Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ibsm ibsm ibsm hI BeI hY lwl gulwl rMgwrY ] (1302-1)
bisam bisam bisam hee bha-ee hai laal gulaal rangaarai.
I am wonder-struck, wonder-struck, wonder-struck and amazed, dyed in the deep crimson color of my Beloved.

khu nwnk sMqn rsu AweI hY ijau cwiK gUMgw muskwrY ]2]1]20] (1302-1)
kaho naanak santan ras aa-ee hai ji-o chaakh goongaa muskaarai. ||2||1||20||
Says Nanak, the Saints savor this sublime essence, like the mute, who tastes the sweet candy, but only smiles. ||2||1||20||

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1302-2)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

n jwnI sMqn pRB ibnu Awn ] (1302-2)
na jaanee santan parabh bin aan.
The Saints do not know any other except God.

aUc nIc sB pyiK smwno muiK bkno min mwn ]1] rhwau ] (1302-2)
ooch neech sabh paykh samaano mukh bakno man maan. ||1|| rahaa-o.
They look upon all equally, the high and the low; they speak of Him with their mouths, and honor Him in their minds. ||1||Pause||

Git Git pUir rhy suK swgr BY BMjn myry pRwn ] (1302-3)
ghat ghat poor rahay sukh saagar bhai bhanjan mayray paraan.
He is pervading and permeating each and every heart; He is the Ocean of Peace, the Destroyer of fear. He is my praanaa - the Breath of Life.

mnih pRgwsu BieE BRmu nwisE mMqRü dIE gur kwn ]1] (1302-4)
maneh pargaas bha-i-o bharam naasi-o mantar dee-o gur kaan. ||1||
My mind was enlightened, and my doubt was dispelled, when the Guru whispered His Mantra into my ears. ||1||

krq rhy k®qg´ kruxw mY AMqrjwmI ig´wn ] (1302-4)
karat rahay kartaga-y karunaa mai antarjaamee gi-yaan.
He is All-powerful, the Ocean of Mercy, the All-knowing Searcher of Hearts.

AwT phr nwnk jsu gwvY mWgn kau hir dwn ]2]2]21] (1302-5)
aath pahar naanak jas gaavai maaNgan ka-o har daan. ||2||2||21||
Twenty-four hours a day Nanak sings His Praises, and begs for the Gift of the Lord. ||2||2||21||

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1302-6)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

khn khwvn kau keI kyqY ] (1302-6)
kahan kahaavan ka-o ka-ee kaytai.
Many speak and talk about God.

AYso jnu ibrlo hY syvku jo qq jog kau byqY ]1] rhwau ] (1302-6)
aiso jan birlo hai sayvak jo tat jog ka-o baytai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
But one who understands the essence of Yoga - such a humble servant is very rare||1||Pause||

duKu nwhI sBu suKu hI hY ry eykY eykI nyqY ] (1302-7)
dukh naahee sabh sukh hee hai ray aykai aykee naytai.
He has no pain - he is totally at peace. With his eyes, he sees only the One Lord.

burw nhI sBu Blw hI hY ry hwr nhI sB jyqY ]1] (1302-7)
buraa nahee sabh bhalaa hee hai ray haar nahee sabh jaytai. ||1||
No one seems evil to him - all are good. There is no defeat - he is totally victorious. ||1||

sogu nwhI sdw hrKI hY ry Coif nwhI ikCu lyqY ] (1302-8)
sog naahee sadaa harkhee hai ray chhod naahee kichh laytai.
He is never in sorrow - he is always happy; but he gives this up, and does not take anything.

khu nwnk jnu hir hir hir hY kq AwvY kq rmqY ]2]3]22] (1302-8)
kaho naanak jan har har har hai kat aavai kat ramtai. ||2||3||22||
Says Nanak, the humble servant of the Lord is himself the Lord, Har, Har; he does not come and go in reincarnation. ||2||3||22||

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1302-9)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

hIey ko pRIqmu ibsir n jwie ] (1302-9)
hee-ay ko pareetam bisar na jaa-ay.
I pray that my heart may never forget my Beloved.

qn mn glq Bey iqh sMgy mohnI moih rhI morI mwie ]1] rhwau ] (1302-9)
tan man galat bha-ay tih sangay mohnee mohi rahee moree maa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My body and mind are blended with Him, but the Enticer, Maya, is enticing me, O my mother. ||1||Pause||

jY jY pih khau ibRQw hau ApunI qyaU qyaU ghy rhy Atkwie ] (1302-10)
jai jai peh kaha-o baritha ha-o apunee tay-oo tay-oo gahay rahay atkaa-ay.
Those unto whom I tell my pain and frustration - they themselves are caught and stuck.

Aink BWiq kI eykY jwlI qw kI gMiT nhI Corwie ]1] (1302-11)
anik bhaaNt kee aykai jaalee taa kee ganth nahee chhoraa-ay. ||1||
In all sorts of ways, Maya has cast the net; the knots cannot be loosened. ||1||

iPrq iPrq nwnk dwsu AwieE sMqn hI srnwie ] (1302-11)
firat firat naanak daas aa-i-o santan hee sarnaa-ay.
Wandering and roaming, slave Nanak has come to the Sanctuary of the Saints.

kwty AigAwn Brm moh mwieAw lIE kMiT lgwie ]2]4]23] (1302-12)
kaatay agi-aan bharam moh maa-i-aa lee-o kanth lagaa-ay. ||2||4||23||
The bonds of ignorance, doubt, emotional attachment and the love of Maya have been cut; God hugs me close in His Embrace. ||2||4||23||

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1302-13)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

Awnd rMg ibnod hmwrY ] (1302-13)
aanad rang binod hamaarai.
My home is filled with ecstasy, pleasure and joy.

nwmo gwvnu nwmu iDAwvnu nwmu hmwry pRwn ADwrY ]1] rhwau ] (1302-13)
naamo gaavan naam Dhi-aavan naam hamaaray paraan aDhaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I sing the Naam, and I meditate on the Naam. The Naam is the Support of my breath of life. ||1||Pause||

nwmo igAwnu nwmu iesnwnw hir nwmu hmwry kwrj svwrY ] (1302-14)
naamo gi-aan naam isnaanaa har naam hamaaray kaaraj savaarai.
The Naam is spiritual wisdom, the Naam is my purifying bath. The Naam resolves all my affairs.

hir nwmo soBw nwmu bfweI Baujlu ibKmu nwmu hir qwrY ]1] (1302-14)
har naamo sobhaa naam badaa-ee bha-ojal bikham naam har taarai. ||1||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is glorious grandeur; the Naam is glorious greatness. The Name of the Lord carries me across the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||

Agm pdwrQ lwl Amolw BieE prwpiq gur crnwrY ] (1302-15)
agam padaarath laal amolaa bha-i-o paraapat gur charnaarai.
The Unfathomable Treasure, the Priceless Gem - I have received it, through the Guru's Feet.

khu nwnk pRB Bey ik®pwlw mgn Bey hIArY drswrY ]2]5]24] (1302-16)
kaho naanak parabh bha-ay kirpaalaa magan bha-ay hee-arai darsaarai. ||2||5||24||
Says Nanak, God has become Merciful; my heart is intoxicated by the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||2||5||24||

kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1302-17)
kaanrhaa mehlaa 5.
Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl:

swjn mIq suAwmI nyro ] (1302-17)
saajan meet su-aamee nayro.
My Friend, my Best Friend, my Lord and Master, is near.

pyKq sunq sBn kY sMgy QorY kwj buro kh Pyro ]1] rhwau ] (1302-17)
paykhat sunat sabhan kai sangay thorai kaaj buro kah fayro. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He sees and hears everything; He is with everyone. You are here for such short time - why do you do evil? ||1||Pause||

nwm ibnw jyqo lptwieE kCU nhI nwhI kCu qyro ] (1302-18)
naam binaa jayto laptaa-i-o kachhoo nahee naahee kachh tayro.
Except for the Naam, whatever you are involved with is nothing - nothing is yours.

AwgY idRsit Awvq sB prgt eIhw moihE Brm AMDyro ]1] (1302-18)
aagai darisat aavat sabh pargat eehaa mohi-o bharam anDhayro. ||1||
Hereafter, everything is revealed to your gaze; but in this world, all are enticed by the darkness of doubt. ||1||

AtikE suq binqw sMg mwieAw dyvnhwru dwqwru ibsyro ] (1302-19)
atki-o sut banitaa sang maa-i-aa dayvanhaar daataar bisayro.
People are caught in Maya, attached to their children and spouses. They have forgotten the Great and Generous Giver.