Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1372 ijau ijau Bgiq kbIr kI iqau iqau rwm invws ]141] (1372-1)ji-o ji-o bhagat kabeer kee ti-o ti-o raam nivaas. ||141|| The more Kabeer worships Him, the more the Lord abides within his mind. ||141|| kbIr ghgic pirE kutMb kY kWTY rih gieE rwmu ] (1372-1)kabeer gahgach pari-o kutamb kai kaaNthai reh ga-i-o raam. Kabeer, the mortal has fallen into the grip of family life, and the Lord has been set aside. Awie pry Drm rwie ky bIcih DUmw Dwm ]142] (1372-2)aa-ay paray Dharam raa-ay kay beecheh Dhoomaa Dhaam. ||142|| The messengers of the Righteous Judge of Dharma descend upon the mortal, in the midst of all his pomp and ceremony. ||142|| kbIr swkq qy sUkr Blw rwKY AwCw gwau ] (1372-2)kabeer saakat tay sookar bhalaa raakhai aachhaa gaa-o. Kabeer, even a pig is better than the faithless cynic; at least the pig keeps the village clean. auhu swkqu bpurw mir gieAw koie n lYhY nwau ]143] (1372-3)uho saakat bapuraa mar ga-i-aa ko-ay na laihai naa-o. ||143|| When the wretched, faithless cynic dies, no one even mentions his name. ||143|| kbIr kaufI kaufI joir kY jory lwK kroir ] (1372-4)kabeer ka-udee ka-udee jor kai joray laakh karor. Kabeer, the mortal gathers wealth, shell by shell, accumulating thousands and millions. clqI bwr n kCu imilE leI lµgotI qoir ]144] (1372-4)chaltee baar na kachh mili-o la-ee langotee tor. ||144|| But when the time of his departure comes, he takes nothing at all with him. He is even stripped of his loin-cloth. ||144|| kbIr bYsno hUAw q ikAw BieAw mwlw mylIN cwir ] (1372-5)kabeer baisno hoo-aa ta ki-aa bha-i-aa maalaa mayleeN chaar. Kabeer, what good is it to become a devotee of Vishnu, and wear four malas? bwhir kMcnu bwrhw BIqir BrI BMgwr ]145] (1372-5)baahar kanchan baarhaa bheetar bharee bhangaar. ||145|| On the outside, he may look like pure gold, but on the inside, he is stuffed with dust. ||145|| kbIr roVw hoie rhu bwt kw qij mn kw AiBmwnu ] (1372-6)kabeer rorhaa ho-ay rahu baat kaa taj man kaa abhimaan. Kabeer, let yourself be a pebble on the path; abandon your egotistical pride. AYsw koeI dwsu hoie qwih imlY Bgvwnu ]146] (1372-6)aisaa ko-ee daas ho-ay taahi milai bhagvaan. ||146|| Such a humble slave shall meet the Lord God. ||146|| kbIr roVw hUAw q ikAw BieAw pMQI kau duKu dyie ] (1372-7)kabeer rorhaa hoo-aa ta ki-aa bha-i-aa panthee ka-o dukh day-ay. Kabeer, what good would it be, to be a pebble? It would only hurt the traveller on the path. AYsw qyrw dwsu hY ijau DrnI mih Kyh ]147] (1372-7)aisaa tayraa daas hai ji-o Dharnee meh khayh. ||147|| Your slave, O Lord, is like the dust of the earth. ||147|| kbIr Kyh hUeI qau ikAw BieAw jau auif lwgY AMg ] (1372-8)kabeer khayh hoo-ee ta-o ki-aa bha-i-aa ja-o ud laagai ang. Kabeer, what then, if one could become dust? It is blown up by the wind, and sticks to the body. hir jnu AYsw cwhIAY ijau pwnI srbMg ]148] (1372-8)har jan aisaa chaahee-ai ji-o paanee sarbang. ||148|| The humble servant of the Lord should be like water, which cleans everything. ||148|| kbIr pwnI hUAw q ikAw BieAw sIrw qwqw hoie ] (1372-9)kabeer paanee hoo-aa ta ki-aa bha-i-aa seeraa taataa ho-ay. Kabeer, what then, if one could become water? It becomes cold, then hot. hir jnu AYsw cwhIAY jYsw hir hI hoie ]149] (1372-9)har jan aisaa chaahee-ai jaisaa har hee ho-ay. ||149|| The humble servant of the Lord should be just like the Lord. ||149|| aUc Bvn knkwmnI isKir Djw Phrwie ] (1372-10)ooch bhavan kankaamnee sikhar Dhajaa fehraa-ay. The banners wave above the lofty mansions, filled with gold and beautiful women. qw qy BlI mDUkrI sMqsMig gun gwie ]150] (1372-10)taa tay bhalee maDhookree satsang gun gaa-ay. ||150|| But better than these is dry bread, if one sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord in the Society of the Saints. ||150|| kbIr pwtn qy aUjru Blw rwm Bgq ijh Twie ] (1372-11)kabeer paatan tay oojar bhalaa raam bhagat jih thaa-ay. Kabeer, the wilderness is better than a city, if the Lord's devotees live there. rwm snyhI bwhrw jm puru myry BWie ]151] (1372-11)raam sanayhee baahraa jam pur mayray bhaaN-ay. ||151|| Without my Beloved Lord, it is like the City of Death for me. ||151|| kbIr gMg jmun ky AMqry shj suMn ky Gwt ] (1372-12)kabeer gang jamun kay antray sahj sunn kay ghaat. Kabeer, between the Ganges and Jamunaa Rivers, on the shore of Celestial Silence, qhw kbIrY mtu kIAw Kojq muin jn bwt ]152] (1372-12)tahaa kabeerai mat kee-aa khojat mun jan baat. ||152|| there, Kabeer has made his home. The silent sages and the humble servants of the Lord search for the way to get there. ||152|| kbIr jYsI aupjI pyf qy jau qYsI inbhY EiV ] (1372-13)kabeer jaisee upjee payd tay ja-o taisee nibhai orh. Kabeer, if the mortal continues to love the Lord in the end, as he pledged in the beginning, hIrw iks kw bwpurw pujih n rqn kroiV ]153] (1372-13)heeraa kis kaa baapuraa pujeh na ratan karorh. ||153|| no poor diamond, not even millions of jewels, can equal him. ||153|| kbIrw eyku AcMBau dyiKE hIrw hwt ibkwie ] (1372-14)kabeeraa ayk achambha-o daykhi-o heeraa haat bikaa-ay. Kabeer, I saw a strange and wonderful thing. A jewel was being sold in a store. bnjnhwry bwhrw kaufI bdlY jwie ]154] (1372-14)banjanhaaray baahraa ka-udee badlai jaa-ay. ||154|| Because there was no buyer, it was going in exchange for a shell. ||154|| kbIrw jhw igAwnu qh Drmu hY jhw JUTu qh pwpu ] (1372-15)kabeeraa jahaa gi-aan tah Dharam hai jahaa jhooth tah paap. Kabeer, where there is spiritual wisdom, there is righteousness and Dharma. Where there is falsehood, there is sin. jhw loBu qh kwlu hY jhw iKmw qh Awip ]155] (1372-15)jahaa lobh tah kaal hai jahaa khimaa tah aap. ||155|| Where there is greed, there is death. Where there is forgiveness, there is God Himself. ||155|| kbIr mwieAw qjI q ikAw BieAw jau mwnu qijAw nhI jwie ] (1372-16)kabeer maa-i-aa tajee ta ki-aa bha-i-aa ja-o maan taji-aa nahee jaa-ay. Kabeer, what good is it to give up Maya, if the mortal does not give up his pride? mwn munI muinvr gly mwnu sBY kau Kwie ]156] (1372-17)maan munee munivar galay maan sabhai ka-o khaa-ay. ||156|| Even the silent sages and seers are destroyed by pride; pride eats up everything. ||156|| kbIr swcw siqguru mY imilAw sbdu ju bwihAw eyku ] (1372-17)kabeer saachaa satgur mai mili-aa sabad jo baahi-aa ayk. Kabeer, the True Guru has met me; He aimed the Arrow of the Shabad at me. lwgq hI Buie imil gieAw pirAw klyjy Cyku ]157] (1372-18)laagat hee bhu-ay mil ga-i-aa pari-aa kalayjay chhayk. ||157|| As soon as it struck me, I fell to the ground with a hole in my heart. ||157|| kbIr swcw siqguru ikAw krY jau isKw mih cUk ] (1372-18)kabeer saachaa satgur ki-aa karai ja-o sikhaa meh chook. Kabeer, what can the True Guru do, when His Sikhs are at fault? AMDy eyk n lwgeI ijau bWsu bjweIAY PUk ]158] (1372-19)anDhay ayk na laag-ee ji-o baaNs bajaa-ee-ai fook. ||158|| The blind do not take in any of His Teachings; it is as useless as blowing into bamboo. ||158|| kbIr hY gY bwhn sGn Gn CqRpqI kI nwir ] (1372-19)kabeer hai gai baahan saghan ghan chhatarpatee kee naar. Kabeer, the wife of the king has all sorts of horses, elephants and carriages. |
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