Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1317 hir suAwmI hir pRBu iqn imly ijn iliKAw Duir hir pRIiq ] (1317-1)har su-aamee har parabh tin milay jin likhi-aa Dhur har pareet. They alone meet the Lord, the Lord God, their Lord and Master, whose love for the Lord is pre-ordained. jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw gur bcin jipE min cIiq ]1] (1317-1)jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-i-aa gur bachan japi-o man cheet. ||1|| Servant Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, chant it consciously with your mind. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1317-2)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir pRBu sjxu loiV lhu Bwig vsY vfBwig ] (1317-2)har parabh sajan lorh lahu bhaag vasai vadbhaag. Seek the Lord God, your Best Friend; by great good fortune, He comes to dwell with the very fortunate ones. guir pUrY dyKwilAw nwnk hir ilv lwig ]2] (1317-3)gur poorai daykhaali-aa naanak har liv laag. ||2|| Through the Perfect Guru, He is revealed, O Nanak, and one is lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1317-3)pa-orhee. Pauree: Dnu Dnu suhwvI sPl GVI ijqu hir syvw min BwxI ] (1317-3)Dhan Dhan suhaavee safal gharhee jit har sayvaa man bhaanee. Blessed, blessed, beauteous and fruitful is that moment, when service to the Lord becomes pleasing to the mind. hir kQw suxwvhu myry gurisKhu myry hir pRB AkQ khwxI ] (1317-4)har kathaa sunavhu mayray gursikhahu mayray har parabh akath kahaanee. So proclaim the story of the Lord, O my GurSikhs; speak the Unspoken Speech of my Lord God. ikau pweIAY ikau dyKIAY myrw hir pRBu suGVu sujwxI ] (1317-4)ki-o paa-ee-ai ki-o daykhee-ai mayraa har parabh sugharh sujaanee. How can I attain Him? How can I see Him? My Lord God is All-knowing and All-seeing. hir myil idKwey Awip hir gur bcnI nwim smwxI ] (1317-5)har mayl dikhaa-ay aap har gur bachnee naam samaanee. Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, the Lord reveals Himself; we merge in absorption in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. iqn ivthu nwnku vwirAw jo jpdy hir inrbwxI ]10] (1317-5)tin vitahu naanak vaari-aa jo japday har nirbaanee. ||10|| Nanak is a sacrifice unto those who meditate on the Lord of Nirvaanaa. ||10|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1317-6)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir pRB rqy loiexw igAwn AMjnu guru dyie ] (1317-6)har parabh ratay lo-inaa gi-aan anjan gur day-ay. One's eyes are anointed by the Lord God, when the Guru bestows the ointment of spiritual wisdom. mY pRBu sjxu pwieAw jn nwnk shij imlyie ]1] (1317-7)mai parabh sajan paa-i-aa jan naanak sahj milay-ay. ||1|| I have found God, my Best Friend; servant Nanak is intuitively absorbed into the Lord. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1317-7)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: gurmuiK AMqir sWiq hY min qin nwim smwie ] (1317-7)gurmukh antar saaNt hai man tan naam samaa-ay. The Gurmukh is filled with peace and tranquility deep within. His mind and body are absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. nwmu icqvY nwmo pVY nwim rhY ilv lwie ] (1317-8)naam chitvai naamo parhai naam rahai liv laa-ay. He thinks of the Naam, and reads the Naam; he remains lovingly attuned to the Naam. nwmu pdwrQu pweIAY icMqw geI iblwie ] (1317-8)naam padaarath paa-ee-ai chintaa ga-ee bilaa-ay. He obtains the Treasure of the Naam, and is rid of anxiety. siqguir imilAY nwmu aUpjY iqRsnw BuK sB jwie ] (1317-9)satgur mili-ai naam oopjai tarisnaa bhukh sabh jaa-ay. Meeting with the True Guru, the Naam wells up, and all hunger and thirst depart. nwnk nwmy riqAw nwmo plY pwie ]2] (1317-9)naanak naamay rati-aa naamo palai paa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, one who is imbued with the Naam, gathers the Naam in his lap. ||2|| pauVI ] (1317-10)pa-orhee. Pauree: quDu Awpy jgqu aupwie kY quDu Awpy vsgiq kIqw ] (1317-10)tuDh aapay jagat upaa-ay kai tuDh aapay vasgat keetaa. You Yourself created the world, and You Yourself control it. ieik mnmuK kir hwrwieAnu ieknw myil gurU iqnw jIqw ] (1317-10)ik manmukh kar haaraa-i-an iknaa mayl guroo tinaa jeetaa. Some are self-willed manmukhs - they lose. Others are united with the Guru - they win. hir aUqmu hir pRB nwmu hY gur bcin sBwgY lIqw ] (1317-11)har ootam har parabh naam hai gur bachan sabhaagai leetaa. The Name of the Lord, the Lord God is Sublime. The fortunate ones chant it, through the Word of the Guru's Teachings. duKu dwldu sBo lih gieAw jW nwau gurU hir dIqw ] (1317-12)dukh daalad sabho leh ga-i-aa jaaN naa-o guroo har deetaa. All pain and poverty are taken away, when the Guru bestows the Lord's Name. siB syvhu mohno mnmohno jgmohno ijin jgqu aupwie sBo vis kIqw ]11] (1317-12)sabh sayvhu mohno manmohno jagmohno jin jagat upaa-ay sabho vas keetaa. ||11|| Let everyone serve the Enticing Enticer of the Mind, the Enticer of the World, who created the world, and controls it all. ||11|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1317-13)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: mn AMqir haumY rogu hY BRim BUly mnmuK durjnw ] (1317-13)man antar ha-umai rog hai bharam bhoolay manmukh durjanaa. The disease of egotism is deep within the mind; the self-willed manmukhs and the evil beings are deluded by doubt. nwnk rogu v\wie imil siqgur swDU sjnw ]1] (1317-14)naanak rog vanjaa-ay mil satgur saaDhoo sajnaa. ||1|| O Nanak, the disease is cured only by meeting with the True Guru, the Holy Friend. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1317-14)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: mnu qnu qwim sgwrvw jW dyKw hir nYxy ] (1317-14)man tan taam sagaaravaa jaaN daykhaa har nainay. My mind and body are embellished and exalted, when I behold the Lord with my eyes. nwnk so pRBu mY imlY hau jIvw sdu suxy ]2] (1317-15)naanak so parabh mai milai ha-o jeevaa sad sunay. ||2|| O Nanak, meeting with that God, I live, hearing His Voice. ||2|| pauVI ] (1317-15)pa-orhee. Pauree: jgMnwQ jgdIsr krqy AprMpr purKu Aqolu ] (1317-15)jagannaath jagdeesar kartay aprampar purakh atol. The Creator is the Lord of the World, the Master of the Universe, the Infinite Primal Immeasurable Being. hir nwmu iDAwvhu myry gurisKhu hir aUqmu hir nwmu Amolu ] (1317-16)har naam Dhi-aavahu mayray gursikhahu har ootam har naam amol. Meditate on the Lord's Name, O my GurSikhs; the Lord is Sublime, the Lord's Name is Invaluable. ijn iDAwieAw ihrdY idnsu rwiq qy imly nhI hir rolu ] (1317-16)jin Dhi-aa-i-aa hirdai dinas raat tay milay nahee har rol. Those who meditate on Him in their hearts, day and night, merge with the Lord - there is no doubt about it. vfBwgI sMgiq imlY gur siqgur pUrw bolu ] (1317-17)vadbhaagee sangat milai gur satgur pooraa bol. By great good fortune, they join the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, and speak the Word of the Guru, the Perfect True Guru. siB iDAwvhu nr nwrwiexo nwrwiexo ijqu cUkw jm JgVu Jgolu ]12] (1317-18)sabh Dhi-aavahu nar naaraa-ino naaraa-ino jit chookaa jam jhagarh jhagol. ||12|| Let everyone meditate on the Lord, the Lord, the All-pervading Lord, by which all disputes and conflicts with Death are ended. ||12|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1317-18)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir jn hir hir cauidAw sru sMiDAw gwvwr ] (1317-19)har jan har har cha-udi-aa sar sanDhi-aa gaavaar. The humble servant of the Lord chants the Name, Har, Har. The foolish idiot shoots arrows at him. nwnk hir jn hir ilv aubry ijn sMiDAw iqsu iPir mwr ]1] (1317-19)naanak har jan har liv ubray jin sanDhi-aa tis fir maar. ||1|| O Nanak, the humble servant of the Lord is saved by the Love of the Lord. The arrow is turned around, and kills the one who shot it. ||1|| |
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