Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1367 kbIr QorY jil mwCulI JIvir myilE jwlu ] (1367-1)kabeer thorai jal maachhulee jheevar mayli-o jaal. Kabeer, the fish is in the shallow water; the fisherman has cast his net. ieh toGnY n CUtsih iPir kir smuMdu sm@wil ]49] (1367-1)ih toghnai na chhootsahi fir kar samund samHaal. ||49|| You shall not escape this little pool; think about returning to the ocean. ||49|| kbIr smuMdu n CofIAY jau Aiq Kwro hoie ] (1367-2)kabeer samund na chhodee-ai ja-o at khaaro ho-ay. Kabeer, do not leave the ocean, even if it is very salty. poKir poKir FUFqy Blo n kihhY koie ]50] (1367-3)pokhar pokhar dhoodh-tay bhalo na kahihai ko-ay. ||50|| If you poke around searching from puddle to puddle, no one will call you smart. ||50|| kbIr ingusWeyN bih gey QWGI nwhI koie ] (1367-3)kabeer nigusaaN-ayN bahi ga-ay thaaNghee naahee ko-ay. Kabeer, those who have no guru are washed away. No one can help them. dIn grIbI AwpunI krqy hoie su hoie ]51] (1367-3)deen gareebee aapunee kartay ho-ay so ho-ay. ||51|| Be meek and humble; whatever happens is what the Creator Lord does. ||51|| kbIr bYsnau kI kUkir BlI swkq kI burI mwie ] (1367-4)kabeer baisna-o kee kookar bhalee saakat kee buree maa-ay. Kabeer, even the dog of a devotee is good, while the mother of the faithless cynic is bad. Eh inq sunY hir nwm jsu auh pwp ibswhn jwie ]52] (1367-5)oh nit sunai har naam jas uh paap bisaahan jaa-ay. ||52|| The dog hears the Praises of the Lord's Name, while the other is engaged in sin. ||52|| kbIr hrnw dUblw iehu hrIAwrw qwlu ] (1367-5)kabeer harnaa dooblaa ih haree-aaraa taal. Kabeer, the deer is weak, and the pool is lush with green vegetation. lwK AhyrI eyku jIau kyqw bMcau kwlu ]53] (1367-6)laakh ahayree ayk jee-o kaytaa bancha-o kaal. ||53|| Thousands of hunters are chasing after the soul; how long can it escape death? ||53|| kbIr gMgw qIr ju Gru krih pIvih inrml nIru ] (1367-6)kabeer gangaa teer jo ghar karahi peeveh nirmal neer. Kabeer, some make their homes on the banks of the Ganges, and drink pure water. ibnu hir Bgiq n mukiq hoie ieau kih rmy kbIr ]54] (1367-7)bin har bhagat na mukat ho-ay i-o kahi ramay kabeer. ||54|| Without devotional worship of the Lord, they are not liberated. Kabeer proclaims this. ||54|| kbIr mnu inrmlu BieAw jYsw gMgw nIru ] (1367-7)kabeer man nirmal bha-i-aa jaisaa gangaa neer. Kabeer, my mind has become immaculate, like the waters of the Ganges. pwCY lwgo hir iPrY khq kbIr kbIr ]55] (1367-8)paachhai laago har firai kahat kabeer kabeer. ||55|| The Lord follows after me, calling, "Kabeer! Kabeer!"||55|| kbIr hrdI pIArI cUMnW aUjl Bwie ] (1367-8)kabeer hardee pee-aree chooNnaaN oojal bhaa-ay. Kabeer, tumeric is yelow, and lime is white. rwm snyhI qau imlY donau brn gvwie ]56] (1367-9)raam sanayhee ta-o milai don-o baran gavaa-ay. ||56|| You shall meet the Beloved Lord, only when both colors are lost. ||56|| kbIr hrdI pIrqnu hrY cUn ichnu n rhwie ] (1367-9)kabeer hardee peertan harai choon chihan na rahaa-ay. Kabeer, tumeric has lost its yellow color, and no trace of lime's whiteness remains. bilhwrI ieh pRIiq kau ijh jwiq brnu kulu jwie ]57] (1367-10)balihaaree ih pareet ka-o jih jaat baran kul jaa-ay. ||57|| I am a sacrifice to this love, by which social class and status, color and ancestry are taken away. ||57|| kbIr mukiq duAwrw sMkurw rweI dseyN Bwie ] (1367-10)kabeer mukat du-aaraa sankuraa raa-ee das-ayN bhaa-ay. Kabeer, the door of liberation is very narrow, less than the width of a mustard seed. mnu qau mYglu hoie rihE inkso ikau kY jwie ]58] (1367-11)man ta-o maigal ho-ay rahi-o nikso ki-o kai jaa-ay. ||58|| Your mind is larger than an elephant; how will it pass through? ||58|| kbIr AYsw siqguru jy imlY quTw kry pswau ] (1367-11)kabeer aisaa satgur jay milai tuthaa karay pasaa-o. Kabeer, if I meet such a True Guru, who mercifully blesses me with the gift, mukiq duAwrw moklw shjy Awvau jwau ]59] (1367-12)mukat du-aaraa moklaa sehjay aava-o jaa-o. ||59|| then the door of liberation will open wide for me, and I will easily pass through. ||59|| kbIr nw muoih Cwin n CwprI nw muoih Gru nhI gwau ] (1367-12)kabeer naa mohi chhaan na chhaapree naa mohi ghar nahee gaa-o. Kabeer, I have no hut or hovel, no house or village. mq hir pUCY kaunu hY myry jwiq n nwau ]60] (1367-13)mat har poochhai ka-un hai mayray jaat na naa-o. ||60|| I hope that the Lord will not ask who I am. I have no social status or name. ||60|| kbIr muih mrny kw cwau hY mrau q hir kY duAwr ] (1367-13)kabeer muhi marnay kaa chaa-o hai mara-o ta har kai du-aar. Kabeer, I long to die; let me die at the Lord's Door. mq hir pUCY kaunu hY prw hmwrY bwr ]61] (1367-14)mat har poochhai ka-un hai paraa hamaarai baar. ||61|| I hope that the Lord does not ask, "Who is this, lying at my door?"||61|| kbIr nw hm kIAw n krihgy nw kir skY srIru ] (1367-14)kabeer naa ham kee-aa na karhigay naa kar sakai sareer. Kabeer, I have not done anything; I shall not do anything; my body cannot do anything. ikAw jwnau ikCu hir kIAw BieE kbIru kbIru ]62] (1367-15)ki-aa jaan-o kichh har kee-aa bha-i-o kabeer kabeer. ||62|| I do not know what the Lord has done, but the call has gone out: "Kabeer, Kabeer."||62|| kbIr supnY hU brVwie kY ijh muiK inksY rwmu ] (1367-15)kabeer supnai hoo barrhaa-ay kai jih mukh niksai raam. Kabeer, if someone utters the Name of the Lord even in dreams, qw ky pg kI pwnhI myry qn ko cwmu ]63] (1367-16)taa kay pag kee paanhee mayray tan ko chaam. ||63|| I would make my skin into shoes for his feet. ||63|| kbIr mwtI ky hm pUqry mwnsu rwiKEu nwau ] (1367-16)kabeer maatee kay ham pootray maanas raakhi-o naa-o. Kabeer, we are puppets of clay, but we take the name of mankind. cwir idvs ky pwhuny bf bf rUMDih Twau ]64] (1367-17)chaar divas kay paahunay bad bad rooNDheh thaa-o. ||64|| We are guests here for only a few days, but we take up so much space. ||64|| kbIr mihdI kir GwilAw Awpu pIswie pIswie ] (1367-17)kabeer mahidee kar ghaali-aa aap peesaa-ay peesaa-ay. Kabeer, I have made myself into henna, and I grind myself into powder. qY sh bwq n pUCIAY kbhu n lweI pwie ]65] (1367-18)tai sah baat na poochhee-ai kabahu na laa-ee paa-ay. ||65|| But You, O my Husband Lord, have not asked about me; You have never applied me to Your Feet. ||65|| kbIr ijh dir Awvq jwiqAhu htkY nwhI koie ] (1367-18)kabeer jih dar aavat jaati-ahu hatkai naahee ko-ay. Kabeer, that door, through which people never stop coming and going so dru kYsy CofIAY jo dru AYsw hoie ]66] (1367-19)so dar kaisay chhodee-ai jo dar aisaa ho-ay. ||66|| - how can I leave such a door as that? ||66|| kbIr fUbw Qw pY aubirE gun kI lhir Jbik ] (1367-19)kabeer doobaa thaa pai ubri-o gun kee lahar jhabak. Kabeer, I was drowning, but the waves of virtue saved me in an instant. |
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