Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1373 qwsu ptMqr n pujY hir jn kI pinhwir ]159] (1373-1)taas patantar na pujai har jan kee panihaar. ||159|| But she is not equal to the water-carrier of the Lord's humble servant. ||159|| kbIr inRp nwrI ikau inMdIAY ikau hir cyrI kau mwnu ] (1373-2)kabeer nrip naaree ki-o nindee-ai ki-o har chayree ka-o maan. Kabeer, why do you slander the wife of the king? Why do you honor the slave of the Lord? Eh mWg svwrY ibKY kau Eh ismrY hir nwmu ]160] (1373-2)oh maaNg savaarai bikhai ka-o oh simrai har naam. ||160|| Because one combs her hair for corruption, while the other remembers the Name of the Lord. ||160|| kbIr QUnI pweI iQiq BeI siqgur bMDI DIr ] (1373-3)kabeer thoonee paa-ee thit bha-ee satgur banDhee Dheer. Kabeer, with the Support of the Lord's Pillar, I have become steady and stable. kbIr hIrw bnijAw mwn srovr qIr ]161] (1373-3)kabeer heeraa banji-aa maan sarovar teer. ||161|| The True Guru has given me courage. Kabeer, I have purchased the diamond, on the banks of the Mansarovar Lake. ||161|| kbIr hir hIrw jn jauhrI ly kY mWfY hwt ] (1373-4)kabeer har heeraa jan ja-uharee lay kai maaNdai haat. Kabeer, the Lord is the Diamond, and the Lord's humble servant is the jeweller who has set up his shop. jb hI pweIAih pwrKU qb hIrn kI swt ]162] (1373-4)jab hee paa-ee-ah paarkhoo tab heeran kee saat. ||162|| As soon as an appraiser is found, the price of the jewel is set. ||162|| kbIr kwm pry hir ismrIAY AYsw ismrhu inq ] (1373-5)kabeer kaam paray har simree-ai aisaa simrahu nit. Kabeer, you remember the Lord in meditation, only when the need arises. You should remember Him all the time. Amrw pur bwsw krhu hir gieAw bhorY ibq ]163] (1373-5)amraa pur baasaa karahu har ga-i-aa bahorai bit. ||163|| You shall dwell in the city of immortality, and the Lord shall restore the wealth you lost. ||163|| kbIr syvw kau duie Bly eyku sMqu ieku rwmu ] (1373-6)kabeer sayvaa ka-o du-ay bhalay ayk sant ik raam. Kabeer, it is good to perform selfless service for two - the Saints and the Lord. rwmu ju dwqw mukiq ko sMqu jpwvY nwmu ]164] (1373-6)raam jo daataa mukat ko sant japaavai naam. ||164|| The Lord is the Giver of liberation, and the Saint inspires us to chant the Naam. ||164|| kbIr ijh mwrig pMifq gey pwCY prI bhIr ] (1373-7)kabeer jih maarag pandit ga-ay paachhai paree baheer. Kabeer, the crowds follow the path which the Pandits, the religious scholars, have taken. iek AvGt GwtI rwm kI iqh ciV rihE kbIr ]165] (1373-7)ik avghat ghaatee raam kee tih charh rahi-o kabeer. ||165|| There is a difficult and treacherous cliff on that path to the Lord; Kabeer is climbing that cliff. ||165|| kbIr dunIAw ky doKy mUAw cwlq kul kI kwin ] (1373-8)kabeer dunee-aa kay dokhay moo-aa chaalat kul kee kaan. Kabeer, the mortal dies of his worldly troubles and pain, after worrying about his family. qb kulu iks kw lwjsI jb ly Drih mswin ]166] (1373-8)tab kul kis kaa laajsee jab lay Dhareh masaan. ||166|| Whose family is dishonored, when he is placed on the funeral pyre? ||166|| kbIr fUbihgo ry bwpury bhu logn kI kwin ] (1373-9)kabeer doob-higo ray baapuray baho logan kee kaan. Kabeer, you shall drown, you wretched being, from worrying about what other people think. pwrosI ky jo hUAw qU Apny BI jwnu ]167] (1373-10)paarosee kay jo hoo-aa too apnay bhee jaan. ||167|| You know that whatever happens to your neighbors, will also happen to you. ||167|| kbIr BlI mDUkrI nwnw ibiD ko nwju ] (1373-10)kabeer bhalee maDhookree naanaa biDh ko naaj. Kabeer, even dry bread, made of various grains, is good. dwvw kwhU ko nhI bfw dysu bf rwju ]168] (1373-10)daavaa kaahoo ko nahee badaa days bad raaj. ||168|| No one brags about it, throughout the vast country and great empire. ||168|| kbIr dwvY dwJnu hoqu hY inrdwvY rhY insMk ] (1373-11)kabeer daavai daajhan hot hai nirdaavai rahai nisank. Kabeer, those who brag, shall burn. Those who do not brag remain carefree. jo jnu inrdwvY rhY so gnY ieMdR so rMk ]169] (1373-11)jo jan nirdaavai rahai so ganai indar so rank. ||169|| That humble being who does not brag, looks upon the gods and the poor alike. ||169|| kbIr pwil smuhw srvru Brw pI n skY koeI nIru ] (1373-12)kabeer paal samuhaa sarvar bharaa pee na sakai ko-ee neer. Kabeer, the pool is filled to overflowing, but no one can drink the water from it. Bwg bfy qY pwieE qUM Bir Bir pIau kbIr ]170] (1373-12)bhaag baday tai paa-i-o tooN bhar bhar pee-o kabeer. ||170|| By great good fortune, you have found it; drink it in handfuls, O Kabeer. ||170|| kbIr prBwqy qwry iKsih iqau iehu iKsY srIru ] (1373-13)kabeer parbhaatay taaray khiseh ti-o ih khisai sareer. Kabeer, just as the stars disappear at dawn, so shall this body disappear. ey duie AKr nw iKsih so gih rihE kbIru ]171] (1373-13)ay du-ay akhar naa khiseh so geh rahi-o kabeer. ||171|| Only the letters of God's Name do not disappear; Kabeer holds these tight. ||171|| kbIr koTI kwT kI dh idis lwgI Awig ] (1373-14)kabeer kothee kaath kee dah dis laagee aag. Kabeer, the wooden house is burning on all sides. pMifq pMifq jil mUey mUrK aubry Bwig ]172] (1373-14)pandit pandit jal moo-ay moorakh ubray bhaag. ||172|| The Pandits, the religious scholars, have been burnt to death, while the illiterate ones run to safety. ||172|| kbIr sMsw dUir kru kwgd dyh ibhwie ] (1373-15)kabeer sansaa door kar kaagad dayh bihaa-ay. Kabeer, give up your skepticism; let your papers float away. bwvn AKr soiD kY hir crnI icqu lwie ]173] (1373-15)baavan akhar soDh kai har charnee chit laa-ay. ||173|| Find the essence of the letters of the alphabet, and focus your consciousness on the Lord. ||173|| kbIr sMqu n CwfY sMqeI jau koitk imlih AsMq ] (1373-16)kabeer sant na chhaadai sant-ee ja-o kotik mileh asant. Kabeer, the Saint does not forsake his Saintly nature, even though he meets with millions of evil-doers. milAwgru BuXMgm byiFE q sIqlqw n qjMq ]174] (1373-17)mali-aagar bhuyangam baydhi-o ta seetaltaa na tajant. ||174|| Even when sandalwood is surrounded by snakes, it does not give up its cooling fragrance. ||174|| kbIr mnu sIqlu BieAw pwieAw bRhm igAwnu ] (1373-17)kabeer man seetal bha-i-aa paa-i-aa barahm gi-aan. Kabeer, my mind is cooled and soothed; I have become God-conscious. ijin juAwlw jgu jwirAw su jn ky audk smwin ]175] (1373-18)jin ju-aalaa jag jaari-aa so jan kay udak samaan. ||175|| The fire which has burnt the world is like water to the Lord's humble servant. ||175|| kbIr swrI isrjnhwr kI jwnY nwhI koie ] (1373-18)kabeer saaree sirjanhaar kee jaanai naahee ko-ay. Kabeer, no one knows the Play of the Creator Lord. kY jwnY Awpn DnI kY dwsu dIvwnI hoie ]176] (1373-19)kai jaanai aapan Dhanee kai daas deevaanee ho-ay. ||176|| Only the Lord Himself and the slaves at His Court understand it. ||176|| kbIr BlI BeI jo Bau pirAw idsw geˆØI sB BUil ] (1373-19)kabeer bhalee bha-ee jo bha-o pari-aa disaa ga-eeN sabh bhool. Kabeer, it is good that I feel the Fear of God; I have forgotten everything else. |
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