Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1306 qtn Ktn jtn homn nwhI fMfDwr suAwau ]1] (1306-1)tatan khatan jatan homan naahee dandDhaar su-aa-o. ||1|| Making pilgrimages to sacred rivers, observing the six rituals, wearing matted and tangled hair, performing fire sacrifices and carrying ceremonial walking sticks - none of these are of any use. ||1|| jqn BWqn qpn BRmn Aink kQn kQqy nhI Qwh pweI Twau ] (1306-1)jatan bhaaNtan tapan bharman anik kathan kathtay nahee thaah paa-ee thaa-o. All sorts of efforts, austerities, wanderings and various speeches - none of these will lead you to find the Lord's Place. soiD sgr soDnw suKu nwnkw Bju nwau ]2]2]39] (1306-2)soDh sagar soDhnaa sukh naankaa bhaj naa-o. ||2||2||39|| I have considered all considerations, O Nanak, but peace comes only by vibrating and meditating on the Name. ||2||2||39|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 9 (1306-3)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 9 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Ninth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1306-3)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: piqq pwvnu Bgiq bClu BY hrn qwrn qrn ]1] rhwau ] (1306-4)patit paavan bhagat bachhal bhai haran taaran taran. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Purifier of sinners, the Lover of His devotees, the Destroyer of fear - He carries us across to the other side. ||1||Pause|| nYn iqpqy drsu pyiK jsu qoiK sunq krn ]1] (1306-4)nain tiptay daras paykh jas tokh sunat karan. ||1|| My eyes are satisfied, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; my ears are satisfied, hearing His Praise. ||1|| pRwn nwQ AnwQ dwqy dIn goibd srn ] (1306-5)paraan naath anaath daatay deen gobid saran. He is the Master of the praanaa, the breath of life; He is the Giver of Support to the unsupported. I am meek and poor - I seek the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe. Aws pUrn duK ibnwsn ghI Et nwnk hir crn ]2]1]40] (1306-5)aas pooran dukh binaasan gahee ot naanak har charan. ||2||1||40|| He is the Fulfiller of hope, the Destroyer of pain. Nanak grasps the Support of the Feet of the Lord. ||2||1||40|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1306-6)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: crn srn dieAwl Twkur Awn nwhI jwie ] (1306-6)charan saran da-i-aal thaakur aan naahee jaa-ay. I seek the Sanctuary of the Feet of my Merciful Lord and Master; I do not go anywhere else. piqq pwvn ibrdu suAwmI auDrqy hir iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (1306-7)patit paavan birad su-aamee uDhratay har Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. It is the Inherent Nature of our Lord and Master to purify sinners. Those who meditate on the Lord are saved. ||1||Pause|| sYswr gwr ibkwr swgr piqq moh mwn AMD ] (1306-7)saisaar gaar bikaar saagar patit moh maan anDh. The world is a swamp of wickedness and corruption. The blind sinner has fallen into the ocean of emotional attachment and pride, ibkl mwieAw sMig DMD ] (1306-8)bikal maa-i-aa sang DhanDh. bewildered by the entanglements of Maya. kru ghy pRB Awip kwFhu rwiK lyhu goibMd rwie ]1] (1306-8)kar gahay parabh aap kaadhahu raakh layho gobind raa-ay. ||1|| God Himself has taken me by the hand and lifted me up and out of it; save me, O Sovereign Lord of the Universe. ||1|| AnwQ nwQ snwQ sMqn koit pwp ibnws ] (1306-9)anaath naath sanaath santan kot paap binaas. He is the Master of the masterless, the Supporting Lord of the Saints, the Neutralizer of millions of sins. min drsnY kI ipAws ] (1306-9)man darsanai kee pi-aas. My mind thirsts for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. pRB pUrn gunqws ] (1306-9)parabh pooran guntaas. God is the Perfect Treasure of Virtue. ik®pwl dieAwl gupwl nwnk hir rsnw gun gwie ]2]2]41] (1306-10)kirpaal da-i-aal gupaal naanak har rasnaa gun gaa-ay. ||2||2||41|| O Nanak, sing and savor the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Kind and Compassionate Lord of the World. ||2||2||41|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1306-10)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: vwir vwrau Aink fwrau ] (1306-10)vaar vaara-o anik daara-o. Countless times, I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice suKu ipRA suhwg plk rwq ]1] rhwau ] (1306-11)sukh pari-a suhaag palak raat. ||1|| rahaa-o. to that moment of peace, on that night when I was joined with my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| kink mMdr pwt syj sKI moih nwih ien isau qwq ]1] (1306-11)kanik mandar paat sayj sakhee mohi naahi in si-o taat. ||1|| Mansions of gold, and beds of silk sheets - O sisters, I have no love for these. ||1|| mukq lwl Aink Bog ibnu nwm nwnk hwq ] (1306-12)mukat laal anik bhog bin naam naanak haat. Pearls, jewels and countless pleasures, O Nanak, are useless and destructive without the Naam, the Name of the Lord. rUKo Bojnu BUim sYn sKI ipRA sMig sUiK ibhwq ]2]3]42] (1306-12)rookho bhojan bhoom sain sakhee pari-a sang sookh bihaat. ||2||3||42|| Even with only dry crusts of bread, and a hard floor on which to sleep, my life passes in peace and pleasure with my Beloved, O sisters. ||2||3||42|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1306-13)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: AhM qoro muKu joro ] (1306-13)ahaN toro mukh joro. Give up your ego, and turn your face to God. guru guru krq mnu loro ] (1306-13)gur gur karat man loro. Let your yearning mind call out, "Guru, Guru". ipRA pRIiq ipAwro moro ]1] rhwau ] (1306-14)pari-a pareet pi-aaro moro. ||1|| rahaa-o. My Beloved is the Lover of Love. ||1||Pause|| igRih syj suhwvI Awgin cYnw qoro rI qoro pMc dUqn isau sMgu qoro ]1] (1306-14)garihi sayj suhaavee aagan chainaa toro ree toro panch dootan si-o sang toro. ||1|| The bed of your household shall be cozy, and your courtyard shall be comfortable; shatter and break the bonds which tie you to the five thieves. ||1|| Awie n jwie bsy inj Awsin aUND kml ibgsoro ] (1306-15)aa-ay na jaa-ay basay nij aasan ooNDh kamal bigsoro. You shall not come and go in reincarnation; you shall dwell in your own home deep within, and your inverted heart-lotus shall blossom forth. CutkI haumY soro ] (1306-15)chhutkee ha-umai soro. The turmoil of egotism shall be silenced. gwieE rI gwieE pRB nwnk gunI ghyro ]2]4]43] (1306-16)gaa-i-o ree gaa-i-o parabh naanak gunee gahayro. ||2||4||43|| Nanak sings - he sings the Praises of God, the Ocean of Virtue. ||2||4||43|| kwnVw mÚ 5 Gru 9 ] (1306-16)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 9. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Ninth House: qW qy jwip mnw hir jwip ] (1306-16)taaN tay jaap manaa har jaap. This is why you should chant and meditate on the Lord, O mind. jo sMq byd khq pMQu gwKro moh mgn AhM qwp ] rhwau ] (1306-17)jo sant bayd kahat panth gaakhro moh magan ahaN taap. rahaa-o. The Vedas and the Saints say that the path is treacherous and difficult. You are intoxicated with emotional attachment and the fever of egotism. ||Pause|| jo rwqy mwqy sMig bpurI mwieAw moh sMqwp ]1] (1306-17)jo raatay maatay sang bapuree maa-i-aa moh santaap. ||1|| Those who are imbued and intoxicated with the wretched Maya, suffer the pains of emotional attachment. ||1|| nwmu jpq soaU jnu auDrY ijsih auDwrhu Awp ] (1306-18)naam japat so-oo jan uDhrai jisahi uDhaarahu aap. That humble being is saved, who chants the Naam; You Yourself save him. ibnis jwie moh BY Brmw nwnk sMq pRqwp ]2]5]44] (1306-18)binas jaa-ay moh bhai bharmaa naanak sant partaap. ||2||5||44|| Emotional attachment, fear and doubt are dispelled, O Nanak, by the Grace of the Saints. ||2||5||44|| |
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