Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1280 Drmu krwey krm Durhu PurmwieAw ]3] (1280-1)Dharam karaa-ay karam Dharahu furmaa-i-aa. ||3|| The Primal Lord has ordained that mortals must practice righteousness. ||3|| slok mÚ 2 ] (1280-1)salok mehlaa 2. Shalok, Second Mehl: swvxu AwieAw hy sKI kMqY iciq kryhu ] (1280-1)saavan aa-i-aa hay sakhee kantai chit karayhu. The month of Saawan has come, O my companions; think of your Husband Lord. nwnk JUir mrih dohwgxI ijn@ AvrI lwgw nyhu ]1] (1280-2)naanak jhoor mareh duhaaganee jinH avree laagaa nayhu. ||1|| O Nanak, the discarded bride is in love with another; now she weeps and wails, and dies. ||1|| mÚ 2 ] (1280-2)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: swvxu AwieAw hy sKI jlhru brsnhwru ] (1280-2)saavan aa-i-aa hay sakhee jalhar barsanhaar. The month of Saawan has come, O my companions; the clouds have burst forth with rain. nwnk suiK svnu sohwgxI ijn@ sh nwil ipAwru ]2] (1280-3)naanak sukh savan sohaaganee jinH sah naal pi-aar. ||2|| O Nanak, the blessed soul-brides sleep in peace; they are in love with their Husband Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1280-3)pa-orhee. Pauree: Awpy iCMJ pvwie mlwKwVw ricAw ] (1280-3)aapay chhinjh pavaa-ay malaakhaarhaa rachi-aa. He Himself has staged the tournament, and arranged the arena for the wrestlers. lQy BVQU pwie gurmuiK micAw ] (1280-4)lathay bharhthoo paa-ay gurmukh machi-aa. They have entered the arena with pomp and ceremony; the Gurmukhs are joyful. mnmuK mwry pCwiV mUrK kicAw ] (1280-4)manmukh maaray pachhaarh moorakh kachi-aa. The false and foolish self-willed manmukhs are defeated and overcome. Awip iBVY mwry Awip Awip kwrju ricAw ] (1280-4)aap bhirhai maaray aap aap kaaraj rachi-aa. The Lord Himself wrestles, and He Himself defeats them. He Himself staged this play. sBnw Ksmu eyku hY gurmuiK jwxIAY ] (1280-5)sabhnaa khasam ayk hai gurmukh jaanee-ai. The One God is the Lord and Master of all; this is known by the Gurmukhs. hukmI ilKY isir lyKu ivxu klm msvwxIAY ] (1280-5)hukmee likhai sir laykh vin kalam masvaanee-ai. He writes the inscription of His Hukam on the foreheads of all, without pen or ink. sqsMgiq mylwpu ijQY hir gux sdw vKwxIAY ] (1280-6)satsangat maylaap jithai har gun sadaa vakhaanee-ai. In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, Union with Him is obtained; there, the Glorious Praises of the Lord are chanted forever. nwnk scw sbdu slwih scu pCwxIAY ]4] (1280-6)naanak sachaa sabad salaahi sach pachhaanee-ai. ||4|| O Nanak, praising the True Word of His Shabad, one comes to realize the Truth. ||4|| slok mÚ 3 ] (1280-7)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: aUNniv aUNniv AwieAw Avir kryNdw vMn ] (1280-7)ooNnav ooNnav aa-i-aa avar karayNdaa vann. Hanging low, low and thick in the sky, the clouds are changing color. ikAw jwxw iqsu swh isau kyv rhsI rMgu ] (1280-7)ki-aa jaanaa tis saah si-o kayv rahsee rang. How do I know whether my love for my Husband Lord shall endure? rMgu rihAw iqn@ kwmxI ijn@ min Bau Bwau hoie ] (1280-8)rang rahi-aa tinH kaamnee jinH man bha-o bhaa-o ho-ay. The love of those soul-brides endures, if their minds are filled with the Love and the Fear of God. nwnk BY Bwie bwhrI iqn qin suKu n hoie ]1] (1280-8)naanak bhai bhaa-ay baahree tin tan sukh na ho-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, she who has no Love and Fear of God - her body shall never find peace. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (1280-9)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: aUNniv aUNniv AwieAw vrsY nIru inpMgu ] (1280-9)ooNnav ooNnav aa-i-aa varsai neer nipang. Hanging low, low and thick in the sky, the clouds come, and pure water rains down. nwnk duKu lwgw iqn@ kwmxI ijn@ kMqY isau min BMgu ]2] (1280-10)naanak dukh laagaa tinH kaamnee jinH kantai si-o man bhang. ||2|| O Nanak, that soul-bride suffers in pain, whose mind is torn away from her Husband Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1280-10)pa-orhee. Pauree: dovY qrPw aupwie ieku vriqAw ] (1280-10)dovai tarfaa upaa-ay ik varti-aa. The One Lord created both sides and pervades the expanse. byd bwxI vrqwie AMdir vwdu GiqAw ] (1280-11)bayd banee vartaa-ay andar vaad ghati-aa. The words of the Vedas became pervasive, with arguments and divisions. privriq inrivriq hwTw dovY ivic Drmu iPrY rYbwirAw ] (1280-11)parvirat nirvirat haathaa dovai vich Dharam firai raibaari-aa. Attachment and detachment are the two sides of it; Dharma, true religion, is the guide between the two. mnmuK kcy kUiVAwr iqn@I inhcau drgh hwirAw ] (1280-12)manmukh kachay koorhi-aar tinHee nihcha-o dargeh haari-aa. The self-willed manmukhs are worthless and false. Without a doubt, they lose in the Court of the Lord. gurmqI sbid sUr hY kwmu k®oDu ijn@I mwirAw ] (1280-12)gurmatee sabad soor hai kaam kroDh jinHee maari-aa. Those who follow the Guru's Teachings are the true spiritual warriors; they have conquered sexual desire and anger. scY AMdir mhil sbid svwirAw ] (1280-13)sachai andar mahal sabad savaari-aa. They enter into the True Mansion of the Lord's Presence, embellished and exalted by the Word of the Shabad. sy Bgq quDu Bwvdy scY nwie ipAwirAw ] (1280-13)say bhagat tuDh bhaavday sachai naa-ay pi-aari-aa. Those devotees are pleasing to Your Will, O Lord; they dearly love the True Name. siqguru syvin Awpxw iqn@w ivthu hau vwirAw ]5] (1280-14)satgur sayvan aapnaa tinHaa vitahu ha-o vaari-aa. ||5|| I am a sacrifice to those who serve their True Guru. ||5|| slok mÚ 3 ] (1280-14)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: aUNniv aUNniv AwieAw vrsY lwie JVI ] (1280-14)ooNnav ooNnav aa-i-aa varsai laa-ay jharhee. Hanging low, low and thick in the sky, the clouds come, and water rains down in torrents. nwnk BwxY clY kMq kY su mwxy sdw rlI ]1] (1280-15)naanak bhaanai chalai kant kai so maanay sadaa ralee. ||1|| O Nanak, she walks in harmony with the Will of her Husband Lord; she enjoys peace and pleasure forever. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (1280-15)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: ikAw auiT auiT dyKhu bpuVyN iesu myGY hiQ ikCu nwih ] (1280-15)ki-aa uth uth daykhhu bapurhayN is mayghai hath kichh naahi. Why are you standing up, standing up to look? You poor wretch, this cloud has nothing in its hands. ijin eyhu myGu pTwieAw iqsu rwKhu mn mWih ] (1280-16)jin ayhu maygh pathaa-i-aa tis raakho man maaNhi. The One who sent this cloud - cherish Him in your mind. iqs no mMin vswiesI jw kau ndir kryie ] (1280-17)tis no man vasaa-isee jaa ka-o nadar karay-i. He alone enshrines the Lord in his mind, upon whom the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace. nwnk ndrI bwhrI sB krx plwh kryie ]2] (1280-17)naanak nadree baahree sabh karan palaah karay-i. ||2|| O Nanak, all those who lack this Grace, cry and weep and wail. ||2|| pauVI ] (1280-18)pa-orhee. Pauree: so hir sdw sryvIAY ijsu krq n lwgY vwr ] (1280-18)so har sadaa sarayvee-ai jis karat na laagai vaar. Serve the Lord forever; He acts in no time at all. Awfwxy Awkws kir iKn mih Fwih auswrxhwr ] (1280-18)aadaanay aakaas kar khin meh dhaahi usaaranhaar. He stretched the sky across the heavens; in an instant, He creates and destroys. Awpy jgqu aupwie kY kudriq kry vIcwr ] (1280-19)aapay jagat upaa-ay kai kudrat karay veechaar. He Himself created the world; He contemplates His Creative Omnipotence. mnmuK AgY lyKw mMgIAY bhuqI hovY mwr ] (1280-19)manmukh agai laykhaa mangee-ai bahutee hovai maar. The self-willed manmukh will be called to account hereafter; he will be severely punished. |
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