Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1316 siB DMnu khhu guru siqgurU guru siqgurU ijqu imil hir pVdw kijAw ]7] (1316-1)sabh Dhan kahhu gur satguroo gur satguroo jit mil har parh-daa kaji-aa. ||7|| Let everyone proclaim: Blessed is the Guru, the True Guru, the Guru, the True Guru; meeting Him, the Lord covers their faults and deficiencies. ||7|| sloku mÚ 4 ] (1316-2)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: Bgiq srovru auClY suBr Bry vhMin ] (1316-2)bhagat sarovar uchhlai subhar bharay vahann. The sacred pool of devotional worship is filled to the brim and overflowing in torrents. ijnw siqguru mMinAw jn nwnk vf Bwg lhMin ]1] (1316-2)jinaa satgur mani-aa jan naanak vad bhaag lahann. ||1|| Those who obey the True Guru, O servant Nanak, are very fortunate - they find it. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1316-3)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir hir nwm AsMK hir hir ky gun kQnu n jwih ] (1316-3)har har naam asaNkh har har kay gun kathan na jaahi. The Names of the Lord, Har, Har, are countless. The Glorious Virtues of the Lord, Har, Har, cannot be described. hir hir Agmu AgwiD hir jn ikqu ibiD imlih imlwih ] (1316-4)har har agam agaaDh har jan kit biDh mileh milaahi. The Lord, Har, Har, is Inaccessible and Unfathomable; how can the humble servants of the Lord be united in His Union? hir hir jsu jpq jpMq jn ieku iqlu nhI kImiq pwie ] (1316-4)har har jas japat japant jan ik til nahee keemat paa-ay. Those humble beings meditate and chant the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, but they do not attain even a tiny bit of His Worth. jn nwnk hir Agm pRB hir myil lYhu liV lwie ]2] (1316-5)jan naanak har agam parabh har mayl laihu larh laa-ay. ||2|| O servant Nanak, the Lord God is Inaccessible; the Lord has attached me to His Robe, and united me in His Union. ||2|| pauVI ] (1316-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: hir Agmu Agocru Agmu hir ikau kir hir drsnu ipKw ] (1316-6)har agam agochar agam har ki-o kar har darsan pikhaa. The Lord is Inaccessible and Unfathomable. How will I see the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan? ikCu vKru hoie su vrnIAY iqsu rUpu n irKw ] (1316-6)kichh vakhar ho-ay so varnee-ai tis roop na rikhaa. If He were a material object, then I could describe Him, but He has no form or feature. ijsu buJwey Awip buJwie dyie soeI jnu idKw ] (1316-7)jis bujhaa-ay aap bujhaa-ay day-ay so-ee jan dikhaa. Understanding comes only when the Lord Himself gives understanding; only such a humble being sees it. sqsMgiq siqgur ctswl hY ijqu hir gux isKw ] (1316-7)satsangat satgur chatsaal hai jit har gun sikhaa. The Sat Sangat, the True Congregation of the True Guru, is the school of the soul, where the Glorious Virtues of the Lord are studied. Dnu DMnu su rsnw DMnu kr DMnu su pwDw siqgurU ijqu imil hir lyKw ilKw ]8] (1316-8)Dhan Dhan so rasnaa Dhan kar Dhan so paaDhaa satguroo jit mil har laykhaa likhaa. ||8|| Blessed, blessed is the tongue, blessed is the hand, and blessed is the Teacher, the True Guru; meeting Him, the Account of the Lord is written. ||8|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1316-9)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir hir nwmu AMimRqu hY hir jpIAY siqgur Bwie ] (1316-9)har har naam amrit hai har japee-ai satgur bhaa-ay. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Ambrosial Nectar. Meditate on the Lord, with love for the True Guru. hir hir nwmu pivqu hY hir jpq sunq duKu jwie ] (1316-9)har har naam pavit hai har japat sunat dukh jaa-ay. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har is Sacred and Pure. Chanting it and listening to it, pain is taken away. hir nwmu iqnI AwrwiDAw ijn msqik iliKAw Duir pwie ] (1316-10)har naam tinee aaraaDhi-aa jin mastak likhi-aa Dhur paa-ay. They alone worship and adore the Lord's Name, upon whose foreheads such pre-ordained destiny is written. hir drgh jn pYnweIAin ijn hir min visAw Awie ] (1316-11)har dargeh jan painaa-ee-an jin har man vasi-aa aa-ay. Those humble beings are honored in the Court of the Lord; the Lord comes to abide in their minds. jn nwnk qy muK aujly ijn hir suixAw min Bwie ]1] (1316-11)jan naanak tay mukh ujlay jin har suni-aa man bhaa-ay. ||1|| O servant Nanak, their faces are radiant. They listen to the Lord; their minds are filled with love. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1316-12)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir hir nwmu inDwnu hY gurmuiK pwieAw jwie ] (1316-12)har har naam niDhaan hai gurmukh paa-i-aa jaa-ay. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the greatest treasure. The Gurmukhs obtain it. ijn Duir msqik iliKAw iqn siqguru imilAw Awie ] (1316-12)jin Dhur mastak likhi-aa tin satgur mili-aa aa-ay. The True Guru comes to meet those who have such pre-ordained destiny written upon their foreheads. qnu mnu sIqlu hoieAw sWiq vsI min Awie ] (1316-13)tan man seetal ho-i-aa saaNt vasee man aa-ay. Their bodies and minds are cooled and soothed; peace and tranquility come to dwell in their minds. nwnk hir hir cauidAw sBu dwldu duKu lih jwie ]2] (1316-14)naanak har har cha-udi-aa sabh daalad dukh leh jaa-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all poverty and pain is dispelled. ||2|| pauVI ] (1316-14)pa-orhee. Pauree: hau vwirAw iqn kau sdw sdw ijnw siqguru myrw ipAwrw dyiKAw ] (1316-14)ha-o vaari-aa tin ka-o sadaa sadaa jinaa satgur mayraa pi-aaraa daykhi-aa. I am a sacrifice, forever and ever, to those who have seen my Beloved True Guru. iqn kau imilAw myrw siqgurU ijn kau Duir msqik lyiKAw ] (1316-15)tin ka-o mili-aa mayraa satguroo jin ka-o Dhur mastak laykhi-aa. They alone meet my True Guru, who have such pre-ordaind destiny written upon their foreheads. hir Agmu iDAwieAw gurmqI iqsu rUpu nhI pRB ryiKAw ] (1316-16)har agam Dhi-aa-i-aa gurmatee tis roop nahee parabh raykh-i-aa. I meditate on the Inaccessible Lord, according to the Guru's Teachings; God has no form or feature. gur bcin iDAwieAw ijnw Agmu hir qy Twkur syvk ril eyikAw ] (1316-16)gur bachan Dhi-aa-i-aa jinaa agam har tay thaakur sayvak ral ayki-aa. Those who follow the Guru's Teachings and meditate on the Inaccessible Lord, merge with their Lord and Master and become one with Him. siB khhu muKhu nr nrhry nr nrhry nr nrhry hir lwhw hir Bgiq ivsyiKAw ]9] (1316-17)sabh kahhu mukhahu nar narharay nar narharay nar narharay har laahaa har bhagat vasaykhi-aa. ||9|| Let everyone proclaim out loud, the Name of the Lord, the Lord, the Lord; the profit of devotional worship of the Lord is blessed and sublime. ||9|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1316-18)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: rwm nwmu rmu riv rhy rmu rwmo rwmu rmIiq ] (1316-18)raam naam ram rav rahay ram raamo raam rameet. The Lord's Name is permeating and pervading all. Repeat the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam. Git Git Awqm rwmu hY pRiB Kylu kIE rMig rIiq ] (1316-19)ghat ghat aatam raam hai parabh khayl kee-o rang reet. The Lord is in the home of each and every soul. God created this play with its various colors and forms. hir inkit vsY jgjIvnw prgwsu kIE gur mIiq ] (1316-19)har nikat vasai jagjeevanaa pargaas kee-o gur meet. The Lord, the Life of the World, dwells near at hand. The Guru, my Friend, has made this clear. |
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