Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


kwnVw CMq mhlw 5 (1312-1)
kaanrhaa chhant mehlaa 5
Kaanraa, Chhant, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1312-1)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sy auDry ijn rwm iDAwey ] (1312-2)
say uDhray jin raam Dhi-aa-ay.
They alone are saved, who meditate on the Lord.

jqn mwieAw ky kwim n Awey ] (1312-2)
jatan maa-i-aa kay kaam na aa-ay.
Working for Maya is useless.

rwm iDAwey siB Pl pwey Din DMin qy bfBwgIAw ] (1312-2)
raam Dhi-aa-ay sabh fal paa-ay Dhan Dhan tay badbhaagee-aa.
Meditating on the Lord, all fruits and rewards are obtained. They are blessed, blessed and very fortunate.

sqsMig jwgy nwim lwgy eyk isau ilv lwgIAw ] (1312-3)
satsang jaagay naam laagay ayk si-o liv laagee-aa.
They are awake and aware in the True Congregation; attached to the Naam, they are lovingly attuned to the One.

qij mwn moh ibkwr swDU lig qrau iqn kY pwey ] (1312-3)
taj maan moh bikaar saaDhoo lag tara-o tin kai paa-ay.
I have renounced pride, emotional attachment, wickedness and corruption; attached to the Holy, I am carried across at their feet.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI bfBwig drsnu pwey ]1] (1312-4)
binvant naanak saran su-aamee badbhaag darsan paa-ay. ||1||
Prays Nanak, I have come to the Sanctuary of my Lord and Master; by great good fortune, I obtain the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||

imil swDU inq Bjh nwrwiex ] (1312-5)
mil saaDhoo nit bhajah naaraa-in.
The Holy meet together, and continually vibrate and meditate on the Lord.

rsik rsik suAwmI gux gwiex ] (1312-5)
rasak rasak su-aamee gun gaa-in.
With love and excitement, they sing the Glorious Praises of their Lord and Master.

gux gwie jIvh hir Aimau pIvh jnm mrxw Bwgey ] (1312-5)
gun gaa-ay jeevah har ami-o peevah janam marnaa bhaag-ay.
Singing His Praises they live, drinking in the Lord's Nectar; the cycle of birth and death is over for them.

sqsMig pweIAY hir iDAweIAY bhuiV dUKu n lwgey ] (1312-6)
satsang paa-ee-ai har Dhi-aa-ee-ai bahurh dookh na laag-ay.
Finding the True Congregation and meditating on the Lord, one is never again afflicted with pain.

kir dieAw dwqy purK ibDwqy sMq syv kmwiex ] (1312-6)
kar da-i-aa daatay purakh biDhaatay sant sayv kamaa-in.
By the Grace of the Great Giver, the Architect of Destiny, we work to serve the Saints.

ibnvMiq nwnk jn DUir bWCih hir dris shij smwiex ]2] (1312-7)
binvant naanak jan Dhoor baaNchheh har daras sahj samaa-in. ||2||
Prays Nanak, I long for the dust of the feet of the humble; I am intuitively absorbed in the Blessed Vision of the Lord. ||2||

sgly jMq Bjhu gopwlY ] (1312-8)
saglay jant bhajahu gopaalai.
All beings vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the World.

jp qp sMjm pUrn GwlY ] (1312-8)
jap tap sanjam pooran ghaalai.
This brings the merits of chanting and meditation, austere self-discipline and perfect service.

inq Bjhu suAwmI AMqrjwmI sPl jnmu sbwieAw ] (1312-8)
nit bhajahu su-aamee antarjaamee safal janam sabaa-i-aa.
Vibrating and meditating continuously on our Lord and Master, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, one's life becomes totally fruitful.

goibdu gweIAY inq iDAweIAY prvwxu soeI AwieAw ] (1312-9)
gobid gaa-ee-ai nit Dhi-aa-ee-ai parvaan so-ee aa-i-aa.
Those who sing and meditate continually on the Lord of the Universe - their coming into the world is blessed and approved.

jp qwp sMjm hir hir inrMjn goibMd Dnu sMig cwlY ] (1312-10)
jap taap sanjam har har niranjan gobind Dhan sang chaalai.
The Immaculate Lord, Har, Har, is meditation and chanting, and austere self-discipline; only the Wealth of the Lord of the Universe shall go along with you in the end.

ibnvMiq nwnk kir dieAw dIjY hir rqnu bwDau pwlY ]3] (1312-10)
binvant naanak kar da-i-aa deejai har ratan baaDha-o paalai. ||3||
Prays Nanak, please grant Your Grace, O Lord, and bless me with the Jewel, that I may carry it in my pocket. ||3||

mMglcwr coj Awnµdw ] (1312-11)
mangalchaar choj aanandaa.
His Wondrous and Amazing Plays are blissful

kir ikrpw imly prmwnµdw ] (1312-11)
kar kirpaa milay parmaanandaa.
- granting His Grace, He bestows supreme ecstasy.

pRB imly suAwmI suKhgwmI ieC mn kI puMnIAw ] (1312-11)
parabh milay su-aamee sukhhagaamee ichh man kee punnee-aa.
God, my Lord and Master, the Bringer of peace, has met me, and the desires of my mind are fulfilled.

bjI bDweI shjy smweI bhuiV dUiK n ruMnIAw ] (1312-12)
bajee baDhaa-ee sehjay samaa-ee bahurh dookh na runnee-aa.
Congratulations pour in; I am intuitively absorbed in the Lord. I shall never again cry out in pain.

ly kMiT lwey suK idKwey ibkwr ibnsy mMdw ] (1312-13)
lay kanth laa-ay sukh dikhaa-ay bikaar binsay mandaa.
He hugs me close in His Embrace, and blesses me with peace; the evil of sin and corruption is gone.

ibnvMiq nwnk imly suAwmI purK prmwnµdw ]4]1] (1312-13)
binvant naanak milay su-aamee purakh parmaanandaa. ||4||1||
Prays Nanak, I have met my Lord and Master, the Primal Lord, the Embodiment of Bliss. ||4||1||

kwnVy kI vwr mhlw 4 mUsy kI vwr kI DunI (1312-15)
kaanrhay kee vaar mehlaa 4 moosay kee vaar kee Dhunee
Vaar Of Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl, Sung To The Tune Of The Ballad Of Musa:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1312-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mÚ 4 ] (1312-16)
salok mehlaa 4.
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:

rwm nwmu inDwnu hir gurmiq rKu aur Dwir ] (1312-16)
raam naam niDhaan har gurmat rakh ur Dhaar.
Follow the Guru's Teachings, and enshrine the Treasure of the Lord's Name within your heart.

dwsn dwsw hoie rhu haumY ibiKAw mwir ] (1312-16)
daasan daasaa ho-ay rahu ha-umai bikhi-aa maar.
Become the slave of the Lord's slaves, and conquer egotism and corruption.

jnmu pdwrQu jIiqAw kdy n AwvY hwir ] (1312-17)
janam padaarath jeeti-aa kaday na aavai haar.
You shall win this treasure of life; you shall never lose.

Dnu Dnu vfBwgI nwnkw ijn gurmiq hir rsu swir ]1] (1312-17)
Dhan Dhan vadbhaagee naankaa jin gurmat har ras saar. ||1||
Blessed, blessed and very fortunate are those, O Nanak, who savor the Sublime Essence of the Lord through the Guru's Teachings. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (1312-18)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

goivMdu goivdu goivdu hir goivdu guxI inDwnu ] (1312-18)
govind govid govid har govid gunee niDhaan.
Govind, Govind, Govind - the Lord God, the Lord of the Universe is the Treasure of Virtue.

goivdu goivdu gurmiq iDAweIAY qW drgh pweIAY mwnu ] (1312-18)
govid govid gurmat Dhi-aa-ee-ai taaN dargeh paa-ee-ai maan.
Meditating on Govind, Govind, the Lord of the Universe, through the Guru's Teachings, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord.