Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1251 slok mÚ 3 ] (1251-1)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: Amru vyprvwhu hY iqsu nwil isAwxp n cleI n hujiq krxI jwie ] (1251-1)amar vayparvaahu hai tis naal si-aanap na chal-ee na hujat karnee jaa-ay. The Order of the Lord is beyond challenge. Clever tricks and arguments will not work against it. Awpu Coif srxwie pvY mMin ley rjwie ] (1251-2)aap chhod sarnaa-ay pavai man la-ay rajaa-ay. So abandon your self-conceit, and take to His Sanctuary; accept the Order of His Will. gurmuiK jm fMfu n lgeI haumY ivchu jwie ] (1251-2)gurmukh jam dand na lag-ee ha-umai vichahu jaa-ay. The Gurmukh eliminates self-conceit from within himself; he shall not be punished by the Messenger of Death. nwnk syvku soeI AwKIAY ij sic rhY ilv lwie ]1] (1251-2)naanak sayvak so-ee aakhee-ai je sach rahai liv laa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, he alone is called a selfless servant, who remains lovingly attuned to the True Lord. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (1251-3)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: dwiq joiq sB sUriq qyrI ] (1251-3)daat jot sabh soorat tayree. All gifts, light and beauty are Yours. bhuqu isAwxp haumY myrI ] (1251-3)bahut si-aanap ha-umai mayree. Excessive cleverness and egotism are mine. bhu krm kmwvih loiB moih ivAwpy haumY kdy n cUkY PyrI ] (1251-4)baho karam kamaaveh lobh mohi vi-aapay ha-umai kaday na chookai fayree. The mortal performs all sorts of rituals in greed and attachment; engrossed in egotsim, he shall never escape the cycle of reincarnation. nwnk Awip krwey krqw jo iqsu BwvY sweI gl cMgyrI ]2] (1251-4)naanak aap karaa-ay kartaa jo tis bhaavai saa-ee gal changayree. ||2|| O Nanak, the Creator Himself inspires all to act. Whatever pleases Him is good. ||2|| pauVI mÚ 5 ] (1251-5)pa-orhee mehlaa 5. Pauree, Fifth Mehl: scu Kwxw scu pYnxw scu nwmu ADwru ] (1251-5)sach khaanaa sach painnaa sach naam aDhaar. Let Truth be your food, and Truth your clothes, and take the Support of the True Name. guir pUrY mylwieAw pRBu dyvxhwru ] (1251-6)gur poorai maylaa-i-aa parabh dayvanhaar. The True Guru shall lead you to meet God, the Great Giver. Bwgu pUrw iqn jwigAw jipAw inrMkwru ] (1251-6)bhaag pooraa tin jaagi-aa japi-aa nirankaar. When perfect destiny is activated, the mortal meditates on the Formless Lord. swDU sMgiq ligAw qirAw sMswru ] (1251-6)saaDhoo sangat lagi-aa tari-aa sansaar. Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall cross over the world-ocean. nwnk isPiq slwh kir pRB kw jYkwru ]35] (1251-7)naanak sifat salaah kar parabh kaa jaikaar. ||35|| O Nanak, chant God's Praises, and celebrate His Victory. ||35|| slok mÚ 5 ] (1251-7)salok mehlaa 5. Shalok, Fifth Mehl: sBy jIA smwil ApxI imhr kru ] (1251-8)sabhay jee-a samaal apnee mihar kar. In Your Mercy, You care for all beings and creatures. AMnu pwxI mucu aupwie duK dwldu BMin qru ] (1251-8)ann paanee much upaa-ay dukh daalad bhann tar. You produce corn and water in abundance; You eliminate pain and poverty, and carry all beings across. Ardwis suxI dwqwir hoeI issit Tru ] (1251-8)ardaas sunee daataar ho-ee sisat thar. The Great Giver listened to my prayer, and the world has been cooled and comforted. lyvhu kMiT lgwie Apdw sB hru ] (1251-9)layvhu kanth lagaa-ay apdaa sabh har. Take me into Your Embrace, and take away all my pain. nwnk nwmu iDAwie pRB kw sPlu Gru ]1] (1251-9)naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay parabh kaa safal ghar. ||1|| Nanak meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; the House of God is fruitful and prosperous. ||1|| mÚ 5 ] (1251-10)mehlaa 5. Fifth Mehl: vuTy myG suhwvxy hukmu kIqw krqwir ] (1251-10)vuthay maygh suhaavanay hukam keetaa kartaar. Rain is falling from the clouds - it is so beautiful! The Creator Lord issued His Order. irjku aupwieEnu Aglw TWiF peI sMswir ] (1251-10)rijak upaa-i-on aglaa thaaNdh pa-ee sansaar. Grain has been produced in abundance; the world is cooled and comforted. qnu mnu hirAw hoieAw ismrq Agm Apwr ] (1251-11)tan man hari-aa ho-i-aa simrat agam apaar. The mind and body are rejuvenated, meditating in remembrance on the Inaccessible and Infinite Lord. kir ikrpw pRB AwpxI scy isrjxhwr ] (1251-11)kar kirpaa parabh aapnee sachay sirjanhaar. O my True Creator Lord God, please shower Your Mercy on me. kIqw loVih so krih nwnk sd bilhwr ]2] (1251-12)keetaa lorheh so karahi naanak sad balihaar. ||2|| He does whatever He pleases; Nanak is forever a sacrifice to Him. ||2|| pauVI ] (1251-12)pa-orhee. Pauree: vfw Awip AgMmu hY vfI vifAweI ] (1251-12)vadaa aap agamm hai vadee vadi-aa-ee. The Great Lord is Inaccessible; His glorious greatness is glorious! gur sbdI vyiK ivgisAw AMqir sWiq AweI ] (1251-13)gur sabdee vaykh vigsi-aa antar saaNt aa-ee. Gazing upon Him through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I blossom forth in ecstasy; tranquility comes to my inner being. sBu Awpy Awip vrqdw Awpy hY BweI ] (1251-13)sabh aapay aap varatdaa aapay hai bhaa-ee. All by Himself, He Himself is pervading everywhere, O Siblings of Destiny. Awip nwQu sB nQIAnu sB hukim clweI ] (1251-14)aap naath sabh nathee-an sabh hukam chalaa-ee. He Himself is the Lord and Master of all. He has subdued all, and all are under the Hukam of His Command. nwnk hir BwvY so kry sB clY rjweI ]36]1] suDu ] (1251-14)naanak har bhaavai so karay sabh chalai rajaa-ee. ||36||1|| suDh. O Nanak, the Lord does whatever He pleases. Everyone walks in harmony with His Will. ||36||1|| Sudh|| rwgu swrMg bwxI BgqW kI ] (1251-16)raag saarang banee bhagtaaN kee. Raag Saarang, The Word Of The Devotees. kbIr jI ] (1251-16)kabeer jee. Kabeer Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1251-16)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: khw nr grbis QorI bwq ] (1251-17)kahaa nar garbas thoree baat. O mortal, why are you so proud of small things? mn ds nwju tkw cwir gWTI AYNfO tyFO jwqu ]1] rhwau ] (1251-17)man das naaj takaa chaar gaaNthee aiNdou taydhou jaat. ||1|| rahaa-o. With a few pounds of grain and a few coins in your pocket, you are totally puffed up with pride. ||1||Pause|| bhuqu pRqwpu gWau sau pwey duie lK tkw brwq ] (1251-17)bahut partaap gaaN-o sa-o paa-ay du-ay lakh takaa baraat. With great pomp and ceremony, you control a hundred villages, with an income of hundreds of thousands of dollars. idvs cwir kI krhu swihbI jYsy bn hr pwq ]1] (1251-18)divas chaar kee karahu saahibee jaisay ban har paat. ||1|| The power you exert will last for only a few days, like the green leaves of the forest. ||1|| nw koaU lY AwieE iehu Dnu nw koaU lY jwqu ] (1251-19)naa ko-oo lai aa-i-o ih Dhan naa ko-oo lai jaat. No one has brought this wealth with him, and no one will take it with him when he goes. rwvn hUM qy AiDk CqRpiq iKn mih gey iblwq ]2] (1251-19)raavan hooN tay aDhik chhatarpat khin meh ga-ay bilaat. ||2|| Emperors, even greater than Raawan, passed away in an instant. ||2|| |
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