Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1279 mnmuK dUjI qrP hY vyKhu ndir inhwil ] (1279-1)manmukh doojee taraf hai vaykhhu nadar nihaal. The self-willed manmukh is on the wrong side. You can see this with your own eyes. PwhI PwQy imrg ijau isir dIsY jmkwlu ] (1279-1)faahee faathay mirag ji-o sir deesai jamkaal. He is caught in the trap like the deer; the Messenger of Death hovers over his head. KuiDAw iqRsnw inMdw burI kwmu k®oDu ivkrwlu ] (1279-2)khuDhi-aa tarisnaa nindaa buree kaam kroDh vikraal. Hunger, thirst and slander are evil; sexual desire and anger are horrible. eynI AKI ndir n AwveI ijcru sbid n kry bIcwru ] (1279-2)aynee akhee nadar na aavee jichar sabad na karay beechaar. These cannot be seen with your eyes, until you contemplate the Word of the Shabad. quDu BwvY sMqoKIAW cUkY Awl jMjwlu ] (1279-3)tuDh bhaavai santokhee-aaN chookai aal janjaal. Whoever is pleasing to You is content; all his entanglements are gone. mUlu rhY guru syivAY gur pauVI boihQu ] (1279-3)mool rahai gur sayvi-ai gur pa-orhee bohith. Serving the Guru, his capital is preserved. The Guru is the ladder and the boat. nwnk lgI qqu lY qUM scw min scu ]1] (1279-3)naanak lagee tat lai tooN sachaa man sach. ||1|| O Nanak, whoever is attached to the Lord receives the essence; O True Lord, You are found when the mind is true. ||1|| mhlw 1 ] (1279-4)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: hyko pwDru hyku dru gur pauVI inj Qwnu ] (1279-4)hayko paaDhar hayk dar gur pa-orhee nij thaan. There is one path and one door. The Guru is the ladder to reach one's own place. rUVau Twkuru nwnkw siB suK swcau nwmu ]2] (1279-4)roorha-o thaakur naankaa sabh sukh saacha-o naam. ||2|| Our Lord and Master is so beautiful, O Nanak; all comfort and peace are in the Name of the True Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1279-5)pa-orhee. Pauree: AwpIn@Y Awpu swij Awpu pCwixAw ] (1279-5)aapeenHai aap saaj aap pachhaani-aa. He Himself created Himself; He Himself understands Himself. AMbru Driq ivCoiV cMdoAw qwixAw ] (1279-5)ambar Dharat vichhorh chando-aa taani-aa. Separating the sky and the earth, He has spread out His canopy. ivxu QMm@w ggnu rhwie sbdu nIswixAw ] (1279-6)vin thamHaa gagan rahaa-ay sabad neesaani-aa. Without any pillars, He supports the sky, through the insignia of His Shabad. sUrju cMdu aupwie joiq smwixAw ] (1279-6)sooraj chand upaa-ay jot samaani-aa. Creating the sun and the moon, He infused His Light into them. kIey rwiq idnµqu coj ivfwixAw ] (1279-7)kee-ay raat dinant choj vidaani-aa. He created the night and the day; Wondrous are His miraculous plays. qIrQ Drm vIcwr nwvx purbwixAw ] (1279-7)tirath Dharam veechaar naavan purbaani-aa. He created the sacred shrines of pilgrimage, where people contemplate righteousness and Dharma, and take cleansing baths on special occasions. quDu sir Avru n koie ik AwiK vKwixAw ] (1279-8)tuDh sar avar na ko-ay ke aakh vakhaani-aa. There is no other equal to You; how can we speak and describe You? scY qKiq invwsu hor Awvx jwixAw ]1] (1279-8)sachai takhat nivaas hor aavan jaani-aa. ||1|| You are seated on the throne of Truth; all others come and go in reincarnation. ||1|| slok mÚ 1 ] (1279-9)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: nwnk swvix jy vsY chu Emwhw hoie ] (1279-9)naanak saavan jay vasai chahu omaahaa ho-ay. O Nanak, when it rains in the month of Saawan, four are delighted: nwgW imrgW mCIAW rsIAW Gir Dnu hoie ]1] (1279-9)naagaaN mirgaaN machhee-aaN rasee-aaN ghar Dhan ho-ay. ||1|| the snake, the deer, the fish and the wealthy people who seek pleasure. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (1279-10)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: nwnk swvix jy vsY chu vyCoVw hoie ] (1279-10)naanak saavan jay vasai chahu vaychhorhaa ho-ay. O Nanak, when it rains in the month of Saawan, four suffer the pains of separation: gweI puqw inrDnw pMQI cwkru hoie ]2] (1279-10)gaa-ee putaa nirDhanaa panthee chaakar ho-ay. ||2|| the cow's calves, the poor, the travellers and the servants. ||2|| pauVI ] (1279-11)pa-orhee. Pauree: qU scw sicAwru ijin scu vrqwieAw ] (1279-11)too sachaa sachiaar jin sach vartaa-i-aa. You are True, O True Lord; You dispense True Justice. bYTw qwVI lwie kvlu CpwieAw ] (1279-11)baithaa taarhee laa-ay kaval chhapaa-i-aa. Like a lotus, You sit in the primal celestial trance; You are hidden from view. bRhmY vfw khwie AMqu n pwieAw ] (1279-11)barahmai vadaa kahaa-ay ant na paa-i-aa. Brahma is called great, but even he does not know Your limits. nw iqsu bwpu n mwie ikin qU jwieAw ] (1279-12)naa tis baap na maa-ay kin too jaa-i-aa. You have no father or mother; who gave birth to You? nw iqsu rUpu n ryK vrn sbwieAw ] (1279-12)naa tis roop na raykh varan sabaa-i-aa. You have no form or feature; You transcend all social classes. nw iqsu BuK ipAws rjw DwieAw ] (1279-13)naa tis bhukh pi-aas rajaa Dhaa-i-aa. You have no hunger or thirst; You are satisfied and satiated. gur mih Awpu smoie sbdu vrqwieAw ] (1279-13)gur meh aap samo-ay sabad vartaa-i-aa. You have merged Yourself into the Guru; You are pervading through the Word of Your Shabad. scy hI pqIAwie sic smwieAw ]2] (1279-13)sachay hee patee-aa-ay sach samaa-i-aa. ||2|| When he is pleasing to the True Lord, the mortal merges in Truth. ||2|| slok mÚ 1 ] (1279-14)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: vYdu bulwieAw vYdgI pkiV FMFoly bWh ] (1279-14)vaid bulaa-i-aa vaidgee pakarh dhandholay baaNh. The physician was called in; he touched my arm and felt my pulse. Bolw vYdu n jwxeI krk klyjy mwih ]1] (1279-14)bholaa vaid na jaan-ee karak kalayjay maahi. ||1|| The foolish physician did not know that the pain was in the mind. ||1|| mÚ 2 ] (1279-15)mehlaa 2. Second Mehl: vYdw vYdu suvYdu qU pihlW rogu pCwxu ] (1279-15)vaidaa vaid suvaid too pahilaaN rog pachhaan. O physician, you are a competent physician, if you first diagnose the disease. AYsw dwrU loiV lhu ijqu vM\Y rogw Gwix ] (1279-15)aisaa daaroo lorh lahu jit vanjai rogaa ghaan. Prescribe such a remedy, by which all sorts of illnesses may be cured. ijqu dwrU rog auiTAih qin suKu vsY Awie ] (1279-16)jit daaroo rog uthi-ah tan sukh vasai aa-ay. Administer that medicine, which will cure the disease, and allow peace to come and dwell in the body. rogu gvwieih Awpxw q nwnk vYdu sdwie ]2] (1279-16)rog gavaa-ihi aapnaa ta naanak vaid sadaa-ay. ||2|| Only when you are rid of your own disease, O Nanak, will you be known as a physician. ||2|| pauVI ] (1279-17)pa-orhee. Pauree: bRhmw ibsnu mhysu dyv aupwieAw ] (1279-17)barahmaa bisan mahays dayv upaa-i-aa. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and the deities were created. bRhmy idqy byd pUjw lwieAw ] (1279-17)barahmay ditay bayd poojaa laa-i-aa. Brahma was given the Vedas, and enjoined to worship God. ds AvqwrI rwmu rwjw AwieAw ] (1279-18)das avtaaree raam raajaa aa-i-aa. The ten incarnations, and Rama the king, came into being. dYqw mwry Dwie hukim sbwieAw ] (1279-18)daitaa maaray Dhaa-ay hukam sabaa-i-aa. According to His Will, they quickly killed all the demons. eIs mhysuru syv iqn@I AMqu n pwieAw ] (1279-18)ees mahaysur sayv tinHee ant na paa-i-aa. Shiva serves Him, but cannot find His limits. scI kImiq pwie qKqu rcwieAw ] (1279-19)sachee keemat paa-ay takhat rachaa-i-aa. He established His throne on the principles of Truth. dunIAw DMDY lwie Awpu CpwieAw ] (1279-19)dunee-aa DhanDhai laa-ay aap chhapaa-i-aa. He enjoined all the world to its tasks, while He keeps Himself hidden from view. |
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