Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


AMiq hovY vYr ivroDu ko skY n CfwieAw ] (1250-1)
ant hovai vair viroDh ko sakai na chhadaa-i-aa.
In the end, hatred and conflict well up, and no one can save him.

nwnk ivxu nwvY iDRgu mohu ijqu lig duKu pwieAw ]32] (1250-1)
naanak vin naavai Dharig moh jit lag dukh paa-i-aa. ||32||
O Nanak, without the Name, those loving attachments are cursed; engrossed in them, he suffers in pain. ||32||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1250-2)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

gurmuiK AMimRqu nwmu hY ijqu KwDY sB BuK jwie ] (1250-2)
gurmukh amrit naam hai jit khaaDhai sabh bhukh jaa-ay.
The Guru's Word is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam. Eating it, all hunger departs.

iqRsnw mUil n hoveI nwmu vsY min Awie ] (1250-2)
tarisnaa mool na hova-ee naam vasai man aa-ay.
There is no thirst or desire at all, when the Naam comes to dwell in the mind.

ibnu nwvY ij horu Kwxw iqqu rogu lgY qin Dwie ] (1250-3)
bin naavai je hor khaanaa tit rog lagai tan Dhaa-ay.
Eating anything other than the Name, disease runs to afflict the body.

nwnk rs ks sbdu slwhxw Awpy ley imlwie ]1] (1250-3)
naanak ras kas sabad salaahnaa aapay la-ay milaa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, whoever takes the Praise of the Shabad as his spices and flavors - the Lord unites him in His Union. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (1250-4)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

jIAw AMdir jIau sbdu hY ijqu sh mylwvw hoie ] (1250-4)
jee-aa andar jee-o sabad hai jit sah maylaavaa ho-ay.
The life within all living beings is the Word of the Shabad. Through it, we meet our Husband Lord.

ibnu sbdY jig Awn@yru hY sbdy prgtu hoie ] (1250-5)
bin sabdai jag aanHayr hai sabday pargat ho-ay.
Without the Shabad, the world is in darkness. Through the Shabad, it is enlightened.

pMifq monI piV piV Qky ByK Qky qnu Doie ] (1250-5)
pandit monee parh parh thakay bhaykh thakay tan Dho-ay.
The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages read and write until they are weary. The religious fanatics are tired of washing their bodies.

ibnu sbdY iknY n pwieE duKIey cly roie ] (1250-6)
bin sabdai kinai na paa-i-o dukhee-ay chalay ro-ay.
Without the Shabad, no one attains the Lord; the miserable depart weeping and wailing.

nwnk ndrI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]2] (1250-6)
naanak nadree paa-ee-ai karam paraapat ho-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, the Merciful Lord is attained. ||2||

pauVI ] (1250-7)

iesqRI purKY Aiq nyhu bih mMdu pkwieAw ] (1250-7)
istaree purkhai at nayhu bahi mand pakaa-i-aa.
The husband and wife are very much in love; sitting together, they make evil plans.

idsdw sBu ikCu clsI myry pRB BwieAw ] (1250-7)
disdaa sabh kichh chalsee mayray parabh bhaa-i-aa.
All that is seen shall pass away. This is the Will of my God.

ikau rhIAY iQru jig ko kFhu aupwieAw ] (1250-8)
ki-o rahee-ai thir jag ko kadhahu upaa-i-aa.
How can anyone remain in this world forever? Some may try to devise a plan.

gur pUry kI cwkrI iQru kMDu sbwieAw ] (1250-8)
gur pooray kee chaakree thir kanDh sabaa-i-aa.
Working for the Perfect Guru, the wall becomes permanent and stable.

nwnk bKis imlwieAnu hir nwim smwieAw ]33] (1250-8)
naanak bakhas milaa-i-an har naam samaa-i-aa. ||33||
O Nanak, the Lord forgives them, and merges them into Himself; they are absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||33||

slok mÚ 3 ] (1250-9)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

mwieAw moih ivswirAw gur kw Bau hyqu Apwru ] (1250-9)
maa-i-aa mohi visaari-aa gur kaa bha-o hayt apaar.
Attached to Maya, the mortal forgets the Fear of God and Guru, and love for the Infinite Lord.

loiB lhir suiD miq geI sic n lgY ipAwru ] (1250-10)
lobh lahar suDh mat ga-ee sach na lagai pi-aar.
The waves of greed take away his wisdom and understanding, and he does not embrace love for the True Lord.

gurmuiK ijnw sbdu min vsY drgh moK duAwru ] (1250-10)
gurmukh jinaa sabad man vasai dargeh mokh du-aar.
The Word of the Shabad abides in the mind of the Gurmukhs, who find the Gate of Salvation.

nwnk Awpy myil ley Awpy bKsxhwru ]1] (1250-11)
naanak aapay mayl la-ay aapay bakhsanhaar. ||1||
O Nanak, the Lord Himself forgives them, and unites them in Union with Himself. ||1||

mÚ 4 ] (1250-11)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

nwnk ijsu ibnu GVI n jIvxw ivsry srY n ibMd ] (1250-11)
naanak jis bin gharhee na jeevnaa visray sarai na bind.
O Nanak, without Him, we could not live for a moment. Forgetting Him, we could not succeed for an instant.

iqsu isau ikau mn rUsIAY ijsih hmwrI icMd ]2] (1250-12)
tis si-o ki-o man roosee-ai jisahi hamaaree chind. ||2||
O mortal, how can you be angry with the One who cares for you? ||2||

mÚ 4 ] (1250-12)
mehlaa 4.
Fourth Mehl:

swvxu AwieAw iJmiJmw hir gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ] (1250-12)
saavan aa-i-aa jhimjhimaa har gurmukh naam Dhi-aa-ay.
The rainy season of Saawan has come. The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord's Name.

duK BuK kwVw sBu cukwiesI mIhu vuTw Chbr lwie ] (1250-13)
dukh bhukh kaarhaa sabh chukaa-isee meehu vuthaa chhahbar laa-ay.
All pain, hunger and misfortune end, when the rain falls in torrents.

sB Driq BeI hrIAwvlI AMnu jMimAw bohl lwie ] (1250-14)
sabh Dharat bha-ee haree-aavalee ann jammi-aa bohal laa-ay.
The entire earth is rejuvenated, and the grain grows in abundance.

hir AicMqu bulwvY ik®pw kir hir Awpy pwvY Qwie ] (1250-14)
har achint bulaavai kirpaa kar har aapay paavai thaa-ay.
The Carefree Lord, by His Grace, summons that mortal whom the Lord Himself approves.

hir iqsih iDAwvhu sMq jnhu ju AMqy ley Cfwie ] (1250-15)
har tiseh Dhi-aavahu sant janhu jo antay la-ay chhadaa-ay.
So meditate on the Lord, O Saints; He shall save you in the end.

hir kIriq Bgiq Anµdu hY sdw suKu vsY min Awie ] (1250-15)
har keerat bhagat anand hai sadaa sukh vasai man aa-ay.
The Kirtan of the Lord's Praises and devotion to Him is bliss; peace shall come to dwell in the mind.

ijn@w gurmuiK nwmu ArwiDAw iqnw duK BuK lih jwie ] (1250-16)
jinHaa gurmukh naam araaDhi-aa tinaa dukh bhukh leh jaa-ay.
Those Gurmukhs who worship the Naam, the Name of the Lord - their pain and hunger departs.

jn nwnku iqRpqY gwie gux hir drsnu dyhu suBwie ]3] (1250-16)
jan naanak tariptai gaa-ay gun har darsan dayh subhaa-ay. ||3||
Servant Nanak is satisfied, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Please embellish him with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||3||

pauVI ] (1250-17)

gur pUry kI dwiq inq dyvY cVY svweIAw ] (1250-17)
gur pooray kee daat nit dayvai charhai savaa-ee-aa.
The Perfect Guru bestows His gifts, which increase day by day.

quis dyvY Awip dieAwlu n CpY CpweIAw ] (1250-18)
tus dayvai aap da-i-aal na chhapai chhapaa-ee-aa.
The Merciful Lord Himself bestows them; they cannot be concealed by concealment.

ihrdY kvlu pRgwsu aunmin ilv lweIAw ] (1250-18)
hirdai kaval pargaas unman liv laa-ee-aa.
The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and the mortal is lovingly absorbed in the state of supreme bliss.

jy ko kry aus dI rIs isir CweI pweIAw ] (1250-18)
jay ko karay us dee rees sir chhaa-ee paa-ee-aa.
If anyone tries to challenge him, the Lord throws dust on his head.

nwnk ApiV koie n skeI pUry siqgur kI vifAweIAw ]34] (1250-19)
naanak aparh ko-ay na sak-ee pooray satgur kee vadi-aa-ee-aa. ||34||
O Nanak, no one can equal the glory of the Perfect True Guru. ||34||