Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1252 hir ky sMq sdw iQru pUjhu jo hir nwmu jpwq ] (1252-1)har kay sant sadaa thir poojahu jo har naam japaat. The Lord's Saints are steady and stable forever; they worship and adore Him, and chant the Lord's Name. ijn kau ik®pw krq hY goibdu qy sqsMig imlwq ]3] (1252-1)jin ka-o kirpaa karat hai gobid tay satsang milaat. ||3|| Those who are mercifully blessed by the Lord of the Universe, join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. ||3|| mwq ipqw binqw suq sMpiq AMiq n clq sMgwq ] (1252-2)maat pitaa banitaa sut sampat ant na chalat sangaat. Mother, father, spouse, children and wealth will not go along with you in the end. khq kbIru rwm Bju baury jnmu AkwrQ jwq ]4]1] (1252-2)kahat kabeer raam bhaj ba-uray janam akaarath jaat. ||4||1|| Says Kabeer, meditate and vibrate on the Lord, O madman. Your life is uselessly wasting away. ||4||1|| rwjwsRm imiq nhI jwnI qyrI ] (1252-3)raajaasaram mit nahee jaanee tayree. I do not know the limits of Your Royal Ashram. qyry sMqn kI hau cyrI ]1] rhwau ] (1252-3)tayray santan kee ha-o chayree. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am the humble slave of Your Saints. ||1||Pause|| hsqo jwie su rovqu AwvY rovqu jwie su hsY ] (1252-4)hasto jaa-ay so rovat aavai rovat jaa-ay so hasai. The one who goes laughing returns crying, and the one who goes crying returns laughing. bsqo hoie hoie suo aUjru aUjru hoie su bsY ]1] (1252-4)basto ho-ay ho-ay so oojar oojar ho-ay so basai. ||1|| What is inhabited becomes deserted, and what is deserted becomes inhabited. ||1|| jl qy Ql kir Ql qy kUAw kUp qy myru krwvY ] (1252-5)jal tay thal kar thal tay koo-aa koop tay mayr karaavai. The water turns into a desert, the desert turns into a well, and the well turns into a mountain. DrqI qy Awkwis cFwvY cFy Akwis igrwvY ]2] (1252-5)Dhartee tay aakaas chadhaavai chadhay akaas giraavai. ||2|| From the earth, the mortal is exalted to the Akaashic ethers; and from the ethers on high, he is thrown down again. ||2|| ByKwrI qy rwju krwvY rwjw qy ByKwrI ] (1252-6)bhaykhaaree tay raaj karaavai raajaa tay bhaykhaaree. The beggar is transformed into a king, and the king into a beggar. Kl mUrK qy pMifqu kirbo pMifq qy mugDwrI ]3] (1252-6)khal moorakh tay pandit karibo pandit tay mugDhaaree. ||3|| The idiotic fool is transformed into a Pandit, a religious scholar, and the Pandit into a fool. ||3|| nwrI qy jo purKu krwvY purKn qy jo nwrI ] (1252-7)naaree tay jo purakh karaavai purkhan tay jo naaree. The woman is transformed into a man, and the men into women. khu kbIr swDU ko pRIqmu iqsu mUriq bilhwrI ]4]2] (1252-7)kaho kabeer saaDhoo ko pareetam tis moorat balihaaree. ||4||2|| Says Kabeer, God is the Beloved of the Holy Saints. I am a sacrifice to His image. ||4||2|| swrMg bwxI nwmdyau jI kI ] (1252-8)saarang banee naamday-o jee kee. Saarang, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1252-8)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: kweyN ry mn ibiKAw bn jwie ] (1252-9)kaa-ayN ray man bikhi-aa ban jaa-ay. O mortal, why are you going into the forest of corruption? BUlO ry TgmUrI Kwie ]1] rhwau ] (1252-9)bhoolou ray thagmooree khaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. You have been misled into eating the toxic drug. ||1||Pause|| jYsy mInu pwnI mih rhY ] (1252-9)jaisay meen paanee meh rahai. You are like a fish living in the water; kwl jwl kI suiD nhI lhY ] (1252-10)kaal jaal kee suDh nahee lahai. you do not see the net of death. ijhbw suAwdI lIilq loh ] (1252-10)jihbaa su-aadee leelit loh. Trying to taste the flavor, you swallow the hook. AYsy kink kwmnI bwiDE moh ]1] (1252-10)aisay kanik kaamnee baaDhi-o moh. ||1|| You are bound by attachment to wealth and woman. ||1|| ijau mDu mwKI sMcY Apwr ] (1252-11)ji-o maDh maakhee sanchai apaar. The bee stores up loads of honey; mDu lIno muiK dInI Cwru ] (1252-11)maDh leeno mukh deenee chhaar. then someone comes and takes the honey, and throws dust in its mouth. gaU bwC kau sMcY KIru ] (1252-11)ga-oo baachh ka-o sanchai kheer. The cow stores up loads of milk; glw bWiD duih lyie AhIru ]2] (1252-11)galaa baaNDh duhi lay-ay aheer. ||2|| then the milkman comes and ties it by its neck and milks it. ||2|| mwieAw kwrin sRmu Aiq krY ] (1252-12)maa-i-aa kaaran saram at karai. For the sake of Maya, the mortal works very hard. so mwieAw lY gwfY DrY ] (1252-12)so maa-i-aa lai gaadai Dharai. He takes the wealth of Maya, and buries it in the ground. Aiq sMcY smJY nhI mUV@ ] (1252-12)at sanchai samjhai nahee moorhH. He acquires so much, but the fool does not appreciate it. Dnu DrqI qnu hoie gieE DUiV ]3] (1252-13)Dhan Dhartee tan ho-ay ga-i-o Dhoorh. ||3|| His wealth remains buried in the ground, while his body turns to dust. ||3|| kwm k®oD iqRsnw Aiq jrY ] (1252-13)kaam kroDh tarisnaa at jarai. He burns in tremendous sexual desire, unresolved anger and desire. swDsMgiq kbhU nhI krY ] (1252-13)saaDhsangat kabhoo nahee karai. He never joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. khq nwmdyau qw cI Awix ] (1252-14)kahat naamday-o taa chee aan. Says Naam Dayv, seek God's Shelter; inrBY hoie BjIAY Bgvwn ]4]1] (1252-14)nirbhai ho-ay bhajee-ai bhagvaan. ||4||1|| be fearless, and vibrate on the Lord God. ||4||1|| bdhu kI n hof mwDau mo isau ] (1252-14)badahu kee na hod maaDha-o mo si-o. Why not make a bet with me, O Lord of Wealth? Twkur qy jnu jn qy Twkuru Kylu pirE hY qo isau ]1] rhwau ] (1252-15)thaakur tay jan jan tay thaakur khayl pari-o hai to si-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. From the master comes the servant, and from the servant, comes the master. This is the game I play with You. ||1||Pause|| Awpn dyau dyhurw Awpn Awp lgwvY pUjw ] (1252-15)aapan day-o dayhuraa aapan aap lagaavai poojaa. You Yourself are the deity, and You are the temple of worship. You are the devoted worshipper. jl qy qrMg qrMg qy hY jlu khn sunn kau dUjw ]1] (1252-16)jal tay tarang tarang tay hai jal kahan sunan ka-o doojaa. ||1|| From the water, the waves rise up, and from the waves, the water. They are only different by figures of speech. ||1|| Awpih gwvY Awpih nwcY Awip bjwvY qUrw ] (1252-16)aapeh gaavai aapeh naachai aap bajaavai tooraa. You Yourself sing, and You Yourself dance. You Yourself blow the bugle. khq nwmdyau qUM myro Twkuru jnu aUrw qU pUrw ]2]2] (1252-17)kahat naamday-o tooN mayro thaakur jan ooraa too pooraa. ||2||2|| Says Naam Dayv, You are my Lord and Master. Your humble servant is imperfect; You are perfect. ||2||2|| dws AinMn myro inj rUp ] (1252-17)daas aninn mayro nij roop. Says God: my slave is devoted only to me; he is in my very image. drsn inmK qwp qReI mocn prsq mukiq krq igRh kUp ]1] rhwau ] (1252-18)darsan nimakh taap tar-ee mochan parsat mukat karat garih koop. ||1|| rahaa-o. The sight of him, even for an instant, cures the three fevers; his touch brings liberation from the deep dark pit of household affairs. ||1||Pause|| myrI bWDI Bgqu CfwvY bWDY Bgqu n CUtY moih ] (1252-18)mayree baaNDhee bhagat chhadaavai baaNDhai bhagat na chhootai mohi. The devotee can release anyone from my bondage, but I cannot release anyone from his. |
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