Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gur kY sbid rihAw BrpUir ]7] (1278-1)
gur kai sabad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is pervading and permeating everywhere. ||7||

Awpy bKsy dyie ipAwru ] (1278-1)
aapay bakhsay day-ay pi-aar.
God Himself forgives, and bestows His Love.

haumY rogu vfw sMswir ] (1278-1)
ha-umai rog vadaa sansaar.
The world is suffering from the terrible disease of egotism.

gur ikrpw qy eyhu rogu jwie ] (1278-2)
gur kirpaa tay ayhu rog jaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, this disease is cured.

nwnk swcy swic smwie ]8]1]3]5]8] (1278-2)
naanak saachay saach samaa-ay. ||8||1||3||5||8||
O Nanak, through the Truth, the mortal remains immersed in the True Lord. ||8||1||3||5||8||

rwgu mlwr CMq mhlw 5 ] (1278-3)
raag malaar chhant mehlaa 5.
Raag Malaar, Chhant, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1278-3)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

pRIqm pRym Bgiq ky dwqy ] (1278-4)
pareetam paraym bhagat kay daatay.
My Beloved Lord is the Giver of loving devotional worship.

Apny jn sMig rwqy ] (1278-4)
apnay jan sang raatay.
His humble servants are imbued with His Love.

jn sMig rwqy idnsu rwqy iek inmK mnhu n vIsrY ] (1278-4)
jan sang raatay dinas raatay ik nimakh manhu na veesrai.
He is imbued with His servants, day and night; He does not forget them from His Mind, even for an instant.

gopwl gux iniD sdw sMgy srb gux jgdIsrY ] (1278-5)
gopaal gun niDh sadaa sangay sarab gun jagdeesrai.
He is the Lord of the World, the Treasure of virtue; He is always with me. All glorious virtues belong to the Lord of the Universe.

mnu moih lInw crn sMgy nwm ris jn mwqy ] (1278-5)
man mohi leenaa charan sangay naam ras jan maatay.
With His Feet, He has fascinated my mind; as His humble servant, I am intoxicated with love for His Name.

nwnk pRIqm ik®pwl sdhUM iknY koit mDy jwqy ]1] (1278-6)
naanak pareetam kirpaal sadahooN kinai kot maDhay jaatay. ||1||
O Nanak, my Beloved is forever Merciful; out of millions, hardly anyone realizes Him. ||1||

pRIqm qyrI giq Agm Apwry ] (1278-6)
pareetam tayree gat agam apaaray.
O Beloved, Your state is inaccessible and infinite.

mhw piqq qum@ qwry ] (1278-7)
mahaa patit tumH taaray.
You save even the worst sinners.

piqq pwvn Bgiq vCl ik®pw isMDu suAwmIAw ] (1278-7)
patit paavan bhagat vachhal kirpaa sinDh su-aamee-aa.
He is the Purifier of sinners, the Lover of His devotees, the Ocean of mercy, our Lord and Master.

sMqsMgy Bju insMgy rNau sdw AMqrjwmIAw ] (1278-7)
satsangay bhaj nisangay raN-o sadaa antarjaamee-aa.
In the Society of the Saints, vibrate and meditate on Him with commitment forever; He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

koit jnm BRmMq jonI qy nwm ismrq qwry ] (1278-8)
kot janam bharmant jonee tay naam simrat taaray.
Those who wander in reincarnation through millions of births, are saved and carried across, by meditating in remembrance on the Naam.

nwnk drs ipAws hir jIau Awip lyhu sm@wry ]2] (1278-8)
naanak daras pi-aas har jee-o aap layho samHaaray. ||2||
Nanak is thirsty for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Dear Lord; please take care of him. ||2||

hir crn kml mnu lInw ] (1278-9)
har charan kamal man leenaa.
My mind is absorbed in the Lotus Feet of the Lord.

pRB jl jn qyry mInw ] (1278-9)
parabh jal jan tayray meenaa.
O God, You are the water; Your humble servants are fish.

jl mIn pRB jIau eyk qUhY iBMn Awn n jwnIAY ] (1278-9)
jal meen parabh jee-o ayk toohai bhinn aan na jaanee-ai.
O Dear God, You alone are the water and the fish. I know that there is no difference between the two.

gih Bujw lyvhu nwmu dyvhu qau pRswdI mwnIAY ] (1278-10)
geh bhujaa layvhu naam dayvhu ta-o parsaadee maanee-ai.
Please take hold of my arm and bless me with Your Name. I am honored only by Your Grace.

Bju swDsMgy eyk rMgy ik®pwl goibd dInw ] (1278-10)
bhaj saaDhsangay ayk rangay kirpaal gobid deenaa.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, vibrate and meditate with love on the One Lord of the Universe, who is Merciful to the meek.

AnwQ nIc srxwie nwnk kir mieAw Apunw kInw ]3] (1278-11)
anaath neech sarnaa-ay naanak kar ma-i-aa apunaa keenaa. ||3||
Nanak, the lowly and helpless, seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord, who in His Kindness has made him His Own. ||3||

Awps kau Awpu imlwieAw ] (1278-12)
aapas ka-o aap milaa-i-aa.
He unites us with Himself.

BRm BMjn hir rwieAw ] (1278-12)
bharam bhanjan har raa-i-aa.
Our Sovereign Lord King is the Destroyer of fear.

Awcrj suAwmI AMqrjwmI imly gux iniD ipAwirAw ] (1278-12)
aacharaj su-aamee antarjaamee milay gun niDh pi-aari-aa.
My Wondrous Lord and Master is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. My Beloved, the Treasure of virtue, has met me.

mhw mMgl sUK aupjy goibMd gux inq swirAw ] (1278-13)
mahaa mangal sookh upjay gobind gun nit saari-aa.
Supreme happiness and peace well up, as I cherish the Glorious Virtues of the Lord of the Universe.

imil sMig sohy dyiK mohy purib iliKAw pwieAw ] (1278-13)
mil sang sohay daykh mohay purab likhi-aa paa-i-aa.
Meeting with Him, I am embellished and exalted; gazing on Him, I am fascinated, and I realize my pre-ordained destiny.

ibnvMiq nwnk srin iqn kI ijn@I hir hir iDAwieAw ]4]1] (1278-14)
binvant naanak saran tin kee jinHee har har Dhi-aa-i-aa. ||4||1||
Prays Nanak, I seek the Sanctuary of those who meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||1||

vwr mlwr kI mhlw 1 rwxy kYlws qQw mwldy kI Duin ] (1278-15)
vaar malaar kee mehlaa 1 raanay kailaas tathaa maalday kee Dhun.
Vaar Of Malaar, First Mehl, Sung To The Tune Of Rana Kailaash And Malda:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (1278-15)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mhlw 3 ] (1278-16)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

guir imilAY mnu rhsIAY ijau vuTY Drix sIgwru ] (1278-16)
gur mili-ai man rehsee-ai ji-o vuthai Dharan seegaar.
Meeting with the Guru, the mind is delighted, like the earth embellished by the rain.

sB idsY hrIAwvlI sr Bry suBr qwl ] (1278-16)
sabh disai haree-aavalee sar bharay subhar taal.
Everything becomes green and lush; the pools and ponds are filled to overflowing.

AMdru rcY sc rMig ijau mMjITY lwlu ] (1278-17)
andar rachai sach rang ji-o manjeethai laal.
The inner self is imbued with the deep crimson color of love for the True Lord.

kmlu ivgsY scu min gur kY sbid inhwlu ] (1278-17)
kamal vigsai sach man gur kai sabad nihaal.
The heart-lotus blossoms forth and the mind becomes true; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is ecstatic and exalted.