Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


siqguru dwqw jIA jIAn ko BwghIn nhI BwvYgo ] (1310-1)
satgur daataa jee-a jee-an ko bhaagheen nahee bhaavaigo.
The True Guru is the Giver of the life of the soul, but the unfortunate ones do not love Him.

iPir eyh vylw hwiQ n AwvY prqwpY pCuqwvYgo ]7] (1310-1)
fir ayh vaylaa haath na aavai partaapai pachhutaavaigo. ||7||
This opportunity shall not come into their hands again; in the end, they will suffer in torment and regret. ||7||

jy ko Blw loVY Bl Apnw gur AwgY Fih Fih pwvYgo ] (1310-2)
jay ko bhalaa lorhai bhal apnaa gur aagai dheh dheh paavaigo.
If a good person seeks goodness for himself, he should bow low in humble surrender to the Guru.

nwnk dieAw dieAw kir Twkur mY siqgur Bsm lgwvYgo ]8]3] (1310-2)
naanak da-i-aa da-i-aa kar thaakur mai satgur bhasam lagaavaigo. ||8||3||
Nanak prays: please show kindness and compassion to me, O my Lord and Master, that I may apply the dust of the True Guru to my forehead. ||8||3||

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] (1310-3)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 4.
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:

mnu hir rMig rwqw gwvYgo ] (1310-3)
man har rang raataa gaavaigo.
O mind, be attuned to His Love, and sing.

BY BY qRws Bey hY inrml gurmiq lwig lgwvYgo ]1] rhwau ] (1310-4)
bhai bhai taraas bha-ay hai nirmal gurmat laag lagaavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Fear of God makes me fearless and immaculate; I am dyed in the color of the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause||

hir rMig rwqw sd bYrwgI hir inkit iqnw Gir AwvYgo ] (1310-4)
har rang raataa sad bairaagee har nikat tinaa ghar aavaigo.
Those who are attuned to the Lord's Love remain balanced and detached forever; they live near the Lord, who comes into their house.

iqn kI pMk imlY qW jIvw kir ikrpw Awip idvwvYgo ]1] (1310-5)
tin kee pank milai taaN jeevaa kar kirpaa aap divaavaigo. ||1||
If I am blessed with the dust of their feet, then I live. Granting His Grace, He Himself bestows it. ||1||

duibDw loiB lgy hY pRwxI min korY rMgu n AwvYgo ] (1310-6)
dubiDhaa lobh lagay hai paraanee man korai rang na aavaigo.
Mortal beings are attached to greed and duality. Their minds are unripe and unfit, and will not accept the Dye of His Love.

iPir aulitE jnmu hovY gur bcnI guru purKu imlY rMgu lwvYgo ]2] (1310-6)
fir ulti-o janam hovai gur bachnee gur purakh milai rang laavaigo. ||2||
But their lives are transformed through the Word of the Guru's Teachings. Meeting with the Guru, the Primal Being, they are dyed in the color of His Love. ||2||

ieMdRI dsy dsy Puin Dwvq qRY guxIAw iKnu n itkwvYgo ] (1310-7)
indree dasay dasay fun Dhaavat tarai gunee-aa khin na tikaavaigo.
There are ten organs of sense and action; the ten wander unrestrained. Under the influence of the three dispositions, they are not stable, even for an instant.

siqgur prcY vsgiq AwvY moK mukiq so pwvYgo ]3] (1310-8)
satgur parchai vasgat aavai mokh mukat so paavaigo. ||3||
Coming in contact with the True Guru, they are brought under control; then, salvation and liberation are attained. ||3||

EAMkwir eyko riv rihAw sBu eyks mwih smwvYgo ] (1310-8)
o-ankaar ayko rav rahi-aa sabh aykas maahi samaavaigo.
The One and Only Creator of the Universe is All-pervading everywhere. All shall once again merge into the One.

eyko rUpu eyko bhu rMgI sBu eykqu bcin clwvYgo ]4] (1310-9)
ayko roop ayko baho rangee sabh aykat bachan chalaavaigo. ||4||
His One Form has one, and many colors; He leads all according to His One Word. ||4||

gurmuiK eyko eyku pCwqw gurmuiK hoie lKwvYgo ] (1310-9)
gurmukh ayko ayk pachhaataa gurmukh ho-ay lakhaavaigo.
The Gurmukh realizes the One and Only Lord; He is revealed to the Gurmukh.

gurmuiK jwie imlY inj mhlI Anhd sbdu bjwvYgo ]5] (1310-10)
gurmukh jaa-ay milai nij mahlee anhad sabad bajaavaigo. ||5||
The Gurmukh goes and meets the Lord in His Mansion deep within; the Unstruck Word of the Shabad vibrates there. ||5||

jIA jMq sB issit aupweI gurmuiK soBw pwvYgo ] (1310-11)
jee-a jant sabh sisat upaa-ee gurmukh sobhaa paavaigo.
God created all the beings and creatures of the universe; He blesses the Gurmukh with glory.

ibnu gur Byty ko mhlu n pwvY Awie jwie duKu pwvYgo ]6] (1310-11)
bin gur bhaytay ko mahal na paavai aa-ay jaa-ay dukh paavaigo. ||6||
Without meeting the Guru, no one obtains the Mansion of His Presence. They suffer the agony of coming and going in reincarnation. ||6||

Anyk jnm ivCuVy myry pRIqm kir ikrpw gurU imlwvYgo ] (1310-12)
anayk janam vichhurhay mayray pareetam kar kirpaa guroo milaavaigo.
For countless lifetimes, I have been separated from my Beloved; in His Mercy, the Guru has united me with Him.

siqgur imlq mhw suKu pwieAw miq mlIn ibgswvYgo ]7] (1310-12)
satgur milat mahaa sukh paa-i-aa mat maleen bigsaavaigo. ||7||
Meeting the True Guru, I have found absolute peace, and my polluted intellect blossoms forth. ||7||

hir hir ik®pw krhu jgjIvn mY srDw nwim lgwvYgo ] (1310-13)
har har kirpaa karahu jagjeevan mai sarDhaa naam lagaavaigo.
O Lord, Har, Har, please grant Your Grace; O Life of the World, instill faith in the Naam within me.

nwnk gurU gurU hY siqguru mY siqguru srin imlwvYgo ]8]4] (1310-14)
naanak guroo guroo hai satgur mai satgur saran milaavaigo. ||8||4||
Nanak is the Guru, the Guru, the True Guru; I am immersed in the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||8||4||

kwnVw mhlw 4 ] (1310-15)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 4.
Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl:

mn gurmiq cwl clwvYgo ] (1310-15)
man gurmat chaal chalaavaigo.
O mind, walk on the Path of the Guru's Teachings.

ijau mYglu msqu dIjY qil kuMfy gur AMksu sbdu idRVwvYgo ]1] rhwau ] (1310-15)
ji-o maigal masat deejai tal kunday gur ankas sabad darirh-aavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Just as the wild elephant is subdued by the prod, the mind is disciplined by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||

clqO clY clY dh dh idis guru rwKY hir ilv lwvYgo ] (1310-16)
chaltou chalai chalai dah dah dis gur raakhai har liv laavaigo.
The wandering mind wanders, roams and rambles in the ten directions; but the Guru holds it, and lovingly attunes it to the Lord.

siqguru sbdu dyie ird AMqir muiK AMimRqu nwmu cuAwvYgo ]1] (1310-16)
satgur sabad day-ay rid antar mukh amrit naam chu-aavaigo. ||1||
The True Guru implants the Word of the Shabad deep within the heart; the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, trickles into the mouth. ||1||

ibsIAr ibsU Bry hY pUrn guru gruV sbdu muiK pwvYgo ] (1310-17)
bisee-ar bisoo bharay hai pooran gur garurh sabad mukh paavaigo.
The snakes are filled with poisonous venom; the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the antidote - place it in your mouth.

mwieAw BuieAMg iqsu nyiV n AwvY ibKu Jwir Jwir ilv lwvYgo ]2] (1310-18)
maa-i-aa bhu-i-ang tis nayrh na aavai bikh jhaar jhaar liv laavaigo. ||2||
Maya, the serpent, does not even approach one who is rid of the poison, and lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||2||

suAwnu loBu ngr mih sblw guru iKn mih mwir kFwvYgo ] (1310-19)
su-aan lobh nagar meh sablaa gur khin meh maar kadhaavaigo.
The dog of greed is very powerful in the village of the body; the Guru strikes it and drives it out in an instant.

squ sMqoKu Drmu Awin rwKy hir ngrI hir gun gwvYgo ]3] (1310-19)
sat santokh Dharam aan raakhay har nagree har gun gaavaigo. ||3||
Truth, contentment, righteousness and Dharma have settled there; in the village of the Lord, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||3||