Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1368 jb dyiKE byVw jrjrw qb auqir pirE hau Prik ]67] (1368-1)jab daykhi-o bayrhaa jarjaraa tab utar pari-o ha-o farak. ||67|| When I saw that my boat was rotten, then I immediately got out. ||67|| kbIr pwpI Bgiq n BwveI hir pUjw n suhwie ] (1368-2)kabeer paapee bhagat na bhaav-ee har poojaa na suhaa-ay. Kabeer, the sinner does not like devotion to the Lord; he does not appreciate worship. mwKI cMdnu prhrY jh ibgMD qh jwie ]68] (1368-2)maakhee chandan parharai jah biganDh tah jaa-ay. ||68|| The fly abandons the sandalwood tree, and goes after the rotten smell. ||68|| kbIr bYdu mUAw rogI mUAw mUAw sBu sMswru ] (1368-3)kabeer baid moo-aa rogee moo-aa moo-aa sabh sansaar. Kabeer, the physician is dead, and the patient is dead; the whole world is dead. eyku kbIrw nw mUAw ijh nwhI rovnhwru ]69] (1368-3)ayk kabeeraa naa moo-aa jih naahee rovanhaar. ||69|| Only Kabeer is not dead; there is no one to mourn for him. ||69|| kbIr rwmu n iDAwieE motI lwgI Koir ] (1368-4)kabeer raam na Dhi-aa-i-o motee laagee khor. Kabeer, I have not meditated on the Lord; such is the bad habit I have developed. kwieAw hWfI kwT kI nw Eh crHY bhoir ]70] (1368-4)kaa-i-aa haaNdee kaath kee naa oh charHai bahor. ||70|| The body is a wooden pot; it cannot be put back on the fire. ||70|| kbIr AYsI hoie prI mn ko Bwvqu kInu ] (1368-4)kabeer aisee ho-ay paree man ko bhaavat keen. Kabeer, it came to pass, that I did whatever I pleased. mrny qy ikAw frpnw jb hwiQ isDaurw lIn ]71] (1368-5)marnay tay ki-aa darapnaa jab haath siDha-uraa leen. ||71|| Why should I be afraid of death? I have invited death for myself. ||71|| kbIr rs ko gWfo cUsIAY gun kau mrIAY roie ] (1368-5)kabeer ras ko gaaNdo choosee-ai gun ka-o maree-ai ro-ay. Kabeer, the mortals suck at the sugar cane, for the sake of the sweet juice. They should work just as hard for virtue. AvgunIAwry mwnsY Blo n kihhY koie ]72] (1368-6)avgunee-aaray maansai bhalo na kahihai ko-ay. ||72|| The person who lacks virtue - no one calls him good. ||72|| kbIr gwgir jl BrI Awju kwil@ jYhY PUit ] (1368-6)kabeer gaagar jal bharee aaj kaaliH jaihai foot. Kabeer, the pitcher is full of water; it will break, today or tomorrow. guru ju n cyqih Awpno AD mwiJ lIjihgy lUit ]73] (1368-7)gur jo na cheeteh aapno aDh maajh leejhigay loot. ||73|| Those who do not remember their Guru, shall be plundered on the way. ||73|| kbIr kUkru rwm ko muqIAw myro nwau ] (1368-8)kabeer kookar raam ko mutee-aa mayro naa-o. Kabeer, I am the Lord's dog; Moti is my name. gly hmwry jyvrI jh iKMcY qh jwau ]74] (1368-8)galay hamaaray jayvree jah khinchai tah jaa-o. ||74|| There is a chain around my neck; wherever I am pulled, I go. ||74|| kbIr jpnI kwT kI ikAw idKlwvih loie ] (1368-8)kabeer japnee kaath kee ki-aa dikhlaavahi lo-ay. Kabeer, why do you show other people your rosary beads? ihrdY rwmu n cyqhI ieh jpnI ikAw hoie ]75] (1368-9)hirdai raam na chaythee ih japnee ki-aa ho-ay. ||75|| You do not remember the Lord in your heart, so what use is this rosary to you? ||75|| kbIr ibrhu BuXMgmu min bsY mMqu n mwnY koie ] (1368-9)kabeer birahu bhuyangam man basai mant na maanai ko-ay. Kabeer, the snake of separation from the Lord abides within my mind; it does not respond to any mantra. rwm ibEgI nw jIAY jIAY q baurw hoie ]76] (1368-10)raam bi-ogee naa jee-ai jee-ai ta ba-uraa ho-ay. ||76|| One who is separated from the Lord does not live; if he does live, he goes insane. ||76|| kbIr pwrs cMdnY iqn@ hY eyk sugMD ] (1368-10)kabeer paaras chandnai tinH hai ayk suganDh. Kabeer, the philosopher's stone and sandalwood oil have the same good quality. iqh imil qyaU aUqm Bey loh kwT inrgMD ]77] (1368-11)tih mil tay-oo ootam bha-ay loh kaath nirganDh. ||77|| Whatever comes into contact with them is uplifted. Iron is transformed into gold, and ordinary wood becomes fragrant. ||77|| kbIr jm kw TyNgw burw hY Ehu nhI sihAw jwie ] (1368-11)kabeer jam kaa thayNgaa buraa hai oh nahee sahi-aa jaa-ay. Kabeer, Death's club is terrible; it cannot be endured. eyku ju swDU muoih imilE iqin@ lIAw AMcil lwie ]78] (1368-12)ayk jo saaDhoo mohi mili-o tiniH lee-aa anchal laa-ay. ||78|| I have met with the holy man; he has attached me to the hem of his robe. ||78|| kbIr bYdu khY hau hI Blw dwrU myrY vis ] (1368-12)kabeer baid kahai ha-o hee bhalaa daaroo mayrai vas. Kabeer, the physician says that he alone is good, and all the medicine is under his control. ieh qau bsqu gupwl kI jb BwvY lyie Kis ]79] (1368-13)ih ta-o basat gupaal kee jab bhaavai lay-ay khas. ||79|| But these things belong to the Lord; He takes them away whenever He wishes. ||79|| kbIr naubiq AwpnI idn ds lyhu bjwie ] (1368-14)kabeer na-ubat aapnee din das layho bajaa-ay. Kabeer, take your drum and beat it for ten days. ndI nwv sMjog ijau bhuir n imlhY Awie ]80] (1368-14)nadee naav sanjog ji-o bahur na milhai aa-ay. ||80|| Life is like people meeting on a boat on a river; they shall not meet again. ||80|| kbIr swq smuMdih msu krau klm krau bnrwie ] (1368-15)kabeer saat samundeh mas kara-o kalam kara-o banraa-ay. Kabeer, if I could change the seven seas into ink and make all the vegetation my pen, bsuDw kwgdu jau krau hir jsu ilKnu n jwie ]81] (1368-15)basuDhaa kaagad ja-o kara-o har jas likhan na jaa-ay. ||81|| and the earth my paper, even then, I could not write the Praises of the Lord. ||81|| kbIr jwiq julwhw ikAw krY ihrdY bsy gupwl ] (1368-16)kabeer jaat julaahaa ki-aa karai hirdai basay gupaal. Kabeer, what can my lowly status as a weaver do to me? The Lord dwells in my heart. kbIr rmeIAw kMiT imlu cUkih srb jMjwl ]82] (1368-16)kabeer rama-ee-aa kanth mil chookeh sarab janjaal. ||82|| Kabeer, the Lord hugs me close in His Embrace; I have forsaken all my entanglements. ||82|| kbIr AYsw ko nhI mMdru dyie jrwie ] (1368-17)kabeer aisaa ko nahee mandar day-ay jaraa-ay. Kabeer, will anyone set fire to his home pWcau lirky mwir kY rhY rwm ilau lwie ]83] (1368-17)paaNcha-o larikay maar kai rahai raam li-o laa-ay. ||83|| and kill his five sons (the five thieves) to remain lovingly attached to the Lord? ||83|| kbIr AYsw ko nhI iehu qnu dyvY PUik ] (1368-18)kabeer aisaa ko nahee ih tan dayvai fook. Kabeer, will anyone burn his own body? AMDw logu n jwneI rihE kbIrw kUik ]84] (1368-18)anDhaa log na jaan-ee rahi-o kabeeraa kook. ||84|| The people are blind - they do not know, although Kabeer continues to shout at them. ||84|| kbIr sqI pukwrY ich cVI sunu ho bIr mswn ] (1368-19)kabeer satee pukaarai chih charhee sun ho beer masaan. Kabeer, the widow mounts the funeral pyre and cries out, "Listen, O brother funeral pyre. logu sbwieAw cil gieE hm qum kwmu indwn ]85] (1368-19)log sabaa-i-aa chal ga-i-o ham tum kaam nidaan. ||85|| All people must depart in the end; it is only you and I."||85|| |
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