Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1308 BY Bwie Bgiq inhwl nwnk sdw sdw kurbwn ]2]4]49] (1308-1)bhai bhaa-ay bhagat nihaal naanak sadaa sadaa kurbaan. ||2||4||49|| In the Fear of God and loving devotion, Nanak is exalted and enraptured, forever and ever a sacrifice to Him. ||2||4||49|| kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1308-1)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: krq krq crc crc crcrI ] (1308-1)karat karat charach charach charcharee. The debaters debate and argue their arguments. jog iDAwn ByK igAwn iPrq iPrq Drq Drq DrcrI ]1] rhwau ] (1308-2)jog Dhi-aan bhaykh gi-aan firat firat Dharat Dharat Dharcharee. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Yogis and meditators, religious and spiritual teachers roam and ramble, wandering endlessly all over the earth. ||1||Pause|| AhM AhM AhY Avr mUV mUV mUV bvreI ] (1308-3)ahaN ahaN ahai avar moorh moorh moorh bavra-ee. They are egotistical, self-centered and conceited, foolish, stupid, idiotic and insane. jiq jwq jwq jwq sdw sdw sdw sdw kwl heI ]1] (1308-3)jat jaat jaat jaat sadaa sadaa sadaa sadaa kaal ha-ee. ||1|| Wherever they go and wander, death is always with them, forever and ever and ever and ever. ||1|| mwnu mwnu mwnu iqAwig imrqu imrqu inkit inkit sdw heI ] (1308-4)maan maan maan ti-aag mirat mirat nikat nikat sadaa ha-ee. Give up your pride and stubborn self-conceit; death, yes, death, is always close and near at hand. hir hry hry Bwju khqu nwnku sunhu ry mUV ibnu Bjn Bjn Bjn Aihlw jnmu geI ]2]5]50]12]62] (1308-4)har haray haray bhaaj kahat naanak sunhu ray moorh bin bhajan bhajan bhajan ahilaa janam ga-ee. ||2||5||50||12||62|| Vibrate and meditate on the Lord, Har, Haray, Haray. Says Nanak, listen you fool: without vibrating, and meditating, and dwelling on Him, your life is uselessly wasting away. ||2||5||50||12||62|| kwnVw AstpdIAw mhlw 4 Gru 1 (1308-6)kaanrhaa asatpadee-aa mehlaa 4 ghar 1 Kaanraa, Ashtapadees, Fourth Mehl, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1308-6)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: jip mn rwm nwmu suKu pwvYgo ] (1308-7)jap man raam naam sukh paavaigo. Chant the Name of the Lord, O mind, and find peace. ijau ijau jpY iqvY suKu pwvY siqguru syiv smwvYgo ]1] rhwau ] (1308-7)ji-o ji-o japai tivai sukh paavai satgur sayv samaavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o. The more you chant and meditate, the more you will be at peace; serve the True Guru, and merge in the Lord. ||1||Pause|| Bgq jnW kI iKnu iKnu locw nwmu jpq suKu pwvYgo ] (1308-8)bhagat janaaN kee khin khin lochaa naam japat sukh paavaigo. Each and every instant, the humble devotees long for Him; chanting the Naam, they find peace. An rs swd gey sB nIkir ibnu nwvY ikCu n suKwvYgo ]1] (1308-8)an ras saad ga-ay sabh neekar bin naavai kichh na sukhaavaigo. ||1|| The taste of other pleasures is totally eradicated; nothing pleases them, except the Name. ||1|| gurmiq hir hir mITw lwgw guru mITy bcn kFwvYgo ] (1308-9)gurmat har har meethaa laagaa gur meethay bachan kadhaavaigo. Following the Guru's Teachings, the Lord seems sweet to them; the Guru inspires them to speak sweet words. siqgur bwxI purKu purKoqm bwxI isau icqu lwvYgo ]2] (1308-9)satgur banee purakh purkhotam banee si-o chit laavaigo. ||2|| Through the Word of the True Guru's Bani, the Primal Lord God is revealed; so focus your consciousness on His Bani. ||2|| gurbwxI sunq myrw mnu dRivAw mnu BInw inj Gir AwvYgo ] (1308-10)gurbaanee sunat mayraa man darvi-aa man bheenaa nij ghar aavaigo. Hearing the Word of the Guru's Bani, my mind has been softened and saturated with it; my mind has returned to its own home deep within. qh Anhq DunI bwjih inq bwjy nIJr Dwr cuAwvYgo ]3] (1308-11)tah anhat Dhunee baajeh nit baajay neejhar Dhaar chu-aavaigo. ||3|| The Unstruck Melody resonates and resounds there continuously; the stream of nectar trickles down constantly. ||3|| rwm nwmu ieku iql iql gwvY mnu gurmiq nwim smwvYgo ] (1308-11)raam naam ik til til gaavai man gurmat naam samaavaigo. Singing the Name of the One Lord each and every instant, and following the Guru's Teachings, the mind is absorbed in the Naam. nwmu suxY nwmo min BwvY nwmy hI iqRpqwvYgo ]4] (1308-12)naam sunai naamo man bhaavai naamay hee tariptaavaigo. ||4|| Listening to the Naam, the mind is pleased with the Naam, and satisfied with the Naam. ||4|| kink kink pihry bhu kMgnw kwpru BWiq bnwvYgo ] (1308-12)kanik kanik pahiray baho kangnaa kaapar bhaaNt banaavaigo. People wear lots of bracelets, glittering with gold; they wear all sorts of fine clothes. nwm ibnw siB PIk iPkwny jnim mrY iPir AwvYgo ]5] (1308-13)naam binaa sabh feek fikaanay janam marai fir aavaigo. ||5|| But without the Naam, they are all bland and insipid. They are born, only to die again, in the cycle of reincarnation. ||5|| mwieAw ptl ptl hY BwrI Gru GUmin Gyir GulwvYgo ] (1308-14)maa-i-aa patal patal hai bhaaree ghar ghooman ghayr ghulaavaigo. The veil of Maya is a thick and heavy veil, a whirlpool which destroys one's home. pwp ibkwr mnUr siB Bwry ibKu duqru qirE n jwvYgo ]6] (1308-14)paap bikaar manoor sabh bhaaray bikh dutar tari-o na jaavaigo. ||6|| Sins and corrupt vices are totally heavy, like rusted slag. They will not let you cross over the poisonous and treacherous world-ocean. ||6|| Bau bYrwgu BieAw hY boihQu guru Kyvtu sbid qrwvYgo ] (1308-15)bha-o bairaag bha-i-aa hai bohith gur khayvat sabad taraavaigo. Let the Fear of God and neutral detachment be the boat; the Guru is the Boatman, who carries us across in the Word of the Shabad. rwm nwmu hir BytIAY hir rwmY nwim smwvYgo ]7] (1308-16)raam naam har bhaytee-ai har raamai naam samaavaigo. ||7|| Meeting with the Lord, the Name of the Lord, merge in the Lord, the Name of the Lord. ||7|| AigAwin lwie svwilAw gur igAwnY lwie jgwvYgo ] (1308-16)agi-aan laa-ay savaali-aa gur gi-aanai laa-ay jagaavaigo. Attached to ignorance, people are falling asleep; attached to the Guru's spiritual wisdom, they awaken. nwnk BwxY AwpxY ijau BwvY iqvY clwvYgo ]8]1] (1308-17)naanak bhaanai aapnai ji-o bhaavai tivai chalaavaigo. ||8||1|| O Nanak, by His Will, He makes us walk as He pleases. ||8||1|| kwnVw mhlw 4 ] (1308-17)kaanrhaa mehlaa 4. Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl: jip mn hir hir nwmu qrwvYgo ] (1308-17)jap man har har naam taraavaigo. O mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and be carried across. jo jo jpY soeI giq pwvY ijau DR¨ pRihlwdu smwvYgo ]1] rhwau ] (1308-18)jo jo japai so-ee gat paavai ji-o Dharoo par-hilaad samaavaigo. ||1|| rahaa-o. Whoever chants and meditates on it is emancipated. Like Dhroo and Prahlaad, they merge in the Lord. ||1||Pause|| |
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