Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1301 gux rmMq dUK nwsih ird BieAMq sWiq ]3] (1301-1)gun ramant dookh naaseh rid bha-i-ant saaNt. ||3|| Uttering His Glorious Praises, suffering is eradicated, and the heart becomes tranquil and calm. ||3|| AMimRqw rsu pIau rsnw nwnk hir rMig rwq ]4]4]15] (1301-1)amritaa ras pee-o rasnaa naanak har rang raat. ||4||4||15|| Drink in the Sweet, Sublime Ambrosial Nectar, O Nanak, and be imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||4||4||15|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1301-2)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: swjnw sMq Awau myrY ]1] rhwau ] (1301-2)saajnaa sant aa-o mayrai. ||1|| rahaa-o. O friends, O Saints, come to me. ||1||Pause|| Awndw gun gwie mMgl ksmlw imit jwih pryrY ]1] (1301-3)aandaa gun gaa-ay mangal kasmalaa mit jaahi parayrai. ||1|| Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord with pleasure and joy, the sins will be erased and thrown away. ||1|| sMq crn Drau mwQY cWdnw igRih hoie AMDyrY ]2] (1301-3)sant charan Dhara-o maathai chaaNdnaa garihi ho-ay anDhayrai. ||2|| Touch your forehead to the feet of the Saints, and your dark household shall be illumined. ||2|| sMq pRswid kmlu ibgsY goibMd Bjau pyiK nyrY ]3] (1301-4)sant parsaad kamal bigsai gobind bhaja-o paykh nayrai. ||3|| By the Grace of the Saints, the heart-lotus blossoms forth. Vibrate and meditate on the Lord of the Universe, and see Him near at hand. ||3|| pRB ik®pw qy sMq pwey vwir vwir nwnk auh byrY ]4]5]16] (1301-4)parabh kirpaa tay sant paa-ay vaar vaar naanak uh bayrai. ||4||5||16|| By the Grace of God, I have found the Saints. Over and over again, Nanak is a sacrifice to that moment. ||4||5||16|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1301-5)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: crn srn gopwl qyrI ] (1301-5)charan saran gopaal tayree. I seek the Sanctuary of Your Lotus Feet, O Lord of the World. moh mwn Doh Brm rwiK lIjY kwit byrI ]1] rhwau ] (1301-6)moh maan Dhoh bharam raakh leejai kaat bayree. ||1|| rahaa-o. Save me from emotional attachment, pride, deception and doubt; please cut away these ropes which bind me. ||1||Pause|| bUfq sMswr swgr ] (1301-6)boodat sansaar saagar. I am drowning in the world-ocean. auDry hir ismir rqnwgr ]1] (1301-6)uDhray har simar ratnaagar. ||1|| Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, the Source of Jewels, I am saved. ||1|| sIqlw hir nwmu qyrw ] (1301-7)seetlaa har naam tayraa. Your Name, Lord, is cooling and soothing. pUrno Twkur pRBu myrw ]2] (1301-7)poorno thaakur parabh mayraa. ||2|| God, my Lord and Master, is Perfect. ||2|| dIn drd invwir qwrn ] (1301-7)deen darad nivaar taaran. You are the Deliverer, the Destroyer of the sufferings of the meek and the poor. hir ik®pw iniD piqq auDwrn ]3] (1301-8)har kirpaa niDh patit uDhaaran. ||3|| The Lord is the Treasure of Mercy, the Saving Grace of sinners. ||3|| koit jnm dUK kir pwieE ] (1301-8)kot janam dookh kar paa-i-o. I have suffered the pains of millions of incarnations. suKI nwnk guir nwmu idRVwieE ]4]6]17] (1301-8)sukhee naanak gur naam darirh-aa-i-o. ||4||6||17|| Nanak is at peace; the Guru has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me. ||4||6||17|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1301-9)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: Din auh pRIiq crn sMig lwgI ] (1301-9)Dhan uh pareet charan sang laagee. Blessed is that love, which is attuned to the Lord's Feet. koit jwp qwp suK pwey Awie imly pUrn bfBwgI ]1] rhwau ] (1301-9)kot jaap taap sukh paa-ay aa-ay milay pooran badbhaagee. ||1|| rahaa-o. The peace which comes from millions of chants and deep meditations is obtained by perfect good fortune and destiny. ||1||Pause|| moih AnwQu dwsu jnu qyrw Avr Et sglI moih iqAwgI ] (1301-10)mohi anaath daas jan tayraa avar ot saglee mohi ti-aagee. I am Your helpless servant and slave; I have given up all other support. Bor Brm kwty pRB ismrq igAwn AMjn imil sovq jwgI ]1] (1301-11)bhor bharam kaatay parabh simrat gi-aan anjan mil sovat jaagee. ||1|| Every trace of doubt has been eradicated, remembering God in meditation. I have applied the ointment of spiritual wisdom, and awakened from my sleep. ||1|| qU AQwhu Aiq bfo suAwmI ik®pw isMDu pUrn rqnwgI ] (1301-11)too athaahu at bado su-aamee kirpaa sinDh pooran ratnaagee. You are Unfathomably Great and Utterly Vast, O my Lord and Master, Ocean of Mercy, Source of Jewels. nwnku jwcku hir hir nwmu mWgY msqku Awin DirE pRB pwgI ]2]7]18] (1301-12)naanak jaachak har har naam maaNgai mastak aan Dhari-o parabh paagee. ||2||7||18|| Nanak, the beggar, begs for the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; he rests his forehead upon God's Feet. ||2||7||18|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1301-13)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: kuicl kTor kpt kwmI ] (1301-13)kuchil kathor kapat kaamee. I am filthy, hard-hearted, deceitful and obsessed with sexual desire. ijau jwnih iqau qwir suAwmI ]1] rhwau ] (1301-13)ji-o jaaneh ti-o taar su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o. Please carry me across, as You wish, O my Lord and Master. ||1||Pause|| qU smrQu srin jogu qU rwKih ApnI kl Dwir ]1] (1301-14)too samrath saran jog too raakhahi apnee kal Dhaar. ||1|| You are All-powerful and Potent to grant Sanctuary. Exerting Your Power, You protect us. ||1|| jwp qwp nym suic sMjm nwhI ien ibDy Cutkwr ] (1301-14)jaap taap naym such sanjam naahee in biDhay chhutkaar. Chanting and deep meditation, penance and austere self-discipline, fasting and purification - salvation does not come by any of these means. grq Gor AMD qy kwFhu pRB nwnk ndir inhwir ]2]8]19] (1301-15)garat ghor anDh tay kaadhahu parabh naanak nadar nihaar. ||2||8||19|| Please lift me up and out of this deep, dark ditch; O God, please bless Nanak with Your Glance of Grace. ||2||8||19|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 4 (1301-16)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 4 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1301-16)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: nwrwien nrpiq nmskwrY ] (1301-17)naaraa-in narpat namaskaarai. The one who bows in humble reverence to the Primal Lord, the Lord of all beings AYsy gur kau bil bil jweIAY Awip mukqu moih qwrY ]1] rhwau ] (1301-17)aisay gur ka-o bal bal jaa-ee-ai aap mukat mohi taarai. ||1|| rahaa-o. - I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to such a Guru; He Himself is liberated, and He carries me across as well. ||1||Pause|| kvn kvn kvn gun khIAY AMqu nhI kCu pwrY ] (1301-18)kavan kavan kavan gun kahee-ai ant nahee kachh paarai. Which, which, which of Your Glorious Virtues should I chant? There is no end or limitation to them. lwK lwK lwK keI korY ko hY AYso bIcwrY ]1] (1301-18)laakh laakh laakh ka-ee korai ko hai aiso beechaarai. ||1|| There are thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, many millions of them, but those who contemplate them are very rare. ||1|| |
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