Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1305 kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1305-1)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: AYsI kaun ibDy drsn prsnw ]1] rhwau ] (1305-1)aisee ka-un biDhay darsan parsanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. How may I obtain the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan? ||1||Pause|| Aws ipAws sPl mUriq aumig hIau qrsnw ]1] (1305-1)aas pi-aas safal moorat umag hee-o tarsanaa. ||1|| I hope and thirst for Your wish-fulfilling image; my heart yearns and longs for You. ||1|| dIn lIn ipAws mIn sMqnw hir sMqnw ] (1305-2)deen leen pi-aas meen santnaa har santnaa. The meek and humble Saints are like thirsty fish; the Saints of the Lord are absorbed in Him. hir sMqnw kI ryn ] (1305-2)har santnaa kee rayn. I am the dust of the feet of the Lord's Saints. hIau Arip dyn ] (1305-3)hee-o arap dayn. I dedicate my heart to them. pRB Bey hY ikrpyn ] (1305-3)parabh bha-ay hai kirpayn. God has become Merciful to me. mwnu mohu iqAwig CoifE qau nwnk hir jIau Bytnw ]2]2]35] (1305-3)maan moh ti-aag chhodi-o ta-o naanak har jee-o bhaytnaa. ||2||2||35|| Renouncing pride and leaving behind emotional attachment, O Nanak, one meets with the Dear Lord. ||2||2||35|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1305-4)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: rMgw rMg rMgn ky rMgw ] (1305-4)rangaa rang rangan kay rangaa. The Playful Lord imbues all with the Color of His Love. kIt hsq pUrn sB sMgw ]1] rhwau ] (1305-4)keet hasat pooran sabh sangaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. From the ant to the elephant, He is permeating and pervading all. ||1||Pause|| brq nym qIrQ sihq gMgw ] (1305-5)barat naym tirath sahit gangaa. Some go on fasts, make vows, and take pilgrimages to sacred shrines on the Ganges. jlu hyvq BUK Aru nµgw ] (1305-5)jal hayvat bhookh ar nangaa. They stand naked in the water, enduring hunger and poverty. pUjwcwr krq mylµgw ] (1305-5)poojaachaar karat maylangaa. They sit cross-legged, perform worship services and do good deeds. ck® krm iqlk KwtMgw ] (1305-6)chakar karam tilak khaatangaa. They apply religious symbols to their bodies, and ceremonial marks to their limbs. drsnu Byty ibnu sqsMgw ]1] (1305-6)darsan bhaytay bin satsangaa. ||1|| They read through the Shaastras, but they do not join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. ||1|| hiT ingRih Aiq rhq ibtMgw ] (1305-6)hath nigrahi at rahat bitangaa. They stubbornly practice ritualistic postures, standing on their heads. hau rogu ibAwpY cukY n BMgw ] (1305-7)ha-o rog bi-aapai chukai na bhangaa. They are afflicted with the disease of egotism, and their faults are not covered up. kwm k®oD Aiq iqRsn jrMgw ] (1305-7)kaam kroDh at tarisan jarangaa. They burn in the fire of sexual frustration, unresolved anger and compulsive desire. so mukqu nwnk ijsu siqguru cMgw ]2]3]36] (1305-7)so mukat naanak jis satgur changa. ||2||3||36|| He alone is liberated, O Nanak, whose True Guru is Good. ||2||3||36|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 7 (1305-9)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 7 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Seventh House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1305-9)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: iqK bUiJ geI geI imil swD jnw ] (1305-10)tikh boojh ga-ee ga-ee mil saaDh janaa. My thirst has been quenched, meeting with the Holy. pMc Bwgy cor shjy suKYno hry gun gwvqI gwvqI gwvqI drs ipAwir ]1] rhwau ] (1305-10)panch bhaagay chor sehjay sukhaino haray gun gaavtee gaavtee gaavtee daras pi-aar. ||1|| rahaa-o. The five thieves have run away, and I am in peace and poise; singing, singing, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, I obtain the Blessed Vision of my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| jYsI krI pRB mo isau mo isau AYsI hau kYsy krau ] (1305-11)jaisee karee parabh mo si-o mo si-o aisee ha-o kaisay kara-o. That which God has done for me - how can I do that for Him in return? hIau qum@wry bil bly bil bly bil geI ]1] (1305-11)hee-o tumHaaray bal balay bal balay bal ga-ee. ||1|| I make my heart a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You. ||1|| pihly pY sMq pwie iDAwie iDAwie pRIiq lwie ] (1305-12)pahilay pai sant paa-ay Dhi-aa-ay Dhi-aa-ay pareet laa-ay. First, I fall at the feet of the Saints; I meditate, meditate, lovingly attuned to You. pRB Qwnu qyro kyhro ijqu jMqn kir bIcwru ] (1305-12)parabh thaan tayro kayhro jit jantan kar beechaar. O God, where is that Place, where You contemplate all Your beings? Aink dws kIriq krih quhwrI ] (1305-13)anik daas keerat karahi tuhaaree. Countless slaves sing Your Praises. soeI imilE jo Bwvqo jn nwnk Twkur rihE smwie ] (1305-13)so-ee mili-o jo bhaavto jan naanak thaakur rahi-o samaa-ay. He alone meets You, who is pleasing to Your Will. Servant Nanak remains absorbed in his Lord and Master. eyk qUhI qUhI qUhI ]2]1]37] (1305-14)ayk toohee toohee toohee. ||2||1||37|| You, You, You alone, Lord. ||2||1||37|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 8 (1305-15)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 8 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Eighth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1305-15)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: iqAwgIAY gumwnu mwnu pyKqw dieAwl lwl hW hW mn crn ryn ]1] rhwau ] (1305-16)ti-aagee-ai gumaan maan paykh-taa da-i-aal laal haaN haaN man charan rayn. ||1|| rahaa-o. Give up your pride and your self-conceit; the Loving, Merciful Lord is watching over all. O mind, become the dust of His Feet. ||1||Pause|| hir sMq mMq gupwl igAwn iDAwn ]1] (1305-16)har sant mant gupaal gi-aan Dhi-aan. ||1|| Through the Mantra of the Lord's Saints, experience the spiritual wisdom and meditation of the Lord of the World. ||1|| ihrdY goibMd gwie crn kml pRIiq lwie dIn dieAwl mohnw ] (1305-17)hirdai gobind gaa-ay charan kamal pareet laa-ay deen da-i-aal mohnaa. Within your heart, sing the Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and be lovingly attuned to His Lotus Feet. He is the Fascinating Lord, Merciful to the meek and the humble. ik®pwl dieAw mieAw Dwir ] (1305-18)kirpaal da-i-aa ma-i-aa Dhaar. O Merciful Lord, please bless me with Your Kindness and Compassion. nwnku mwgY nwmu dwnu ] (1305-18)naanak maagai naam daan. Nanak begs for the Gift of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. qij mohu Brmu sgl AiBmwnu ]2]1]38] (1305-18)taj moh bharam sagal abhimaan. ||2||1||38|| I have abandoned emotional attachment, doubt and all egotistical pride. ||2||1||38|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1305-19)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: pRB khn mln dhn lhn gur imly Awn nhI aupwau ]1] rhwau ] (1305-19)parabh kahan malan dahan lahan gur milay aan nahee upaa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. Speaking of God, filth and pollution are burnt away; This comes by meeting with the Guru, and not by any other efforts. ||1||Pause|| |
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