Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


gurmuiK sbdu sm@wlIAY scy ky gux gwau ] (1286-1)
gurmukh sabad samHaalee-ai sachay kay gun gaa-o.
The Gurmukhs dwell on the Word of the Shabad. They sing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.

nwnk nwim rqy jn inrmly shjy sic smwau ]2] (1286-1)
naanak naam ratay jan nirmalay sehjay sach samaa-o. ||2||
O Nanak, those humble beings who are imbued with the Naam are pure and immaculate. They are intuitively merged in the True Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (1286-2)

pUrw siqguru syiv pUrw pwieAw ] (1286-2)
pooraa satgur sayv pooraa paa-i-aa.
Serving the Perfect True Guru, I have found the Perfect Lord.

pUrY krim iDAwie pUrw sbdu mMin vswieAw ] (1286-2)
poorai karam Dhi-aa-ay pooraa sabad man vasaa-i-aa.
Meditating on the Perfect Lord, by perfect karma, I have enshrined the Shabad within my mind.

pUrY igAwin iDAwin mYlu cukwieAw ] (1286-3)
poorai gi-aan Dhi-aan mail chukaa-i-aa.
Through perfect spiritual wisdom and meditation, my filth has been washed away.

hir sir qIriQ jwix mnUAw nwieAw ] (1286-3)
har sar tirath jaan manoo-aa naa-i-aa.
The Lord is my sacred shrine of pilgrimage and pool of purification; I wash my mind in Him.

sbid mrY mnu mwir DMnu jxydI mwieAw ] (1286-4)
sabad marai man maar Dhan janaydee maa-i-aa.
One who dies in the Shabad and conquers his mind - blessed is the mother who gave birth to him.

dir scY sicAwru scw AwieAw ] (1286-4)
dar sachai sachiaar sachaa aa-i-aa.
He is true in the Court of the Lord, and his coming into this world is judged to be true.

puiC n skY koie jW KsmY BwieAw ] (1286-4)
puchh na sakai ko-ay jaaN khasmai bhaa-i-aa.
No one can challenge that person, with whom our Lord and Master is pleased.

nwnk scu slwih iliKAw pwieAw ]18] (1286-5)
naanak sach salaahi likhi-aa paa-i-aa. ||18||
O Nanak, praising the True Lord, his pre-ordained destiny is activated. ||18||

slok mÚ 1 ] (1286-5)
salok mehlaa 1.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

kulhW dyNdy bwvly lYNdy vfy inlj ] (1286-5)
kulhaaN dayNday baavlay laiNday vaday nilaj.
Those who give out ceremonial hats of recognition are fools; those who receive them have no shame.

cUhw Kf n mwveI iqkil bMn@Y Cj ] (1286-6)
choohaa khad na maav-ee tikal banHai chhaj.
The mouse cannot enter its hole with a basket tied around its waist.

dyin@ duAweI sy mrih ijn kau dyin is jwih ] (1286-6)
dayniH du-aa-ee say mareh jin ka-o dayn se jaahi.
Those who give out blessings shall die, and those that they bless shall also depart.

nwnk hukmu n jwpeI ikQY jwie smwih ] (1286-7)
naanak hukam na jaap-ee kithai jaa-ay samaahi.
O Nanak, no one knows the Lord's Command, by which all must depart.

Psil AhwVI eyku nwmu swvxI scu nwau ] (1286-7)
fasal ahaarhee ayk naam saavnee sach naa-o.
The spring harvest is the Name of the One Lord; the harvest of autumn is the True Name.

mY mhdUdu ilKwieAw KsmY kY dir jwie ] (1286-8)
mai mehdood likhaa-i-aa khasmai kai dar jaa-ay.
I receive a letter of pardon from my Lord and Master, when I reach His Court.

dunIAw ky dr kyqVy kyqy Awvih jWih ] (1286-8)
dunee-aa kay dar kayt-rhay kaytay aavahi jaaNhi.
There are so many courts of the world, and so many who come and go there.

kyqy mMgih mMgqy kyqy mMig mMig jwih ]1] (1286-8)
kaytay mangeh mangtay kaytay mang mang jaahi. ||1||
There are so many beggars begging; so many beg and beg until death. ||1||

mÚ 1 ] (1286-9)
mehlaa 1.
First Mehl:

sau mxu hsqI iGau guVu KwvY pMij sY dwxw Kwie ] (1286-9)
sa-o man hastee ghi-o gurh khaavai panj sai daanaa khaa-ay.
The elephant eats a hundred pounds of ghee and molasses, and five hundred pounds of corn.

fkY PUkY Kyh aufwvY swih gieAY pCuqwie ] (1286-10)
dakai fookai khayh udaavai saahi ga-i-ai pachhutaa-ay.
He belches and grunts and scatters dust, and when the breath leaves his body, he regrets it.

AMDI PUik mueI dyvwnI ] (1286-10)
anDhee fook mu-ee dayvaanee.
The blind and arrogant die insane.

Ksim imtI iPir BwnI ] (1286-10)
khasam mitee fir bhaanee.
Submitting to the Lord, one become pleasing to Him.

ADu gulHw icVI kw cugxu gYix cVI ibllwie ] (1286-11)
aDh gulHaa chirhee kaa chugan gain charhee billaa-ay.
The sparrow eats only half a grain, then it flies through the sky and chirps.

KsmY BwvY Ehw cMgI ij kry Kudwie Kudwie ] (1286-11)
khasmai bhaavai ohaa changee je karay khudaa-ay khudaa-ay.
The good sparrow is pleasing to her Lord and Master, if she chirps the Name of the Lord.

skqw sIhu mwry sY imirAw sB ipCY pY Kwie ] (1286-12)
saktaa seehu maaray sai miri-aa sabh pichhai pai khaa-ay.
The powerful tiger kills hundreds of deer, and all sorts of other animals eat what it leaves.

hoie sqwxw GurY n mwvY swih gieAY pCuqwie ] (1286-12)
ho-ay sataanaa ghurai na maavai saahi ga-i-ai pachhutaa-ay.
It becomes very strong, and cannot be contained in its den, but when it must go, it regrets.

AMDw iks no buik suxwvY ] (1286-13)
anDhaa kis no buk sunaavai.
So who is impressed by the roar of the blind beast?

KsmY mUil n BwvY ] (1286-13)
khasmai mool na bhaavai.
He is not pleasing at all to his Lord and Master.

Ak isau pRIiq kry Ak iqfw Ak fwlI bih Kwie ] (1286-13)
ak si-o pareet karay ak tidaa ak daalee bahi khaa-ay.
The insect loves the milkweed plant; perched on its branch, it eats it.

KsmY BwvY Eho cMgw ij kry Kudwie Kudwie ] (1286-14)
khasmai bhaavai oho changa je karay khudaa-ay khudaa-ay.
It becomes good and pleasing to its Lord and Master, if it chirps the Name of the Lord.

nwnk dunIAw cwir idhwVy suiK kIqY duKu hoeI ] (1286-14)
naanak dunee-aa chaar dihaarhay sukh keetai dukh ho-ee.
O Nanak, the world lasts for only a few days; indulging in pleasures, pain is produced.

glw vwly hYin Gxyry Cif n skY koeI ] (1286-15)
galaa vaalay hain ghanayray chhad na sakai ko-ee.
There are many who boast and brag, but none of them can remain detached from the world.

mKˆØI imTY mrxw ] (1286-15)
makheeN mithai marnaa.
The fly dies for the sake of sweets.

ijn qU rKih iqn nyiV n AwvY iqn Bau swgru qrxw ]2] (1286-15)
jin too rakheh tin nayrh na aavai tin bha-o saagar tarnaa. ||2||
O Lord, death does not even approach those whom You protect. You carry them across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2||

pauVI ] (1286-16)

Agm Agocru qU DxI scw AlK Apwru ] (1286-16)
agam agochar too Dhanee sachaa alakh apaar.
You are Inaccessible and Unfathomable, O Invisible and Infinite True Lord Master.

qU dwqw siB mMgqy ieko dyvxhwru ] (1286-16)
too daataa sabh mangtay iko dayvanhaar.
You are the Giver, all are beggars of You. You alone are the Great Giver.

ijnI syivAw iqnI suKu pwieAw gurmqI vIcwru ] (1286-17)
jinee sayvi-aa tinee sukh paa-i-aa gurmatee veechaar.
Those who serve You find peace, reflecting on the Guru's Teachings.

ieknw no quDu eyvY Bwvdw mwieAw nwil ipAwru ] (1286-17)
iknaa no tuDh ayvai bhaavdaa maa-i-aa naal pi-aar.
Some, according to Your Will, are in love with Maya.

gur kY sbid slwhIAY AMqir pRym ipAwru ] (1286-18)
gur kai sabad salaahee-ai antar paraym pi-aar.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, praise the Lord with love and affection within.

ivxu pRIqI Bgiq n hoveI ivxu siqgur n lgY ipAwru ] (1286-18)
vin pareetee bhagat na hova-ee vin satgur na lagai pi-aar.
Without love, there is no devotion. Without the True Guru, love is not enshrined.

qU pRBu siB quDu syvdy iek FwFI kry pukwr ] (1286-19)
too parabh sabh tuDh sayvday ik dhaadhee karay pukaar.
You are the Lord God; everyone serves You. This is the prayer of Your humble minstrel.

dyih dwnu sMqoKIAw scw nwmu imlY AwDwru ]19] (1286-19)
deh daan santokhee-aa sachaa naam milai aaDhaar. ||19||
Please bless me with the gift of contentment, that I may receive the True Name as my Support. ||19||