Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1303 khu nwnk eykY Bwrosau bMDn kwtnhwru guru myro ]2]6]25] (1303-1)kaho naanak aykai bhaarosa-o banDhan kaatanhaar gur mayro. ||2||6||25|| Says Nanak, I have one article of faith; my Guru is the One who releases me from bondage. ||2||6||25|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-1)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: ibKY dlu sMqin qum@rY gwihE ] (1303-2)bikhai dal santan tumHrai gaahi-o. Your Saints have overwhelmed the wicked army of corruption. qumrI tyk Brosw Twkur srin qum@wrI AwihE ]1] rhwau ] (1303-2)tumree tayk bharosaa thaakur saran tumHaaree aahi-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. They take Your Support and place their faith in You, O my Lord and Master; they seek Your Sanctuary. ||1||Pause|| jnm jnm ky mhw prwCq drsnu Byit imtwihE ] (1303-3)janam janam kay mahaa paraachhat darsan bhayt mitaa-i-o. Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, the terrible sins of countless lifetimes are erased. BieE pRgwsu And aujIAwrw shij smwiD smwihE ]1] (1303-3)bha-i-o pargaas anad ujee-aaraa sahj samaaDh samaahi-o. ||1|| I am illumined, enlightened and filled with ecstasy. I am intuitively absorbed in Samaadhi. ||1|| kaunu khY qum qy kCu nwhI qum smrQ AQwihE ] (1303-4)ka-un kahai tum tay kachh naahee tum samrath athaahi-o. Who says that You cannot do everything? You are Infinitely All-powerful. ik®pw inDwn rMg rUp rs nwmu nwnk lY lwihE ]2]7]26] (1303-4)kirpaa niDhaan rang roop ras naam naanak lai laahi-o. ||2||7||26|| O Treasure of Mercy, Nanak savors Your Love and Your Blissful Form, earning the Profit of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||7||26|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-5)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: bUfq pRwnI hir jip DIrY ] (1303-5)boodat paraanee har jap Dheerai. The drowning mortal is comforted and consoled, meditating on the Lord. ibnsY mohu Brmu duKu pIrY ]1] rhwau ] (1303-5)binsai moh bharam dukh peerai. ||1|| rahaa-o. He is rid of emotional attachment, doubt, pain and suffering. ||1||Pause|| ismrau idnu rYin gur ky crnw ] (1303-6)simra-o din rain gur kay charnaa. I meditate in remembrance, day and night, on the Guru's Feet. jq kq pyKau qumrI srnw ]1] (1303-6)jat kat paykha-o tumree sarnaa. ||1|| Wherever I look, I see Your Sanctuary. ||1|| sMq pRswid hir ky gun gwieAw ] (1303-7)sant parsaad har kay gun gaa-i-aa. By the Grace of the Saints, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. gur Bytq nwnk suKu pwieAw ]2]8]27] (1303-7)gur bhaytat naanak sukh paa-i-aa. ||2||8||27|| Meeting with the Guru, Nanak has found peace. ||2||8||27|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-8)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: ismrq nwmu mnih suKu pweIAY ] (1303-8)simrat naam maneh sukh paa-ee-ai. Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, peace of mind is found. swD jnw imil hir jsu gweIAY ]1] rhwau ] (1303-8)saaDh janaa mil har jas gaa-ee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meeting the Holy Saint, sing the Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| kir ikrpw pRB irdY bsyro ] (1303-9)kar kirpaa parabh ridai basayro. Granting His Grace, God has come to dwell within my heart. crn sMqn kY mwQw myro ]1] (1303-9)charan santan kai maathaa mayro. ||1|| I touch my forehead to the feet of the Saints. ||1|| pwrbRhm kau ismrhu mnW ] (1303-9)paarbarahm ka-o simrahu manaaN. Meditate, O my mind, on the Supreme Lord God. gurmuiK nwnk hir jsu sunW ]2]9]28] (1303-10)gurmukh naanak har jas sunaaN. ||2||9||28|| As Gurmukh, Nanak listens to the Praises of the Lord. ||2||9||28|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-10)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: myry mn pRIiq crn pRB prsn ] (1303-10)mayray man pareet charan parabh parsan. My mind loves to touch the Feet of God. rsnw hir hir Bojin iqRpqwnI AKIAn kau sMqoKu pRB drsn ]1] rhwau ] (1303-11)rasnaa har har bhojan tariptaanee akhee-an ka-o santokh parabh darsan. ||1|| rahaa-o. My tongue is satisfied with the Food of the Lord, Har, Har. My eyes are contented with the Blessed Vision of God. ||1||Pause|| krnin pUir rihE jsu pRIqm klml doK sgl ml hrsn ] (1303-11)karnan poor rahi-o jas pareetam kalmal dokh sagal mal harsan. My ears are filled with the Praise of my Beloved; all my foul sins and faults are erased. pwvn Dwvn suAwmI suK pMQw AMg sMg kwieAw sMq srsn ]1] (1303-12)paavan Dhaavan su-aamee sukh panthaa ang sang kaa-i-aa sant sarsan. ||1|| My feet follow the Path of Peace to my Lord and Master; my body and limbs joyfully blossom forth in the Society of the Saints. ||1|| srin ghI pUrn AibnwsI Awn aupwv Qikq nhI krsn ] (1303-13)saran gahee pooran abhinaasee aan upaav thakit nahee karsan. I have taken Sanctuary in my Perfect, Eternal, Imperishable Lord. I do not bother trying anything else. kru gih lIey nwnk jn Apny AMD Gor swgr nhI mrsn ]2]10]29] (1303-14)kar geh lee-ay naanak jan apnay anDh ghor saagar nahee marsan. ||2||10||29|| Taking them by the hand, O Nanak, God saves His humble servants; they shall not perish in the deep, dark world-ocean. ||2||10||29|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-14)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: kuhkq kpt Kpt Kl grjq mrjq mIcu Aink brIAw ]1] rhwau ] (1303-15)kuhkat kapat khapat khal garjat marjat meech anik baree-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Those fools who bellow with rage and destructive deceit, are crushed and killed innumerable times. ||1||Pause|| AhM mq An rq kuimq ihq pRIqm pyKq BRmq lwK grIAw ]1] (1303-15)ahaN mat an rat kumit hit pareetam paykhat bharmat laakh garee-aa. ||1|| Intoxicated with egotism and imbued with other tastes, I am in love with my evil enemies. My Beloved watches over me as I wander through thousands of incarnations. ||1|| Ainq ibauhwr Acwr ibiD hInq mm md mwq kop jrIAw ] (1303-16)anit bi-uhaar achaar biDh heenat mam mad maat kop jaree-aa. My dealings are false, and my lifestyle is chaotic. Intoxicated with the wine of emotion, I am burning in the fire of anger. krux ik®pwl guopwl dIn bMDu nwnk auDru srin prIAw ]2]11]30] (1303-17)karun kirpaal gopaal deen banDh naanak uDhar saran paree-aa. ||2||11||30|| O Merciful Lord of the World, Embodiment of Compassion, Relative of the meek and the poor, please save Nanak; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||2||11||30|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-18)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: jIA pRwn mwn dwqw ] (1303-18)jee-a paraan maan daataa. The Giver of the soul, the breath of life and honor hir ibsrqy hI hwin ]1] rhwau ] (1303-18)har bisratay hee haan. ||1|| rahaa-o. - forgetting the Lord, all is lost. ||1||Pause|| goibMd iqAwig Awn lwgih AMimRqo fwir BUim pwgih ] (1303-18)gobind ti-aag aan laageh amrito daar bhoom paageh. You have forsaken the Lord of the Universe, and become attached to another - you are throwing away the Ambrosial Nectar, to take dust. ibKY rs isau Awskq mUVy kwhy suK mwin ]1] (1303-19)bikhai ras si-o aaskat moorhay kaahay sukh maan. ||1|| What do you expect from corrupt pleasures? You fool! What makes you think that they will bring peace? ||1|| |
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