Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1307 kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 10 (1307-2)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 10 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Tenth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1307-2)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: AYso dwnu dyhu jI sMqhu jwq jIau bilhwir ] (1307-3)aiso daan dayh jee santahu jaat jee-o balihaar. Give me that blessing, O Dear Saints, for which my soul would be a sacrifice. mwn mohI pMc dohI auriJ inkit bisE qwkI srin swDUAw dUq sMgu invwir ]1] rhwau ] (1307-3)maan mohee panch dohee urajh nikat basi-o taakee saran saaDhoo-aa doot sang nivaar. ||1|| rahaa-o. Enticed by pride, entrapped and plundered by the five thieves, still, you live near them. I have come to the Sanctuary of the Holy, and I have been rescued from my association with those demons. ||1||Pause|| koit jnm join BRimE hwir pirE duAwir ]1] (1307-4)kot janam jon bharmi-o haar pari-o du-aar. ||1|| I wandered through millions of lifetimes and incarnations. I am so very tired - I have fallen at God's Door. ||1|| ikrpw goibMd BeI imilE nwmu ADwru ] (1307-4)kirpaa gobind bha-ee mili-o naam aDhaar. The Lord of the Universe has become Kind to me; He has blessed me with the Support of the Naam. dulB jnmu sPlu nwnk Bv auqwir pwir ]2]1]45] (1307-5)dulabh janam safal naanak bhav utaar paar. ||2||1||45|| This precious human life has become fruitful and prosperous; O Nanak, I am carried across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||1||45|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 11 (1307-6)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 11 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Eleventh House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1307-6)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: shj suBwey Awpn Awey ] (1307-7)sahj subhaa-ay aapan aa-ay. He Himself has come to me, in His Natural Way. kCU n jwnO kCU idKwey ] (1307-7)kachhoo na jaanou kachhoo dikhaa-ay. I know nothing, and I show nothing. pRBu imilE suK bwly Boly ]1] rhwau ] (1307-7)parabh mili-o sukh baalay bholay. ||1|| rahaa-o. I have met God through innocent faith, and He has blessed me with peace. ||1||Pause|| sMjoig imlwey swD sMgwey ] (1307-8)sanjog milaa-ay saaDh sangaa-ay. By the good fortune of my destiny, I have joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. kqhU n jwey Grih bswey ] (1307-8)kathoo na jaa-ay ghareh basaa-ay. I do not go out anywhere; I dwell in my own home. gun inDwnu pRgitE ieh colY ]1] (1307-8)gun niDhaan pargati-o ih cholai. ||1|| God, the Treasure of Virtue, has been revealed in this body-robe. ||1|| crn luBwey Awn qjwey ] (1307-9)charan lubhaa-ay aan tajaa-ay. I have fallen in love with His Feet; I have abandoned everything else. Qwn Qnwey srb smwey ] (1307-9)thaan thanaa-ay sarab samaa-ay. In the places and interspaces, He is All-pervading. rsik rsik nwnku gun bolY ]2]1]46] (1307-9)rasak rasak naanak gun bolai. ||2||1||46|| With loving joy and excitement, Nanak speaks His Praises. ||2||1||46|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1307-10)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: goibMd Twkur imln durweØI ] (1307-10)gobind thaakur milan duraa-eeN. It is so hard to meet the Lord of the Universe, my Lord and Master. primiq rUpu AgMm Agocr rihE srb smweI ]1] rhwau ] (1307-10)parmit roop agamm agochar rahi-o sarab samaa-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. His Form is Immeasurable, Inaccessible and Unfathomable; He is All-pervading everywhere. ||1||Pause|| khin Bvin nwhI pwieE pwieE Aink aukiq cqurweI ]1] (1307-11)kahan bhavan naahee paa-i-o paa-i-o anik ukat chaturaa-ee. ||1|| By speaking and wandering, nothing is gained; nothing is obtained by clever tricks and devices. ||1|| jqn jqn Aink aupwv ry qau imilE jau ikrpweI ] (1307-12)jatan jatan anik upaav ray ta-o mili-o ja-o kirpaa-ee. People try all sorts of things, but the Lord is only met when He shows His Mercy. pRBU dieAwr ik®pwr ik®pw iniD jn nwnk sMq rynweI ]2]2]47] (1307-12)parabhoo da-i-aar kirpaar kirpaa niDh jan naanak sant raynaa-ee. ||2||2||47|| God is Kind and Compassionate, the Treasure of Mercy; servant Nanak is the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||2||2||47|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1307-13)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: mweI ismrq rwm rwm rwm ] (1307-13)maa-ee simrat raam raam raam. O mother, I meditate on the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam. pRB ibnw nwhI horu ] (1307-14)parabh binaa naahee hor. Without God, there is no other at all. icqvau crnwribMd swsn inis Bor ]1] rhwau ] (1307-14)chitva-o charnaarbind saasan nis bhor. ||1|| rahaa-o. I remember His Lotus Feet with every breath, night and day. ||1||Pause|| lwie pRIiq kIn Awpn qUtq nhI joru ] (1307-14)laa-ay pareet keen aapan tootat nahee jor. He loves me and makes me His Own; my union with Him shall never be broken. pRwn mnu Dnu srbsuo hir gun inDy suK mor ]1] (1307-15)paraan man Dhan sarbaso har gun niDhay sukh mor. ||1|| He is my breath of life, mind, wealth and everything. The Lord is the Treasure of Virtue and Peace. ||1|| eIq aUq rwm pUrnu inrKq ird Koir ] (1307-15)eet oot raam pooran nirkhat rid khor. Here and hereafter, the Lord is perfectly pervading; He is seen deep within the heart. sMq srn qrn nwnk ibnisE duKu Gor ]2]3]48] (1307-16)sant saran taran naanak binsi-o dukh ghor. ||2||3||48|| In the Sanctuary of the Saints, I am carried across; O Nanak, the terrible pain has been taken away. ||2||3||48|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1307-16)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: jn ko pRBu sMgy Asnyhu ] (1307-17)jan ko parabh sangay asnayhu. God's humble servant is in love with Him. swjno qU mIqu myrw igRih qyrY sBu kyhu ]1] rhwau ] (1307-17)saajno too meet mayraa garihi tayrai sabh kayhu. ||1|| rahaa-o. You are my Friend, my very best Friend; everything is in Your Home. ||1||Pause|| mwnu mWgau qwnu mWgau Dnu lKmI suq dyh ]1] (1307-17)maan maaNga-o taan maaNga-o Dhan lakhmee sut dayh. ||1|| I beg for honor, I beg for strength; please bless me with wealth, property and children. ||1|| mukiq jugiq Bugiq pUrn prmwnµd prm inDwn ] (1307-18)mukat jugat bhugat pooran parmaanand param niDhaan. You are the Technology of liberation, the Way to worldly success, the Perfect Lord of Supreme Bliss, the Transcendent Treasure. |
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