pMkj moh inGrqu hY pRwnI guru inGrq kwiF kFwvYgo ] (1311-1)
pankaj moh nighrat hai paraanee gur nighrat kaadh kadhaavaigo.
The mortal beings are sinking in the swamp of emotional attachment; the Guru lifts them up, and saves them from sinking.
qRwih qRwih srin jn Awey guru hwQI dy inklwvYgo ]4] (1311-2)
taraahi taraahi saran jan aa-ay gur haathee day niklaavaigo. ||4||
Crying, "Save me! Save me!", the humble come to His Sanctuary; the Guru reaches out His Hand, and lifts them up. ||4||
supn皓ru sMswru sBu bwjI sBu bwjI Kylu iKlwvYgo ] (1311-2)
supnantar sansaar sabh baajee sabh baajee khayl khilaavaigo.
The whole world is like a game in a dream, all a game. God plays and causes the game to be played.
lwhw nwmu gurmiq lY cwlhu hir drgh pYDw jwvYgo ]5] (1311-3)
laahaa naam gurmat lai chaalahu har dargeh paiDhaa jaavaigo. ||5||
So earn the Profit of the Naam by following the Guru's Teachings; you shall go to the Court of the Lord in robes of honor. ||5||
haumY krY krwvY haumY pwp koiely Awin jmwvYgo ] (1311-3)
ha-umai karai karaavai ha-umai paap ko-ilay aan jamaavaigo.
They act in egotism, and make others act in egotism; they collect and gather up the blackness of sin.
AwieAw kwlu duKdweI hoey jo bIjy so KvlwvYgo ]6] (1311-4)
aa-i-aa kaal dukh-daa-ee ho-ay jo beejay so khalaavaigo. ||6||
And when death comes, they suffer in agony; they must eat what they have planted. ||6||
sMqhu rwm nwmu Dnu sMchu lY Krcu cly piq pwvYgo ] (1311-4)
santahu raam naam Dhan sanchahu lai kharach chalay pat paavaigo.
O Saints, gather the Wealth of the Lord's Name; if you depart after packing these provisions, you shall be honored.
Kwie Kric dyvih bhuqyrw hir dydy qoit n AwvYgo ]7] (1311-5)
khaa-ay kharach dayveh bahutayraa har dayday tot na aavaigo. ||7||
So eat, spend, consume and give abundantly; the Lord will give - there will be no deficiency. ||7||
rwm nwm Dnu hY ird AMqir Dnu gur srxweI pwvYgo ] (1311-6)
raam naam Dhan hai rid antar Dhan gur sarnaa-ee paavaigo.
The wealth of the Lord's Name is deep within the heart. In the Sanctuary of the Guru, this wealth is found.
nwnk dieAw dieAw kir dInI duKu dwldu BMij smwvYgo ]8]5] (1311-6)
naanak da-i-aa da-i-aa kar deenee dukh daalad bhanj samaavaigo. ||8||5||
O Nanak, God has been kind and compassionate; He has blessed me. Removing pain and poverty, He has blended me with Himself. ||8||5||
kwnVw mhlw 4 ] (1311-7)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 4.
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:
mnu siqgur srin iDAwvYgo ] (1311-7)
man satgur saran Dhi-aavaigo.
O mind, seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru, and meditate.
lohw ihrnu hovY sMig pwrs gunu pwrs ko hoie AwvYgo ]1] rhwau ] (1311-8)
lohaa hiran hovai sang paaras gun paaras ko ho-ay aavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Iron is transformed into gold by touching the philosopher's stone; it takes on its qualities. ||1||Pause||
siqguru mhw purKu hY pwrsu jo lwgY so Plu pwvYgo ] (1311-8)
satgur mahaa purakh hai paaras jo laagai so fal paavaigo.
The True Guru, the Great Primal Being, is the philosopher's stone. Whoever is attached to Him receives fruitful rewards.
ijau gur aupdyis qry pRihlwdw guru syvk pYj rKwvYgo ]1] (1311-9)
ji-o gur updays taray par-hilaadaa gur sayvak paij rakhaavaigo. ||1||
Just as Prahlaad was saved by the Guru's Teachings, the Guru protects the honor of His servant. ||1||
siqgur bcnu bcnu hY nIko gur bcnI AMimRqu pwvYgo ] (1311-10)
satgur bachan bachan hai neeko gur bachnee amrit paavaigo.
The Word of the True Guru is the most Sublime and Noble Word. Through the Guru's Word, the Ambrosial Nectar is obtained.
ijau AMbrIik Amrw pd pwey siqgur muK bcn iDAwvYgo ]2] (1311-10)
ji-o ambreek amraa pad paa-ay satgur mukh bachan Dhi-aavaigo. ||2||
Ambreek the king was blessed with the status of immortality, meditating on the Word of the True Guru. ||2||
siqgur srin srin min BweI suDw suDw kir iDAwvYgo ] (1311-11)
satgur saran saran man bhaa-ee suDhaa suDhaa kar Dhi-aavaigo.
The Sanctuary, the Protection and Sanctuary of the True Guru is pleasing to the mind. It is sacred and pure - meditate on it.
dieAwl dIn Bey hY siqgur hir mwrgu pMQu idKwvYgo ]3] (1311-11)
da-i-aal deen bha-ay hai satgur har maarag panth dikhaavaigo. ||3||
The True Guru has become Merciful to the meek and the poor; He has shown me the Path, the Way to the Lord. ||3||
siqgur srin pey sy Qwpy iqn rwKn kau pRBu AwvYgo ] (1311-12)
satgur saran pa-ay say thaapay tin raakhan ka-o parabh aavaigo.
Those who enter the Sanctuary of the True Guru are firmly established; God comes to protect them.
jy ko sru sMDY jn aUpir iPir aulto iqsY lgwvYgo ]4] (1311-13)
jay ko sar sanDhai jan oopar fir ulto tisai lagaavaigo. ||4||
If someone aims an arrow at the Lord's humble servant, it will turn around and hit him instead. ||4||
hir hir hir hir hir sru syvih iqn drgh mwnu idvwvYgo ] (1311-13)
har har har har har sar sayveh tin dargeh maan divaavaigo.
Those who bathe in the Sacred Pool of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, are blessed with honor in His Court.
gurmiq gurmiq gurmiq iDAwvih hir gil imil myil imlwvYgo ]5] (1311-14)
gurmat gurmat gurmat Dhi-aavahi har gal mil mayl milaavaigo. ||5||
Those who meditate on the Guru's Teachings, the Guru's Instructions, the Guru's Wisdom, are united in the Lord's Union; He hugs them close in His Embrace. ||5||
gurmuiK nwdu bydu hY gurmuiK gur prcY nwmu iDAwvYgo ] (1311-15)
gurmukh naad bayd hai gurmukh gur parchai naam Dhi-aavaigo.
The Guru's Word is the Sound-current of the Naad, The Guru's Word is the wisdom of the Vedas; coming in contact with the Guru, meditate on the Naam.
hir hir rUpu hir rUpo hovY hir jn kau pUj krwvYgo ]6] (1311-15)
har har roop har roopo hovai har jan ka-o pooj karaavaigo. ||6||
In the Image of the Lord, Har, Har, one becomes the Embodiment of the Lord. The Lord makes His humble servant worthy of worship. ||6||
swkq nr siqguru nhI kIAw qy bymuK hir BrmwvYgo ] (1311-16)
saakat nar satgur nahee kee-aa tay baymukh har bharmaavaigo.
The faithless cynic does not submit to the True Guru; the Lord makes the non-believer wander in confusion.
loB lhir suAwn kI sMgiq ibKu mwieAw krMig lgwvYgo ]7] (1311-17)
lobh lahar su-aan kee sangat bikh maa-i-aa karang lagaavaigo. ||7||
The waves of greed are like packs of dogs. The poison of Maya sticks to the body-skeleton. ||7||
rwm nwmu sB jg kw qwrku lig sMgiq nwmu iDAwvYgo ] (1311-17)
raam naam sabh jag kaa taarak lag sangat naam Dhi-aavaigo.
The Lord's Name is the Saving Grace of the whole world; join the Sangat, and meditate on the Naam.
nwnk rwKu rwKu pRB myry sqsMgiq rwiK smwvYgo ]8]6] (1311-18)
naanak raakh raakh parabh mayray satsangat raakh samaavaigo. ||8||6||
O my God, please protect and preserve Nanak in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; save him, and let him merge in You. ||8||6||
Ckw 1 ] (1311-19)
chhakaa 1.
First Set of Six||