Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1277 ibnu siqgur iknY n pwieE min vyKhu ko pqIAwie ] (1277-1)bin satgur kinai na paa-i-o man vaykhhu ko patee-aa-ay. Without the True Guru, no one finds the Lord; anyone can try and see. hir ikrpw qy siqguru pweIAY BytY shij suBwie ] (1277-2)har kirpaa tay satgur paa-ee-ai bhaytai sahj subhaa-ay. By the Lord's Grace, the True Guru is found, and then the Lord is met with intuitive ease. mnmuK Brim BulwieAw ibnu Bwgw hir Dnu n pwie ]5] (1277-2)manmukh bharam bhulaa-i-aa bin bhaagaa har Dhan na paa-ay. ||5|| The self-willed manmukh is deluded by doubt; without good destiny, the Lord's wealth is not obtained. ||5|| qRY gux sBw Dwqu hY piV piV krih vIcwru ] (1277-3)tarai gun sabhaa Dhaat hai parh parh karahi veechaar. The three dispositions are completely distracting; people read and study and contemplate them. mukiq kdy n hoveI nhu pwiein@ moK duAwru ] (1277-3)mukat kaday na hova-ee nahu paa-iniH mokh du-aar. Those people are never liberated; they do not find the Door of Salvation. ibnu siqgur bMDn n quthI nwim n lgY ipAwru ]6] (1277-4)bin satgur banDhan na tuthee naam na lagai pi-aar. ||6|| Without the True Guru, they are never released from bondage; they do not embrace love for the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||6|| piV piV pMifq monI Qky bydW kw AiBAwsu ] (1277-4)parh parh pandit monee thakay baydaaN kaa abhi-aas. The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages, reading and studying the Vedas, have grown weary. hir nwmu iciq n AwveI nh inj Gir hovY vwsu ] (1277-5)har naam chit na aavee nah nij ghar hovai vaas. They do not even think of the Lord's Name; they do not dwell in the home of their own inner being. jmkwlu isrhu n auqrY AMqir kpt ivxwsu ]7] (1277-5)jamkaal sirahu na utrai antar kapat vinaas. ||7|| The Messenger of Death hovers over their heads; they are ruined by the deceit within themselves. ||7|| hir nwvY no sBu ko prqwpdw ivxu BwgW pwieAw n jwie ] (1277-6)har naavai no sabh ko partaapdaa vin bhaagaaN paa-i-aa na jaa-ay. Everyone longs for the Name of the Lord; without good destiny, it is not obtained. ndir kry guru BytIAY hir nwmu vsY min Awie ] (1277-6)nadar karay gur bhaytee-ai har naam vasai man aa-ay. When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, the mortal meets the True Guru, and the Lord's Name comes to dwell within the mind. nwnk nwmy hI piq aUpjY hir isau rhW smwie ]8]2] (1277-7)naanak naamay hee pat oopjai har si-o rahaaN samaa-ay. ||8||2|| O Nanak, through the Name, honor wells up, and the mortal remains immersed in the Lord. ||8||2|| mlwr mhlw 3 AstpdI Gru 2 ] (1277-8)malaar mehlaa 3 asatpadee ghar 2. Malaar, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees, Second House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1277-8)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hir hir ik®pw kry gur kI kwrY lwey ] (1277-9)har har kirpaa karay gur kee kaarai laa-ay. When the Lord shows His Mercy, He enjoins the mortal to work for the Guru. duKu pl@ir hir nwmu vswey ] (1277-9)dukh palHar har naam vasaa-ay. His pains are taken away, and the Lord's Name comes to dwell within. swcI giq swcY icqu lwey ] (1277-9)saachee gat saachai chit laa-ay. True deliverance comes by focusing one's consciousness on the True Lord. gur kI bwxI sbid suxwey ]1] (1277-10)gur kee banee sabad sunaa-ay. ||1|| Listen to the Shabad, and the Word of the Guru's Bani. ||1|| mn myry hir hir syiv inDwnu ] (1277-10)man mayray har har sayv niDhaan. O my mind, serve the Lord, Har, Har, the true treasure. gur ikrpw qy hir Dnu pweIAY Anidnu lwgY shij iDAwnu ]1] rhwau ] (1277-10)gur kirpaa tay har Dhan paa-ee-ai an-din laagai sahj Dhi-aan. ||1|| rahaa-o. By Guru's Grace, the wealth of the Lord is obtained. Night and day, focus your meditation on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| ibnu ipr kwmix kry sˆØIgwru ] (1277-11)bin pir kaaman karay seeNgaar. The soul-bride who adorns herself without her Husband Lord, duhcwrxI khIAY inq hoie KuAwru ] (1277-11)duhchaarnee kahee-ai nit ho-ay khu-aar. is ill-mannered and vile, wasted away into ruin. mnmuK kw iehu bwid Awcwru ] (1277-12)manmukh kaa ih baad aachaar. This is the useless way of life of the self-willed manmukh. bhu krm idRVwvih nwmu ivswir ]2] (1277-12)baho karam darirhaaveh naam visaar. ||2|| Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he performs all sorts of empty rituals. ||2|| gurmuiK kwmix bixAw sIgwru ] (1277-13)gurmukh kaaman bani-aa seegaar. The bride who is Gurmukh is beautifully embellished. sbdy ipru rwiKAw aur Dwir ] (1277-13)sabday pir raakhi-aa ur Dhaar. Through the Word of the Shabad, she enshrines her Husband Lord within her heart. eyku pCwxY haumY mwir ] (1277-13)ayk pachhaanai ha-umai maar. She realizes the One Lord, and subdues her ego. soBwvMqI khIAY nwir ]3] (1277-14)sobhaavantee kahee-ai naar. ||3|| That soul-bride is virtuous and noble. ||3|| ibnu gur dwqy iknY n pwieAw ] (1277-14)bin gur daatay kinai na paa-i-aa. Without the Guru, the Giver, no one finds the Lord. mnmuK loiB dUjY loBwieAw ] (1277-14)manmukh lobh doojai lobhaa-i-aa. The greedy self-willed manmukh is attracted and engrossed in duality. AYsy igAwnI bUJhu koie ] (1277-14)aisay gi-aanee boojhhu ko-ay. Only a few spiritual teachers realize this, ibnu gur Byty mukiq n hoie ]4] (1277-15)bin gur bhaytay mukat na ho-ay. ||4|| that without meeting the Guru, liberation is not obtained. ||4|| kih kih khxu khY sBu koie ] (1277-15)kahi kahi kahan kahai sabh ko-ay. Everyone tells the stories told by others. ibnu mn mUey Bgiq n hoie ] (1277-15)bin man moo-ay bhagat na ho-ay. Without subduing the mind, devotional worship does not come. igAwn mqI kml prgwsu ] (1277-16)gi-aan matee kamal pargaas. When the intellect achieves spiritual wisdom, the heart-lotus blossoms forth. iqqu Git nwmY nwim invwsu ]5] (1277-16)tit ghat naamai naam nivaas. ||5|| The Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to abide in that heart. ||5|| haumY Bgiq kry sBu koie ] (1277-16)ha-umai bhagat karay sabh ko-ay. In egotism, everyone can pretend to worship God with devotion. nw mnu BIjY nw suKu hoie ] (1277-17)naa man bheejai naa sukh ho-ay. But this does not soften the mind, and it does not bring peace. kih kih khxu Awpu jwxwey ] (1277-17)kahi kahi kahan aap jaanaa-ay. By speaking and preaching, the mortal only shows off his self-conceit. ibrQI Bgiq sBu jnmu gvwey ]6] (1277-17)birthee bhagat sabh janam gavaa-ay. ||6|| His devotional worship is useless, and his life is a total waste. ||6|| sy Bgq siqgur min Bwey ] (1277-18)say bhagat satgur man bhaa-ay. They alone are devotees, who are pleasing to the Mind of the True Guru. Anidnu nwim rhy ilv lwey ] (1277-18)an-din naam rahay liv laa-ay. Night and day, they remain lovingly attuned to the Name. sd hI nwmu vyKih hjUir ] (1277-18)sad hee naam vaykheh hajoor. They behold the Naam, the Name of the Lord, ever-present, near at hand. |
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