kbIr mnu pMKI BieE auif auif dh ids jwie ] (1369-1)
kabeer man pankhee bha-i-o ud ud dah dis jaa-ay.
Kabeer, the mind has become a bird; it soars and flies in the ten directions.
jo jYsI sMgiq imlY so qYso Plu Kwie ]86] (1369-1)
jo jaisee sangat milai so taiso fal khaa-ay. ||86||
According to the company it keeps, so are the fruits it eats. ||86||
kbIr jw kau Kojqy pwieE soeI Tauru ] (1369-2)
kabeer jaa ka-o khojtay paa-i-o so-ee tha-ur.
Kabeer, you have found that place which you were seeking.
soeI iPir kY qU BieAw jw kau khqw Aauru ]87] (1369-2)
so-ee fir kai too bha-i-aa jaa ka-o kahtaa a-or. ||87||
You have become that which you thought was separate from yourself. ||87||
kbIr mwrI mrau kusMg kI kyly inkit ju byir ] (1369-3)
kabeer maaree mara-o kusang kee kaylay nikat jo bayr.
Kabeer, I have been ruined and destroyed by bad company, like the banana plant near the thorn bush.
auh JUlY auh cIrIAY swkq sMgu n hyir ]88] (1369-3)
uh jhoolai uh cheeree-ai saakat sang na hayr. ||88||
The thorn bush waves in the wind, and pierces the banana plant; see this, and do not associate with the faithless cynics. ||88||
kbIr Bwr prweI isir crY cilE cwhY bwt ] (1369-4)
kabeer bhaar paraa-ee sir charai chali-o chaahai baat.
Kabeer, the mortal wants to walk on the path, carrying the load of others' sins on his head.
Apny Bwrih nw frY AwgY AauGt Gwt ]89] (1369-4)
apnay bhaareh naa darai aagai a-ughat ghaat. ||89||
He is not afraid of his own load of sins; the road ahead shall be difficult and treacherous. ||89||
kbIr bn kI dwDI lwkrI TwFI krY pukwr ] (1369-5)
kabeer ban kee daaDhee laakree thaadhee karai pukaar.
Kabeer, the forest is burning; the tree standing in it is crying out,
miq bis prau luhwr ky jwrY dUjI bwr ]90] (1369-5)
mat bas para-o luhaar kay jaarai doojee baar. ||90||
"Do not let me fall into the hands of the blacksmith, who would burn me a second time."||90||
kbIr eyk mrMqy duie mUey doie mrMqh cwir ] (1369-6)
kabeer ayk marantay du-ay moo-ay do-ay marantah chaar.
Kabeer, when one died, two were dead. When two died, four were dead.
cwir mrMqh Ch mUey cwir purK duie nwir ]91] (1369-6)
chaar marantah chhah moo-ay chaar purakh du-ay naar. ||91||
When four died, six were dead, four males and two females. ||91||
kbIr dyiK dyiK jgu FUMiFAw khUM n pwieAw Tauru ] (1369-7)
kabeer daykh daykh jag dhooNdhi-aa kahoo-aN na paa-i-aa tha-ur.
Kabeer, I have seen and observed, and searched all over the world, but I have found no place of rest anywhere.
ijin hir kw nwmu n cyiqE khw Bulwny Aaur ]92] (1369-7)
jin har kaa naam na chayti-o kahaa bhulaanay a-or. ||92||
Those who do not remember the Lord's Name - why do they delude themselves in other pursuits? ||92||
kbIr sMgiq krIAY swD kI AMiq krY inrbwhu ] (1369-8)
kabeer sangat karee-ai saaDh kee ant karai nirbaahu.
Kabeer, associate with the Holy people, who will take you to Nirvaanaa in the end.
swkq sMgu n kIjIAY jw qy hoie ibnwhu ]93] (1369-8)
saakat sang na keejee-ai jaa tay ho-ay binaahu. ||93||
Do not associate with the faithless cynics; they would bring you to ruin. ||93||
kbIr jg mih cyiqE jwin kY jg mih rihE smwie ] (1369-9)
kabeer jag meh chayti-o jaan kai jag meh rahi-o samaa-ay.
Kabeer, I contemplate the Lord in the world; I know that He is permeating the world.
ijn hir kw nwmu n cyiqE bwdih jnmyN Awie ]94] (1369-9)
jin har kaa naam na chayti-o baadeh janmayN aa-ay. ||94||
Those who do not contemplate the Name of the Lord - their birth into this world is useless. ||94||
kbIr Awsw krIAY rwm kI AvrY Aws inrws ] (1369-10)
kabeer aasaa karee-ai raam kee avrai aas niraas.
Kabeer, place your hopes in the Lord; other hopes lead to despair.
nrik prih qy mwneI jo hir nwm audws ]95] (1369-10)
narak pareh tay maan-ee jo har naam udaas. ||95||
Those who dissociate themselves from the Lord's Name - when they fall into hell, then they will appreciate its value. ||95||
kbIr isK swKw bhuqy kIey kyso kIE n mIqu ] (1369-11)
kabeer sikh saakhaa bahutay kee-ay kayso kee-o na meet.
Kabeer has made many students and disciples, but he has not made God his friend.
cwly Qy hir imln kau bIcY AtikE cIqu ]96] (1369-11)
chaalay thay har milan ka-o beechai atki-o cheet. ||96||
He set out on a journey to meet the Lord, but his consciousness failed him half-way. ||96||
kbIr kwrnu bpurw ikAw krY jau rwmu n krY shwie ] (1369-12)
kabeer kaaran bapuraa ki-aa karai ja-o raam na karai sahaa-ay.
Kabeer, what can the poor creature do, if the Lord does not give him assistance?
ijh ijh fwlI pgu Drau soeI muir muir jwie ]97] (1369-13)
jih jih daalee pag Dhara-o so-ee mur mur jaa-ay. ||97||
Whatever branch he steps on breaks and collapses. ||97||
kbIr Avrh kau aupdysqy muK mY pir hY ryqu ] (1369-13)
kabeer avrah ka-o updaystay mukh mai par hai rayt.
Kabeer, those who only preach to others - sand falls into their mouths.
rwis ibrwnI rwKqy KwXw Gr kw Kyqu ]98] (1369-14)
raas biraanee raakh-tay khaa-yaa ghar kaa khayt. ||98||
They keep their eyes on the property of others, while their own farm is being eaten up. ||98||
kbIr swDU kI sMgiq rhau jau kI BUsI Kwau ] (1369-14)
kabeer saaDhoo kee sangat raha-o ja-o kee bhoosee khaa-o.
Kabeer, I will remain in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, even if I have only coarse bread to eat.
honhwru so hoiehY swkq sMig n jwau ]99] (1369-15)
honhaar so ho-ihai saakat sang na jaa-o. ||99||
Whatever will be, will be. I will not associate with the faithless cynics. ||99||
kbIr sMgiq swD kI idn idn dUnw hyqu ] (1369-15)
kabeer sangat saaDh kee din din doonaa hayt.
Kabeer, in the Saadh Sangat, love for the Lord doubles day by day.
swkq kwrI kWbrI Doey hoie n syqu ]100] (1369-15)
saakat kaaree kaaNbree Dho-ay ho-ay na sayt. ||100||
The faithless cynic is like a black blanket, which does not become white by being washed. ||100||
kbIr mnu mUMifAw nhI kys muMfwey kWie ] (1369-16)
kabeer man mooNdi-aa nahee kays mundaa-ay kaaN-ay.
Kabeer, you have not shaved your mind, so why do you shave your head?
jo ikCu kIAw so mn kIAw mUMfw mUMfu AjWie ]101] (1369-16)
jo kichh kee-aa so man kee-aa mooNdaa moond ajaaN-ay. ||101||
Whatever is done, is done by the mind; it is useless to shave your head. ||101||
kbIr rwmu n CofIAY qnu Dnu jwie q jwau ] (1369-17)
kabeer raam na chhodee-ai tan Dhan jaa-ay ta jaa-o.
Kabeer, do not abandon the Lord; your body and wealth shall go, so let them go.
crn kml icqu byiDAw rwmih nwim smwau ]102] (1369-17)
charan kamal chit bayDhi-aa raameh naam samaa-o. ||102||
My consciousness is pierced by the Lord's Lotus Feet; I am absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||102||
kbIr jo hm jMqu bjwvqy tUit geIN sB qwr ] (1369-18)
kabeer jo ham jant bajaavtay toot ga-eeN sabh taar.
Kabeer, all the strings of the instrument I played are broken.
jMqu ibcwrw ikAw krY cly bjwvnhwr ]103] (1369-18)
jant bichaaraa ki-aa karai chalay bajaavanhaar. ||103||
What can the poor instrument do, when the player has departed as well. ||103||
kbIr mwie mUMfau iqh gurU kI jw qy Brmu n jwie ] (1369-19)
kabeer maa-ay moonda-o tih guroo kee jaa tay bharam na jaa-ay.
Kabeer, shave the mother of that guru, who does not take away one's doubt.