Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


kwim k®oiD loiB ibAwipE jnm hI kI Kwin ] (1304-1)
kaam kroDh lobh bi-aapi-o janam hee kee khaan.
Engrossed in unfulfilled sexual desire, unresolved anger and greed, you shall be consigned to reincarnation.

piqq pwvn srin AwieE auDru nwnk jwin ]2]12]31] (1304-1)
patit paavan saran aa-i-o uDhar naanak jaan. ||2||12||31||
But I have entered the Sanctuary of the Purifier of sinners. O Nanak, I know that I shall be saved. ||2||12||31||

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1304-2)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

Aivlokau rwm ko muKwribMd ] (1304-2)
aviloka-o raam ko mukhaarbind.
I gaze on the Lotus-like Face of the Lord.

Kojq Kojq rqnu pwieE ibsrI sB icMd ]1] rhwau ] (1304-2)
khojat khojat ratan paa-i-o bisree sabh chind. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Searching and seeking, I have found the Jewel. I am totally rid of all anxiety. ||1||Pause||

crn kml irdY Dwir ] (1304-3)
charan kamal ridai Dhaar.
Enshrining His Lotus Feet within my heart,

auqirAw duKu mMd ]1] (1304-3)
utri-aa dukh mand. ||1||
pain and wickedness have been dispelled. ||1||

rwj Dnu prvwru myrY srbso goibMd ] (1304-3)
raaj Dhan parvaar mayrai sarbaso gobind.
The Lord of all the Universe is my kingdom, wealth and family.

swDsMgim lwBu pwieE nwnk iPir n mrMd ]2]13]32] (1304-4)
saaDhsangam laabh paa-i-o naanak fir na marand. ||2||13||32||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak has earned the Profit; he shall never die again. ||2||13||32||

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 5 (1304-5)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 5
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Fifth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1304-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pRB pUjho nwmu ArwiD ] (1304-6)
parabh poojho naam araaDh.
Worship God, and adore His Name.

gur siqgur crnI lwig ] (1304-6)
gur satgur charnee laag.
Grasp the Feet of the Guru, the True Guru.

hir pwvhu mnu AgwiD ] (1304-6)
har paavhu man agaaDh.
The Unfathomable Lord shall come into your mind,

jgu jIqo ho ho gur ikrpwiD ]1] rhwau ] (1304-6)
jag jeeto ho ho gur kirpaaDh. ||1|| rahaa-o.
and by Guru's Grace, you shall be victorious in this world. ||1||Pause||

Aink pUjw mY bhu ibiD KojI sw pUjw ij hir Bwvwis ] (1304-7)
anik poojaa mai baho biDh khojee saa poojaa je har bhaavaas.
I have studied countless ways of worship in all sorts of ways, but that alone is worship, which is pleasing to the Lord's Will.

mwtI kI ieh puqrI jorI ikAw eyh krm kmwis ] (1304-7)
maatee kee ih putree joree ki-aa ayh karam kamaas.
This body-puppet is made of clay - what can it do by itself?

pRB bwh pkir ijsu mwrig pwvhu so quDu jMq imlwis ]1] (1304-8)
parabh baah pakar jis maarag paavhu so tuDh jant milaas. ||1||
O God, those humble beings meet You, whom You grasp by the arm, and place on the Path. ||1||

Avr Et mY koie n sUJY iek hir kI Et mY Aws ] (1304-9)
avar ot mai ko-ay na soojhai ik har kee ot mai aas.
I do not know of any other support; O Lord, You are my only Hope and Support.

ikAw dInu kry Ardwis ] (1304-9)
ki-aa deen karay ardaas.
I am meek and poor - what prayer can I offer?

jau sB Git pRBU invws ] (1304-9)
ja-o sabh ghat parabhoo nivaas.
God abides in every heart.

pRB crnn kI min ipAws ] (1304-10)
parabh charnan kee man pi-aas.
My mind is thirsty for the Feet of God.

jn nwnk dwsu khIAqu hY qum@rw hau bil bil sd bil jws ]2]1]33] (1304-10)
jan naanak daas kahee-at hai tumHraa ha-o bal bal sad bal jaas. ||2||1||33||
Servant Nanak, Your slave, speaks: I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice to You. ||2||1||33||

kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 6 (1304-12)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 6
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1304-12)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jgq auDwrn nwm ipRA qyrY ] (1304-13)
jagat uDhaaran naam pari-a tayrai.
Your Name, O my Beloved, is the Saving Grace of the world.

nv iniD nwmu inDwnu hir kyrY ] (1304-13)
nav niDh naam niDhaan har kayrai.
The Lord's Name is the wealth of the nine treasures.

hir rMg rMg rMg AnUpyrY ] (1304-13)
har rang rang rang anoopayrai.
One who is imbued with the Love of the Incomparably Beautiful Lord is joyful.

kwhy ry mn moih mgnyrY ] (1304-13)
kaahay ray man mohi magnayrai.
O mind, why do you cling to emotional attachments?

nYnhu dyKu swD drsyrY ] (1304-14)
nainhu daykh saaDh darsayrai.
With your eyes, gaze upon the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of the Holy.

so pwvY ijsu ilKqu illyrY ]1] rhwau ] (1304-14)
so paavai jis likhat lilayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They alone find it, who have such destiny inscribed upon their foreheads. ||1||Pause||

syvau swD sMq crnyrY ] (1304-14)
sayva-o saaDh sant charnayrai.
I serve at the feet of the Holy Saints.

bWCau DUir pivqR kryrY ] (1304-15)
baaNchha-o Dhoor pavitar karayrai.
I long for the dust of their feet, which purifies and sanctifies.

ATsiT mjnu mYlu ktyrY ] (1304-15)
athsath majan mail katayrai.
Just like the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage, it washes away filth and pollution.

swis swis iDAwvhu muKu nhI morY ] (1304-15)
saas saas Dhi-aavahu mukh nahee morai.
With each and every breath I meditate on Him, and never turn my face away.

ikCu sMig n cwlY lwK krorY ] (1304-16)
kichh sang na chaalai laakh karorai.
Of your thousands and millions, nothing shall go along with you.

pRB jI ko nwmu AMiq pukrorY ]1] (1304-16)
parabh jee ko naam ant pakrorai. ||1||
Only the Name of God will call to you in the end. ||1||

mnsw mwin eyk inrMkyrY ] (1304-16)
mansaa maan ayk nirankayrai.
Let it be your wish to honor and obey the One Formless Lord.

sgl iqAwghu Bwau dUjyrY ] (1304-17)
sagal ti-aagahu bhaa-o doojayrai.
Abandon the love of everything else.

kvn khW hau gun ipRA qyrY ] (1304-17)
kavan kahaaN ha-o gun pari-a tayrai.
What Glorious Praises of Yours can I utter, O my Beloved?

brin n swkau eyk tulyrY ] (1304-17)
baran na saaka-o ayk lutayrai.
I cannot describe even one of Your Virtues.

drsn ipAws bhuqu min myrY ] (1304-18)
darsan pi-aas bahut man mayrai.
My mind is so thirsty for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

imlu nwnk dyv jgq gur kyrY ]2]1]34] (1304-18)
mil naanak dayv jagat gur kayrai. ||2||1||34||
Please come and meet Nanak, O Divine Guru of the World. ||2||1||34||