Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


ieik ngn iPrih idnu rwiq nˆØId n sovhI ] (1285-1)
ik nagan fireh din raat neeNd na sovhee.
Some wander naked day and night and never sleep.

ieik Agin jlwvih AMgu Awpu ivgovhI ] (1285-1)
ik agan jalaaveh ang aap vigovahee.
Some burn their limbs in fire, damaging and ruining themselves.

ivxu nwvY qnu Cwru ikAw kih rovhI ] (1285-2)
vin naavai tan chhaar ki-aa kahi rovhee.
Without the Name, the body is reduced to ashes; what good is it to speak and cry then?

sohin Ksm duAwir ij siqguru syvhI ]15] (1285-2)
sohan khasam du-aar je satgur sayvhee. ||15||
Those who serve the True Guru, are embellished and exalted in the Court of their Lord and Master. ||15||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1285-3)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhw AMimRq vylY boilAw qW dir suxI pukwr ] (1285-3)
baabeehaa amrit vaylai boli-aa taaN dar sunee pukaar.
The rainbird chirps in the ambrosial hours of the morning before the dawn; its prayers are heard in the Court of the Lord.

myGY no Purmwnu hoAw vrshu ikrpw Dwir ] (1285-3)
mayghai no furmaan ho-aa varsahu kirpaa Dhaar.
The order is issued to the clouds, to let the rains of mercy shower down.

hau iqn kY bilhwrxY ijnI scu riKAw auir Dwir ] (1285-4)
ha-o tin kai balihaarnai jinee sach rakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
I am a sacrifice to those who enshrine the True Lord within their hearts.

nwnk nwmy sB hrIAwvlI gur kY sbid vIcwir ]1] (1285-4)
naanak naamay sabh haree-aavalee gur kai sabad veechaar. ||1||
O Nanak, through the Name, all are rejuvenated, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1285-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

bwbIhw iev qyrI iqKw n auqrY jy sau krih pukwr ] (1285-5)
baabeehaa iv tayree tikhaa na utrai jay sa-o karahi pukaar.
O rainbird, this is not the way to quench your thirst, even though you may cry out a hundred times.

ndrI siqguru pweIAY ndrI aupjY ipAwru ] (1285-6)
nadree satgur paa-ee-ai nadree upjai pi-aar.
By God's Grace, the True Guru is found; by His Grace, love wells up.

nwnk swihbu min vsY ivchu jwih ivkwr ]2] (1285-6)
naanak saahib man vasai vichahu jaahi vikaar. ||2||
O Nanak, when the Lord and Master abides in the mind, corruption and evil leave from within. ||2||

pauVI ] (1285-7)

ieik jYnI auJV pwie Durhu KuAwieAw ] (1285-7)
ik jainee ujharh paa-ay Dharahu khu-aa-i-aa.
Some are Jains, wasting their time in the wilderness; by their pre-ordained destiny, they are ruined.

iqn muiK nwhI nwmu n qIriQ n@wieAw ] (1285-7)
tin mukh naahee naam na tirath nHaa-i-aa.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is not on their lips; they do not bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

hQI isr Kohwie n Bdu krwieAw ] (1285-8)
hathee sir khohaa-ay na bhad karaa-i-aa.
They pull out their hair with their hands, instead of shaving.

kuicl rhih idn rwiq sbdu n BwieAw ] (1285-8)
kuchil raheh din raat sabad na bhaa-i-aa.
They remain unclean day and night; they do not love the Word of the Shabad.

iqn jwiq n piq n krmu jnmu gvwieAw ] (1285-8)
tin jaat na pat na karam janam gavaa-i-aa.
They have no status, no honor, and no good karma. They waste away their lives in vain.

min jUTY vyjwiq jUTw KwieAw ] (1285-9)
man joothai vayjaat joothaa khaa-i-aa.
Their minds are false and impure; that which they eat is impure and defiled.

ibnu sbdY Awcwru n ikn hI pwieAw ] (1285-9)
bin sabdai aachaar na kin hee paa-i-aa.
Without the Shabad, no one achieves a lifestyle of good conduct.

gurmuiK EAMkwir sic smwieAw ]16] (1285-10)
gurmukh o-ankaar sach samaa-i-aa. ||16||
The Gurmukh is absorbed in the True Lord God, the Universal Creator. ||16||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1285-10)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

swvix srsI kwmxI gur sbdI vIcwir ] (1285-10)
saavan sarsee kaamnee gur sabdee veechaar.
In the month of Saawan, the bride is happy, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk sdw suhwgxI gur kY hyiq Apwir ]1] (1285-11)
naanak sadaa suhaaganee gur kai hayt apaar. ||1||
O Nanak, she is a happy soul-bride forever; her love for the Guru is unlimited. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1285-11)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

swvix dJY gux bwhrI ijsu dUjY Bwie ipAwru ] (1285-11)
saavan dajhai gun baahree jis doojai bhaa-ay pi-aar.
In Saawan, she who has no virtue is burned, in attachment and love of duality.

nwnk ipr kI swr n jwxeI sBu sIgwru KuAwru ]2] (1285-12)
naanak pir kee saar na jaan-ee sabh seegaar khu-aar. ||2||
O Nanak, she does not appreciate the value of her Husband Lord; all her decorations are worthless. ||2||

pauVI ] (1285-12)

scw AlK AByau hiT n pqIjeI ] (1285-12)
sachaa alakh abhay-o hath na pateeja-ee.
The True, Unseen, Mysterious Lord is not won over by stubbornness.

ieik gwvih rwg prIAw rwig n BIjeI ] (1285-13)
ik gaavahi raag paree-aa raag na bheej-ee.
Some sing according to traditional ragas, but the Lord is not pleased by these ragas.

ieik nic nic pUrih qwl Bgiq n kIjeI ] (1285-13)
ik nach nach pooreh taal bhagat na keej-ee.
Some dance and dance and keep the beat, but they do not worship Him with devotion.

ieik AMnu n Kwih mUrK iqnw ikAw kIjeI ] (1285-14)
ik ann na khaahi moorakh tinaa ki-aa keej-ee.
Some refuse to eat; what can be done with these fools?

iqRsnw hoeI bhuqu ikvY n DIjeI ] (1285-14)
tarisnaa ho-ee bahut kivai na Dheej-ee.
Thirst and desire have greatly increased; nothing brings satisfaction.

krm vDih kY loA Kip mrIjeI ] (1285-14)
karam vaDheh kai lo-a khap mareeja-ee.
Some are tied down by rituals; they hassle themselves to death.

lwhw nwmu sMswir AMimRqu pIjeI ] (1285-15)
laahaa naam sansaar amrit peej-ee.
In this world, profit comes by drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam.

hir BgqI Asnyih gurmuiK GIjeI ]17] (1285-15)
har bhagtee asnayhi gurmukh gheej-ee. ||17||
The Gurmukhs gather in loving devotional worship of the Lord. ||17||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1285-16)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK mlwr rwgu jo krih iqn mnu qnu sIqlu hoie ] (1285-16)
gurmukh malaar raag jo karahi tin man tan seetal ho-ay.
Those Gurmukhs who sing in the Raga of Malaar - their minds and bodies become cool and calm.

gur sbdI eyku pCwixAw eyko scw soie ] (1285-16)
gur sabdee ayk pachhaani-aa ayko sachaa so-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they realize the One, the One True Lord.

mnu qnu scw scu min scy scI soie ] (1285-17)
man tan sachaa sach man sachay sachee so-ay.
Their minds and bodies are true; they obey the True Lord, and they are known as true.

AMdir scI Bgiq hY shjy hI piq hoie ] (1285-17)
andar sachee bhagat hai sehjay hee pat ho-ay.
True devotional worship is deep within them; they are automatically blessed with honor.

kiljug mih Gor AMDwru hY mnmuK rwhu n koie ] (1285-18)
kalijug meh ghor anDhaar hai manmukh raahu na ko-ay.
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, there is utter darkness; the self-willed manmukh cannot find the way.

sy vfBwgI nwnkw ijn gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]1] (1285-18)
say vadbhaagee naankaa jin gurmukh pargat ho-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, very blessed are those Gurmukhs, unto whom the Lord is revealed. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1285-19)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

ieMdu vrsY kir dieAw lokW min aupjY cwau ] (1285-19)
ind varsai kar da-i-aa lokaaN man upjai chaa-o.
The clouds rain down mercifully, and joy wells up in the minds of the people.

ijs kY hukim ieMdu vrsdw iqs kY sd bilhwrY jWau ] (1285-19)
jis kai hukam ind varasdaa tis kai sad balihaarai jaaN-o.
I am forever a sacrifice to the One, by whose Command the clouds burst forth with rain.