Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


Awp fuby chu byd mih cyly dIey bhwie ]104] (1370-1)
aap dubay chahu bayd meh chaylay dee-ay bahaa-ay. ||104||
He himself is drowning in the four Vedas; he drowns his disciples as well. ||104||

kbIr jyqy pwp kIey rwKy qlY durwie ] (1370-1)
kabeer jaytay paap kee-ay raakhay talai duraa-ay.
Kabeer, whatever sins the mortal has committed, he tries to keep hidden under cover.

prgt Bey indwn sB jb pUCy Drm rwie ]105] (1370-1)
pargat bha-ay nidaan sabh jab poochhay Dharam raa-ay. ||105||
But in the end, they shall all be revealed, when the Righteous Judge of Dharma investigates. ||105||

kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY pwilE bhuqu kutMbu ] (1370-2)
kabeer har kaa simran chhaad kai paali-o bahut kutamb.
Kabeer, you have given up meditating on the Lord, and you have raised a large family.

DMDw krqw rih gieAw BweI rihAw n bMDu ]106] (1370-3)
DhanDhaa kartaa reh ga-i-aa bhaa-ee rahi-aa na banDh. ||106||
You continue to involve yourself in worldly affairs, but none of your brothers and relatives remain. ||106||

kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY rwiq jgwvn jwie ] (1370-3)
kabeer har kaa simran chhaad kai raat jagaavan jaa-ay.
Kabeer, those who give up meditation on the Lord, and get up at night to wake the spirits of the dead,

srpin hoie kY AauqrY jwey Apuny Kwie ]107] (1370-4)
sarpan ho-ay kai a-utarai jaa-ay apunay khaa-ay. ||107||
shall be reincarnated as snakes, and eat their own offspring. ||107||

kbIr hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY AhoeI rwKY nwir ] (1370-4)
kabeer har kaa simran chhaad kai aho-ee raakhai naar.
Kabeer, the woman who gives up meditation on the Lord, and observes the ritual fast of Ahoi,

gdhI hoie kY AauqrY Bwru shY mn cwir ]108] (1370-5)
gadhee ho-ay kai a-utarai bhaar sahai man chaar. ||108||
shall be reincarnated as a donkey, to carry heavy burdens. ||108||

kbIr cqurweI Aiq GnI hir jip ihrdY mwih ] (1370-5)
kabeer chaturaa-ee at ghanee har jap hirdai maahi.
Kabeer, it is the most clever wisdom, to chant and meditate on the Lord in the heart.

sUrI aUpir Kylnw igrY q Twhr nwih ]109] (1370-6)
sooree oopar khaylnaa girai ta thaahar naahi. ||109||
It is like playing on a pig; if you fall off, you will find no place of rest. ||109||

kbIr suoeI muKu DMin hY jw muiK khIAY rwmu ] (1370-6)
kabeer so-ee mukh Dhan hai jaa mukh kahee-ai raam.
Kabeer, blessed is that mouth, which utters the Lord's Name.

dyhI iks kI bwpurI pivqRü hoiego gRwmu ]110] (1370-7)
dayhee kis kee baapuree pavitar ho-igo garaam. ||110||
It purifies the body, and the whole village as well. ||110||

kbIr soeI kul BlI jw kul hir ko dwsu ] (1370-7)
kabeer so-ee kul bhalee jaa kul har ko daas.
Kabeer, that family is good, in which the Lord's slave is born.

ijh kul dwsu n aUpjY so kul Fwku plwsu ]111] (1370-8)
jih kul daas na oopjai so kul dhaak palaas. ||111||
But that family in which the Lord's slave is not born is as useless as weeds. ||111||

kbIr hY gie bwhn sGn Gn lwK Djw Phrwih ] (1370-8)
kabeer hai ga-ay baahan saghan ghan laakh Dhajaa fahraahi.
Kabeer, some have lots of horses, elephants and carriages, and thousands of banners waving.

ieAw suK qy iBK´w BlI jau hir ismrq idn jwih ]112] (1370-9)
i-aa sukh tay bhikh-yaa bhalee ja-o har simrat din jaahi. ||112||
But begging is better than these comforts, if one spends his days meditating in remembrance on the Lord. ||112||

kbIr sBu jgu hau iPirE mWdlu kMD cFwie ] (1370-9)
kabeer sabh jag ha-o firi-o maaNdal kanDh chadhaa-ay.
Kabeer, I have wandered all over the world, carrying the drum on my shoulder.

koeI kwhU ko nhI sB dyKI Toik bjwie ]113] (1370-10)
ko-ee kaahoo ko nahee sabh daykhee thok bajaa-ay. ||113||
No one belongs to anyone else; I have looked and carefully studied it. ||113||

mwrig moqI bIQry AMDw inkisE Awie ] (1370-10)
maarag motee beethray anDhaa niksi-o aa-ay.
The pearls are scattered on the road; the blind man comes along.

joiq ibnw jgdIs kI jgqu aulµGy jwie ]114] (1370-11)
jot binaa jagdees kee jagat ulanghay jaa-ay. ||114||
Without the Light of the Lord of the Universe, the world just passes them by. ||114||

bUfw bMsu kbIr kw aupijE pUqu kmwlu ] (1370-11)
boodaa bans kabeer kaa upji-o poot kamaal.
My family is drowned, O Kabeer, since the birth of my son Kamaal.

hir kw ismrnu Cwif kY Gir ly AwXw mwlu ]115] (1370-12)
har kaa simran chhaad kai ghar lay aa-yaa maal. ||115||
He has given up meditating on the Lord, in order to bring home wealth. ||115||

kbIr swDU kau imlny jweIAY swiQ n lIjY koie ] (1370-12)
kabeer saaDhoo ka-o milnay jaa-ee-ai saath na leejai ko-ay.
Kabeer, go out to meet the holy man; do not take anyone else with you.

pwCY pwau n dIjIAY AwgY hoie su hoie ]116] (1370-13)
paachhai paa-o na deejee-ai aagai ho-ay so ho-ay. ||116||
Do not turn back - keep on going. Whatever will be, will be. ||116||

kbIr jgu bwiDE ijh jyvrI iqh mq bMDhu kbIr ] (1370-13)
kabeer jag baaDhi-o jih jayvree tih mat banDhhu kabeer.
Kabeer, do not bind yourself with that chain, which binds the whole world.

jYhih Awtw lon ijau son smwin srIru ]117] (1370-14)
jaiheh aataa lon ji-o son samaan sareer. ||117||
As the salt is lost in the flour, so shall your golden body be lost. ||117||

kbIr hMsu auifE qnu gwifE soJweI sYnwh ] (1370-15)
kabeer hans udi-o tan gaadi-o sojhaa-ee sainaah.
Kabeer, the soul-swan is flying away, and the body is being buried, and still he makes gestures.

AjhU jIau n CofeI rMkweI nYnwh ]118] (1370-15)
ajhoo jee-o na chhod-ee rankaa-ee nainaah. ||118||
Even then, the mortal does not give up the cruel look in his eyes. ||118||

kbIr nYn inhwrau quJ kau sRvn sunau quA nwau ] (1370-15)
kabeer nain nihaara-o tujh ka-o sarvan sun-o tu-a naa-o.
Kabeer: with my eyes, I see You, Lord; with my ears, I hear Your Name.

bYn aucrau quA nwm jI crn kml ird Twau ]119] (1370-16)
bain uchara-o tu-a naam jee charan kamal rid thaa-o. ||119||
With my tongue I chant Your Name; I enshrine Your Lotus Feet within my heart. ||119||

kbIr surg nrk qy mY rihE siqgur ky prswid ] (1370-17)
kabeer surag narak tay mai rahi-o satgur kay parsaad.
Kabeer, I have been spared from heaven and hell, by the Grace of the True Guru.

crn kml kI mauj mih rhau AMiq Aru Awid ]120] (1370-17)
charan kamal kee ma-uj meh raha-o ant ar aad. ||120||
From beginning to end, I abide in the joy of the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||120||

kbIr crn kml kI mauj ko kih kYsy aunmwn ] (1370-18)
kabeer charan kamal kee ma-uj ko kahi kaisay unmaan.
Kabeer, how can I even describe the extent of the joy of the Lord's Lotus Feet?

kihby kau soBw nhI dyKw hI prvwnu ]121] (1370-18)
kahibay ka-o sobhaa nahee daykhaa hee parvaan. ||121||
I cannot describe its sublime glory; it has to be seen to be appreciated. ||121||

kbIr dyiK kY ikh khau khy n ko pqIAwie ] (1370-19)
kabeer daykh kai kih kaha-o kahay na ko patee-aa-ay.
Kabeer, how can I describe what I have seen? No one will believe my words.

hir jYsw qYsw auhI rhau hriK gun gwie ]122] (1370-19)
har jaisaa taisaa uhee raha-o harakh gun gaa-ay. ||122||
The Lord is just as He is. I dwell in delight, singing His Glorious Praises. ||122||