Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1300 kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1300-1)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: swD srin crn icqu lwieAw ] (1300-1)saaDh saran charan chit laa-i-aa. In the Sanctuary of the Holy, I focus my consciousness on the Lord's Feet. supn kI bwq sunI pyKI supnw nwm mMqRü siqgurU idRVwieAw ]1] rhwau ] (1300-1)supan kee baat sunee paykhee supnaa naam mantar satguroo drirh-aa-i-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. When I was dreaming, I heard and saw only dream-objects. The True Guru has implanted the Mantra of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me. ||1||Pause|| nh iqRpqwno rwj jobin Din bhuir bhuir iPir DwieAw ] (1300-2)nah tariptaano raaj joban Dhan bahur bahur fir Dhaa-i-aa. Power, youth and wealth do not bring satisfaction; people chase after them again and again. suKu pwieAw iqRsnw sB buJI hY sWiq pweI gun gwieAw ]1] (1300-3)sukh paa-i-aa tarisnaa sabh bujhee hai saaNt paa-ee gun gaa-i-aa. ||1|| I have found peace and tranquility, and all my thirsty desires have been quenched, singing His Glorious Praises. ||1|| ibnu bUJy psU kI inAweI BRim moih ibAwipE mwieAw ] (1300-3)bin boojhay pasoo kee ni-aa-ee bharam mohi bi-aapi-o maa-i-aa. Without understanding, they are like beasts, engrossed in doubt, emotional attachment and Maya. swDsMig jm jyvrI kwtI nwnk shij smwieAw ]2]10] (1300-4)saaDhsang jam jayvree kaatee naanak sahj samaa-i-aa. ||2||10|| But in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the noose of Death is cut, O Nanak, and one intuitively merges in celestial peace. ||2||10|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1300-5)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: hir ky crn ihrdY gwie ] (1300-5)har kay charan hirdai gaa-ay. Sing of the Lord's Feet within your heart. sIqlw suK sWiq mUriq ismir ismir inq iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (1300-5)seetlaa sukh saaNt moorat simar simar nit Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meditate, meditate in constant remembrance on God, the Embodiment of soothing peace and cooling tranquility. ||1||Pause|| sgl Aws hoq pUrn koit jnm duKu jwie ]1] (1300-6)sagal aas hot pooran kot janam dukh jaa-ay. ||1|| All your hopes shall be fulfilled, and the pain of millions of deaths and births shall be gone. ||1|| puMn dwn Anyk ikirAw swDU sMig smwie ] (1300-6)punn daan anayk kiri-aa saaDhoo sang samaa-ay. Immerse yourself in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and you shall obtain the benefits of giving charitable gifts, and all sorts of good deeds. qwp sMqwp imty nwnk bwhuiV kwlu n Kwie ]2]11] (1300-7)taap santaap mitay naanak baahurh kaal na khaa-ay. ||2||11|| Sorrow and suffering shall be erased, O Nanak, and you shall never again be devoured by death. ||2||11|| kwnVw mhlw 5 Gru 3 (1300-8)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 ghar 3 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl, Third House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1300-8)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: kQIAY sMqsMig pRB igAwnu ] (1300-9)kathee-ai satsang parabh gi-aan. Speak of God's Wisdom in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. pUrn prm joiq prmysur ismrq pweIAY mwnu ]1] rhwau ] (1300-9)pooran param jot parmaysur simrat paa-ee-ai maan. ||1|| rahaa-o. Meditating in remembrance on the Perfect Supreme Divine Light, the Transcendent Lord God, honor and glory are obtained. ||1||Pause|| Awvq jwq rhy sRm nwsy ismrq swDU sMig ] (1300-10)aavat jaat rahay saram naasay simrat saaDhoo sang. One's comings and goings in reincarnation cease, and suffering is dispelled, meditating in remembrance in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. piqq punIq hoih iKn BIqir pwrbRhm kY rMig ]1] (1300-10)patit puneet hohi khin bheetar paarbarahm kai rang. ||1|| Sinners are sanctified in an instant, in the love of the Supreme Lord God. ||1|| jo jo kQY sunY hir kIrqnu qw kI durmiq nws ] (1300-11)jo jo kathai sunai har keertan taa kee durmat naas. Whoever speaks and listens to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises is rid of evil-mindedness. sgl mnorQ pwvY nwnk pUrn hovY Aws ]2]1]12] (1300-11)sagal manorath paavai naanak pooran hovai aas. ||2||1||12|| All hopes and desires, O Nanak, are fulfilled. ||2||1||12|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1300-12)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: swDsMgiq iniD hir ko nwm ] (1300-12)saaDhsangat niDh har ko naam. The Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. sMig shweI jIA kY kwm ]1] rhwau ] (1300-12)sang sahaa-ee jee-a kai kaam. ||1|| rahaa-o. It is the Companion of the soul, its Helper and Support. ||1||Pause|| sMq rynu iniq mjnu krY ] (1300-13)sant rayn nit majan karai. Continually bathing in the dust of the feet of the Saints, jnm jnm ky iklibK hrY ]1] (1300-13)janam janam kay kilbikh harai. ||1|| the sins of countless incarnations are washed away. ||1|| sMq jnw kI aUcI bwnI ] (1300-13)sant janaa kee oochee baanee. The words of the humble Saints are lofty and exalted. ismir ismir qry nwnk pRwnI ]2]2]13] (1300-14)simar simar taray naanak paraanee. ||2||2||13|| Meditating, meditating in remembrance, O Nanak, mortal beings are carried across and saved. ||2||2||13|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1300-14)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: swDU hir hry gun gwie ] (1300-14)saaDhoo har haray gun gaa-ay. O Holy people, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Haray. mwn qnu Dnu pRwn pRB ky ismrq duKu jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1300-14)maan tan Dhan paraan parabh kay simrat dukh jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Mind, body, wealth and the breath of life - all come from God; remembering Him in meditation, pain is taken away. ||1||Pause|| eIq aUq khw luoBwvih eyk isau mnu lwie ]1] (1300-15)eet oot kahaa lobhaaveh ayk si-o man laa-ay. ||1|| Why are you entangled in this and that? Let your mind be attuned to the One. ||1|| mhw pivqR sMq Awsnu imil sMig goibdu iDAwie ]2] (1300-16)mahaa pavitar sant aasan mil sang gobid Dhi-aa-ay. ||2|| The place of the Saints is utterly sacred; meet with them, and meditate on the Lord of the Universe. ||2|| sgl iqAwig srin AwieE nwnk lyhu imlwie ]3]3]14] (1300-16)sagal ti-aag saran aa-i-o naanak layho milaa-ay. ||3||3||14|| O Nanak, I have abandoned everything and come to Your Sanctuary. Please let me merge with You. ||3||3||14|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1300-17)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: pyiK pyiK ibgswau swjn pRBu Awpnw iekWq ]1] rhwau ] (1300-17)paykh paykh bigsaa-o saajan parabh aapnaa ikaaNt. ||1|| rahaa-o. Gazing upon and beholding my Best Friend, I blossom forth in bliss; my God is the One and Only. ||1||Pause|| Awndw suK shj mUriq iqsu Awn nwhI BWiq ]1] (1300-18)aandaa sukh sahj moorat tis aan naahee bhaaNt. ||1|| He is the Image of Ecstasy, Intuitive Peace and Poise. There is no other like Him. ||1|| ismrq iek bwr hir hir imit koit ksml jWiq ]2] (1300-18)simrat ik baar har har mit kot kasmal jaaNt. ||2|| Meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, even once, millions of sins are erased. ||2|| |
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