Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1318 mÚ 4 ] (1318-1)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: AKI pRyim ksweIAw hir hir nwmu ipKMin@ ] (1318-1)akhee paraym kasaa-ee-aa har har naam pikhaNniH. The eyes which are attracted by the Lord's Love behold the Lord through the Name of the Lord. jy kir dUjw dyKdy jn nwnk kiF idcMin@ ]2] (1318-1)jay kar doojaa daykh-day jan naanak kadh dichaNniH. ||2|| If they gaze upon something else, O servant Nanak, they ought to be gouged out. ||2|| pauVI ] (1318-2)pa-orhee. Pauree: jil Qil mhIAil pUrno AprMpru soeI ] (1318-2)jal thal mahee-al poorno aprampar so-ee. The Infinite Lord totally permeates the water, the land and the sky. jIA jMq pRiqpwldw jo kry su hoeI ] (1318-2)jee-a jant partipaaldaa jo karay so ho-ee. He cherishes and sustains all beings and creatures; whatever He does comes to pass. mwq ipqw suq BRwq mIq iqsu ibnu nhI koeI ] (1318-3)maat pitaa sut bharaat meet tis bin nahee ko-ee. Without Him, we have no mother, father, children, sibling or friend. Git Git AMqir riv rihAw jipAhu jn koeI ] (1318-3)ghat ghat antar rav rahi-aa japi-ahu jan ko-ee. He is permeating and pervading deep within each and every heart; let everyone meditate on Him. sgl jphu gopwl gun prgtu sB loeI ]13] (1318-4)sagal japahu gopaal gun pargat sabh lo-ee. ||13|| Let all chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the World, who is manifest all over the world. ||13|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1318-4)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: gurmuiK imly is sjxw hir pRB pwieAw rMgu ] (1318-4)gurmukh milay se sajnaa har parabh paa-i-aa rang. Those Gurmukhs who meet as friends are blessed with the Lord God's Love. jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU luif luif drgih vM\u ]1] (1318-5)jan naanak naam salaahi too lud lud dargahi vanj. ||1|| O servant Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; you shall go to His court in joyous high spirits. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1318-5)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir qUhY dwqw sBs dw siB jIA qum@wry ] (1318-6)har toohai daataa sabhas daa sabh jee-a tumHaaray. Lord, You are the Great Giver of all; all beings are Yours. siB quDY no AwrwDdy dwnu dyih ipAwry ] (1318-6)sabh tuDhai no aaraaDhaday daan deh pi-aaray. They all worship You in adoration; You bless them with Your Bounty, O Beloved. hir dwqY dwqwir hQu kiFAw mIhu vuTw sYswry ] (1318-6)har daatai daataar hath kadhi-aa meehu vuthaa saisaaray. The Generous Lord, the Great Giver reaches out with His Hands, and the rain pours down on the world. AMnu jMimAw KyqI Bwau kir hir nwmu sm@wry ] (1318-7)ann jammi-aa khaytee bhaa-o kar har naam samHaaray. The corn germinates in the fields; contemplate the Lord's Name with love. jnu nwnku mMgY dwnu pRB hir nwmu ADwry ]2] (1318-7)jan naanak mangai daan parabh har naam aDhaaray. ||2|| Servant Nanak begs for the Gift of the Support of the Name of his Lord God. ||2|| pauVI ] (1318-8)pa-orhee. Pauree: ieCw mn kI pUrIAY jpIAY suK swgru ] (1318-8)ichhaa man kee pooree-ai japee-ai sukh saagar. The desires of the mind are satisfied, meditating on the Ocean of Peace. hir ky crn ArwDIAih gur sbid rqnwgru ] (1318-8)har kay charan araaDhee-ah gur sabad ratnaagar. Worship and adore the Feet of the Lord, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the jewel mine. imil swDU sMig auDwru hoie PwtY jm kwgru ] (1318-9)mil saaDhoo sang uDhaar ho-ay faatai jam kaagar. Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one is saved, and the Decree of Death is torn up. jnm pdwrQu jIqIAY jip hir bYrwgru ] (1318-9)janam padaarath jeetee-ai jap har bairaagar. The treasure of this human life is won, meditating on the Lord of Detachment. siB pvhu srin siqgurU kI ibnsY duK dwgru ]14] (1318-10)sabh pavahu saran satguroo kee binsai dukh daagar. ||14|| Let everyone seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru; let the black spot of pain, the scar of suffering, be erased. ||14|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1318-10)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hau FUMFyNdI sjxw sjxu mYfY nwil ] (1318-11)ha-o dhooNdhayNdee sajnaa sajan maidai naal. I was seeking, searching for my Friend, but my Friend is right here with me. jn nwnk AlKu n lKIAY gurmuiK dyih idKwil ]1] (1318-11)jan naanak alakh na lakhee-ai gurmukh deh dikhaal. ||1|| O servant Nanak, the Unseen is not seen, but the Gurmukh is given to see Him. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1318-12)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: nwnk pRIiq lweI iqin scY iqsu ibnu rhxu n jweI ] (1318-12)naanak pareet laa-ee tin sachai tis bin rahan na jaa-ee. O Nanak, I am in love with the True Lord; I cannot survive without Him. siqguru imlY q pUrw pweIAY hir ris rsn rsweI ]2] (1318-12)satgur milai ta pooraa paa-ee-ai har ras rasan rasaa-ee. ||2|| Meeting the True Guru, the Perfect Lord is found, and the tongue savors His Sublime Essence. ||2|| pauVI ] (1318-13)pa-orhee. Pauree: koeI gwvY ko suxY ko aucir sunwvY ] (1318-13)ko-ee gaavai ko sunai ko uchar sunaavai. Some sing, some listen, and some speek and preach. jnm jnm kI mlu auqrY mn icMidAw pwvY ] (1318-13)janam janam kee mal utrai man chindi-aa paavai. The filth and pollution of countless lifetimes is washed away, and the wishes of the mind are fulfilled. Awvxu jwxw mytIAY hir ky gux gwvY ] (1318-14)aavan jaanaa maytee-ai har kay gun gaavai. Coming and going in reincarnation ceases, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Awip qrih sMgI qrwih sB kutMbu qrwvY ] (1318-14)aap tareh sangee taraahi sabh kutamb taraavai. They save themselves, and save their companions; they save all their generations as well. jnu nwnku iqsu bilhwrxY jo myry hir pRB BwvY ]15]1] suDu ] (1318-15)jan naanak tis balihaarnai jo mayray har parabh bhaavai. ||15||1|| suDh. Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to those who are pleasing to my Lord God. ||15||1|| Sudh|| rwgu kwnVw bwxI nwmdyv jIau kI (1318-16)raag kaanrhaa banee naamdayv jee-o kee Raag Kaanraa, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1318-16)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: AYso rwm rwie AMqrjwmI ] (1318-17)aiso raam raa-ay antarjaamee. Such is the Sovereign Lord, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of Hearts; jYsy drpn mwih bdn prvwnI ]1] rhwau ] (1318-17)jaisay darpan maahi badan parvaanee. ||1|| rahaa-o. He sees everything as clearly as one's face reflected in a mirror. ||1||Pause|| bsY Gtw Gt lIp n CIpY ] (1318-17)basai ghataa ghat leep na chheepai. He dwells in each and every heart; no stain or stigma sticks to Him. bMDn mukqw jwqu n dIsY ]1] (1318-18)banDhan muktaa jaat na deesai. ||1|| He is liberated from bondage; He does not belong to any social class. ||1|| pwnI mwih dyKu muKu jYsw ] (1318-18)paanee maahi daykh mukh jaisaa. As one's face is reflected in the water, nwmy ko suAwmI bITlu AYsw ]2]1] (1318-18)naamay ko su-aamee beethal aisaa. ||2||1|| so does Naam Dayv's Beloved Lord and Master appear. ||2||1|| |
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