Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1314 qUM Qwn Qnµqir BrpUru hih krqy sB qyrI bxq bxwvxI ] (1314-1)tooN thaan thanantar bharpoor heh kartay sabh tayree banat banaavanee. You are pervading and permeating all places and interspaces, O Creator. You made all that has been made. rMg prMg issit sB swjI bhu bhu ibiD BWiq aupwvxI ] (1314-1)rang parang sisat sabh saajee baho baho biDh bhaaNt upaavanee. You created the entire universe, with all its colors and shades; in so many ways and means and forms You formed it. sB qyrI joiq joqI ivic vrqih gurmqI quDY lwvxI ] (1314-2)sabh tayree jot jotee vich varteh gurmatee tuDhai laavnee. O Lord of Light, Your Light is infused within all; You link us to the Guru's Teachings. ijn hoih dieAwlu iqn siqguru mylih muiK gurmuiK hir smJwvxI ] (1314-2)jin hohi da-i-aal tin satgur mayleh mukh gurmukh har samjhaavanee. They alone meet the True Guru, unto whom You are Merciful; O Lord, You instruct them in the Guru's Word. siB bolhu rwm rmo sRI rwm rmo ijqu dwldu duK BuK sB lih jwvxI ]3] (1314-3)sabh bolhu raam ramo saree raam ramo jit daalad dukh bhukh sabh leh jaavnee. ||3|| Let everyone chant the Name of the Lord, chant the Name of the Great Lord; all poverty, pain and hunger shall be taken away. ||3|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1314-4)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir hir AMimRqu nwm rsu hir AMimRqu hir aur Dwir ] (1314-4)har har amrit naam ras har amrit har ur Dhaar. The Ambrosial Nectar of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is sweet; enshrine this Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord within your heart. ivic sMgiq hir pRBu vrqdw buJhu sbd vIcwir ] (1314-5)vich sangat har parabh varatdaa bujhahu sabad veechaar. The Lord God prevails in the Sangat, the Holy Congregation; reflect upon the Shabad and understand. min hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw ibKu haumY kFI mwir ] (1314-5)man har har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa bikh ha-umai kadhee maar. Meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within the mind, the poison of egotism is eradicated. ijn hir hir nwmu n cyiqE iqn jUAY jnmu sBu hwir ] (1314-6)jin har har naam na chayti-o tin joo-ai janam sabh haar. One who does not remember the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, shall totally lose this life in the gamble. guir quTY hir cyqwieAw hir nwmw hir aur Dwir ] (1314-6)gur tuthai har chaytaa-i-aa har naamaa har ur Dhaar. By Guru's Grace, one remembers the Lord, and enshrines the Lord's Name within the heart. jn nwnk qy muK aujly iqqu scY drbwir ]1] (1314-7)jan naanak tay mukh ujlay tit sachai darbaar. ||1|| O servant Nanak, his face shall be radiant in the Court of the True Lord. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1314-8)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir kIriq auqmu nwmu hY ivic kiljug krxI swru ] (1314-8)har keerat utam naam hai vich kalijug karnee saar. To chant the Lord's Praise and His Name is sublime and exalted. This is the most excellent deed in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. miq gurmiq kIriq pweIAY hir nwmw hir auir hwru ] (1314-8)mat gurmat keerat paa-ee-ai har naamaa har ur haar. His Praises come through the Guru's Teachings and Instructions; wear the Necklace of the Lord's Name. vfBwgI ijn hir iDAwieAw iqn sauipAw hir BMfwru ] (1314-9)vadbhaagee jin har Dhi-aa-i-aa tin sa-upi-aa har bhandaar. Those who meditate on the Lord are very fortunate. They are entrusted with the Treasure of the Lord. ibnu nwvY ij krm kmwvxy inq haumY hoie KuAwru ] (1314-9)bin naavai je karam kamaavnay nit ha-umai ho-ay khu-aar. Without the Name, no matter what people may do, they continue to waste away in egotism. jil hsqI mil nwvwlIAY isir BI iPir pwvY Cwru ] (1314-10)jal hastee mal naavaalee-ai sir bhee fir paavai chhaar. Elephants can be washed and bathed in water, but they only throw dust on their heads again. hir mylhu siqguru dieAw kir min vsY eykMkwru ] (1314-11)har maylhu satgur da-i-aa kar man vasai aykankaar. O Kind and Compassionate True Guru, please unite me with the Lord, that the One Creator of the Universe may abide within my mind. ijn gurmuiK suix hir mMinAw jn nwnk iqn jYkwru ]2] (1314-11)jin gurmukh sun har mani-aa jan naanak tin jaikaar. ||2|| Those Gurmukhs who listen to the Lord and believe in Him - servant Nanak salutes them. ||2|| pauVI ] (1314-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: rwm nwmu vKru hY aUqmu hir nwieku purKu hmwrw ] (1314-12)raam naam vakhar hai ootam har naa-ik purakh hamaaraa. The Lord's Name is the most sublime and precious merchandise. The Primal Lord God is my Lord and Master. hir Kylu kIAw hir Awpy vrqY sBu jgqu kIAw vxjwrw ] (1314-12)har khayl kee-aa har aapay vartai sabh jagat kee-aa vanjaaraa. The Lord has staged His Play, and He Himself permeates it. The whole world deals in this merchandise. sB joiq qyrI joqI ivic krqy sBu scu qyrw pwswrw ] (1314-13)sabh jot tayree jotee vich kartay sabh sach tayraa paasaaraa. Your Light is the light in all beings, O Creator. All Your Expanse is True. siB iDAwvih quDu sPl sy gwvih gurmqI hir inrMkwrw ] (1314-14)sabh Dhi-aavahi tuDh safal say gaavahi gurmatee har nirankaaraa. All those who meditate on You become prosperous; through the Guru's Teachings, they sing Your Praises, O Formless Lord. siB cvhu muKhu jgMnwQu jgMnwQu jgjIvno ijqu Bvjl pwir auqwrw ]4] (1314-14)sabh chavahu mukhahu jagannaath jagannaath jagjeevano jit bhavjal paar utaaraa. ||4|| Let everyone chant the Lord, the Lord of the World, the Lord of the Universe, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||4|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1314-15)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hmrI ijhbw eyk pRB hir ky gux Agm AQwh ] (1314-15)hamree jihbaa ayk parabh har kay gun agam athaah. I have only one tongue, and the Glorious Virtues of the Lord God are Unapproachable and Unfathomable. hm ikau kir jph ieAwixAw hir qum vf Agm Agwh ] (1314-16)ham ki-o kar japah i-aani-aa har tum vad agam agaah. I am ignorant - how can I meditate on You, Lord? You are Great, Unapproachable and Immeasurable. hir dyhu pRBU miq aUqmw gur siqgur kY pig pwh ] (1314-16)har dayh parabhoo mat ootmaa gur satgur kai pag paah. O Lord God, please bless me with that sublime wisdom, that I may fall at the Feet of the Guru, the True Guru. sqsMgiq hir myil pRB hm pwpI sMig qrwh ] (1314-17)satsangat har mayl parabh ham paapee sang taraah. O Lord God, please lead me to the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, where even a sinner like myself may be saved. jn nwnk kau hir bKis lYhu hir quTY myil imlwh ] (1314-17)jan naanak ka-o har bakhas laihu har tuthai mayl milaah. O Lord, please bless and forgive servant Nanak; please unite him in Your Union. hir ikrpw kir suix bynqI hm pwpI ikrm qrwh ]1] (1314-18)har kirpaa kar sun bayntee ham paapee kiram taraah. ||1|| O Lord, please be merciful and hear my prayer; I am a sinner and a worm - please save me! ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1314-19)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir krhu ik®pw jgjIvnw guru siqguru myil dieAwlu ] (1314-19)har karahu kirpaa jagjeevanaa gur satgur mayl da-i-aal. O Lord, Life of the World, please bless me with Your Grace, and lead me to meet the Guru, the Merciful True Guru. gur syvw hir hm BweIAw hir hoAw hir ikrpwlu ] (1314-19)gur sayvaa har ham bhaa-ee-aa har ho-aa har kirpaal. I am happy to serve the Guru; the Lord has become merciful to me. |
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