Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1249 nwnk gur srxweI aubry hir gur rKvwilAw ]30] (1249-1)naanak gur sarnaa-ee ubray har gur rakhvaali-aa. ||30|| Nanak has come to the Sanctuary of the Guru, and is saved. The Guru, the Lord, is his Protector. ||30|| slok mÚ 3 ] (1249-1)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: piV piV pMifq vwdu vKwxdy mwieAw moh suAwie ] (1249-2)parh parh pandit vaad vkhaanday maa-i-aa moh su-aa-ay. Reading and writing, the Pandits engage in debates and disputes; they are attached to the flavors of Maya. dUjY Bwie nwmu ivswirAw mn mUrK imlY sjwie ] (1249-2)doojai bhaa-ay naam visaari-aa man moorakh milai sajaa-ay. In the love of duality, they forget the Naam. Those foolish mortals shall receive their punishment. ijin@ kIqy iqsY n syvn@I dydw irjku smwie ] (1249-3)jiniH keetay tisai na sayvnHee daydaa rijak samaa-ay. They do not serve the One who created them, who gives sustenance to all. jm kw Pwhw glhu n ktIAY iPir iPir Awvih jwie ] (1249-3)jam kaa faahaa galhu na katee-ai fir fir aavahi jaa-ay. The noose of Death around their necks is not cut off; they come and go in reincarnation, over and over again. ijn kau pUrib iliKAw siqguru imilAw iqn Awie ] (1249-4)jin ka-o poorab likhi-aa satgur mili-aa tin aa-ay. The True Guru comes and meets those who have such pre-ordained destiny. Anidnu nwmu iDAwiedy nwnk sic smwie ]1] (1249-4)an-din naam Dhi-aa-iday naanak sach samaa-ay. ||1|| Night and day, they meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; O Nanak, they merge into the True Lord. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (1249-5)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: scu vxjih scu syvdy ij gurmuiK pYrI pwih ] (1249-5)sach vanjahi sach sayvday je gurmukh pairee paahi. Those Gurmukhs who fall at His Feet deal with the True Lord and serve the True Lord. nwnk gur kY BwxY jy clih shjy sic smwih ]2] (1249-5)naanak gur kai bhaanai jay chaleh sehjay sach samaahi. ||2|| O Nanak, those who walk in harmony with the Guru's Will are intuitively absorbed in the True Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1249-6)pa-orhee. Pauree: Awsw ivic Aiq duKu Gxw mnmuiK icqu lwieAw ] (1249-6)aasaa vich at dukh ghanaa manmukh chit laa-i-aa. In hope, there is very great pain; the self-willed manmukh focuses his consciousness on it. gurmuiK Bey inrws prm suKu pwieAw ] (1249-7)gurmukh bha-ay niraas param sukh paa-i-aa. The Gurmukhs become desireless, and attain supreme peace. ivcy igrh audws Ailpq ilv lwieAw ] (1249-7)vichay girah udaas alipat liv laa-i-aa. In the midst of their household, they remain detached; they are lovingly attuned to the Detached Lord. Enw sogu ivjogu n ivAwpeI hir Bwxw BwieAw ] (1249-7)onaa sog vijog na vi-aapa-ee har bhaanaa bhaa-i-aa. Sorrow and separation do not cling to them at all. They are pleased with the Lord's Will. nwnk hir syqI sdw riv rhy Duir ley imlwieAw ]31] (1249-8)naanak har saytee sadaa rav rahay Dhur la-ay milaa-i-aa. ||31|| O Nanak, they remain forever immersed in the Primal Lord, who blends them with Himself. ||31|| slok mÚ 3 ] (1249-9)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: prweI Amwx ikau rKIAY idqI hI suKu hoie ] (1249-9)paraa-ee amaan ki-o rakhee-ai ditee hee sukh ho-ay. Why keep what is held in trust for another? Giving it back, peace is found. gur kw sbdu gur QY itkY hor QY prgtu n hoie ] (1249-9)gur kaa sabad gur thai tikai hor thai pargat na ho-ay. The Word of the Guru's Shabad rests in the Guru; it does not appear through anyone else. AMn@y vis mwxku pieAw Gir Gir vycx jwie ] (1249-10)aNnHay vas maanak pa-i-aa ghar ghar vaychan jaa-ay. The blind man finds a jewel, and goes from house to house selling it. Enw prK n AwveI AFu n plY pwie ] (1249-10)onaa parakh na aavee adh na palai paa-ay. But they cannot appraise it, and they do not offer him even half a shell for it. jy Awip prK n AwveI qW pwrKIAw Qwvhu lieEu prKwie ] (1249-11)jay aap parakh na aavee taaN paarkhee-aa thaavhu la-i-o parkhaa-ay. If he cannot appraise it himself, then he should have it appraised by an appraiser. jy Esu nwil icqu lwey qW vQu lhY nau iniD plY pwie ] (1249-11)jay os naal chit laa-ay taaN vath lahai na-o niDh palai paa-ay. If he focuses his consciousness, then he obtains the true object, and he is blessed with the nine treasures. Gir hodY Din jgu BuKw muAw ibnu siqgur soJI n hoie ] (1249-12)ghar hodai Dhan jag bhukhaa mu-aa bin satgur sojhee na ho-ay. The wealth is within the house, while the world is dying of hunger. Without the True Guru, no one has a clue. sbdu sIqlu min qin vsY iqQY sogu ivjogu n koie ] (1249-12)sabad seetal man tan vasai tithai sog vijog na ko-ay. When the cooling and soothing Shabad comes to dwell in the mind and body, there is no sorrow or separation there. vsqu prweI Awip grbu kry mUrKu Awpu gxwey ] (1249-13)vasat paraa-ee aap garab karay moorakh aap ganaa-ay. The object belongs to someone else, but the fool is proud of it, and shows his shallow nature. nwnk ibnu bUJy iknY n pwieE iPir iPir AwvY jwey ]1] (1249-13)naanak bin boojhay kinai na paa-i-o fir fir aavai jaa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, without understanding, no one obtains it; they come and go in reincarnation, over and over again. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (1249-14)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: min Andu BieAw imilAw hir pRIqmu srsy sjx sMq ipAwry ] (1249-14)man anad bha-i-aa mili-aa har pareetam sarsay sajan sant pi-aaray. My mind is in ecstasy; I have met my Beloved Lord. My beloved friends, the Saints, are delighted. jo Duir imly n ivCuVih kbhU ij Awip myly krqwry ] (1249-15)jo Dhur milay na vichhurheh kabhoo je aap maylay kartaaray. Those who are united with the Primal Lord shall never be separated again. The Creator has united them with Himself. AMqir sbdu rivAw guru pwieAw sgly dUK invwry ] (1249-15)antar sabad ravi-aa gur paa-i-aa saglay dookh nivaaray. The Shabad permeates my inner being, and I have found the Guru; all my sorrows are dispelled. hir suKdwqw sdw slwhI AMqir rKW aur Dwry ] (1249-16)har sukh-daata sadaa salaahee antar rakhaaN ur Dhaaray. I praise forever the Lord, the Giver of peace; I keep Him enshrined deep within my heart. mnmuKu iqn kI bKIlI ik kry ij scY sbid svwry ] (1249-16)manmukh tin kee bakheelee ke karay je sachai sabad savaaray. How can the self-willed manmukh gossip about those who are embellished and exalted in the True Word of the Shabad? Enw dI Awip piq rKsI myrw ipAwrw srxwgiq pey gur duAwry ] (1249-17)onaa dee aap pat rakhsee mayraa pi-aaraa sarnaagat pa-ay gur du-aaray. My Beloved Himself preserves the honor of those who have come to the Guru's Door seeking Sanctuary. nwnk gurmuiK sy suhyly Bey muK aUjl drbwry ]2] (1249-18)naanak gurmukh say suhaylay bha-ay mukh oojal darbaaray. ||2|| O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are filled with joy; their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||2|| pauVI ] (1249-18)pa-orhee. Pauree: iesqrI purKY bhu pRIiq imil mohu vDwieAw ] (1249-18)istaree purkhai baho pareet mil moh vaDhaa-i-aa. The husband and wife are very much in love; joining together, their love increases. puqRü klqRü inq vyKY ivgsY moih mwieAw ] (1249-19)putar kalatar nit vaykhai vigsai mohi maa-i-aa. Gazing on his children and his wife, the man is pleased and attached to Maya. dyis prdyis Dnu corwie Awix muih pwieAw ] (1249-19)days pardays Dhan choraa-ay aan muhi paa-i-aa. Stealing the wealth of his own country and other lands, he brings it home and feeds them. |
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