Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gurmuiK piq isau lyKw inbVY bKsy isPiq BMfwr ] (1281-1)
gurmukh pat si-o laykhaa nibrhai bakhsay sifat bhandaar.
The Gurmukh's account is settled with honor; the Lord blesses him with the treasure of His Praise.

EQY hQu n ApVY kUk n suxIAY pukwr ] (1281-1)
othai hath na aprhai kook na sunee-ai pukaar.
No one's hands can reach there; no one will hear anyone's cries.

EQY siqguru bylI hovY kiF ley AMqI vwr ] (1281-2)
othai satgur baylee hovai kadh la-ay antee vaar.
The True Guru will be your best friend there; at the very last instant, He will save you.

eynw jMqw no hor syvw nhI siqguru isir krqwr ]6] (1281-2)
aynaa jantaa no hor sayvaa nahee satgur sir kartaar. ||6||
These beings should serve no other than the True Guru or the Creator Lord above the heads of all. ||6||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1281-3)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

bwbIhw ijs no qU pUkwrdw iqs no locY sBu koie ] (1281-3)
baabeehaa jis no too pookaardaa tis no lochai sabh ko-ay.
O rainbird, the One unto whom you call - everyone longs for that Lord.

ApxI ikrpw kir kY vssI vxu iqRxu hirAw hoie ] (1281-3)
apnee kirpaa kar kai vassee van tarin hari-aa ho-ay.
When He grants His Grace, it rains, and the forests and fields blossom forth in their greenery.

gur prswdI pweIAY ivrlw bUJY koie ] (1281-4)
gur parsaadee paa-ee-ai virlaa boojhai ko-ay.
By Guru's Grace, He is found; only a rare few understand this.

bhidAw auTidAw inq iDAweIAY sdw sdw suKu hoie ] (1281-4)
bahdi-aa uth-di-aa nit Dhi-aa-ee-ai sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay.
Sitting down and standing up, meditate continually on Him, and be at peace forever and ever.

nwnk AMimRqu sd hI vrsdw gurmuiK dyvY hir soie ]1] (1281-5)
naanak amrit sad hee varasdaa gurmukh dayvai har so-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Nectar rains down forever; the Lord gives it to the Gurmukh. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1281-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

klmil hoeI mydnI Ardwis kry ilv lwie ] (1281-6)
kalmal ho-ee maydnee ardaas karay liv laa-ay.
When the people of the world are suffering in pain, they call upon the Lord in loving prayer.

scY suixAw kMnu dy DIrk dyvY shij suBwie ] (1281-6)
sachai suni-aa kann day Dheerak dayvai sahj subhaa-ay.
The True Lord naturally listens and hears and gives comfort.

ieMdRY no PurmwieAw vuTw Chbr lwie ] (1281-7)
indrai no furmaa-i-aa vuthaa chhahbar laa-ay.
He commands the god of rain, and the rain pours down in torrents.

Anu Dnu aupjY bhu Gxw kImiq khxu n jwie ] (1281-7)
an Dhan upjai baho ghanaa keemat kahan na jaa-ay.
Corn and wealth are produced in great abundance and prosperity; their value cannot be estimated.

nwnk nwmu slwih qU sBnw jIAw dydw irjku sMbwih ] (1281-7)
naanak naam salaahi too sabhnaa jee-aa daydaa rijak sambaahi.
O Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He reaches out and gives sustenance to all beings.

ijqu KwDY suKu aUpjY iPir dUKu n lwgY Awie ]2] (1281-8)
jit khaaDhai sukh oopjai fir dookh na laagai aa-ay. ||2||
Eating this, peace is produced, and the mortal never again suffers in pain. ||2||

pauVI ] (1281-9)

hir jIau scw scu qU scy lYih imlwie ] (1281-9)
har jee-o sachaa sach too sachay laihi milaa-ay.
O Dear Lord, You are the Truest of the True. You blend those who are truthful into Your Own Being.

dUjY dUjI qrP hY kUiV imlY n imilAw jwie ] (1281-9)
doojai doojee taraf hai koorh milai na mili-aa jaa-ay.
Those caught in duality are on the side of duality; entrenched in falsehood, they cannot merge into the Lord.

Awpy joiV ivCoiVAY Awpy kudriq dyie idKwie ] (1281-10)
aapay jorh vichhorhi-ai aapay kudrat day-ay dikhaa-ay.
You Yourself unite, and You Yourself separate; You display Your Creative Omnipotence.

mohu sogu ivjogu hY pUrib iliKAw kmwie ] (1281-10)
moh sog vijog hai poorab likhi-aa kamaa-ay.
Attachment brings the sorrow of separation; the mortal acts in accordance with pre-ordained destiny.

hau bilhwrI iqn kau jo hir crxI rhY ilv lwie ] (1281-11)
ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o jo har charnee rahai liv laa-ay.
I am a sacrifice to those who remain lovingly attached to the Lord's Feet.

ijau jl mih kmlu Ailpqu hY AYsI bxq bxwie ] (1281-11)
ji-o jal meh kamal alipat hai aisee banat banaa-ay.
They are like the lotus which remains detached, floating upon the water.

sy suKIey sdw sohxy ijn@ ivchu Awpu gvwie ] (1281-12)
say sukhee-ay sadaa sohnay jinH vichahu aap gavaa-ay.
They are peaceful and beautiful forever; they eradicate self-conceit from within.

iqn@ sogu ivjogu kdy nhI jo hir kY AMik smwie ]7] (1281-12)
tinH sog vijog kaday nahee jo har kai ank samaa-ay. ||7||
They never suffer sorrow or separation; they are merged in the Being of the Lord. ||7||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1281-13)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

nwnk so swlwhIAY ijsu vis sBu ikCu hoie ] (1281-13)
naanak so salaahee-ai jis vas sabh kichh ho-ay.
O Nanak, praise the Lord; everything is in His power.

iqsY sryivhu pRwxIho iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ] (1281-13)
tisai sarayvihu paraaneeho tis bin avar na ko-ay.
Serve Him, O mortal beings; there is none other than Him.

gurmuiK hir pRBu min vsY qW sdw sdw suKu hoie ] (1281-14)
gurmukh har parabh man vasai taaN sadaa sadaa sukh ho-ay.
The Lord God abides within the mind of the Gurmukh, and then he is at peace, forever and ever.

shsw mUil n hoveI sB icMqw ivchu jwie ] (1281-15)
sahsaa mool na hova-ee sabh chintaa vichahu jaa-ay.
He is never cynical; all anxiety has been taken out from within him.

jo ikCu hoie su shjy hoie khxw ikCU n jwie ] (1281-15)
jo kichh ho-ay so sehjay ho-ay kahnaa kichhoo na jaa-ay.
Whatever happens, happens naturally; no one has any say about it.

scw swihbu min vsY qW min icMidAw Plu pwie ] (1281-16)
sachaa saahib man vasai taaN man chindi-aa fal paa-ay.
When the True Lord abides in the mind, then the mind's desires are fulfilled.

nwnk iqn kw AwiKAw Awip suxy ij lieAnu pMnY pwie ]1] (1281-16)
naanak tin kaa aakhi-aa aap sunay je la-i-an pannai paa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, He Himself hears the words of those, whose accounts are in His Hands. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1281-17)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

AMimRqu sdw vrsdw bUJin bUJxhwr ] (1281-17)
amrit sadaa varasdaa boojhan boojhanhaar.
The Ambrosial Nectar rains down continually; realize this through realization.

gurmuiK ijn@I buiJAw hir AMimRqu riKAw auir Dwir ] (1281-17)
gurmukh jinHee bujhi-aa har amrit rakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
Those who, as Gurmukh, realize this, keep the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar enshrined within their hearts.

hir AMimRqu pIvih sdw rMig rwqy haumY iqRsnw mwir ] (1281-18)
har amrit peeveh sadaa rang raatay ha-umai tarisnaa maar.
They drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar, and remain forever imbued with the Lord; they conquer egotism and thirsty desires.

AMimRqu hir kw nwmu hY vrsY ikrpw Dwir ] (1281-18)
amrit har kaa naam hai varsai kirpaa Dhaar.
The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar; the Lord showers His Grace, and it rains down.

nwnk gurmuiK ndrI AwieAw hir Awqm rwmu murwir ]2] (1281-19)
naanak gurmukh nadree aa-i-aa har aatam raam muraar. ||2||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh comes to behold the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||2||