Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


mÚ 3 ] (1284-1)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

bwbIhw bynqI kry kir ikrpw dyhu jIA dwn ] (1284-1)
baabeehaa bayntee karay kar kirpaa dayh jee-a daan.
The rainbird prays: O Lord, grant Your Grace, and bless me with the gift of the life of the soul.

jl ibnu ipAws n aUqrY Cutik jWih myry pRwn ] (1284-1)
jal bin pi-aas na ootrai chhutak jaaNhi mayray paraan.
Without the water, my thirst is not quenched, and my breath of life is ended and gone.

qU suKdwqw byAMqu hY guxdwqw nyDwnu ] (1284-2)
too sukh-daata bay-ant hai gundaataa nayDhaan.
You are the Giver of peace, O Infinite Lord God; You are the Giver of the treasure of virtue.

nwnk gurmuiK bKis ley AMiq bylI hoie Bgvwnu ]2] (1284-2)
naanak gurmukh bakhas la-ay ant baylee ho-ay bhagvaan. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is forgiven; in the end, the Lord God shall be your only friend. ||2||

pauVI ] (1284-3)

Awpy jgqu aupwie kY gux Aaugx kry bIcwru ] (1284-3)
aapay jagat upaa-ay kai gun a-ugan karay beechaar.
He created the world; He considers the merits and demerits of the mortals.

qRY gux srb jMjwlu hY nwim n Dry ipAwru ] (1284-4)
tarai gun sarab janjaal hai naam na Dharay pi-aar.
Those who are entangled in the three gunas - the three dispositions - do not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gux Coif Aaugx kmwvdy drgh hoih KuAwru ] (1284-4)
gun chhod a-ugan kamaavday dargeh hohi khu-aar.
Forsaking virtue, they practice evil; they shall be miserable in the Court of the Lord.

jUAY jnmu iqnI hwirAw ikqu Awey sMswir ] (1284-5)
joo-ai janam tinee haari-aa kit aa-ay sansaar.
They lose their life in the gamble; why did they even come into the world?

scY sbid mnu mwirAw Aihinis nwim ipAwir ] (1284-5)
sachai sabad man maari-aa ahinis naam pi-aar.
But those who conquer and subdue their minds, through the True Word of the Shabad - night and day, they love the Naam.

ijnI purKI auir DwirAw scw AlK Apwru ] (1284-6)
jinee purkhee ur Dhaari-aa sachaa alakh apaar.
Those people enshrine the True, Invisible and Infinite Lord in their hearts.

qU guxdwqw inDwnu hih AsI AvgixAwr ] (1284-6)
too gundaataa niDhaan heh asee avgani-aar.
You, O Lord, are the Giver, the Treasure of virtue; I am unvirtuous and unworthy.

ijsu bKsy so pwiesI gur sbdI vIcwru ]13] (1284-7)
jis bakhsay so paa-isee gur sabdee veechaar. ||13||
He alone finds You, whom You bless and forgive, and inspire to contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||13||

slok mÚ 5 ] (1284-7)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

rwiq n ivhwvI swkqW ijn@w ivsrY nwau ] (1284-7)
raat na vihaavee saaktaaN jinHaa visrai naa-o.
The faithless cynics forget the Name of the Lord; the night of their lives does not pass in peace.

rwqI idns suhylIAw nwnk hir gux gWau ]1] (1284-8)
raatee dinas suhaylee-aa naanak har gun gaaN-o. ||1||
Their days and nights become comfortable, O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (1284-8)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

rqn jvyhr mwxkw hBy mxI mQMin ] (1284-8)
ratan javayhar maankaa habhay manee mathann.
All sorts of jewels and gems, diamonds and rubies, shine forth from their foreheads.

nwnk jo pRiB BwixAw scY dir sohMin ]2] (1284-9)
naanak jo parabh bhaani-aa sachai dar sohann. ||2||
O Nanak, those who are pleasing to God, look beautiful in the Court of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (1284-9)

scw siqguru syiv scu sm@wilAw ] (1284-9)
sachaa satgur sayv sach samHaali-aa.
Serving the True Guru, I dwell on the True Lord.

AMiq KloAw Awie ij siqgur AgY GwilAw ] (1284-10)
ant khalo-aa aa-ay je satgur agai ghaali-aa.
The work you have done for the True Guru shall be very useful in the end.

poih n skY jmkwlu scw rKvwilAw ] (1284-10)
pohi na sakai jamkaal sachaa rakhvaali-aa.
The Messenger of Death cannot even touch that person who is protected by the True Lord.

gur swKI joiq jgwie dIvw bwilAw ] (1284-11)
gur saakhee jot jagaa-ay deevaa baali-aa.
Lighting the lamp of the Guru's Teachings, my awareness has been awakened.

mnmuK ivxu nwvY kUiVAwr iPrih byqwilAw ] (1284-11)
manmukh vin naavai koorhi-aar fireh baytaali-aa.
The self-willed manmukhs are false; without the Name, they wander around like demons.

psU mwxs cMim plyty AMdrhu kwilAw ] (1284-11)
pasoo maanas chamm palaytay andrahu kaali-aa.
They are nothing more than beasts, wrapped up in human skin; they are black-hearted within.

sBo vrqY scu scY sbid inhwilAw ] (1284-12)
sabho vartai sach sachai sabad nihaali-aa.
The True Lord is pervading all; through the True Word of the Shabad, He is seen.

nwnk nwmu inDwnu hY pUrY guir dyKwilAw ]14] (1284-12)
naanak naam niDhaan hai poorai gur daykhaali-aa. ||14||
O Nanak, the Naam is the greatest treasure. The Perfect Guru has revealed it to me. ||14||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1284-13)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhY hukmu pCwixAw gur kY shij suBwie ] (1284-13)
baabeehai hukam pachhaani-aa gur kai sahj subhaa-ay.
The rainbird realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command with intuitive ease through the Guru.

myGu vrsY dieAw kir gUVI Chbr lwie ] (1284-14)
maygh varsai da-i-aa kar goorhee chhahbar laa-ay.
The clouds mercifully burst forth, and the rain pours down in torrents.

bwbIhy kUk pukwr rih geI suKu visAw min Awie ] (1284-14)
baabeehay kook pukaar reh ga-ee sukh vasi-aa man aa-ay.
The cries and wailings of the rainbird have ceased, and peace has come to abide in its mind.

nwnk so swlwhIAY ij dyNdw sBnW jIAw irjku smwie ]1] (1284-15)
naanak so salaahee-ai je dayNdaa sabhnaaN jee-aa rijak samaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, praise that Lord, who reaches out and gives sustenance to all beings and creatures. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1284-15)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

cwiqRk qU n jwxhI ikAw quDu ivic iqKw hY ikqu pIqY iqK jwie ] (1284-15)
chaatrik too na jaanhee ki-aa tuDh vich tikhaa hai kit peetai tikh jaa-ay.
O rainbird, you do not know what thirst is within you, or what you can drink to quench it.

dUjY Bwie BrMimAw AMimRq jlu plY n pwie ] (1284-16)
doojai bhaa-ay bharammi-aa amrit jal palai na paa-ay.
You wander in the love of duality, and you do not obtain the Ambrosial Water.

ndir kry jy AwpxI qW siqguru imlY suBwie ] (1284-17)
nadar karay jay aapnee taaN satgur milai subhaa-ay.
When God casts His Glance of Grace, then the mortal automatically meets the True Guru.

nwnk siqgur qy AMimRq jlu pwieAw shjy rihAw smwie ]2] (1284-17)
naanak satgur tay amrit jal paa-i-aa sehjay rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Water is obtained from the True Guru, and then the mortal remains merged in the Lord with intuitive ease. ||2||

pauVI ] (1284-18)

ieik vx KMif bYsih jwie sdu n dyvhI ] (1284-18)
ik van khand baiseh jaa-ay sad na dayvhee.
Some go and sit in the forest realms, and do not answer any calls.

ieik pwlw kkru BMin sIqlu jlu hyNvhI ] (1284-18)
ik paalaa kakar bhann seetal jal hayNvahee.
Some, in the dead of winter, break the ice and immerse themselves in freezing water.

ieik Bsm cV@wvih AMig mYlu n DovhI ] (1284-19)
ik bhasam charhHaavahi ang mail na Dhovhee.
Some rub ashes on their bodies, and never wash off their dirt.

ieik jtw ibkt ibkrwl kulu Gru KovhI ] (1284-19)
ik jataa bikat bikraal kul ghar khovhee.
Some look hideous, with their uncut hair matted and dishevelled. They bring dishonor to their family and ancestry.