Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pauVI ] (1282-1)

Aqulu ikau qolIAY ivxu qoly pwieAw n jwie ] (1282-1)
atul ki-o tolee-ai vin tolay paa-i-aa na jaa-ay.
How can the unweighable be weighed? Without weighing Him, He cannot be obtained.

gur kY sbid vIcwrIAY gux mih rhY smwie ] (1282-1)
gur kai sabad veechaaree-ai gun meh rahai samaa-ay.
Reflect on the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and immerse yourself in His Glorious Virtues.

Apxw Awpu Awip qolsI Awpy imlY imlwie ] (1282-2)
apnaa aap aap tolsee aapay milai milaa-ay.
He Himself weighs Himself; He unites in Union with Himself.

iqs kI kImiq nw pvY khxw ikCU n jwie ] (1282-2)
tis kee keemat naa pavai kahnaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
His value cannot be estimated; nothing can be said about this.

hau bilhwrI gur Awpxy ijin scI bUJ idqI buJwie ] (1282-3)
ha-o balihaaree gur aapnay jin sachee boojh ditee bujhaa-ay.
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; He has made me realize this true realization.

jgqu musY AMimRqu lutIAY mnmuK bUJ n pwie ] (1282-3)
jagat musai amrit lootee-ai manmukh boojh na paa-ay.
The world has been deceived, and the Ambrosial Nectar is being plundered. The self-willed manmukh does not realize this.

ivxu nwvY nwil n clsI jwsI jnmu gvwie ] (1282-4)
vin naavai naal na chalsee jaasee janam gavaa-ay.
Without the Name, nothing will go along with him; he wastes his life, and departs.

gurmqI jwgy iqn@I Gru riKAw dUqw kw ikCu n vswie ]8] (1282-4)
gurmatee jaagay tinHee ghar rakhi-aa dootaa kaa kichh na vasaa-ay. ||8||
Those who follow the Guru's Teachings and remain awake and aware, preserve and protect the home of their heart; demons have no power against them. ||8||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1282-5)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhw nw ibllwie nw qrswie eyhu mnu Ksm kw hukmu mMin ] (1282-5)
baabeehaa naa billaa-ay naa tarsaa-ay ayhu man khasam kaa hukam man.
O rainbird, do not cry out. Do not let this mind of yours be so thirsty for a drop of water. Obey the Hukam, the Command of your Lord and Master,

nwnk hukim mMinAY iqK auqrY cVY cvgil vMnu ]1] (1282-6)
naanak hukam mani-ai tikh utrai charhai chavgal vann. ||1||
and your thirst shall be quenched. Your love for Him shall increase four-fold. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1282-6)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

bwbIhw jl mih qyrw vwsu hY jl hI mwih iPrwih ] (1282-6)
baabeehaa jal meh tayraa vaas hai jal hee maahi firaahi.
O rainbird, your place is in the water; you move around in the water.

jl kI swr n jwxhI qW qUM kUkx pwih ] (1282-7)
jal kee saar na jaanhee taaN tooN kookan paahi.
But you do not appreciate the water, and so you cry out.

jl Ql chu idis vrsdw KwlI ko Qwau nwih ] (1282-7)
jal thal chahu dis varasdaa khaalee ko thaa-o naahi.
In the water and on the land, it rains down in the ten directions. No place is left dry.

eyqY jil vrsdY iqK mrih Bwg iqnw ky nwih ] (1282-8)
aytai jal varsadai tikh mareh bhaag tinaa kay naahi.
With so much rain, those who are die of thirst are very unfortunate.

nwnk gurmuiK iqn soJI peI ijn visAw mn mwih ]2] (1282-8)
naanak gurmukh tin sojhee pa-ee jin vasi-aa man maahi. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs understand; the Lord abides within their minds. ||2||

pauVI ] (1282-9)

nwQ jqI isD pIr iknY AMqu n pwieAw ] (1282-9)
naath jatee siDh peer kinai ant na paa-i-aa.
The Yogic Masters, celibates, Siddhas and spiritual teachers - none of them has found the limits of the Lord.

gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie quJY smwieAw ] (1282-10)
gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ay tujhai samaa-i-aa.
The Gurmukhs meditate on the Naam, and merge in You, O Lord.

jug CqIh gubwru iqs hI BwieAw ] (1282-10)
jug chhateeh gubaar tis hee bhaa-i-aa.
For thirty-six ages, God remained in utter darkness, as He pleased.

jlw ibMbu Asrwlu iqnY vrqwieAw ] (1282-10)
jalaa bimb asraal tinai vartaa-i-aa.
The vast expanse of water swirled around.

nIlu AnIlu AgMmu srjIqu sbwieAw ] (1282-11)
neel aneel agamm sarjeet sabaa-i-aa.
The Creator of all is Infinite, Endless and Inaccessible.

Agin aupweI vwdu BuK iqhwieAw ] (1282-11)
agan upaa-ee vaad bhukh tihaa-i-aa.
He formed fire and conflict, hunger and thirst.

dunIAw kY isir kwlu dUjw BwieAw ] (1282-12)
dunee-aa kai sir kaal doojaa bhaa-i-aa.
Death hangs over the heads of the people of the world, in the love of duality.

rKY rKxhwru ijin sbdu buJwieAw ]9] (1282-12)
rakhai rakhanhaar jin sabad bujhaa-i-aa. ||9||
The Savior Lord saves those who realize the Word of the Shabad. ||9||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1282-12)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

iehu jlu sB qY vrsdw vrsY Bwie suBwie ] (1282-13)
ih jal sabh tai varasdaa varsai bhaa-ay subhaa-ay.
This rain pours down on all; it rains down in accordance with God's Loving Will.

sy ibrKw hrIAwvly jo gurmuiK rhy smwie ] (1282-13)
say birkhaa haree-aavlay jo gurmukh rahay samaa-ay.
Those trees become green and lush, which remain immersed in the Guru's Word.

nwnk ndrI suKu hoie eynw jMqw kw duKu jwie ]1] (1282-13)
naanak nadree sukh ho-ay aynaa jantaa kaa dukh jaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, by His Grace, there is peace; the pain of these creatures is gone. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1282-14)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

iBMnI rYix cmikAw vuTw Chbr lwie ] (1282-14)
bhinnee rain chamki-aa vuthaa chhahbar laa-ay.
The night is wet with dew; lightning flashes, and the rain pours down in torrents.

ijqu vuTY Anu Dnu bhuqu aUpjY jW shu kry rjwie ] (1282-15)
jit vuthai an Dhan bahut oopjai jaaN saho karay rajaa-ay.
Food and wealth are produced in abundance when it rains, if it is the Will of God.

ijqu KwDY mnu iqRpqIAY jIAW jugiq smwie ] (1282-15)
jit khaaDhai man taripat-ee-ai jee-aaN jugat samaa-ay.
Consuming it, the minds of His creatures are satisfied, and they adopt the lifestyle of the way.

iehu Dnu krqy kw Kylu hY kdy AwvY kdy jwie ] (1282-16)
ih Dhan kartay kaa khayl hai kaday aavai kaday jaa-ay.
This wealth is the play of the Creator Lord. Sometimes it comes, and sometimes it goes.

igAwnIAw kw Dnu nwmu hY sd hI rhY smwie ] (1282-16)
gi-aanee-aa kaa Dhan naam hai sad hee rahai samaa-ay.
The Naam is the wealth of the spiritually wise. It is permeating and pervading forever.

nwnk ijn kau ndir kry qW iehu Dnu plY pwie ]2] (1282-17)
naanak jin ka-o nadar karay taaN ih Dhan palai paa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, those who are blessed with His Glance of Grace receive this wealth. ||2||

pauVI ] (1282-17)

Awip krwey kry Awip hau kY isau krI pukwr ] (1282-17)
aap karaa-ay karay aap ha-o kai si-o karee pukaar.
He Himself does, and causes all to be done. Unto whom can I complain?

Awpy lyKw mMgsI Awip krwey kwr ] (1282-18)
aapay laykhaa mangsee aap karaa-ay kaar.
He Himself calls the mortal beings to account; He Himself causes them to act.

jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY hukmu kry gwvwru ] (1282-18)
jo tis bhaavai so thee-ai hukam karay gaavaar.
Whatever pleases Him happens. Only a fool issues commands.

Awip Cfwey CutIAY Awpy bKsxhwru ] (1282-19)
aap chhadaa-ay chhutee-ai aapay bakhsanhaar.
He Himself saves and redeems; He Himself is the Forgiver.

Awpy vyKY suxy Awip sBsY dy AwDwru ] (1282-19)
aapay vaykhai sunay aap sabhsai day aaDhaar.
He Himself sees, and He Himself hears; He gives His Support to all.

sB mih eyku vrqdw isir isir kry bIcwru ] (1282-19)
sabh meh ayk varatdaa sir sir karay beechaar.
He alone is pervading and permeating all; He considers each and every one.