Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1371 kbIr cugY icqwrY BI cugY cuig cuig icqwry ] jYsy bcrih kUMj mn mwieAw mmqw ry ]123] (1371-1)kabeer chugai chitaarai bhee chugai chug chug chitaaray. jaisay bachrahi kooNj man maa-i-aa mamtaa ray. ||123|| Kabeer, the flamingo pecks and feeds, and remembers her chicks. She pecks and pecks and feeds, and remembers them always. Her chicks are very dear to her, just like the love of wealth and Maya is dear to the mortal's mind. ||123|| kbIr AMbr Gnhru CwieAw briK Bry sr qwl ] (1371-2)kabeer ambar ghanhar chhaa-i-aa barakh bharay sar taal. Kabeer, the sky is overcast and cloudy; the ponds and lakes are overflowing with water. cwiqRk ijau qrsq rhY iqn ko kaunu hvwlu ]124] (1371-2)chaatrik ji-o tarsat rahai tin ko ka-un havaal. ||124|| Like the rainbird, some remain thirsty - what is their condition? ||124|| kbIr ckeI jau inis bICurY Awie imlY prBwiq ] (1371-3)kabeer chak-ee ja-o nis beechhurai aa-ay milai parbhaat. Kabeer, the chakvi duck is separated from her love through the night, but in the morning, she meets him again. jo nr ibCury rwm isau nw idn imly n rwiq ]125] (1371-3)jo nar bichhuray raam si-o naa din milay na raat. ||125|| Those who are separated from the Lord do not meet Him in the day, or in the night. ||125|| kbIr rYnwier ibCoirAw rhu ry sMK mJUir ] (1371-4)kabeer rainaa-ir bichhori-aa rahu ray sankh majhoor. Kabeer: O conch shell, remain in the ocean. dyvl dyvl DwhVI dysih augvq sUr ]126] (1371-5)dayval dayval Dhaahrhee dayseh ugvat soor. ||126|| If you are separated from it, you shall scream at sunrise from temple to temple. ||126|| kbIr sUqw ikAw krih jwgu roie BY duK ] (1371-5)kabeer sootaa ki-aa karahi jaag ro-ay bhai dukh. Kabeer, what are you doing sleeping? Wake up and cry in fear and pain. jw kw bwsw gor mih so ikau sovY suK ]127] (1371-6)jaa kaa baasaa gor meh so ki-o sovai sukh. ||127|| Those who live in the grave - how can they sleep in peace? ||127|| kbIr sUqw ikAw krih auiT ik n jpih murwir ] (1371-6)kabeer sootaa ki-aa karahi uth ke na jaapeh muraar. Kabeer, what are you doing sleeping? Why not rise up and meditate on the Lord? iek idn sovnu hoiego lWby gof pswir ]128] (1371-7)ik din sovan ho-igo laaNbay god pasaar. ||128|| One day you shall sleep with your legs outstretched. ||128|| kbIr sUqw ikAw krih bYTw rhu Aru jwgu ] (1371-7)kabeer sootaa ki-aa karahi baithaa rahu ar jaag. Kabeer, what are you doing sleeping? Wake up, and sit up. jw ky sMg qy bICurw qw hI ky sMig lwgu ]129] (1371-8)jaa kay sang tay beechhuraa taa hee kay sang laag. ||129|| Attach yourself to the One, from whom you have been separated. ||129|| kbIr sMq kI gYl n CofIAY mwrig lwgw jwau ] (1371-8)kabeer sant kee gail na chhodee-ai maarag laagaa jaa-o. Kabeer, do not leave the Society of the Saints; walk upon this Path. pyKq hI puMnIq hoie Bytq jpIAY nwau ]130] (1371-9)paykhat hee punneet ho-ay bhaytat japee-ai naa-o. ||130|| See them, and be sanctified; meet them, and chant the Name. ||130|| kbIr swkq sMgu n kIjIAY dUrih jweIAY Bwig ] (1371-9)kabeer saakat sang na keejee-ai dooreh jaa-ee-ai bhaag. Kabeer, do not associate with the faithless cynics; run far away from them. bwsnu kwro prsIAY qau kCu lwgY dwgu ]131] (1371-10)baasan kaaro parsee-ai ta-o kachh laagai daag. ||131|| If you touch a vessel stained with soot, some of the soot will stick to you. ||131|| kbIrw rwmu n cyiqE jrw phUMicE Awie ] (1371-10)kabeeraa raam na chayti-o jaraa pahooNchi-o aa-ay. Kabeer, you have not contemplated the Lord, and now old age has overtaken you. lwgI mMidr duAwr qy Ab ikAw kwiFAw jwie ]132] (1371-11)laagee mandir du-aar tay ab ki-aa kaadhi-aa jaa-ay. ||132|| Now that the door of your mansion is on fire, what can you take out? ||132|| kbIr kwrnu so BieE jo kIno krqwir ] (1371-11)kabeer kaaran so bha-i-o jo keeno kartaar. Kabeer, the Creator does whatever He pleases. iqsu ibnu dUsru ko nhI eykY isrjnhwru ]133] (1371-12)tis bin doosar ko nahee aykai sirjanhaar. ||133|| There is none other than Him; He alone is the Creator of all. ||133|| kbIr Pl lwgy Plin pwkin lwgy AWb ] (1371-12)kabeer fal laagay falan paakan laagay aaNb. Kabeer, the fruit trees are bearing fruit, and the mangoes are becoming ripe. jwie phUcih Ksm kau jau bIic n KwhI kWb ]134] (1371-13)jaa-ay pahoocheh khasam ka-o ja-o beech na khaahee kaaNb. ||134|| They will reach the owner, only if the crows do not eat them first. ||134|| kbIr Twkuru pUjih moil ly mnhiT qIrQ jwih ] (1371-13)kabeer thaakur poojeh mol lay manhath tirath jaahi. Kabeer, some buy idols and worship them; in their stubborn-mindedness, they make pilgrimages to sacred shrines. dyKw dyKI sÍWgu Dir BUly Btkw Kwih ]135] (1371-14)daykhaa daykhee savaaNg Dhar bhoolay bhatkaa khaahi. ||135|| They look at one another, and wear religious robes, but they are deluded and lost. ||135|| kbIr pwhnu prmysuru kIAw pUjY sBu sMswru ] (1371-14)kabeer paahan parmaysur kee-aa poojai sabh sansaar. Kabeer, someone sets up a stone idol and all the world worships it as the Lord. ies Brvwsy jo rhy bUfy kwlI Dwr ]136] (1371-15)is bharvaasay jo rahay booday kaalee Dhaar. ||136|| Those who hold to this belief will be drowned in the river of darkness. ||136|| kbIr kwgd kI EbrI msu ky krm kpwt ] (1371-15)kabeer kaagad kee obree mas kay karam kapaat. Kabeer, the paper is the prison, and the ink of rituals are the bars on the windows. pwhn borI iprQmI pMifq pwVI bwt ]137] (1371-16)paahan boree pirathmee pandit paarhee baat. ||137|| The stone idols have drowned the world, and the Pandits, the religious scholars, have plundered it on the way. ||137|| kbIr kwil krMqw Abih kru Ab krqw suie qwl ] (1371-16)kabeer kaal karantaa abeh kar ab kartaa su-ay taal. Kabeer, that which you have to do tomorrow - do it today instead; and that which you have to do now - do it immediately! pwCY kCU n hoiegw jau isr pir AwvY kwlu ]138] (1371-17)paachhai kachhoo na ho-igaa ja-o sir par aavai kaal. ||138|| Later on, you will not be able to do anything, when death hangs over your head. ||138|| kbIr AYsw jMqu ieku dyiKAw jYsI DoeI lwK ] (1371-17)kabeer aisaa jant ik daykhi-aa jaisee Dho-ee laakh. Kabeer, I have seen a person, who is as shiny as washed wax. dIsY cMclu bhu gunw miq hInw nwpwk ]139] (1371-18)deesai chanchal baho gunaa mat heenaa naapaak. ||139|| He seems very clever and very virtuous, but in reality, he is without understanding, and corrupt. ||139|| kbIr myrI buiD kau jmu n krY iqskwr ] (1371-18)kabeer mayree buDh ka-o jam na karai tiskaar. Kabeer, the Messenger of Death shall not compromise my understanding. ijin iehu jmUAw isrijAw su jipAw privdgwr ]140] (1371-19)jin ih jamoo-aa sirji-aa so japi-aa parvidagaar. ||140|| I have meditated on the Lord, the Cherisher, who created this Messenger of Death. ||140|| kbIru ksqUrI BieAw Bvr Bey sB dws ] (1371-19)kabeer kastooree bha-i-aa bhavar bha-ay sabh daas. Kabeer, the Lord is like musk; all His slaves are like bumble bees. |
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