartay aas.
Kabeer, those who think of evil and entertain false hopes

mnorQu koie n pUirE cwly aUiT inrws ]205] (1375-11)
manorath ko-ay na poori-o chaalay ooth niraas. ||205||
- none of their desires shall be fulfilled; they shall depart in despair. ||205||

kbIr hir kw ismrnu jo krY so suKIAw sMswir ] (1375-12)
kabeer har kaa simran jo karai so sukhee-aa sansaar.
Kabeer, whoever meditates in remembrance on the Lord, he alone is happy in this world.

ieq auq kqih n foleI ijs rwKY isrjnhwr ]206] (1375-12)
it ut kateh na dol-ee jis raakhai sirjanhaar. ||206||
One who is protected and saved by the Creator Lord, shall never waver, here or hereafter. ||206||

kbIr GwxI pIVqy siqgur lIey Cfwie ] (1375-13)
kabeer ghaanee peerh-tay satgur lee-ay chhadaa-ay.
Kabeer, I was being crushed like sesame seeds in the oil-press, but the True Guru saved me.

prw pUrblI BwvnI prgtu hoeI Awie ]207] (1375-13)
paraa poorablee bhaavnee pargat ho-ee aa-ay. ||207||
My pre-ordained primal destiny has now been revealed. ||207||

kbIr twlY tolY idnu gieAw ibAwju bFMqau jwie ] (1375-14)
kabeer taalai tolai din ga-i-aa bi-aaj badhanta-o jaa-ay.
Kabeer, my days have passed, and I have postponed my payments; the interest on my account continues to increase.

nw hir BijE n Kqu PitE kwlu phUMco Awie ]208] (1375-14)
naa har bhaji-o na khat fati-o kaal pahooNcho aa-ay. ||208||
I have not meditated on the Lord and my account is still pending, and now, the moment of my death has come! ||208||

mhlw 5 ] (1375-15)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

kbIr kUkru Bauknw krMg ipCY auiT Dwie ] (1375-15)
kabeer kookar bha-ukanaa karang pichhai uth Dhaa-ay.
Kabeer, the mortal is a barking dog, chasing after a carcass.

krmI siqguru pwieAw ijin hau lIAw Cfwie ]209] (1375-16)
karmee satgur paa-i-aa jin ha-o lee-aa chhadaa-ay. ||209||
By the Grace of good karma, I have found the True Guru, who has saved me. ||209||

mhlw 5 ] (1375-16)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

kbIr DrqI swD kI qskr bYsih gwih ] (1375-16)
kabeer Dhartee saaDh kee taskar baiseh gaahi.
Kabeer, the earth belongs to the Holy, but it is being occupied by thieves.

DrqI Bwir n ibAwpeI aun kau lwhU lwih ]210] (1375-17)
Dhartee bhaar na bi-aapa-ee un ka-o laahoo laahi. ||210||
They are not a burden to the earth; they receive its blessings. ||210||

mhlw 5 ] (1375-17)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

kbIr cwvl kwrny quK kau muhlI lwie ] (1375-18)
kabeer chaaval kaarnay tukh ka-o muhlee laa-ay.
Kabeer, the rice is beaten with a mallet to get rid of the husk.

sMig kusMgI bYsqy qb pUCY Drm rwie ]211] (1375-18)
sang kusangee baistay tab poochhai Dharam raa-ay. ||211||
When people sit in evil company, the Righteous Judge of Dharma calls them to account. ||211||

nwmw mwieAw moihAw khY iqlocnu mIq ] (1375-18)
naamaa maa-i-aa mohi-aa kahai tilochan meet.
Trilochan says, O Naam Dayv, Maya has enticed you, my friend.

kwhy CIphu CwielY rwm n lwvhu cIqu ]212] (1375-19)
kaahay chheepahu chhaa-ilai raam na laavhu cheet. ||212||
Why are you printing designs on these sheets, and not focusing your consciousness on the Lord? ||212||

nwmw khY iqlocnw muK qy rwmu sMm@wil ] (1375-19)
naamaa kahai tilochanaa mukh tay raam samHaal.
Naam Dayv answers, O Trilochan, chant the Lord's Name with your mouth.