Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


sB Awsw mnsw ivsrI min cUkw Awl jMjwlu ] (1315-1)
sabh aasaa mansaa visree man chookaa aal janjaal.
All my hopes and desires have been forgotten; my mind is rid of its worldly entanglements.

guir quTY nwmu idRVwieAw hm kIey sbid inhwlu ] (1315-1)
gur tuthai naam drirh-aa-i-aa ham kee-ay sabad nihaal.
The Guru, in His Mercy, implanted the Naam within me; I am enraptured with the Word of the Shabad.

jn nwnik Aqutu Dnu pwieAw hir nwmw hir Dnu mwlu ]2] (1315-2)
jan naanak atut Dhan paa-i-aa har naamaa har Dhan maal. ||2||
Servant Nanak has obtained the inexhaustible wealth; the Lord's Name is his wealth and property. ||2||

pauVI ] (1315-3)

hir qum@ vf vfy vfy vf aUcy sB aUpir vfy vfOnw ] (1315-3)
har tumH vad vaday vaday vad oochay sabh oopar vaday vadounaa.
O Lord, You are the Greatest of the Great, the Greatest of the Great, the Most Lofty and Exalted of all, the Greatest of the Great.

jo iDAwvih hir AprMpru hir hir hir iDAwie hry qy honw ] (1315-3)
jo Dhi-aavahi har aprampar har har har Dhi-aa-ay haray tay honaa.
Those who meditate on the Infinite Lord, who meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, Har, are rejuvenated.

jo gwvih suxih qyrw jsu suAwmI iqn kwty pwp ktonw ] (1315-4)
jo gaavahi suneh tayraa jas su-aamee tin kaatay paap katonaa.
Those who sing and listen to Your Praises, O my Lord and Master, have millions of sins destroyed.

qum jYsy hir purK jwny miq gurmiq muiK vf vf Bwg vfonw ] (1315-4)
tum jaisay har purakh jaanay mat gurmat mukh vad vad bhaag vadonaa.
I know that those divine beings who follow the Guru's Teachings are just like You, Lord. They are the greatest of the great, so very fortunate.

siB iDAwvhu Awid sqy jugwid sqy prqiK sqy sdw sdw sqy jnu nwnku dwsu dsonw ]5] (1315-5)
sabh Dhi-aavahu aad satay jugaad satay partakh satay sadaa sadaa satay jan naanak daas dasonaa. ||5||
Let everyone meditate on the Lord, who was True in the primal beginning, and True throughout the ages; He is revealed as True here and now, and He shall be True forever and ever. Servant Nanak is the slave of His slaves. ||5||

slok mÚ 4 ] (1315-6)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

hmry hir jgjIvnw hir jipE hir gur mMq ] (1315-6)
hamray har jagjeevanaa har japi-o har gur mant.
I meditate on my Lord, the Life of the World, the Lord, chanting the Guru's Mantra.

hir Agmu Agocru Agmu hir hir imilAw Awie AicMq ] (1315-7)
har agam agochar agam har har mili-aa aa-ay achint.
The Lord is Unapproachable, Inaccessible and Unfathomable; the Lord, Har, Har, has spontaneously come to meet me.

hir Awpy Git Git vrqdw hir Awpy Awip ibAMq ] (1315-7)
har aapay ghat ghat varatdaa har aapay aap bi-ant.
The Lord Himself is pervading each and every heart; the Lord Himself is Endless.

hir Awpy sB rs Bogdw hir Awpy kvlw kMq ] (1315-8)
har aapay sabh ras bhogdaa har aapay kavlaa kant.
The Lord Himself enjoys all pleasures; the Lord Himself is the Husband of Maya.

hir Awpy iBiKAw pwiedw sB issit aupweI jIA jMq ] (1315-8)
har aapay bhikhi-aa paa-idaa sabh sisat upaa-ee jee-a jant.
The Lord Himself gives in charity to the whole world, and all the beings and creatures which He created.

hir dyvhu dwnu dieAwl pRB hir mWgih hir jn sMq ] (1315-9)
har dayvhu daan da-i-aal parabh har maaNgeh har jan sant.
O Merciful Lord God, please bless me with Your Bountiful Gifts; the humble Saints of the Lord beg for them.

jn nwnk ky pRB Awie imlu hm gwvh hir gux CMq ]1] (1315-10)
jan naanak kay parabh aa-ay mil ham gaavah har gun chhant. ||1||
O God of servant Nanak, please come and meet me; I sing the Songs of the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (1315-10)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

hir pRBu sjxu nwmu hir mY min qin nwmu srIir ] (1315-10)
har parabh sajan naam har mai man tan naam sareer.
The Name of the Lord God is my Best Friend. My mind and body are drenched with the Naam.

siB Awsw gurmuiK pUrIAw jn nwnk suix hir DIr ]2] (1315-11)
sabh aasaa gurmukh pooree-aa jan naanak sun har Dheer. ||2||
All the hopes of the Gurmukh are fulfilled; servant Nanak is comforted, hearing the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (1315-12)

hir aUqmu hirAw nwmu hY hir purKu inrMjnu maulw ] (1315-12)
har ootam hari-aa naam hai har purakh niranjan ma-ulaa.
The Lord's Sublime Name is energizing and rejuvenating. The Immaculate Lord, the Primal Being, blossoms forth.

jo jpdy hir hir idnsu rwiq iqn syvy crn inq kaulw ] (1315-12)
jo japday har har dinas raat tin sayvay charan nit ka-ulaa.
Maya serves at the feet of those who chant and meditate on the Lord, Har, Har, day and night.

inq swir smwl@y sB jIA jMq hir vsY inkit sB jaulw ] (1315-13)
nit saar samaalHay sabh jee-a jant har vasai nikat sabh ja-ulaa.
The Lord always looks after and cares for all His beings and creatures; He is with all, near and far.

so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwiesI ijsu siqguru purKu pRBu saulw ] (1315-13)
so boojhai jis aap bujhaa-isee jis satgur purakh parabh sa-ulaa.
Those whom the Lord inspires to understand, understand; the True Guru, God, the Primal Being, is pleased with them.

siB gwvhu gux goivMd hry goivMd hry goivMd hry gux gwvq guxI smaulw ]6] (1315-14)
sabh gaavhu gun govind haray govind haray govind haray gun gaavat gunee sama-ulaa. ||6||
Let everyone sing the Praise of the Lord of the Universe, the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Lord, the Lord of the Universe; singing the Praise of the Lord, one is absorbed in His Glorious Virtues. ||6||

slok mÚ 4 ] (1315-15)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

suiqAw hir pRBu cyiq min hir shij smwiD smwie ] (1315-15)
suti-aa har parabh chayt man har sahj samaaDh samaa-ay.
O mind, even in sleep, remember the Lord God; let yourself be intuitively absorbed into the Celestial State of Samaadhi.

jn nwnk hir hir cwau min guru quTw myly mwie ]1] (1315-16)
jan naanak har har chaa-o man gur tuthaa maylay maa-ay. ||1||
Servant Nanak's mind longs for the Lord, Har, Har. As the Guru pleases, he is absorbed into the Lord, O mother. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (1315-16)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

hir ieksu syqI iprhVI hir ieko myrY iciq ] (1315-16)
har ikas saytee pirharhee har iko mayrai chit.
I am in love with the One and Only Lord; the One Lord fills my consciousness.

jn nwnk ieku ADwru hir pRB ieks qy giq piq ]2] (1315-17)
jan naanak ik aDhaar har parabh ikas tay gat pat. ||2||
Servant Nanak takes the Support of the One Lord God; through the One, he obtains honor and salvation. ||2||

pauVI ] (1315-18)

pMcy sbd vjy miq gurmiq vfBwgI Anhdu vijAw ] (1315-18)
panchay sabad vajay mat gurmat vadbhaagee anhad vaji-aa.
The Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrate with the Wisdom of the Guru's Teachings; by great good fortune, the Unstruck Melody resonates and resounds.

Awnd mUlu rwmu sBu dyiKAw gur sbdI goivdu gijAw ] (1315-18)
aanad mool raam sabh daykhi-aa gur sabdee govid gaji-aa.
I see the Lord, the Source of Bliss, everywhere; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord of the Universe is revealed.

Awid jugwid vysu hir eyko miq gurmiq hir pRBu BijAw ] (1315-19)
aad jugaad vays har ayko mat gurmat har parabh bhaji-aa.
From the primal beginning, and throughout the ages, the Lord has One Form. Through the Wisdom of the Guru's Teachings, I vibrate and meditate on the Lord God.

hir dyvhu dwnu dieAwl pRB jn rwKhu hir pRB lijAw ] (1315-19)
har dayvhu daan da-i-aal parabh jan raakho har parabh laji-aa.
O Merciful Lord God, please bless me with Your Bounty; O Lord God, please preserve and protect the honor of Your humble servant.