Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gurmuiK Awpu vIcwrIAY lgY sic ipAwru ] (1283-1)
gurmukh aap veechaaree-ai lagai sach pi-aar.
The Gurmukh reflects on the self, lovingly attached to the True Lord.

nwnk iks no AwKIAY Awpy dyvxhwru ]10] (1283-1)
naanak kis no aakhee-ai aapay dayvanhaar. ||10||
O Nanak, whom can we ask? He Himself is the Great Giver. ||10||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1283-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhw eyhu jgqu hY mq ko Brim Bulwie ] (1283-2)
baabeehaa ayhu jagat hai mat ko bharam bhulaa-ay.
This world is a rainbird; let no one be deluded by doubt.

iehu bwbINhw psU hY ies no bUJxu nwih ] (1283-2)
ih baabeeNhaa pasoo hai is no boojhan naahi.
This rainbird is an animal; it has no understanding at all.

AMimRqu hir kw nwmu hY ijqu pIqY iqK jwie ] (1283-3)
amrit har kaa naam hai jit peetai tikh jaa-ay.
The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar; drinking it in, thirst is quenched.

nwnk gurmuiK ijn@ pIAw iqn@ bhuiV n lwgI Awie ]1] (1283-3)
naanak gurmukh jinH pee-aa tinH bahurh na laagee aa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, those Gurmukhs who drink it in shall never again be afflicted by thirst. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1283-4)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

mlwru sIql rwgu hY hir iDAwieAY sWiq hoie ] (1283-4)
malaar seetal raag hai har Dhi-aa-i-ai saaNt ho-ay.
Malaar is a calming and soothing raga; meditating on the Lord brings peace and tranquility.

hir jIau ApxI ik®pw kry qW vrqY sB loie ] (1283-4)
har jee-o apnee kirpaa karay taaN vartai sabh lo-ay.
When the Dear Lord grants His Grace, then the rain falls on all the people of the world.

vuTY jIAw jugiq hoie DrxI no sIgwru hoie ] (1283-5)
vuthai jee-aa jugat ho-ay Dharnee no seegaar ho-ay.
From this rain, all creatures find the ways and means to live, and the earth is embellished.

nwnk iehu jgqu sBu jlu hY jl hI qy sB koie ] (1283-5)
naanak ih jagat sabh jal hai jal hee tay sabh ko-ay.
O Nanak, this world is all water; everything came from water.

gur prswdI ko ivrlw bUJY so jnu mukqu sdw hoie ]2] (1283-6)
gur parsaadee ko virlaa boojhai so jan mukat sadaa ho-ay. ||2||
By Guru's Grace, a rare few realize the Lord; such humble beings are liberated forever. ||2||

pauVI ] (1283-7)

scw vyprvwhu ieko qU DxI ] (1283-7)
sachaa vayparvaahu iko too Dhanee.
O True and Independent Lord God, You alone are my Lord and Master.

qU sBu ikCu Awpy Awip dUjy iksu gxI ] (1283-7)
too sabh kichh aapay aap doojay kis ganee.
You Yourself are everything; who else is of any account?

mwxs kUVw grbu scI quDu mxI ] (1283-7)
maanas koorhaa garab sachee tuDh manee.
False is the pride of man. True is Your glorious greatness.

Awvw gauxu rcwie aupweI mydnI ] (1283-8)
aavaa ga-on rachaa-ay upaa-ee maydnee.
Coming and going in reincarnation, the beings and species of the world came into being.

siqguru syvy Awpxw AwieAw iqsu gxI ] (1283-8)
satgur sayvay aapnaa aa-i-aa tis ganee.
But if the mortal serves his True Guru, his coming into the world is judged to be worthwhile.

jy haumY ivchu jwie q kyhI gxq gxI ] (1283-9)
jay ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay ta kayhee ganat ganee.
And if he eradicates eogtism from within himself, then how can he be judged?

mnmuK moih gubwir ijau Bulw mMiJ vxI ] (1283-9)
manmukh mohi gubaar ji-o bhulaa manjh vanee.
The self-willed manmukh is lost in the darkness of emotional attachment, like the man lost in the wilderness.

kty pwp AsMK nwvY iek kxI ]11] (1283-9)
katay paap asaNkh naavai ik kanee. ||11||
Countless sins are erased, by even a tiny particle of the Lord's Name. ||11||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1283-10)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhw KsmY kw mhlu n jwxhI mhlu dyiK Ardwis pwie ] (1283-10)
baabeehaa khasmai kaa mahal na jaanhee mahal daykh ardaas paa-ay.
O rainbird, you do not know the Mansion of your Lord and Master's Presence. Offer your prayers to see this Mansion.

AwpxY BwxY bhuqw bolih boilAw Qwie n pwie ] (1283-11)
aapnai bhaanai bahutaa boleh boli-aa thaa-ay na paa-ay.
You speak as you please, but your speech is not accepted.

Ksmu vfw dwqwru hY jo ieCy so Pl pwie ] (1283-11)
khasam vadaa daataar hai jo ichhay so fal paa-ay.
Your Lord and Master is the Great Giver; whatever you desire, you shall receive from Him.

bwbIhw ikAw bpuVw jgqY kI iqK jwie ]1] (1283-12)
baabeehaa ki-aa bapurhaa jagtai kee tikh jaa-ay. ||1||
Not only the thirst of the poor rainbird, but the thirst of the whole world is quenched. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1283-12)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

bwbIhw iBMnI rYix boilAw shjy sic suBwie ] (1283-12)
baabeehaa bhinnee rain boli-aa sehjay sach subhaa-ay.
The night is wet with dew; the rainbird sings the True Name with intuitive ease.

iehu jlu myrw jIau hY jl ibnu rhxu n jwie ] (1283-13)
ih jal mayraa jee-o hai jal bin rahan na jaa-ay.
This water is my very soul; without water, I cannot survive.

gur sbdI jlu pweIAY ivchu Awpu gvwie ] (1283-13)
gur sabdee jal paa-ee-ai vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, this water is obtained, and egotism is eradicated from within.

nwnk ijsu ibnu csw n jIvdI so siqguir dIAw imlwie ]2] (1283-14)
naanak jis bin chasaa na jeevdee so satgur dee-aa milaa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, I cannot live without Him, even for a moment; the True Guru has led me to meet Him. ||2||

pauVI ] (1283-14)

KMf pqwl AsMK mY gxq n hoeI ] (1283-14)
khand pataal asaNkh mai ganat na ho-ee.
There are countless worlds and nether regions; I cannot calculate their number.

qU krqw goivMdu quDu isrjI quDY goeI ] (1283-15)
too kartaa govind tuDh sirjee tuDhai go-ee.
You are the Creator, the Lord of the Universe; You create it, and You destroy it.

lK caurwsIh mydnI quJ hI qy hoeI ] (1283-15)
lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee tujh hee tay ho-ee.
The 8.4 million species of beings issued forth from You.

ieik rwjy Kwn mlUk khih khwvih koeI ] (1283-16)
ik raajay khaan malook kaheh kahaaveh ko-ee.
Some are called kings, emperors and nobles.

ieik swh sdwvih sMic Dnu dUjY piq KoeI ] (1283-16)
ik saah sadaaveh sanch Dhan doojai pat kho-ee.
Some claim to be bankers and accumulate wealth, but in duality they lose their honor.

ieik dwqy iek mMgqy sBnw isir soeI ] (1283-16)
ik daatay ik mangtay sabhnaa sir so-ee.
Some are givers, and some are beggars; God is above the heads of all.

ivxu nwvY bwjwrIAw BIhwvil hoeI ] (1283-17)
vin naavai baajaaree-aa bheehaaval ho-ee.
Without the Name, they are vulgar, dreadful and wretched.

kUV inKuty nwnkw scu kry su hoeI ]12] (1283-17)
koorh nikhutay naankaa sach karay so ho-ee. ||12||
Falsehood shall not last, O Nanak; whatever the True Lord does, comes to pass. ||12||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1283-18)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhw guxvMqI mhlu pwieAw AaugxvMqI dUir ] (1283-18)
baabeehaa gunvantee mahal paa-i-aa a-uganvantee door.
O rainbird, the virtuous soul-bride attains the Mansion of her Lord's Presence; the unworthy, unvirtuous one is far away.

AMqir qyrY hir vsY gurmuiK sdw hjUir ] (1283-18)
antar tayrai har vasai gurmukh sadaa hajoor.
Deep within your inner being, the Lord abides. The Gurmukh beholds Him ever-present.

kUk pukwr n hoveI ndrI ndir inhwl ] (1283-19)
kook pukaar na hova-ee nadree nadar nihaal.
When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, the mortal no longer weeps and wails.

nwnk nwim rqy shjy imly sbid gurU kY Gwl ]1] (1283-19)
naanak naam ratay sehjay milay sabad guroo kai ghaal. ||1||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam intuitively merge with the Lord; they practice the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||