Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1276 mlwr mhlw 3 AstpdIAw Gru 1 ] (1276-1)malaar mehlaa 3 asatpadee-aa ghar 1. Malaar, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1276-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: krmu hovY qw siqguru pweIAY ivxu krmY pwieAw n jwie ] (1276-2)karam hovai taa satgur paa-ee-ai vin karmai paa-i-aa na jaa-ay. If it is in his karma, then he finds the True Guru; without such karma, He cannot be found. siqguru imilAY kMcnu hoeIAY jW hir kI hoie rjwie ]1] (1276-2)satgur mili-ai kanchan ho-ee-ai jaaN har kee ho-ay rajaa-ay. ||1|| He meets the True Guru, and he is transformed into gold, if it is the Lord's Will. ||1|| mn myry hir hir nwim icqu lwie ] (1276-3)man mayray har har naam chit laa-ay. O my mind, focus your consciousness on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. siqgur qy hir pweIAY swcw hir isau rhY smwie ]1] rhwau ] (1276-3)satgur tay har paa-ee-ai saachaa har si-o rahai samaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Lord is found through the True Guru, and then he remains merged with the True Lord. ||1||Pause|| siqgur qy igAwnu aUpjY qW ieh sMsw jwie ] (1276-4)satgur tay gi-aan oopjai taaN ih sansaa jaa-ay. Spiritual wisdom wells up through the True Guru, and then this cynicism is dispelled. siqgur qy hir buJIAY grB jonI nh pwie ]2] (1276-4)satgur tay har bujhee-ai garabh jonee nah paa-ay. ||2|| Through the True Guru, the Lord is realized, and then, he is not consigned to the womb of reincarnation ever again. ||2|| gur prswdI jIvq mrY mir jIvY sbdu kmwie ] (1276-5)gur parsaadee jeevat marai mar jeevai sabad kamaa-ay. By Guru's Grace, the mortal dies in life, and by so dying, lives to practice the Word of the Shabad. mukiq duAwrw soeI pwey ij ivchu Awpu gvwie ]3] (1276-5)mukat du-aaraa so-ee paa-ay je vichahu aap gavaa-ay. ||3|| He alone finds the Door of Salvation, who eradicates self-conceit from within himself. ||3|| gur prswdI isv Gir jMmY ivchu skiq gvwie ] (1276-6)gur parsaadee siv ghar jammai vichahu sakat gavaa-ay. By Guru's Grace, the mortal is reincarnated into the Home of the Lord, having eradicated Maya from within. Acru crY ibbyk buiD pwey purKY purKu imlwie ]4] (1276-6)achar charai bibayk buDh paa-ay purkhai purakh milaa-ay. ||4|| He eats the uneatable, and is blessed with a discriminating intellect; he meets the Supreme Person, the Primal Lord God. ||4|| Dwqur bwjI sMswru Acyqu hY clY mUlu gvwie ] (1276-7)Dhaatur baajee sansaar achayt hai chalai mool gavaa-ay. The world is unconscious, like a passing show; the mortal departs, having lost his capital. lwhw hir sqsMgiq pweIAY krmI plY pwie ]5] (1276-8)laahaa har satsangat paa-ee-ai karmee palai paa-ay. ||5|| The profit of the Lord is obtained in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; by good karma, it is found. ||5|| siqgur ivxu iknY n pwieAw min vyKhu irdY bIcwir ] (1276-8)satgur vin kinai na paa-i-aa man vaykhhu ridai beechaar. Without the True Guru, no one finds it; see this in your mind, and consider this in your heart. vfBwgI guru pwieAw Bvjlu auqry pwir ]6] (1276-9)vadbhaagee gur paa-i-aa bhavjal utray paar. ||6|| By great good fortune, the mortal finds the Guru, and crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. ||6|| hir nwmW hir tyk hY hir hir nwmu ADwru ] (1276-9)har naamaaN har tayk hai har har naam aDhaar. The Name of the Lord is my Anchor and Support. I take only the Support of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ik®pw krhu guru mylhu hir jIau pwvau moK duAwru ]7] (1276-10)kirpaa karahu gur maylhu har jee-o paava-o mokh du-aar. ||7|| O Dear Lord, please be kind and lead me to meet the Guru, that I may find the Door of Salvation. ||7|| msqik illwit iliKAw Duir Twkuir mytxw n jwie ] (1276-10)mastak lilaat likhi-aa Dhur thaakur maytnaa na jaa-ay. The pre-ordained destiny inscribed on the mortal's forehead by our Lord and Master cannot be erased. nwnk sy jn pUrn hoey ijn hir Bwxw Bwie ]8]1] (1276-11)naanak say jan pooran ho-ay jin har bhaanaa bhaa-ay. ||8||1|| O Nanak, those humble beings are perfect, who are pleased by the Lord's Will. ||8||1|| mlwr mhlw 3 ] (1276-11)malaar mehlaa 3. Malaar, Third Mehl: byd bwxI jgu vrqdw qRY gux kry bIcwru ] (1276-12)bayd banee jag varatdaa tarai gun karay beechaar. The world is involved with the words of the Vedas, thinking about the three gunas - the three dispositions. ibnu nwvY jm fMfu shY mir jnmY vwro vwr ] (1276-12)bin naavai jam dand sahai mar janmai vaaro vaar. Without the Name, it suffers punishment by the Messenger of Death; it comes and goes in reincarnation, over and over again. siqgur Byty mukiq hoie pwey moK duAwru ]1] (1276-12)satgur bhaytay mukat ho-ay paa-ay mokh du-aar. ||1|| Meeting with the True Guru, the world is liberated, and finds the Door of Salvation. ||1|| mn ry siqguru syiv smwie ] (1276-13)man ray satgur sayv samaa-ay. O mortal, immerse yourself in service to the True Guru. vfY Bwig gur pUrw pwieAw hir hir nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ] (1276-13)vadai bhaag gur pooraa paa-i-aa har har naam Dhi-aa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. By great good fortune, the mortal finds the Perfect Guru, and meditates on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||Pause|| hir AwpxY BwxY isRsit aupweI hir Awpy dyie ADwru ] (1276-14)har aapnai bhaanai sarisat upaa-ee har aapay day-ay aDhaar. The Lord, by the Pleasure of His Own Will, created the Universe, and the Lord Himself gives it sustenance and support. hir AwpxY BwxY mnu inrmlu kIAw hir isau lwgw ipAwru ] (1276-15)har aapnai bhaanai man nirmal kee-aa har si-o laagaa pi-aar. The Lord, by His Own Will, makes the mortal's mind immaculate, and lovingly attunes him to the Lord. hir kY BwxY siqguru ByitAw sBu jnmu svwrxhwru ]2] (1276-15)har kai bhaanai satgur bhayti-aa sabh janam savaaranhaar. ||2|| The Lord, by His Own Will, leads the mortal to meet the True Guru, the Embellisher of all his lives. ||2|| vwhu vwhu bwxI siq hY gurmuiK bUJY koie ] (1276-16)vaahu vaahu banee sat hai gurmukh boojhai ko-ay. Waaho! Waaho! Blessed and Great is the True Word of His Bani. Only a few, as Gurmukh, understand. vwhu vwhu kir pRBu swlwhIAY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ] (1276-16)vaahu vaahu kar parabh salaahee-ai tis jayvad avar na ko-ay. Waaho! Waaho! Praise God as Great! No one else is as Great as He. Awpy bKsy myil ley krim prwpiq hoie ]3] (1276-17)aapay bakhsay mayl la-ay karam paraapat ho-ay. ||3|| When God's Grace is received, He Himself forgives the mortal, and unites him with Himself. ||3|| swcw swihbu mwhro siqguir dIAw idKwie ] (1276-17)saachaa saahib maahro satgur dee-aa dikhaa-ay. The True Guru has revealed our True, Supreme Lord and Master. AMimRqu vrsY mnu sMqoKIAY sic rhY ilv lwie ] (1276-18)amrit varsai man santokhee-ai sach rahai liv laa-ay. The Ambrosial Nectar rains down and the mind is satisfied, remaining lovingly attuned to the True Lord. hir kY nwie sdw hrIAwvlI iPir sukY nw kumlwie ]4] (1276-18)har kai naa-ay sadaa haree-aavalee fir sukai naa kumlaa-ay. ||4|| In the Lord's Name, it is forever rejuvenated; it shall never wither and dry up again. ||4|| |
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