Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1313 goivdu goivdu goivdu jip muKu aUjlw prDwnu ] (1313-1)govid govid govid jap mukh oojlaa parDhaan. Meditating on God, chanting Govind, Govind, Govind, your face shall be radiant; you shall be famous and exalted. nwnk guru goivMdu hir ijqu imil hir pwieAw nwmu ]2] (1313-2)naanak gur govind har jit mil har paa-i-aa naam. ||2|| O Nanak, the Guru is the Lord God, the Lord of the Universe; meeting Him, you shall obtain the Name of the Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1313-2)pa-orhee. Pauree: qUM Awpy hI isD swiDko qU Awpy hI jug jogIAw ] (1313-2)tooN aapay hee siDh saaDhiko too aapay hee jug jogee-aa. You Yourself are the Siddha and the seeker; You Yourself are the Yoga and the Yogi. qU Awpy hI rs rsIAVw qU Awpy hI Bog BogIAw ] (1313-3)too aapay hee ras rasee-arhaa too aapay hee bhog bhogee-aa. You Yourself are the Taster of tastes; You Yourself are the Enjoyer of pleasures. qU Awpy Awip vrqdw qU Awpy krih su hogIAw ] (1313-3)too aapay aap varatdaa too aapay karahi so hogee-aa. You Yourself are All-pervading; whatever You do comes to pass. sqsMgiq siqgur DMnu Dnuo DMn DMn Dno ijqu imil hir bulg bulogIAw ] (1313-4)satsangat satgur Dhan Dhano Dhan Dhan Dhano jit mil har bulag bulogee-aa. Blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed is the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation of the True Guru. Join them - speak and chant the Lord's Name. siB khhu muKhu hir hir hry hir hir hry hir bolq siB pwp lhogIAw ]1] (1313-5)sabh kahhu mukhahu har har haray har har haray har bolat sabh paap lahogee-aa. ||1|| Let everyone chant together the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Haray, Har, Har, Haray; chanting Har, all sins are washed away. ||1|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1313-6)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir hir hir hir nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ] (1313-6)har har har har naam hai gurmukh paavai ko-ay. Har, Har, Har, Har is the Name of the Lord; rare are those who, as Gurmukh, obtain it. haumY mmqw nwsu hoie durmiq kFY Doie ] (1313-6)ha-umai mamtaa naas ho-ay durmat kadhai Dho-ay. Egotism and possessiveness are eradicated, and evil-mindedness is washed away. nwnk Anidnu gux aucrY ijn kau Duir iliKAw hoie ]1] (1313-7)naanak an-din gun uchrai jin ka-o Dhur likhi-aa ho-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, one who is blessed with such pre-ordained destiny chants the Lord's Praises, night and day. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1313-7)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir Awpy Awip dieAwlu hir Awpy kry su hoie ] (1313-7)har aapay aap da-i-aal har aapay karay so ho-ay. The Lord Himself is Merciful; whatever the Lord Himself does, comes to pass. hir Awpy Awip vrqdw hir jyvfu Avru n koie ] (1313-8)har aapay aap varatdaa har jayvad avar na ko-ay. The Lord Himself is All-pervading. There is no other as Great as the Lord. jo hir pRBu BwvY so QIAY jo hir pRB kry su hoie ] (1313-9)jo har parabh bhaavai so thee-ai jo har parabh karay so ho-ay. Whatever pleases the Lord God's Will comes to pass; whatever the Lord God does is done. kImiq iknY n pweIAw byAMqu pRBU hir soie ] (1313-9)keemat kinai na paa-ee-aa bay-ant parabhoo har so-ay. No one can appraise His Value; the Lord God is Endless. nwnk gurmuiK hir swlwihAw qnu mnu sIqlu hoie ]2] (1313-10)naanak gurmukh har salaahi-aa tan man seetal ho-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, as Gurmukh, praise the Lord; your body and mind shall be cooled and soothed. ||2|| pauVI ] (1313-10)pa-orhee. Pauree: sB joiq qyrI jgjIvnw qU Git Git hir rMg rMgnw ] (1313-10)sabh jot tayree jagjeevanaa too ghat ghat har rang rangnaa. You are the Light of all, the Life of the World; You imbue each and every heart with Your Love. siB iDAwvih quDu myry pRIqmw qU siq siq purK inrMjnw ] (1313-11)sabh Dhi-aavahi tuDh mayray pareetamaa too sat sat purakh niranjanaa. All meditate on You, O my Beloved; You are the True, True Primal Being, the Immaculate Lord. ieku dwqw sBu jgqu iBKwrIAw hir jwcih sB mMg mMgnw ] (1313-11)ik daataa sabh jagat bhikhaaree-aa har jaacheh sabh mang mangnaa. The One is the Giver; the whole world is the beggar. All the beggars beg for His Gifts. syvku Twkuru sBu qUhY qUhY gurmqI hir cMg cMgnw ] (1313-12)sayvak thaakur sabh toohai toohai gurmatee har chang changnaa. You are the servant, and You are the Lord and Master of all. Through the Guru's Teachings, we are ennobled and uplifted. siB khhu muKhu irKIkysu hry irKIkysu hry ijqu pwvih sB Pl Plnw ]2] (1313-13)sabh kahhu mukhahu rikheekays haray rikheekays haray jit paavahi sabh fal falnaa. ||2|| Let everyone say that the Lord is the Master of the senses, the Master of all faculties; through Him, we obtain all fruits and rewards. ||2|| slok mÚ 4 ] (1313-14)salok mehlaa 4. Shalok, Fourth Mehl: hir hir nwmu iDAwie mn hir drgh pwvih mwnu ] (1313-14)har har naam Dhi-aa-ay man har dargeh paavahi maan. O mind, meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord. jo ieCih so Plu pwiesI gur sbdI lgY iDAwnu ] (1313-14)jo ichheh so fal paa-isee gur sabdee lagai Dhi-aan. You shall obtain the fruits that you desire, focusing your meditation on the Word of the Guru's Shabad. iklivK pwp siB ktIAih haumY cukY gumwnu ] (1313-15)kilvikh paap sabh katee-ah ha-umai chukai gumaan. All your sins and mistakes shall be wiped away, and you shall be rid of egotism and pride. gurmuiK kmlu ivgisAw sBu Awqm bRhmu pCwnu ] (1313-15)gurmukh kamal vigsi-aa sabh aatam barahm pachhaan. The heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth, recognizing God within every soul. hir hir ikrpw Dwir pRB jn nwnk jip hir nwmu ]1] (1313-16)har har kirpaa Dhaar parabh jan naanak jap har naam. ||1|| O Lord God, please shower Your Mercy upon servant Nanak, that he may chant the Lord's Name. ||1|| mÚ 4 ] (1313-17)mehlaa 4. Fourth Mehl: hir hir nwmu pivqu hY nwmu jpq duKu jwie ] (1313-17)har har naam pavit hai naam japat dukh jaa-ay. The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Sacred and Immaculate. Chanting the Naam, pain is dispelled. ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn min visAw Awie ] (1313-17)jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa tin man vasi-aa aa-ay. God comes to abide in the minds of those who have such pre-ordained destiny. siqgur kY BwxY jo clY iqn dwldu duKu lih jwie ] (1313-18)satgur kai bhaanai jo chalai tin daalad dukh leh jaa-ay. Those who walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru are rid of pain and poverty. AwpxY BwxY iknY n pwieE jn vyKhu min pqIAwie ] (1313-18)aapnai bhaanai kinai na paa-i-o jan vaykhhu man patee-aa-ay. No one finds the Lord by his own will; see this, and satisfy your mind. jnu nwnku dwsn dwsu hY jo siqgur lwgy pwie ]2] (1313-19)jan naanak daasan daas hai jo satgur laagay paa-ay. ||2|| Servant Nanak is the slave of the slave of those who fall at the Feet of the True Guru. ||2|| pauVI ] (1313-19)pa-orhee. Pauree: |
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